I have not seen today papers. I believe upon seeing PM yesterday, Taib must had finalised the BN's list of candidates for the coming 16 April, 2011 State 10th General Election. In fact I have skipped reading papers for the last two years. My reason is not because I don't want to keep abreast with the latest news, just that the news to me doesn't look interesting, worst most are mere commercial gimic. I just don't want to waste my money and space at home to keep 'old papers with too little value news'.
(2) I was lucky in the sense that when I joined the State service in 1986, it was just after the 1986 Parlimentary Election. As young graduate, prior to taking up my post, I was deeply involved in helping Bujang Ulis to win his seat in Simunjan. I travelled alot with friends to longhouses in Ulu Simunjan as well as in the coast. We worked hard to win for BN.
(3) In those days, traveling to these areas was merely by boat or even need to walk for hours. If there was road, it would be just a killing journey, bumpy, muddy nd with lots of holes. Life in these areas, then was miserable. We spent at night sleeping at the veradah (ruai) and even the dogs slept among us. Bathing and easing oneself was mere bush and river affairs. Food, we just eat what ever available, mostly heavy rice with bits of simple dishes. The short time span in helping Bujang Ulis (BN) to win over the seat gave me ample chances thinking and absorbing the pains of our rural folks in their day-to-day life struggle.
(4) Then when I took up the job, I was posted to the State Planning Unit. My duty was to Plan, Monitor, Evaluate, and Coordinate Rural Development Planing for the State. Since Sarawak is a developing State, and was still very much behind those other advanced states in Malaysia, my dealing was mostly in pursuing Integrated Development using agriculture as the main tool.
(5) Again, if not mistaken, in 1989, merely about two years after reporting to duty, there was that Political Crisis (called Mint Court Tragedy) in the BN whereby Taib has to face a danger of Vote of No Confident in the DUN. He took a courageous step to dissolve the DUN and declared a call for fresh election: basically he didn't heed to political game of the few, but place his fate in the hands of the people, ie back to the people. That how the constitution says, that how he took the bull, by the horn. He then won his political struggle. His battle continue then.
(6) Since joining the service, I took the liberty to really travelled all through the State. I never stop doing this to this day, but due to health reason, I began to reduced. Among those early places that I visited were Gedong (Simunjan), the coastal Samarahan, Meludam (Simanggang), Kabong (Kalaka), Igan (Sarikei), Belawai (Sarikei), Daro (Sarikei), Limbang, Lawas, Long Semado (interior Lawas), Sebauh (Rumah Bana), and many others. All these areas in those day have to be accessed by boat. Sometimes we have to go to open sea: caught in waivy, stormy and hot trips.
(7) As one could imagine, these areas in those days, the lives condition of the people, their livelihood was beyond today kids or even youngsters comprehension, on how bad and tough were their lives fate: coastal fishermen, rice planters, loggers, all were subsistence-based. Today, things had been very much different in these areas. Progresses are streaming steadily.
(8) In fact, at the height of the 1989 (?) political crisis, myself and Awang Tengah Ali Hassan (now a senior State Minister), were going around the State to promote FELCRA concept of development. But due to the crisis, he was called back, for good, and I had to proceed from Meludam to Kabong and Igan by boat with FELCRA and DID Officials. Upon returning back to Kuching, I learned Awang Tengah have to resign and enter actively into politic.
(9) As far as I could remember, it was real tough for us especially in the State Planning Unit to organize the resources to finance the State development programs and projects. We really have to 'beg' in Kuala Lumpur to get as much as possible the Federal Funding. In those days, the State was so dependent on Timber and Oil royalties. The figures from these earning were also not that significant. Our manufacturing had not take off quite well. We practiced more of exporting raw materials rather value added processing. Worst, there were just small shot of income earning from the agriculture sector, despite heavilly subsidised, which was in fact dominated by pepper. The world enjoy quality peper at our expenses!
