It is pitty to see, a stateman whom have sacrificed so much for his country, is now subject to the cruel-hyprocrite game plan of his colonial past. What happen to Ghadafi now, should give us Malaysian, and Sarawakian in particular a great lesson on how to take our Country forward. Ghadafi, by no mean, was a hero, a national legend that Libya should not forgotten. Without his patriotic character, Libya to this day would still be a colony of the Western Robbers and International Outlaws. Now, just because of not able to adjust to his population demographic changes, he, not only is a sitting duck to his past masters, but as well a limping dog to his own people.
(2) France, Italy and Britain under the pretex of the United Nation humanitarian ground, bombarded Tripoli, I would believe, just to take revenge of Ghadafi 40 years ago success in pushing them out of his country. Being a person, who believes he was the savior of Libyan liberty, definitely have nothing to offer except his blood and life. Ghadafi, pledged to die for the course of Libya. The presence of foreign colonial power in his counrty's doorstep: sky, sea and earth, definitely being read as another intention to recolonise Libya. To Ghadafi supporters, they accept his argument, and thus willing to die together with him.
(3) On the other hand, the opposition, who believe the West will always be with them, now feel they have a God Father that could help them to bring Ghadafi down. The Western intervention in Libya conflict, is nothing but at the request of the Arabian themselves. Now, the Western is already there, thus they are using such invitation to go beyond what the Arab wants, and now, the Arabs themselves were traped by their own mistake betraying their fellow Arabs, Ghadafi. This is the real success of the West to get the Arabs to be forever split and weakening.
(4) Unfortunately, not even a Muslim State is offering Ghadafi a face saving way out. Ghadafi is desparate of such offer. He sent his Foreign Minister to lobby for such offering, but now facing great humiliation, rejected and being imposed with conditions that no stateman could accept.
(5) What happen to the OIC, the Organization of Islamic Countries? Three of the members are in ASEAN. Same with the Non-align Nation Movement. Malaysia is a member of all these grouping. What has happen to us? Don't they (we) have the gut to save Libya from going to the worst. Should we wait till Libya is bathed with our brothers Muslim blood and corpses, then only we start to say or do something? Surely we said we are sending food and medicine to Tripoli, but that is not the basic that we must be doing. One may had forgotten how Ghadafi had tried to help to settle the various crisis among the Arabs and Africans. Without fear of favor of the west, he got Idi Amin of Uganda to gain refute in Libya when Uganda was in deep political trouble. He also had offered the West No 1 enemy, Sadam Husein in the hieght of the Iraqy-US trouble. Ghadafi had accepted refute to may leaders to give them face to resolve their problem, but now, it seem, he lost all his friends and nobody seem to remember his good deed. What a pitty!
(6) To the least, I still haven't heard even a surmon in our Malaysian Masjids, to pray to Allah, to ask for His help to get the Libyan to come to peace with each others. Why are we so short sighted on the possible disaster that are going to happen to our Muslim brothers Arabs who now had lost their sense of rationality.
(7) I wonder, what happen to all those voices all this while whom seem to be the Islamic champions, all seem to be 'coward' at least to say, if not doing something to get Ghadafi and his people to settle their problem on the muzakarah, true brotherhood way. Where is Nik Aziz Nik Mat or even Mahathir Mohammed? I can't understand they are just good to quarell among themselves, but can't do much when come to the real issue at hand.
(8) I hope, what is happening in Libya in particular, should now be a great 'mirror' for us in Sarawak, at this General Election Climate, to have all the rationality in making our judgement in choosing our leaders. I hope, we don't merely listen to others, without having our own reseach on the possible traps in place, that one day would make us regret with no return.
(9) We are just brothers be those in PBB, PAS, or PKR. Probably it is our greed that had made us indifferent and ignoring our true course. I hope, Allah wouldn't punish us for our indifferent to our brothers plight and suffering, especially among those who can't get at peace with others. Najib, I would say he is too busy with his political survival, to the level that, he seem to forget our friends when once we ourselves were helped by them.
(10) We have indeed forgotten, the theory and strategy outlined by Samuel P. Huntington in The Clash of Civilaizations and the Remaking of World Order. The West love to order for all to submit to them. Now is the time for them to bully the Arabs, and time will come for them just to torn down Putra Jaya, Jakarta, and Bandar Sri Bangawan as they did in about 500 years ago.
Matang Jaya, Kuching
4 April, 2011
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