Our present King, DYMM Yang DiPertuan Agung is a blessed; the Nation must honor. He probably will be the only, who knows, among the nine Sultans that we have, will ever have the chance to be the King twice. He was the King in 1980s. He again took the throne in 2010s. That I believe is not an accidental, Allah always has His hidden agenda, except we have to think and work to realize it. I was fortunate to experience his style of leadership and public appearance when I studied in Kedah in the 1976-79. He used to be presence during our school, SMSAH, Annual Sport Carnival. He was simple, humble and caring. He has that lovely Sultan and King aura, I would say the the people heart king. He keeps to such characters to these days. We must salute him for such great characters.
(2) I believe for those who followed his inauguration, his detail profile and lifestyle were nicely presented. Her daughter did also spoke well of him. He is a humble leader. May Allah bless him through with all the traits that we as a Nation need.
(3) As far as I could remember, in the Mahathir-Royal Constitutional Crisis in the mid 1980s, he was among the earliest to agree on some constitutional amendment that had to be made. Sultan of Perak and Kelantan if not mistaken were among the first to support such changes. In a simplest fact, both Mahathir and Sultan Abdul Halim Muazam Shah have respect over each others. Surely now, as he is the King, surely with his humble and people oriented characters, he definitely has deep care and concern over our current unhealthy political turmoil. I do believe, if in the past he care to the Constitutional amendment in order to safeguard the sustenance of the Malays Sultanate as the highest umbrella for the Malays and Islam in this Nation, I do believe now he also care to put thing into great socio-political order. With a degree from Cambridge in Political Science if not mistake, our King, is well equipped to tame both Mahathir and Anwar to come to term for the good of the Nation. To me as the King, he has all the privileges to get them to sake hands and be together again in many ways to help the country progressing smoothly.
(4) I beg to our DYMM Yang DiPertuan Agung to cool down our messy Malays political scene that we are facing now. Failing which, the Malays will lost the most. With the help of his Deputy, the Kelantanese Sultan, he can even extend his consolidation to PAS. I believe Sultan Mirzan would also be happy to help. Surely Sultan Nazrin and Sultan of Johore remember well the blood-spill of Si Buyung in Pasir Salak and the birth of UMNO at Istana Besar Johor Baharu. Should we betray all those tears and bloods of our elders, shaded for our sake?
(5) Sultan Abdul Halim Muazam Shah, a Kedahan, I believe, he knows the culture and personality of Mahathir-Anwar, whom both are orang utara. I would love to see, depa berhentilah dok tibai sama sendiri. The Malays' Sultan under the leadership of a very senior and well respected among them, Sultan Abdul Halim Muazam Shah, nothing less than our own DYMM Yang DiPertuan Agung to mencemar duli to unify back the Malays. In the past, the Malays fought to uphold the Daulat Raja-Raja Melayu, now I would say, the Malays are looking forward to the opening and shading of Payung Negara.
(6) Tuanku, patik dengan rendah hati, memohon di bulan Ramadhan penuh berkat ini, payungilah patik-patik rakyat jelata. Tuanku adalalah harapan kemanusian terakhir patik dalam melihat kepada penyatuan Melayu dan kebangkitan Islam di rantau ini. Patik mohon DYMM Tuanku mencemar duli, membimbing semua rakyat jelata, khususnya Mahathir-Anwar-Najib ke berkas Bersatu Teguh Bercerai Roboh. Tuankulah jambatan penghubung kembali teguhnya Melayu. Patik memohon Tuanku untuk mengukir sejarah yang bangsa Melayu akan abadikan selamanya. Sembah patik harap perkenan DYMM Tuanku. Ampun Tuanku.
(7) Mahathir-Anwar-Najib, terbukalah kepada jalan perpaduan. Yang sudah itu sudahlah. Kita bermaafan sahaja dan di mana perlu, Allah belum menutup pintu taubah. Jadikan Ramadhan ini, bulan paling berharga buat umat Islam di Malaysia, kita bersatu demi kegemilangan semua. Marilah kita sama-sama berganding lengan dan menyanyikan Negaraku dengan penuh rasa saling hormat dan mendokong pada 31 Ogos ini. Mudah-mudahan, InsyaAllah.
(8) Rakyat Malaysia, terutamanya Melayu-Muslim, hentikanlah fitnah memfitnah, paling tidak usahlah mendengar fitnah, jangan dilayan fitnah, jangan disambung menyambung fitnah. Sesungguhnya, Abdullah Ibn Saba Al-San'ani senentiasa hidup di kalangan kita. Keluarga besar Rasullullah (Uthman dan Ali) musnah hasil lidahnya.
Kuching, Sarawak
2 August, 2012
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