(Jika mentari, payah untuk kulihat pada tepat marahnya, tidakkah bijak jika ia kutatap lewat lumpur denai ini....)
Just a tickle, Muhammad had adviced us to go even to China to learn. In the era of silk trade, the business link between China and Arab were at the greatest height. Muhammad knew in those days, writing, weighthing technic, construction materials development, gun powder and weaponaries production, boat building, food productions, textile development, and all sort of tradeable materials were developing fast and at the peak of achievement. Not only that, 1,500 years ago, the administration, the governance, the morale education, the greater values of civilization were also great. China was at that time a real great properous nation.Thus Muhammad, wanted his people, the ummah to see these, to study those, to emulate those. He wanted his Ummah to be as great! He shown the ways, how to achieve as such! Learning from the greatness (and mistakes) of China.
(2) Sure China at that age was a 'kafir' state. Religiously, was not Islamic. But does it mean, nothing is Islamic about China at that point in time? If one say so, can we then concluded that Muhammad being the sucessor to Adam, to Ibrahim, to Musa, to Jesus Christ is not a Muslim for he want the Arab, the Islamic Arab to learn from the 'kafir'.
(3) These couple of days, we heard in parliment, a place where people should be intellectually-human enough to study, discuss, and decide for a great human development, is now being used to talk on nonesense matters....no sense I would say.
(4) Both Anwar Ibrahim and Khairy Jamalluddin I would say is blinded of History! What's wrong of learnig or even emulating from those that are successful for the great of the nation. If we have to learn from Israel so be it, but as long as we are not on the wrong path! What the problem of 1Israela and 1 Malaysia, if the intend and course are great for the people of this country? I would also love to see Nazri Aziz and those others not to waste time to form and precide over the matter in the 'Special Parliment Committee', in whatever 'natutre of the matter', I would rather see them just brush the matter aside, and let really get to work! Nik Aziz might be correct, in his saying (depending on context) even if we have to be friend the syaitan to be good, so be it!
(5) I just wonder, when Muhammad called for the Muslim to learn from China, did he also mean we must take pork, go prostituting, killing each others, be greedy...and all those that had caused for the down fall of China later! To me both Anwar Ibrahim and Khairy Jamalludin, are just 'not leaders', they are just 'misleading' us into the darkness and confusion so to make this, our people, fighting and struggling for nothing but guarelling for our deeper down fall! I hope other members of the parliment should be smart enough not to 'take up misleading and non-crusial matters into the honorable house of parliment debate'.
(6) If it is true, luckily it is 1Israel, if 1,000 Israels, I would figure out both Permatang Pauh and Rembau would also be an Israel! Even MyKampung would also flying Israel flag. Let focus ourselve to buit this nation state. Let not our greed of personal course decept our people of their right!
Kuching, Sarawak
2 April, 2010
Seharusnya pemimpin harus ke depan memikirkan jalan untuk memajukan negara dan rakyat. Bukan membuang masa utk kepentingan diri sendiri. Rakyat memilih kita bukan utk itu semua tapi mendapatkan semula hasil dari undi yang mereka berikan. Itu sahaja. Fikirkanlah.
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