ONE, is normal (so much), TWO, sometimes, THREE, seldom, FOUR, not much! That is the English translation of one of the famous dialogue of the Nujum Pak Belalang movie. Wanna find out what is it all about, kindly buy the P Ramlee Nujum Pak Belalang Malay movie vcd.
In one of those beautiful evening sometime in 1998, after back from School, I was watching the Denver Christianity Channel. A discussion on Woman Right was hot in the air and I've been following the discussion for couple of days. And, came the turn of a lady speaker from Thailand, and she said, the best man one should think and emulate as the role model in according the highest degree of Woman Right is the Prophet Muhammad, the Muslim messenger. She was not a Muslim, and she admitted that. But she respects Muhammad for his Care and Compassion for the women. At those war and the struggling period, many of his fellow muslim warriors were killed and their women becaming widows and in terrible miseries and hardship due to the lost of their breadwinners.
(2)As the protector to all his followers, Muhammad made a great sacrifice to marry these suffering women, to enable him to take personal care of their families' welfare. Accordingly, since then, they were the wives of the prophet, all of his other followers would treat these women with great respect. Muhammad marrying these widows was not for their sexual services, but merely as a welfare responsibilities that he must shoulder. A responsibility to safeguard their right, welfare, and safety. A sense of great humanity.
(3) But then, I believe, due to his more pressing and greater responsibilities ie to spread the teaching of Islam, then Allah requested him to keep only four of the wives, and relieved (divorced) all the others. Keeping four, when he has more than four, I repeat, when he has more then four, to focus on his true and greater responsibilities (to focus on his true and greater responsibilities!)
(4) But today, we joke and sometimes keep very eager to take at least more than one women to be our wives, but without firstly understanding what is our true responsibilities. I'm wondering, is it correct to take four just because we just have one? Is it just because there is that numeric gap, then we must make it to the maximum? Again my question, did Muhammad take four when he had only one or did he not has to let go numerous, and just to take four?
(5) The immediate answer to why we should take four, because it is a sunnah. I wonder again, Muhammad did also being a great businessman, and he did advised his followers to do trading because that is where the 90 percent of the world wealth come from. But how many of us joke, talk, think, and seriously take that advice. Is it not sunnah Muhhamad as well? Does that not a sunnah that can make us stronger? Why are we taking four but ignoring the other greater one (trading)!
(6) In the late 1980s I visited one of the National Level Peladang Jaya winner, somewhere in Johor, probably by the name of Pak Boryadi (?). He was awarded the Peladang Jaya because he had excelled in four agro-business enterprises(a) Quill Farms (b) Oil Palm Mini-estate (c) Restaurant, and (d)Housing Project. He stayed in one big house, with four wives, and each of the wife is the Manager of his business arms. At that very young age (not married yet) I asked him how did he managed to make all his wives and kids to stay under one roof? His answer was simple, give them business, give them their right to be happy!
(7) Business, assure happiness, get four! He get business first! Then only he take four! And from the short observation, he seem to be a religious person as well.
(Kuching 8 May, 2009)
Jangan bandingkan Muhammad dengan diri kita... Bila kita sendiri adalah najis yang dilemparkan...dan mengambil yang bukan hak...Lihat betapa murninya Nabi Muhammad mengambil khadijah bukan kerna SEX SERVICE... itu kenyataan...tetapi fikir-fikirkan dan renung-renungkan tentang DIRI ANDA DAN KITA?? Sebab itu segala perbuatan Nabi Muhammad adalah ikutan ...dan dijadikan landasan untuk maju dan hidup...Berniaga...dan jangan pernigakan iman anda..dan memikirkan JIWA anda dan PERJUANGAN anda terlalu besar... tetapi dari segi moral dan etika... ANDA dan tanggungjawab anda terhadap mereka yang dianiya..harus DIINGAT sampai ke KAABAH..kalau anda tidak mahu ke KAABAH DOSA ini akan mengejar anda ke LIANG LAHAT.. DOSA itu harus dilunaskan dan ditebus balik....kerana itu adalah dosa sesama manusia...Tulisan anda boleh menafikan tetapi hati dan diri anda TIDAK AKAN dapat menafikan DOSA yang perlu ditebus ....kerana TUHAN itu maha Mengetahui dan MAha ADIL SERTA BIJAKSANA....ISLAM bukan untuk ditulis..tetapi ISLAM itu adalah amalan, kepercayaan dan keimanan...
