
5/8/10 DOWN WITH THE LEADER(S)......

Posted By: Abdullah Chek Sahamat - August 27, 2010


& Comment

If the Malays (Sarawakian Malays especially before it is too late) do care to deeply research and analyse their tradition, they would be amazed to discover that their custom and tradition are enriched with lots of Intelligent and Far Sighted Philosophies. Take the underlying meaning of, among others the following proverbs: (1) Sediakan Payung Sebelum Hujan;(2)Sudah Terantuk Baru Tengadah; (3)Bulat Air Kerana Pembentung, Bulat Manusia Kerana Maufakat; (4) Raja Adil Raja Disembah, Raja Zalim Raja Disanggah; (5) Menarik Rambut Dalam Tepung, Rambut Tak Putus, Tepung Tak Terurai,etc

(2) The rationale for me to write this article is basically to give a little side view on the urge for some quarters whom currently are crazy wanting certain leader(s), especially the long serving political leader(s) to be taken down. They believe, this (these) leader(s) had been there for too long and it is enough!

(3) The above proverbs, in fact are heritage that are left by the olden tradition Malays folk as reminders for us in this modern world to think, judge, and apply as guide in all our daily endeavours. These proverbs, I would now apply in my analysis for the call to take on our leader(s) whom some believe that they had been too long in the rein!

(4) When we want to take down the existing leader(s), have we asked ourselves enough: Would the intended leader(s) be much or equally better than the existing? How ready is he/she to take on the intended job? In case we had made a wrong decision, do we really have a smooth Plan B? In simplicity, have we really complied to the call: Sediakan Payung Sebelum Hujan?

(5) The Malays must remember, when there were too much pressures (by Musa Hitam, Razaleigh Hamzah, Anwar Ibrahim, and probably unnoticed by Abdullah Badawi circles) to take Dr. Mahathir down, I believe, half hearted he then step down. Then all of us know what happened later. Until today we are struggling hard to put our economy back on track as it was in the 1990s. What good have Malaysian gain from the 'pulling' down of Mahathir? Have we forgotten?

(6) No doubt, Raja Adil Raja Disembah, Raja Zalim Raja Disanggah, but how should we do such act? Should we act just like Rosly Doby of Sibu or Maharajalela of Pasir Salak! Both of these heroes had strong justification on their acts, but should we do the same to our own blood leaders!

(7) Same happened in the Old History of Malacca in the 15th century, when a good Army Commanders such as Hang Tuah and Hang Jebat as well as the good Chief Minister such as Tun Ali being eliminated due to certain quarter poisoning of the Sultan that these leaders were not good, not loyal to him, had been betraying the citizen.

(8) The Malays must have also forgotten, an Intelligent Small Boy, named Hang Nadim, whom have save the citizen of Temasek from being eliminated by the attacked fleet of sword fishes (todak). Though the truth of tsuch legend couldn't be proved, nonetheless the underlying issues just the same: jealousy and greed, destroyed all the good Malays leaders, now and then, and sure in the future. Have we the Malays, not learn enough!

(9) The old Islamic History, after the death of Muhammad SAW, after the smooth leadership takeover and stewardship by Abu Bakar and Omar Al Khattab, but later the circle of Usman Al Affan and Ali Abi Talib lost their uphold to the concept of Bulat Air Kerana Pembentung, Bulat Manusia Kerana Maufakat, began to wage war on each others. Such conflict sustained to this day, with the existence of Syiah on the Persian and Sunni on the Arab block. American, who is in great greed for energy and global domination, benefited the best of such conflict.

(10) Let us not being too eager to make a very simplistic judgement about a need to change a leadership. Let us clearly make a very calculative judgement. Let not: Sudah Teratuk Baru Terngadah; but let us be more smarter so that: Sesal Dulu Pendapatan, Sesal Kemudian Tiada Berguna!

(11) Just look around us, Marcos in Philipines, Suharto in Indonesia, Thailand till these days, Sadam Husein in Iraq, by eliminating these leaders, have their country progress better! Let us not be too short minded, deaf or even blind!

(12) My personal judgement of a leader, he/she can't be great in every thing. All those surrounding him/her must play their best card. Sometimes, a good leader can't be good because he/she being surrounded by bad leaders. Just remember, the Sultan of Malacca until Sultan Mahmud Shah, all were great because they being surrounded by great advisors and workers. The same with Mahathir Mohammed, he was great because he had lots of good people surrounding him, local and international (though some were monkey and leopard or even chicken feathered wolves!).

(13) Sometimes, it is not necessary to take on the head when thing are not in order (as popularly said in the Chinese Philosophy), but sometimes just good to ampute the legs or arms! May be with such strategy or action plan, we would nicely: Menarik Rambut Dalam Tepung, Rambut Tak Putus, Tepung Tak Terurai, or even we might be much respected because as a masses, the Malays would be regarded as smart and wise to know and respect their tradition: Jauhari Juga Mengenal Manikam!

(14) The only question now is, do we have the gut to tell our leaders that their greatest weaknesses is to have bad apples among them! We don't have to point to their nose to say so, can we not do such in a more dignify courage? Unless, they are too stuborn, then we can use what ever effective means!

(15) For Sarawak, the current disunity in SUPP which should be representing the 33% of Sarawak Political Powerhouse, while the non-Malay natives, though seem to be 'quiet', but not necessarily they are stable, any non-smart and non-calculative move to distablize PBB, the Malays-based Political Powerhouse should be greatly avoided.

(16) Unfortunate, if the Sarawak Malays cant't see: while other are shaky, can't we provide a solid, united leadership to provide greater hope and direction to the rest! Let us think hard the meaning of: Biduk Lalu Kiambang Bertaut!

(17) In fact, I wonder, why did Allah made Muhammad SAW to continue to lead the Muslim to the last of his life. Before his death, he was badly ill. Abu Bakar, Omar, Usman and Ali come to his close assistance. Doesn't this mean, as long as a person is able to lead, thus age and lenght of service should not be an issue, he/she should be assisted to lead!

(18) In another word, if there is a need to change our leader, let it be purely and genuinely determined by the Sarawak Malays, not by domestic and external hidden hands! Can we not learn from Sabah case? Or please remember, about 200 years ago, when the people of Sarawak (Kuching in fact), doesn't like Raja Muda Hashim, so they invited Rajah Brooke to be their leaders. Did Brooke really did better to our ancestors? Surely he had made Sarawak expanded beyond Kuching!

(19) I'm worried in deed, judging from the last Sibu by-election, after the election, despite the BN lost, my desk was swarm with lots of applications to do business down here, lots were from across the sea. I'm worried, our fortress had been well protected, and now, out of greed, out of frustration, there are some who seem to be: Musang Berbulu Ayam!

Foot note:

Moving around in Kuching, I observed for many years, those interested to wrest for the State powers were those whom either frustrated ex-civil servants (whom in their service were just to warm up the chair), small time businessmen (whom just busy men, some even when managing proper simple eating outlet(s), yet they have not shown good results), worst those who had been con-men! Just look, ask and listen around, most of these people are just 'cari makan'. So what the different, will the Malays in future: "Lari Dari Mulut Buaya, Masuk Ke Kandang Singa!"

Kuching, Sarawak
29 August, 2010

#Abdullah Chek Sahamat

Writing that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around my world which you may find hard to believe and understand


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