The Asian Financial Crisis in 1997-99 had created numerous political turmoils in the region particularly to Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia. The Philippines was at its worst. Singapore stumbled due to their financial greed and selfishness. Brunei was affected due to their carelessness. Prior to such crisis, the three nations were among the most stable in the Little Dragons Economies. With huge population and unique competitive advantages, they have been enjoying good GDP growth. The quality of lives of the people were improving greatly. Every span of lives had the opportunities to earn equitably.
(2) Dalam tulisan ini, saya cuba membangkitkan bahaya yang sedang dan akan melanda Negara kita, khususnya umat Melayu-Islam akibat dari pergolakan yang sedang kita lalui. Juga, saya cuba merungkaikan betapa, kita orang Melayu-Islam di Negara ini, akhirnya akan terlepas peluang maha besar untuk bangkit menjadi penggerak kebangkitan temaddun Islam serantau dan merubah sistem kini yang membebankan umat manusia sejagat. Singkatnya, jika kita leka dan khilaf, kita pasti terlepas peluang terbaik untuk berbakti sehebatnya kepada Allah. Juga yang kita kendong dan kilik, pasti berceceran. Sesungguhnya kita dalam kerugian yang sangat besar!
(2b) In this writing, I wish to elaborate on the danger that the Nation is (and will be) facing, particularly among the Malays-Muslim due to the turmoils that are now happening. I would also work to make the Malays-Muslim in particular, to realize that Allah is now giving them the best opportunity for them to significantly contribute in developing a new system that would be of great relief to the whole human kind. I would say, if the Malays-Muslim, are drifted or decepted by all these turmoils, then they would loose their best opportunity to make Allah to be happy. Worst, they are going to loose most of what they hold. They will be the great looser.
(3) Kemungkinan atas perancangan licik atau jangkitan, kerana sebelum Krisis Kewangan Asia, dunia Barat sebetulnya telah dilanda pelbagai krisis akibat kesan dari pelbagai peperangan di Timur Tengah dan Eropah Timur serta kegagalan Urus Tadbir Koprat di Amerika dan Eropah, Asia terseret sama dalam kancah kekacauan
(3b) Either by grand designed or by default, since prior to the Asian Financial Crisis, the West in fact was experiencing numerous economic setbacks, thus the same inflicted upon Asian . The series of invented wars in the Middle East and Eastern Europe and bad corporate governance in Europe and America, had caused lots of financial scandal and business closure. Thus, I would have a strong opinion that the Asian financial turmoil was indeed a grand design of greed by tyrant capitalist supported or even purported by envy institutions. Such a notion, I base on the act of reverse Capital Flow Theory which in fact was based on the Thermo-dynamic Theory, whereby under the normal circumstances, capital should move to areas of great investment return. While the American and Europe (EU) are facing economical distress, Asia is experiencing healthy growth, If such situation was not immediately intercepted, America and EU will go bankrupt. Thus, a black hand played it role by inducing reversed capital flow just as one deal with the reverse osmosis. There were numerous pseudo-stimulus packages introduced as well as corporate liberalization being forced into Asia, but all amount to non-productive growth. America and EU dip into worst, and Asian growth was successfully put on brake. Lots of writing had described on this. The devil minded West, while we are able to fly, the shot our wings!
(4b) As for Malaysia, due to the out spoken and though stand over the West of Mahathir, and worst as a Muslim State, Malaysia was a great envied target. As I have elaborated in my previous entries, the 21st Century is of great advantage for Malaysia to be the Center of Islamic Excellent. I believe, based on the research oriented of the West, definitely they had forecast the future trend of the global economic scenarios. I came across of their prediction of the crippling of the Western System (one should be aware of their huge writings over the fate of the capitalist world in the 21st centuries, which was predicted to be gloomy and uncertain). Malaysia in deed is in the pathway of the emerging super economies of the Far East China and South Asia, the Indus. Accordingly, Malaysia is a well respected Nation among the Third World and Islamic Communities. And, as a tradition, Malaysia Opened Education System had equipped its people with a diverse educational background and advantages particularly wrt Islamic Civilization. Malaysian is in fact pool of international talented human capital. The West predicted, Malaysia could drive for a New Economic System invention especially within the area of Islamic Economic and Financial System. To do so, what needed is just a grand CEO. Mahathir and Anwar are the great Malaysian CEO. I such happen, to the West, they are facing a great threat of: Sudah jatuh, ditimpa tangga; Keluar mulut buaya, masuk ke mulut singa. Thus, sebelum hujan sediakan payung the West at all cost must destablise the Malaysian Economic and Politic. To achieve such wicked desire, Mahathir dan Anwar must be eliminated. They created a scene for the two to fight and kill each other. Unfortunate, not many Malaysian realize about this as we are not research based societies, especially the Malays-Muslim. Sad!