Jiwa yang halus..Ukur baju di badan sendiri. Tuan ini manusia berakal. Tetapi tanya sama ada tuan ini berkeperibadian tinggi. Tuan melakukan dosa ke atas anak bangsa sendiri mereka yang tidak mengerti demi nafsu setan yang mengusai..UMUR membezakan pemikiran dan akal yang waras..tetapi Tuan yang BERUMUR BESAR DAN BERJIWA BESAR???? menabur janji kepada anak bangsa sendiri selepas itu menyampak bangsa sendiri ke dalam kemelut kepapaan hati dan kemiskinan moral...Tuan sebenarnya bersultan di muka bersetan di hati...Nabi Mohammad itu tidak ada langsung perbandingannya dengan tuan yang jelek hati..
Bro.. What happen Bro???
Yeah..when we are talking about Religion.. the follower sometimes are just blindly following the story..without actually following though the rules in the story..You know trying to be MR PERFECT
Yo Bro.. dont understand what happen to the society. maybe the social responsibility is only to something that can bring you monetory gain but not moral and responsible to "human being".Money cant buy back trust that have been broken off..I think this Bro has gone through that experience ...yah seeking sexual service..I wonder this kind of trading is included in what he is or paid...Must be good bargain though.. Thats why he made that comparison...He is trying to be MR PERFECT.
Yo Bro.. we have to be business minded but what say you Bro about Human Traficking? This issue is actually happen in the World..When women , kids have become their trading venture? The line between Moral,Religion Humanity, Survival and Business Venture?
Yeah.. you know Bro not everybody wanted to be "Sex Service provider". Sometime its the mistake of those who have POSITION and MONIES who take advantage of the innocent and poor one. And in Country like India, Africa, Thailand and Indonesia..its because of POOR. You know when people are poor they tend to do anything for survival.And the young innocent one because they trust they tend to believe. The poor and innocent.. peity them. I pray to GOD that those who have made our young generation and poor women to be their VICTIM will pay for their acts. Afterall God is Fair.
Well how do you think trading in our State Bro?
Bro... this writing is significant. Its about Rasulullah S.A.W. None other than that. Saudara Abdullah may have his own thing but remember this is a very significant things.. The great about our Rasulullah S.A.W. The Sunnah..the business. In Sarawak... we rarely find Malays or Muslim involving in trading. Only a number of them. We should breakthrough the Monopoly .
For trading I believe Malay should be open to it. GLC should also start to initiate trading and revolve the local products. I believe we should inspire our people particularly Malay to participate in trading
If they dont have capital particularly for rural folks,GLC should buy their products so as to enable the products to be packaging and to be market out. GLC may also start training the Malay to involve in trading.By this we can have concerted effort to make the State as place for Marketing.
What say you Bro...
I still remember Bro..when I was in a Greenshop at BDC, our Malay men was scolded by the Owner. He shouted out loud and said that the Malay man is so damn stupid in front of others. I was really shocked Bro. Deep in my heart ..we become slave to other race.. Is it because this is our faith or we just dont want to change our faith? I was very sad ...I hope we can give more room for Malay to improve thier lifestyle ..We should educate them ...and I believe this Blog is a medium for us to BUCK UP.
Lessons indeed can be learned here but try not to prejudged anything or anybody here. Basically the writer is trying to bring up to our attention that we should not overlook trading business . Easier said than done though, 1 > trading is about understanding what people want , 2 > understanding how to sustain the people's interest to buy and 3 > understanding how to manage and invest their financial . We should look at thing objectively.
If Chinese can control the industry why cant Malay. It goes back to GUTS! We must have guts to win or fail..At least give it a try..It may not sound easy..but NOTHING COME easy without TRYING ....Continous effort
Afterall...Malay or just like the story that Abdullah has wrote.. PEDAGANG PELARIAN.. But thay come from a very strong foundation Pedagang dan pelarian. The GUTS that Malay or Muslim have should not sink like the "Bahtera" membelah laut.. It should be nourished and enriched by the successors!