(10) I would say, since coming back from his Kuala Lumpur assignment in 1981 (?), until 1990, Taib was facing real tough time in figuring on how to bring Sarawak, a vast State, with limited resources, especially the diverse ethnic groups spread over the whole diverse State geo-ecological, into the main stream of development. Being a lawyer, educated oversea, in the period of pre-Independence, I would believe, those backdrops would influenced much of his thinking and style of leadership.
(11) Surely, being a person who came from a State of Malaysian Backwater, he was also a very keen developmentalist. But his developmentalist approach, mostly I would say is more of legal perspective. That probably the reason, he then quickly established different institutionals that he believes would fit into the Sarawak socio-culture, and as well as to protect the long term Sarawak 'Independence'.
(12) LCDA, STIDC, HDC, NREB, SRB, SBC, SAINS, and many other smaller one all are atuned to 'protect' Sarawak within her socio-culture independence. The scopes and authorities of these institutions, differ very much form the 'mirror' organization as established as those at the national level: SALCRA, SLDB, SEDC,etc. Basically, he want things organized based on Sarawak needs and not merely copy cat of others.
(13) With all these in hand, since 1990 to-date, Taib has all his tools to move Sarawak faster, by his style, based on the Sarawak needs. The management of the State, though he sometimes denied, was along the corporate system path, and he smoothly and determinantly pursue on it. To me Taib, purposely don't rush to declare that he managed Sarawak the corporate way, because of his interest to prepare the Sarawakian, before such system could be openly declared and accepted. He is and was worried, the Sarawakian might not be able to handle the outsiders influx before they themselves are well prepared. He judges things from, the so called Advocate Planning and Development. He care for his people, but that was not crystal clearly explained, (I presumed he can't), thus most of the rakyat can't see his 'hidden defense' for his people, themselves, the Sarawakian.
(14) One may not see what I'm saying. Let me put into case on our human capital development vision that he had been wanting for Sarawakian to speediously catchup. I have some opportunities to chit chat with him on this. In the 1990s, when Taib talked about State Industrial Development Plan, many times he warned the need for the State to gear to produce Engineers, Accountant, Marketing persons, and all those related professional. Same tone was thrown to the market when he began to talk about the State to push for massive development in Oil Plam Plantation. In the case of Pulp for Papers, the druming for urgent human capital development makes him worry much. Even in many of the Chinese Chamber of Commmerce dinners or New Year visits, he did many times called for the Chinese to manage their business along the true corporate system. At that time good governance term was not yet popular, but I believe, what he meant was good governance system must be slowly adopted by all business entities in Sarawak. The Chinese was his intended Guinea Pig.
(15) Thus when the Federal Government agreed UNIMAS being established, I would say he shed tears. I did as well, when listening to his emotional speech in launching the temporary campus on that peat soil in Samarahan. I was driving to do my work in the Office at that odd weekend when the function was live telecast by RTM. I shed tears because I was happy that poor Sarawakian could now enjoy their tertiary education close at home and thus at cheaper cost. But, the over expectation, to produce large population of professionals, on UNIMAS was not fulfill, thus he has to go on his own way by inviting Curtin and Swineburn to establish their branches here. Yayasan Sarawak then becaming his 'victim' to ensure these Universities are working in line with the State Manapower requirements.
(16) Now, Sarawak had five Universities: UNIMAS, UiTM, Curtin, Swineburn, UNIPUTERA, and may colleges and skill development centers. That how he worked. He sees his State future. He determinantly worked for it, even to the stage, it is very unpopular. That is a leader, whom is people oriented, he careless for popularity. He go for his destiny, which to most, were hard to swallow.
(17) Now that SCORE had gained momentum, he continues to repeat how the State will be shortage of Engineers and all those professional. Despite, his worries, in fact he is advicing and visioning all Sarawakian on the future nature of career development would be for them. Just, in most occasions, I have been observing, Taib always have difficulty to say thing straight and simple in public as compared when he is in the meeting, thus not many people really catchup with what he try to say. Many times, after his fiery and intellectual public speech, I would just went around and asked the people, most would say: "His speech was great, very good", but when I possed, whether they understand what he said, definitely their understanding will be totally different. There is always a communication and understanding gaps to Taib commmunication.
