tadi malam, kukuak jendela:
separuh malas sepertinya rembulan meremang
hadir di balik perawan santubung
yang sedang terbaring lena sekian lamanya
atas lelah kalah perebutan yang menyakitkan
lalu sabar terus menanti
as the night falls
i stand by my window
the crescent creeps in the distance
presenting the santubong
a silhouette of a holly devotion
a shattered love she accept not
patiently laying waiting for her day
in God she trust, the day will come through
that hold me fast
lenganku sejengkal tiada kuasa mengapai bulan
lalu kukutip tetes-tetes embun yang berlalu
biar sukar telapak tanganku menangkap
SubhanaAllah airmataku lebih banyak dari embun nan kudapat
keduanya kusapu pada dadaku yang perih
i hold out, reaching not the moon
the dews condense on my fingertips
my tears fill my palms
i pool both to cool my burning chest
suara cengkerik
dan sayup terhutut
apa bernyanyi atau bertasbih
dan kubah putih di depanku
Tuhan, Engkau di mana?
the orchestra of the crickets and the owl
i wish they pray with me
and the white dome before me
i am longing, where are you My God My Lord?
jendela kupaut
tubuh kulabuh di kasur tua
pada lelangit kutulis lelahku agar Dia pedulikan
Tuhan, siapa aku esoknya saat bangkitku jika masih ada?
i call for my fetid day
laying on my bed
leaving my fate for Him to bestow
God, who will i be when i woke the next day, if You wish?
matang jaya, kuching, malaysia
18 mei, 2012
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