Definitely MyMum would be the best woman that I admired and respected. Nonetheless, He don't allowed me to have much time with her. Of His choice, I missed her right in my those 'love thurst' very young kid days. In a way, till today, I'm 'searching for her' relentlessly. Next was MyGrandMum, whom had taken care of me since I was teen ages. Unfortunately, she left while I was on an oversea duty due to slip disc problem. On the very last days before she left, I was on a flight, and what an amazing incidence was, while I was asleep, I have a real nightmare, which make me shouted aloud that make almost everybody in the plane staring at me, and of course shocking my loyal traveling buddy who sit next to me.
(2) Thereon, I knew, upon my return, I won't be seeing her anymore. Two days later, on one fine Sunday, after having line access, I called back home, and I was informed that she had gone. My cousin told me, she never asked about me. That was her style. She reads my mind. She knows my feeling. A lady with lots of 'firasat', especially on my character and 'struggle'. She 'never' want to be in the 'middle' between me and my work. Her only words: 'Ya mudah-mudahan waras!', on any away from home trips that I want to make. She never ask, on what business is my trip. She just trust me, that I'm going for good (that make me stay that way).
(3) The lost of these two women, one at my growing age, the other at my 'struggling' age, sort of giving me the 'right' to question Him. I wonder why? I have been questioning Him a lot about MyMum departure! Now I figured out, if MyMum had stayed, I might not be able to depart away from her, and I won't be able to see 'our people plight' as early as my childhood days. In my kid days, I never be a foot away from my mum. Same goes with my granny, almost everything, she seem to know the detail of me despite I seldom reveal much to her. With those 'firasat' she in fact in the old Javanese tradition, 'served' and guided me well, reminding me well of my those great grand parents' struggles. I believe, probably, this is what it mean by the Malay Proverb: "Tangan yang menghayun buai, yang mengoncang dunia", they really shaped my feeling over 'the plight of our disadvantage'. Today and hopefully thereon, my serving to this country, my struggle especially among the disadvantages is to reward them for bringing me to this world and their 'love onto me'!
(5) My only wish, MyDewi would one day read this, and be just like her great and granny in helping her man in his endeavor. I hope, I pray.
(4) Last couple of weeks, the History Channel of the Astro ran a special tribute to Dr. Mahathir (DMM). The key person being interviewed were Tun Hasmah, his wife and Datuk Marina, his daughter. Particularly Tun Hasma, I'm really amaze by her patient and dedication to the struggle of DMM. This is a woman, probably that should inspire all 'big man's wife' to emulate. She knew well of her position. A wife, a mother, a friend. A person who listen. A person who support. But, she never get in between her husband and his jobs. She is sort of and 'personally independent woman'. All these, I believe is the real success factor of DMM, his 'woman ready to cry and laugh along with his struggle'.
(5) Personally, I observed how great was Tun Hasma in serving DMM was during those hard 1999 Public Closed Door Session with the PM at Hilton Hotel in Kuching. In the session, I (as well as many others) stood to raised the grievances of the people in Bintulu over crowded school, incomplete Hospital and worst the Road condition despite Bintulu contributing not less than RM10.00/billion to the national export earning annually. I saw Tun Hasma turned her face watching me talking (at high pitch) and happily scribbling notes, of which I believe would be passed over to the PM. My suspicion was in deed correct, when not long later, various Federal Agencies were rushing to get things done and fixed in Bintulu. With all those things happening, and the hard works of many others, surely the 1999 Election result, witnessed Bintulu was back into the BN fold.
(6) I do hope, RTM in particular would make serious initiative to unveil, the contribution of all these 'silent women' in their support for the great success of 'their men' in serving the nation, especially: Rodziah (Tunku's), Rahah (Razak's), Norashikin (Ismail's), Rahimah (Husein's) and even Laila (Taib's). I hope these are the women that our young ladies should learn from and would made them into great 'silent' lady of the future.
...she never asked about me...(quoted)
verbally not but it does shows in her eyes
(because i was there when it happened)
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