(18) For the Muslim, the Malays, Taib have done alot. Just that, he probaly want to gain better pahala; a hereafter return from what he had done, thus he kept to the principle of : Tangan kanan memberi, tangan kiripun tak tahu!. Saidina Abu Bakar, the first Islamic Khalifa after the death of Muhammad SAW had that characters. He did good, but no one knew what good had he done. He preferred to be a real silent worker, servant of Allah.
(19) Look at all our Islamic Religious Schools, the establishment of Lembaga Masjid, the intended redevelopment of Jalan Hj. Taha, revival of Baitul Mal, making non-religious scholars to head the Majlis and Jabatan Islam, in fact all those should have far intellectual impact onto the Malys-Muslim, if we dare to spend time to think and anlyse. Probably those given the chance to transform all these institutions haven't got the real courage and wisdom to go against the norms, the present norms that had drawn Muslim-Malays into the complacent and 'don't do' syndrome.
(20) I believe, Taib has clear 'hidden' vision, when once he was so eager for some to take up seriously the Study of Ibn Khaldum, though to this day, no one in the related authority did pick up his suggestion. If one care to look at how Ibn Khaldum became so smart and popular, in fact because he was a great self learner, analyst, and risk taker. Taib, I believe with all his quiet support of the Muslim and Islamic development, he has paved his way for the Muslim to emulate or be just like Ibn Khaldum. Unfortunately, most of the time, the Malay proverb applied: Kuman sebarang lautan nampak, gajah terlentang depan mata, tak nampak!
(21) For the non-Malay natives, fair chances have (and still very much on going) been given by Taib. The nature of our non-Malay natives settlements which are very disperse apart in the rugged terrain makes them difficult or even uneconomical to reach. In the convetional economic theory, the non-Malay natives worth to be left on their own their won way. Nonetheless, his concern over the fact that the Government would not be able to meet their needs as fast as they want, therefore he 'used' the private sector to gear on those. That I would say the reason why he has to build some big private sector to help him to serve the State. But, as we must accepted, sometimes, they are people who had forgotten of the hands that had helped them or 'hutang budi', thus they became arrogant and thought they are big purely due to their own struggle, therefore, State or National Service is not their duties. In fact this is the problem with some big guys that Taib had built (good to read Mahathir critic on this as well, to understand the whole issues) when he called on them to serve the State.
(23) Sometimes the acts of some of Taib-helped big guys are just like what the Malays say as: Melepas batuk ditangga, or even Seperti melepas anjing tersepit. The Malays are great thninker when they put a notion of: Seperti kacang lupakan kulit! Bagai portugis (keling putih) dapat tanah. In some instances I do quarelled with them, and to certain extend I just tell them off ie without the Government generosity to them, they would never be as what they are. These make some of them don't like to see me where I'm and would pass mongers around for me to be kick out. I would say, that is the fate for those who are hard headed to protect the State interest. Not only Taib, but others also would have to face the same dance.
(22) The current Model of NCR land development might not be the best. But, one must remember, in 1996 (I was away at that time), the Model was in fact formulated by the Native themselves. There was a big seminar to discussed on those and native communities leaders even up from the mountain were flown down to sit and discussed the Model. I believe Santubong Resort was the Place that could be the withness of such exercise. That was the best Model conceptualised at that time. It was not merely Taib idea to create such Model. But as one of the key implementer for such Model, in fact I and some friends, with Taib blesiing, we had made lots of modification to the Model. We are now seriously addressing the Income Gap Issue of the Model.