(5) Sebetulnya, banyak hadis di mana Muhammad SAW, 1400 tahun dahulu telah memberi amaran kepada ummahnya, betapa akan timbul kekacuan di kalangan mereka. Akan berlaku perpecahan dan perbalahan hebat di kalangan mereka. Sesungguhnya, amaran Muhammad SAW itu adalah sebagai menjawap soalan para Sahabat, apa mungkin rahmat persaudaraan dan perpaduan yang mereka nikmati akan kekal berpanjangan. Kerana Muhammad SAW mempunyai capaian
(5b) In fact, there are many ahadeeth Muhammad SAW had foretold that his ummah would be affected by division and fighting. The saying of the above warning by Muhammad SAW were in respond to queries by the sahabah, who were enjoying the great blessing that Allah had bestowed upon them, which were the blessing of brotherhood and unity. They asked whether those blessing would last or come to an end. Since the Prophet had learned from the Revelation that it would not last as it was, he wanted to prepare them for this fitnah and turmoil so that they would know how to respond on the day when Allah decreed that it should come to pass, and would deal with them effectively at that time.
(6) Sesungguhnya, jika kita sanggup menyelidik dan memerhati keras, kekacauan yang melanda adalah suatu proses yang Allah ujudkan bagi mendedahkan para pemuka-pemuka dan bagi mensuci dan memperkukuhkan keImanan mereka yang patuh; agar mereka terdorong ke jalan kebaikan dan menghindar jalan kemurkaanNya. Sesungguhnya, kekacauan adalah ujian Allah bagi mereka yang benar sebagaimana dalam banyak sabda Rasullullah betapa:
(i) Allah SWT telah berjanji tidak akan memusnahkan umatnya lewat kemarau dan kebuluran berpanjangan, serta serangan musuh yang berlarutan. Namun Allah SWT tidak berjanji kepada Muhammad SAW, betapa umatnya akan menghadapi perpecahan, yang akan membuka lowongan bagi kebanjiran kemasukkan musuh-musuh mereka. Jika kerana perpecahan ini, umatnya saling berbunuhan, pastinya mereka akan jadi lemah, dan akhirnya mereka akan berada dalam kuasa musuh-musuh mereka. Allah hanya akan kembali membebas dan mendaulatkan mereka jika dan hanya jika mereka kembali ke jalan kebenaran ie perpaduan dan berpegang kuat kepada tali Allah
Sesungguhnya, kemelut politik Melayu-Islam kini adalah apa yang Muhammad SAW telah peringatkan, Perpecahan antara kita, saling memfitnah, telah membuka ruang bagi musuh-musuh kita untuk menyusup sehingga kita terpesong dari melakukan apa yang wajid kita jalankan ie memperkukuhkan adeen Islam dalam segenap jalan hidup kita. Sesungguhnya, saya berkira Ambiga, Lim Guan Eng dan bahkan Karpal Singh hanyalah nyamuk-nyamuk yang dalam rumbu yang kita tersalah masuk. Namun mereka boleh jadi senjata paling merbahaya, jika kita terus lalai dan berpecah.
(ii) Sesungguhnya, Muhammd SAW juga memperingati betapa fitnah memfitnah akan menukarkan pribadi seseorang dari tekun melakukan kebaikan, kepada terus mundar mandir memomok, mengunjing, dan menebar kebencian dan permusuhan. Sesungguhnya zaman fitnah didahului oleh zaman tenang, sejahtera dan makmur. Sejarah banyak membuktikan ini. Juga di zaman fitnah, mereka yang bistari dan cendikiawan samada terbunuh, tersisih atau menyisih, berdiam diri lari. Paling sedih, di zaman fitnah berluasa, akan wujud golongan yang sanggup menjual kebenaran demi capaian nikmat keduniaan. Umat jadi kebingungan dan akhirnya segalanya bercelaru tidak karuan. Mereka yang tetap berpegang kepada tali Allah, dianggap pelik dalam laku dan sifat mereka. Sesungguhnya mereka berpegang teguh pada Islam sebenar adalah ibarat mengenggam bara api atau memenggag dan berduri, dengan penuh sabar menahan segala kesakitan hanya untuk mendapat keredhaan dan balasan yang lebih nikmat.

(iii) Sesungguhnya lewat fitnah, Allah akan melindungi (mengadakan) sebahagian agar tidak melibatkan diri dalam sebarang kekacuan, agar tangan mereka bersih dari air mata, darah dan nanah sesaudara Muslim, sebaliknya mereka berusaha keras untuk mengembalikan perpaduan dan menegakkan asas-asas kekuatan Islam. Biarpun Allah akan sentiasa melindungi agamaNya, Islam, namum tidak semestinya Dia akan menyelamatkian umatNya yang terpesong. Allah akan hanya menyelamatkan umatnya yang terus meniti jalan kebaikan.