Trading actually very much related to market. I agree with you Bro. The market actually facilitates trade and enables the distribution and allocation of resources in a society. Markets allow any tradable item to be evaluated
and priced. A market emerges more or less spontaneously or is constructed deliberately by human interaction in order to enable the exchange of rights of services and goods.
A mechanism that allows trade is called a market. The original form of trade was barter, the direct exchange of goods and services.
Thus the trading is very much integrated with the market...
Bro, trading should take into paramount consideration of consumer preferences, shortages, and surpluses.This mostly can be seen through mixed economy and not planned economy. The Government should not control the price of the trading item in view that through the free price system, supplies are rationed, income is distributed, and resources are allocated.
Well Bro... Free market economy most likely to promote innovation.. I agree with you Bro....
Bangsa Melayu sebenarnya mampu bersaing dalam apa jua bidang. Namun perletakkan perkara seperti melayu tidak boleh bersaing sekiranya tidak diberi kuota ataupun perkara lain yang sewaktunya dengannya. Lihat saja melayu dalam UMNO contohnya jika tiada kabel besar mana mungkin kekayaan dicapai dengan cepat. Apabila berlaku krisis ekonomi, syarikat-syarikat yang tidak mempunyai foundation yang kukuh akhirnya tersukur. Salahnya kerna syarikat ini bukan bermula dari bawah tetapi menyalahguna kuasa. Bukan untuk membuka kesilapan bangsa sendiri namun jauh disudut hati agar satu hari nanti bangsa melayu mampu berdiri tanpa apa-apa bantuan lagi. Enuf untuk segala bantuan. Jangan asyik diberikan sahaja tetapi gagal dalam menghasilkannya.-TheMonkey-
Yah... for you enough.. but why dont you go to the isolated and very rural area. If they are as smart as you different la Bro...
Bro i hope u faham apa yang sebenarnya diinginkan dalam penulisan oleh 'TheMonkey' bukan pasal pandai atau tidak seseorang itu tetapi ada jua orang yang bijak tetapi masih memerlukan bantuan. (itu terlebih pandai or what)Sampai ker jika ada subsidi ke kawasan yang 'very rural area'...itu saja pertanyaan saya. Maksudnya dia bukan menuju kepada orang yang bodoh saja tetapi kepada semua.
Orang luar bandar or Very Remote area so to speak tak semestinya BODOH.
Melayu patut berubah ..Tidak ada yang dapat mengubah sesuatu bangsa itu melainkan bangsa itu sendiri.. Perubahan itu bukan untuk orang MEMBERI tetapi bagi MELAYU sendiri untuk sedar dan beranjak dari "kekusutan pemikiran".."Takut Rugi".. "Perasaan hasad dengki".. Melayu haru s maju dan menapak untuk menambah nilai menjadikan MELAYU YANG BERNILAI TINGGI... Jangan hanya mengharapkan ibu menyusui... KERANA Bangsa MELAYU SUDAH LAMA dan TUA di dalam peta dan sejarah negara...Ini bukan masa untuk bertatih tetapi ini masa untuk berlari dan mengejar kemajuan..."Minda Melayu Baru dan Maju
Melayu harus duduk dan mula berfikir seperti pedagang... Kita harus meliat kembali sejarah penguasaan melayu yang rata-ratanya adalah dahulu asalnya dari pedagang-pedagang yang terkemuka... Melayu sebenarnya berkemampuan ..tetapi adakah Melayu sebenarya sudah terlalu manja atau dimanjakan... satu persoalan satu kupasan... Kita harus "BANGUN" dari sikap sambil lewa dan meminta-minta... Melayu harus mula beranjak dari "keselesaan". Wujudkan persaingain agar darah dan semangat MELAYU mula dicabar..
Ramai yang telah ternoda dengan bro kita ni marah nampaknya...esp yang dah serve Pelita, sampai ada yang mintak tukar tempat kerja. Bro kita memang hebat, banyak topinya,Sekajap dia sedih, lepas tu dia asyik, tapi dia lupa dia punya apa dan siapa.bro ,bro...
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