(23) In fact, this couple of week, while trying my best to look for the best Model in rural development, I was going through the Umar Ibn Khatab Economic Doctrine. I was in fact shock to see how he used the formula 30:70, 40:60, 50:50, and 70:30 equity ratio between landowners and investors as his tool in land development. Let us be mindful that such formula, was there being applied by one of the most successful Islamic leader in the year 700-800. Thus the equity ratio is not the main issue that Umar tried to resolve, but more of the welfare to the landowners, the people, the State and the investors.
(24) Thus, I believe, what Taib had been trying to do here is again based on legality. The Native Adat can't give real protection to Native Land. The Adat in fact has lots of lopeholes. If kept as it is, one day, none of the ntives would really know where are their land. Thus, he firstly wants to resolve the legal issue wrt NCR ownership, and I believe, we as the inheritor to this Model later could resolve the Income Gap issues once such legality issue could be harmonily resolve. Again his legal interest and concern surpassed the immediate socio-economic out cries. The Malay proverb: duduk dulu sebelum belunjur is his style.
(25) Last week as I glanced through the papers, I was indeed very happy to see a statement from Leo Moggie that how he wishes that the Iban in particular, just not to be too involved in politicking but work hard to earn even a small income betterment for his people. That statement sound very practical and real of a stateman nature, but unfortunate, it took him so long to think and embrass such an honest and humble deed. The Iban, especially, should look at his statement closely.
(26) When come to the interest of the Chinese, I would say Taib had honor them well. In fact in any move that Taib made, it was always the Chinese who benefited first. See who gain from the Kalaka-saribas IADP Project in 1984. Same goes with the setup of Uinversities cluster in Kota Samarahan. Even the economic surge in Bintulu, Miri and Kuching, it was and is the Chinese who benefited first. Except probably, among the Chinese, they are not able to take care of themselves within all the advantages that they have. The have in the Chinese commmunity probably just wanting to have too much and not keen to help the have not or smaller one. This boilt down to my earlier critique that, they are people among us, who after we helped them to be strong and big, they easily had our forgotten our 'budi' and not wanting to share their wealth and success with others!
(27) Last night, I dropped by at a unique furniture store. I bought a long table made of pure belian. The price is really good for the saler, but just I want it for my 'madrasah', thus I don't mind to pay a bit more. And after paying my bill I said this to the towkey: "What happen to you Chinese? Just because you can't get along among yourself, now you look at the Government as not doing good?". His reply: "Yalah , saya pun tak faham. Tidak boleh terima kasih punya orang!". My reply back: "Say if the Government had not done good, definitely, I'll be still be as I was 40-50 years ago. I won't be able to buy a single thing from you. And you can't even do good business here. Go and advice your people to think and appreciate that we the Bumis don't demand too much from our Government. Let share equitably what we have and what we can afford".
(28) This articles can't say all what Taib had done. For being the top five in poverty and development disparity at the time he took to power, and now being among the top five richest State in Malaysia, that fact is a great proof of Taib great contribution to Sarawak. I have a strong believe, in five years time, Sarawak will be the richest State in Malaysia, especially if our SCORE makes it to the goal, and if PKR and DAP continue to rule Selangor and Penang the way they administer this two State now.
(29) Now that it is a knowleage and talks in towns and Kampungs that Taib want to step down after this election. I believe he is sincere in his saying. Just like Mahathir, Taib will withdraw at the height of his success, and he definitely want to pass down the batton at the wining stage. Though the exact schedule had not been said, what I wish to see are:
(a) This State coming election, Taib efforts and success must be honored. Not only he had managed to fast tract lots of development in the State, but most important, he had managed to keep Sarawak as 'Independence' as possible within a true spirit of Federalism State. To develop and at the same time keeping Sarawak as it is, is not an easy job within a complex Federalism System as Malaysia. Taib is great in that, and that must stay, as Sarawak is Sarawak and diversity keeps us alive. Don't be emotional just because he had been in power for almost 30 years, just to make Taib to go, we lost our sense of mind. The old Malays had reminded as well: guruh di langit, jangan air di tempayan di curahkan.
