Firstly, I wish to post a Happy Gawai to all my Non-Malay Natives friends particularly the Dayaks. May this year bring better hope and happiness to all. Gayu Guru Gerai Nyamai, Lantang Senang Rezeki Melimpah Ruah.
Diucapkan Selamat Gawai kepada semua rakan-rakan dari kaum Dayak. Semoga tahun ini membawa berkat dan kebahagian kepada semua.
(2) Last night, I was sitting by the Kuching River Bank esplanade, appreciating the beautiful sparkling stars in the calm cool night. Let me put on record, we should appreciate Taib Mahmud courage in revamping all those poluting entities that Brooke had left behind, and later turned all those into nice green sand open spaces. In deed, seeing all those blooming Thailand bougainville along the Water Front add to the coolness of the night. Next to me, was a group of elders whom were engrossed in their political discussion. They sounded from Malaya. I just kept myself indifferent to most of their conversation. But one interesting point that they said that interest me most: Najib is the best Prime Minister (PM) that we ever had. He is so concern of the welfare of the people. Name it, he had done so many things: Raised the salary of the military, police, teachers, civil service, and now the general workers. The poor, the elders, and the students of all ages, got his handout; working hard to make lots of things affordable to the people, reaching the people by all mean; yet the people are still not happy, why?
(3) They claimed, they seem to doubt Najib would make a good momentum in the coming election. They have many theories, but from all my various former writing, I would say, the very fundamental weaknesses of Najib are:
(a) What he is now doing, as said by the Malay proverb: Melepas batuk di tangga if not Mencurah garam ke laut. His intention to raise the people take home salary is great. We must salute such an intent. But, many times Mahathir had said: raising the salary would raise the inflation. Statistically, the quantum of the inflation rate is curtail, yet there still a growth. Worst, the salary growth wouldn't be able to match the inflation growth. Thus, the raised salary, over time, will be normalize or marginalize. Najib, had not significantly address the ever increasing cost of living.
(b) I believe Najib has too much avoiding the true meaning of the Productive Economic Growth. I could see, now too many things are MIC ie Made In China. Malaysia is loosing ground in term of industrial production and trading. I was told, now China soon even going to be the largest Palm Oil trading country despite they don't have a single oil Palm tree in their country. To me, Najib seem failed or indifferent to the need to formulate development policies, strategies and plans that would continue to give Malaysia the Advantage Positioning in this fast changing world. Our structural economic production sectors had not been deeply studied and adjusted. Worst, as I have many times said, our intellectuals (Do we still have them around?)had shied away from really advising the Government. Why? We, Malaysian, especially the Malays are too political bias such that the economic and commercial aspect of our interest had been greatly neglected.
(c) We are now too capitalist. The New Economic Policy (NEP) favor to help originally the Malays to be economically at par with the rest of the other races, had been so much skewed to the effect that we are now building only few elite Malays that little want to share or even can be satisfied and be enough. We had forgotten, why creatures such as Stalin, Hitler, Mousolini, Mao Tze Dung and even Castro exist. Carl Marx, despite a Jew, whom having great affinity to capitalism, drawn the world into an alternative ideology ie Socialism (Communism). All because, capitalism seem only to benefit the wealthy minority. We in fact is moving fast into a socially distress society. The current Free Market Economy is choking our economy and livelihood. We had not been quick and sharp enough to analyze this. To me the cure for our current capitalism suppression is to move quickly to the Islamic Economic System. The fundamental of this System is the lowering of the Financial Cost to as what the Al Quran had pointed at 2.50 percent. We must think and work hard to comply and achieve to a such Financial Cost level. I would say, the present Islamic Banking System, is still not ideal and business friendly especially to the small scale entrepreneurs.
(d) Last but not least, Najib seem to ignored the drastic demographic change that our society is going through. Najib is facing educated and well experienced elders group, definitely a highly educated and ambitious middle and young age population. He is no more facing the 1940s, 1950, 1960s and 1970s generation. Long has gone those within the 1940-50s generations. Today generation can smile and laugh to what Najib said, but deep in their mind and heart might be very different.
(4) To me, the people in this Country now want really to be crystal clear of what is or are the Big Bang(s) that could resolve all their social distress: housing, food, clothing, mobility, health, security, education, entertainment, etc that Najib could lay on the table. In short, what hope do we have for our future.
(5) The whole Government system should focus to bring Big Hope to our people and should not be wasting our time, energy and resources just for mere politicking. Najib dance too much to the Anwar-Lim-Aziz dangdut. I believe, most of Abdul Razak spirits and determination to focus on development as a mean to united our people are very much relevant. I do believe, that is what Taib Mahmud is doing in Sarawak. He dare to loose his popularity to ensure the State will be at a better footing forever.
Kuching, Sarawak
31 May, 2012
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