

Posted By: Abdullah Chek Sahamat - January 22, 2010


& Comment

My travel to part of Sulawesi and able to roam about in Makasar in the middle of last year, in fact gave me a very different view of the Bugis. In my area in Pendam (Sadong Jaya), the Bugis were (are) small built. The ladies were (are) cute with darker skin. But as I landed at the Makasar airport, thing were totally different. They are tall, nice built, with fair skin. Their look, amazed me. The ladies were much beautiful, tall, slim and fair. Thus as we now having fair, tall Najib, is now no more a puzzle to me!

(2) After traveling almost the full length of Indonesia, I have a strong feeling that Malaysia-Indonesia must work close and tight to bring greater prosperity to the Region. The two of us command a great wealth that have not been managed properly and equitably. In my own capacity, I tried to realize this 'dream', making the Nusantara as the Wealth of the Malays.

(3) I was indeed happy that Najib went over to Indonesia a couple of month ago to explore the business prospect in Indonesia. Nonetheless, as the Prime Minister (PM) where he should have been adviced critically on diplomatic matters, I was shocked to read he declared lots of Malaysian interest to invest and work together with the Indonesian in Makasar. In fact, I did point out to some of my friends, the annoucement was great, and I really applaude it, but unfortunate, in my simple view, the annoucment was made at the wrong place, and it will not work!

(4) In the last Indonesian General Election, despite Yusuf Kalla (JK) was Yudiyono (SBY) Vice president (VP), he contested against him. When I roamed Makasar, I could see that Yusuf Kalla who is a strongman of Makasar, had built the City in his own style which, I believe much differ from Jakarta wish. Lots of thing were sort of personal handed. Well, Yusuf have all the right, as the VP. Being an opposition, having a diffrent view from Jakarta, definitely YK and Makasar in particular is not a good ground for SBY.

(5) There is joke in Indonesia that we Malaysian must always bear in mind: Kalau mahu dengar lagu yang enak-enak, datanglah ke Ambon, kalau mau ikuti ngajian yang bagus, datanglah ke Madura. Kalau urusan dagang biarin sama orang Padang dan Bugis. Mereka paling licik. Politik, urusan negara, itu urusan Jawa!

(6) Doesn't matter what, even in the olden day Pendam, the Bugis and Javanese, they don't mixed harmoniously. There is always a barrier among them. To there are still that way, but thing has improved alot due to education!

(7) Yesterday, I was with one of the Assistant Minister of Najib Cabinet. The guy revealed all Najib intend to establish strong business deal between KL-Makasar was not well accepted by Jakarta. I believe, if the business deal is between Kuantan-Makasar, the story might have been diffrent, or if Najib care to let SBY to declared the matter in Jakarta, definitely, flux of deals could have been stricked well.

(8) It is just like Obama, going back to Africa to his father root State, and declared a policy of the America's on Human Right, right in the center where slavery was the root of his past. Najib, thing doesn't work root-to-root priciple when come to national interest. I hope Najib advisor(s) could be much sensitive and smarter!

(9) I'm now sad to hear: Malaysia should never invest in Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam. Guys, let look at Nusantara as the root and based of the Malay Wealth!

Kuching, Sarawak
22 January, 2010

#Abdullah Chek Sahamat

Writing that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around my world which you may find hard to believe and understand


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