
6/6/11 MARRIAGE FOR SEX....is it not so?

Posted By: Abdullah Chek Sahamat - June 14, 2011


& Comment

(Is this 'art' a reflection of a 'First Class Prostitue', and if so, does it not a reflection of sexual desire?)
There are numerous critic about statement made by the Obedient Wives Club (OWC) ie wrt the need for wives to give their men a 'First Class Prostitute' sex treatment. In the flight back from Kota Bharu to KL then to Kuching last Sunday night, I flipped through many version of 'refute' over such call in the Star (?). Nonetheless, if one followed closely all those 'refute', most 'seem' to agree with what OWC had said.

(2) To me, firstly, the very unfortunate thing about OWC is their linkage to the banned Al Arqam group. If they has nothing to do with such group, I would believe, the perception would be totally different.

(3) Secondly, the word uttered was 'to serve like a first class prostitute', made almost everybody except the 'first class prostitute' feel agitated. Say, if OWC had stated, serve your man like "Cleopatra treated Ceaser or Mark Anthony', or "Love your man just like Zulaikha love Yusuf" definitely the noise will turn to lovely music.

(4) I can't exactly recalled the real date, but I believe 10-15 years ago, I read in the New Strait Times, a Muslim medical doctor lady, if not mistaken, had written, the prime objective of a marriage is to have sex. I hardly could recall, she stated that, sex is very important in a marriage. Without satisfactory sex life, marriage bound to find it ending. Is so not a prime problem in midlife syndrome?

(5) We don't have to argue about the need to have sex. The fact, despite Adam had everything he wanted in heaven before he requested Allah to create him another human of different sex is the manifestation of the matter. I strongly believe, Adam felt incomplete without his manhood being satisfied. We don't have to be hypocrite about the matter. Islam, had made it an order for a man to marry, if he want to avoid all the immoral thing. Doesn't that implies that man need their sexual fulfillment in their marriage. And I believe that the very reason, in America, sex became one of the human right element.

(6) Of course the best word to be used in having sex among spouse is making love. Having sex and making love may sound different, but the matter or act still remain the same, thus, what a big deal in choosing what word to be used. To me, I believe, especially Dr. Rohaya (?), purposely used the term 'First Class Prostitute' as her benchmark, to get everybody to ponder, how would the 'First Class Prostitute' serve her client. Does the "First Class Prostitute", being classified as "First Class", just merely looking at their 'sex service' or would they not have other 'qualities' that could tame a man? I believe, "First Class Prostitute" goes beyond merely sex service. The Japanese geisha probably the best First Class Prostitute characters quality that one should look at for a benchmark. Geisha indeed is an art of home hospitality, not mere sexual attitude.

(7) I believe, Dr. Rohaya (?) probably being a medical practitioner, she would understand the physiological and psychological impact of a great sexual intercourse. If one care to read and study, what good sex life could impact on a person, than I believe, every spouse must 'learn and enjoy' great sex life. Also I suggest one to read on the melathonin hormone to get to the understanding of physiological impact of having great sex.

(8) Just read the Life History of the Yakuza, or even the Concurbine of the Last Emperor of China. Their service are not limited as sex item, but their characters and qualities went to a very 'fine woman'. The Javanese and even Siamese epics do portrays such character as well. Some of the Malays old movie did also reflect the matter.

(9) I believe, all those 'quick respond' either from the counter NGOs, politician (especially Sharizat), and worst the police on the matter of the OWC, I would say is an over reaction. OWC original image and choice of word made them in a very difficult position.

(10) Nonetheless, if their intend and act are sincere, clean and pure as what being said, I believe, nothing harm to let them do whatever that would bring good to the society (within the proper norm).

Kuching, Sarawak
14 June, 2011

#Abdullah Chek Sahamat

Writing that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around my world which you may find hard to believe and understand


Anonymous said...

ko lah lelaki durjana !celaka!sial!ko lebih jahanam dr perempuan prostitute!bangsat!pengecut!ko menyundalkn bnyak perempuan!tp pura2 menulis tunjukkan kebaikan..mudah2an ko akn masuk dlm neraka paling jahanam!

Anonymous said...

kalau tak bertepuk sebelah tangan tak kan lah menjadi .kalau dia sial kamu tu apa malaikat ker?????.sape suruh kamu menyerah diri sajer2.Agaknya kamu pun sama sundalnya .

Anonymous said...

Kalau dilihat pada isi tulisan penulis, apa yang diperkatakan adalah sebuah maklumat yang kita sendiri perlu selidiki. Saya yakin, dilihat dari sudut pembacaan beliau, pastinya yang dihujahkan bukanlah suatu yang salah dan sia-sia. Saya hanya ingin mengajak, jangan sampai kemarahan membutakan kita tentang kebenaran. Biar dari seekor babi hutan sekalipun, jika ada pengajaran dari sana, kenapa susah untuk kita menerimanya.

Anonymous said...

baik kahwin daripada merogol. Rogol tu berdosa + anak luar ni nak susah badan. hahahahahaha.......

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