(b) Therefore, if in this election, we take a mode of smashing him to groud, as what some had propagated, that I would say not our culture! The Malays in the past had made many mistake by listening and following others bad advice. If the non-Malay want to treat Taib that way, then it is their business, but we the Malays and Muslim should have better way on how to treat our leaders. Taib had not done real bad things to us anywhere, though along the ways he had made some mistakes!
(c) Let remember, when Mahathir announced his steping down schedule, he was honored by BN winning real big majority in the 9th National Election, and that has impact on Mahathir attitude as a real Stateman upon his retirement. We must honor Taib, so that he could be a great Stateman to Sarawak thereon. I believe, Leo Moggie all this while was kept out of the Iban socio-politiacl environs, just because he being ousted badly, thus it takes time for him to come to term to reality of the Iban struggle. So let not repeat that and learnt from these two statemen retirement and placement into the society.
(d) Taib doesn't name his successor. That I would say is great. Mahathir mistake is his guidance. Once Abdullah Badawi was named, all sort of crocks pretending to be good guys rurrounded Abdullah. Then, all know, what was the effect to the country. Let the election goes well. We must fully use our heart and mind to choose our leader. Let the one who is really capable to lead Sarawak next, be choosen by the people. Let the people do their work, just as they had saved Taib from the No Confident Vote. This is not difficult, and that the reason why Taib need to have some more time after the election so that the people could really judge for themselves, who among the leaders who won the election would really be a leader of the rakyat. I don't believe we are lack of leadership, just that we have to be much wiser to see Mana Munsang , Mana Kambing!
(e) Sarawakian, must keep Sarawak as Sarawak. We choose our own leader without much influence of others. We must keep our soverign Independence within the true spirit of Federalisam, and mind, once Sarawak DAP man had congratulated Taib on this in one of DUN siting if not mistaken couple of years ago. I would challenge, if others have been great, I would say, Permatang Pauh and Pengkalan Chepa would not be having any socio-economic disparity as it is since the place had been represented well since long time ago. I have visited these two places two year ago, and the later just merely a moth ago. I was sadden to see how our people there live. Just watch what going to happen in Selangor and Penang, say five years from now!
(f) There are numerous initiatives in Putra Jaya that if those really materialise would place Malaysia in the global forefront. One of them was the intensification of making Kuala Lumpur a Global Islamic Financial Center, and if that is successful, definitely, we would be enjoying a much fair and just financial and economic system as against the current capitalist and speculative system. Let us not forget, in the coming State election, foreign elements would be attached to attacked taib, not because of Taib, but because those foreign elements are sacred of Malaysian fast forward to lead the world into a 'norm breaking' system. The Soya Bean, the Timber, the Electronic, etc foreign traders would love to see Malaysia in chaotic situataion so that our dominant in these areas perish. We must know, among us, there are always Munsang berbulu ayam.
MyStore, Terasi, Simunjan
2 April, 2011
Taib still continue to run in this upcoming election. Though many sepculate that he would step down, it seems that was only speculation because we do not know what he has in mind, what are his thoughts for not stepping down now. There must be a reason, goals yet to be achieved, tasks yet to be completed. We would know if we were in his shoes. Running the state, may it be the corporate way, the so called democaratic way, or whatever terms used, should be done with the most suited way, and whatever it may take. There is no hard and fast rules on running and managing resources because it all depends on what the resources are and how the resouces are to be optimised to gain the most for the rakyat.
The rakyat ,however, sees things differently. We have many complains but not many priases or at least 'initiatives' as feedback from the rakyat to the leader/government. Nevertheless, we shall strive to keep working and continue the struggle, as much as our leader(s) have to achive better living and increase humanitarian approaches. To our leader(s), may the aspiration to see a better and more advanced Sarawak and Sarawakians be the ultimate goal that will be realised. To the rakyat, may we 'see' what our leader(s)'s achievements and deeds i an positively awakening manner towards a more prosperous state and people.Amin
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