Dalam hubungan Negara ini, khusus berkait dengan kemelut politik Melayu-Islam, pedamaian segera antara Mahathir-Anwar-Najib mesti diusahakan. Cuma, Mahathir dan Anwar bukanlah calang-calang orang yang boleh mendamaikan mereka. Saya berkira sukar untuk mendapatkan personaliti yang dapat membujuk kedua-dua Mahathir dan Anwar. Kedua-duanya sedang bertarung atas dasar maruah. Jika maruah jadi tarungan, pasti ego memainkan peranan besar. Ego kedua Mahathir dan Anwar adalah besar dan sukar ditundukkan. Namun saya berkira Allah itu MahaKaya, Siti Hasmah-Wan Azizah dan DYMM Yang DiPertuan Agung masih boleh memainkan peranan. Di bawaj payung DYMM Yang DiPertuan Agung, Hasmah-Azizah boleh menjadi sri kandi negara yang berjasa. Di luar dari lingkungan itu, saya percaya, di kalangan usahawan konglomerat Negara, masih bada yang diyakini oleh Mahathior dan Anwar. Saya yakin, Allah masih sayangkan umat Melayu, dan Dia masih memberikan peluang untuk Melayu kembali bersatu dan berdiri gagah. Saya juga yakin, Allah sedang memberikan Melayu peluang untuk membimbing masyarakat Islam lainnya yang kini sedang dalam persimpangan maha berat.
(6b) In fact the turmoil would expose the hypocrites and cleanse the hearts of the believers and increase them in faith; they would be motivated to enjoin that which is good and forbid that which is evil. It would be a kind of test which purified hearts and makes people strive, so that good would be enjoined and evil forbidden as stated in many ahadeeth:
(i) Allah has promised His Messenger that He will not destroy this ummah by drought and famine, and He would not send against them who would prevail over them forever, no matter how strong and powerful this enemy. But the thing that Allah did not promise to His Messenger was that this ummah would not be divided, and this would be the door through which external enemies could enter. If the ummah became divided and they killed each other, then they would become weak and the enemy would be able to dominate them, steal their resources and conrol their affairs, and they would neve find relief from that unless they became strong again by means of unity and referring for judgement to that which Allah has revealed
In the Malays-Muslim current political context, we had been quarreling and spreading fitnah for too long in such that we had deviated from doing much productive good deeds. The presence personalities such as Ambiga, Lim Guan Eng, and Karpal Signh to me are mere mosquitoes in the wrong bush that the Malays had stirred of. Nonetheless, they could be of great nuisance if the Malays keep spliting and spreading fitnah among them. The bigger issue for the Malays work on is to unite to develop Malaysia into the Regional Islamic Center of Excellent.
(ii) Muhammad SAW also had forewarn that fitnah changes people's attitudes, until they are no longer interested in doing righteous deeds and good works; it creates enmity, resentment and hatred among people and they become confused. At times of fitnah, knowledge decreases, either due to the death of the scholars, or because they keep quiet and isolated themselves from society, or because people are no interested in them for some reason. Sadly, in times of fitnah, some people may sell their religion for some trifling worldly gain, and the situation is controlled by whima and desires and confusion, and those who follow true Islam become strangers in their attitude and conduct
In todays public affairs, unfortunately the public initiatives are done without the thorough analysis of the socio-demographic changes currently happening among the societies. Policies and plans were drawn by young educated but lack of wisdome experts. The socio-moral paradigms of the initaitives were much neglected. In short, I would say the present Malaysia Public Administration is lacking of intellectual touch. Corporate biasness is very glaring. We may fall into the grand trap of the greedy capitalist. Our major concern is now on Business Turn Around rahter the hollistic accounting benefit and social gap redressing.
(iii) By means of fitnah, Allah protects some people so that they will not indulge in the turmoil and their hands will not be stained with Muslim bllod, and they strive to bring about reconciliation and promote the sound Islamic priciples of compassion and brotherhood. Their attitude indeed appears strange in the midst of madding crowds and overwhelming whims and desires. Though Allah will protect His religion, Islam, but He will not protect His people who are deviating from His commands. He only protect the righteous among the wrong doers.
In deed the whole Malaysians are loosing from the current Malays-Muslim political turmoil. The quarrel of Mahathir-Anwar had draged the whole Nation into negativity. Both Mahathir nad Anwar are strong character person. Their fight is about their pride. Pride normally involve ego. Their ego to me are mountain that hard to blast. But Allah is always kind to Malaysia,which I believe, He is giving Malaysia a chance to be great ie to be the Center of Islamic Center of Excellent. The non-Muslim in this country don't have to worry about this, since when Cardova, Cairo, and Baghdad were the Center of Islamic Excellent in Spain (Europe), North Africa and Persian, much benefit were gain by the non-Muslim in the phere of Islam as compare when they were under the Roman or Persian. It must be also noted that when the American want to draw their National Constitution, they made Al Quran as one of their key referrence.

(7) Sesungguhnya, Najib boleh dengan bijak menyalurkan kebijaksanaan Mahathir dan kekuatan Anwar ke jalan kebaikan Negara. Telitilah caranya bagaimana Umar Al-Khattab and Uthman Affan membahagi Waleed, Abi Suffyan dan bahkan Muawiyyah untuk memperkukuhkan Empayer Islam. Kesemua mereka adalah manusia-manusia hebat yang tiada tolok banding keperwiraan dan ketangkasan mereka. Jika benar ada masalah moral, pasti ada jalan penyelesaian lainnya. Allah lebih mengetahui, saya hanya menduga.
Kuching, Sarawak
4 August, 2012
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