

Posted By: Abdullah Chek Sahamat - March 21, 2010


& Comment

If I am not mistaken, in 1980, the Sarawak UKM Student Union (PEMASRA) held its Annual Dinner and the then Datuk Taib Mahmud who was the Minister of the Federal Territory (?) was the Guest of Honor. That was just a couple of months before he returned to Sarawak to take on the task as the Chief Minister. In that dinner, one of my senior raised the issue on the seriousness of the State Government and in particular the State Leaders in drastically improving the Quality of Life and Standard of Living of the Sarawak population. The 'student style' of the issues raised in fact 'agitate' the guest of honor!

(2) I was in my second year at that point in time. I can understand, being a person who came from a poor remote area in the State, Simunjan, and after schooling in Kuala Krai, Kelantan and Jitra, Kedah, in those 1970s, I could feel the embarrassment 'being a Sarawakian', always being referred as 'backward, sakai, Orang Utan, etc'. All those were because Sarawak was among the top five poorest State in Malaysia. Even, I used being asked: 'Bila sampai Malaysia?', which sometimes I replied, since 16th Sept., 1963.

(3) Today my judgment, and to be fair to the State Government at that time, in fact Sarawak was just being freed from those Communist infiltration. Communism inflitation had caused not only Sarawak but the whole nation a real big deal. Being a Country, which had just being independent after being 'pariah' by the Colonial Bristish and the Brooke Family, we were in fact in a real state of 'pariah'. Poverty were ramphant all over the Nation. Thus, the 'student style' of voicing 'our frustation' at that point in time, I would believe was our manifestation of our embarassment being treated 'tak sama tinggi' within the 'new born Nation'.

(4) After reading various Biography of 'legendary' leaders such as Hitler, Mao Tze Dung, Ho Chii Ming, Nehru, Cleopatra, Juleus Ceaser, and even personality such as Mandela, Sadam Husein, Ghadafi...and many others, I would say, these were (are) leaders that have seen how their State being 'pariah' by 'third parties'. These were (are) leaders, within their nationalist intend, had fought back to push the 'colonial masters' out of their countries, and thereon developed their Countries within their own means and flavor.

(5) The said leaders, use whatever authority that they have to push for their development. Most used guns! Thus, the West who seem 'defeated' miltarilly, had used the 'media' to go after these leaders, and branded them as Dictator and Authoritarian and whatsoever that sound doesn't good at all. These are the titles symbolizing the undemocratic, uncivlised, and not welcome in these so called modern world. That is the 'defeated' West perspective! They just want a 'face' after being defeated!'They are just bloody arrogant to accept the fact that we deserve our own right to be a free State within our own flavor.

(6) Dr. Mahathir used to face same treatment by the West. But, we are lucky that he was wise enough not to bow to the western demand!

(7) I used to recieve calls from Intertional TV and News Station requesting for an ientervew in particular wrt Land Development in Sarawak and specially on Taib long leadership legacy. Most of the time I refused to be interviewed, except for two which were published internationally. Even when travelling down to KL, I used to be asked: "When Taib is to step down?", and answer to this question was always either :" You ask him or God!". Seem so many people are eager to see the change of leadership in Sarawak! To me as long as he still can do good to the State, just let all of us go for it, and make the State really good!

(8) In fact, too many of us had forgotten about our History. Past had shown how bad a Country was if we were being led by weak leaders. We have seen that both at the State and National level. Even at the Global scenarios had proved that. Just that we are always short minded, mostly being too much controlled by our heart!

(9) What good had the resignation of DMM to Malaysia. To me, it amout to disasterous! And I would say, the 'greatest mistake' of DMM, was to step down at the time when people love him most, and believing his sucessor could do better! I believe DMM love too much to be remembered at his peak (had he really reached the peak?), rather to stay on and continue to do the better and the best that I believe would forever makes his name 'would rise' and never getting to peak...but continue rising!

(10) A State like Sarawak, not only we are culturally diverse, but most noted fact is that we are geographcally hard to develop fast: our terrain, or rivers, our climate, and our populaton density and distributon are our major constrains. If Sarawak is geo-naturally excellent (such as New Zealand, Switzerland, North American, etc), I would say, nothing probably is left for us. The Hindus (Majapahit), the Buddhas (Sri Wijaya), the Spainsh, the Dutch, the Portugese, the German, the British, the Japanese, etc would never want to leave us alone, until they had taken away all. We might today be just 'a prseserve orang utan'.

(11) Under those scores, I would say, Taib despite facing mountains of constraints, especially in bringing political and social stability to the State, he had managed the State well. With his grips, he brought in socio-political stability. With such stability asset, he then can focus to economic development.

(12) In developing the State, I would say, Taib stand for unpopular moves. He dare to make both internal and external enemies (if need be), but he did courageously made great allies too. There bound to be mistakes along his journey (somewhere), but he did shown his courage to correct those mistakes, and he stand firm on those, which to me, he dare not to chicken out!

(13) Sarawak need far sighted, articulative, firm, and forceful leadership. We ought to be dare to be a bit 'outlier' within our norms and needs. I believe that is Taib, and he would remain as such. And that should be all the Sarawakian! We must be unique, and strong !

(14) As an individual, I would believe, Taib could be a real great leader, if eveyone of us whom suppose to work for the State, understand his vision and work hard to achieve and made those vision sound and be correct. Thus we ourselve must also be a far sighted, articulative, firm, and forceful subordinates that love to serve the State Righfully!

(15) May Allah bless us all with great health and strength to do the best for His people.

Kuching, Sarawak
25 march, 2010

#Abdullah Chek Sahamat

Writing that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around my world which you may find hard to believe and understand


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