
5/5/09 A REMEMBERANCE.....the green hands

Posted By: Abdullah Chek Sahamat - May 04, 2009


& Comment

Couple of days back, I was driving along Jalan Tun Abdul Rahman, Jln Simpang Tiga, Simpang Tiga-Tabuan Jaya, stretch of road infront of the New Wet Market (next to Tabuan), Jalan Pending, Part of Matang Jaya, road on the way to Santubong, etc. All these roads seem to be greened and well colored with beautiful cool plants.

I believe, someone had pioneered such an idea to Green Kuching and make Kuching an ever refreshing city, and I believe during the person lifetime, the person must had a dream to such an idea except the person had never said so. Now, I believe the person had left us forever. The idea to make Kuching Green and Refreshing must be sustained, as our remembrance of the person. I strongly believe, such a hidden vision is great for everybody.

(2) Now what is needed is for us to frame our street landscape properly. Proper Thematic Landscape must be developed. I would suggest DBKU and DBKS should coordinate their road landscaping plan with a view to create Scenic Driveway, combining trees, shrubs, ornamental plants, and street lighting is such that would turn Kuching into real Refreshing and Rejuvenating Garden City.

(3) The benefits of this is of course firstly to calm down and to refresh Kuching City population either to and from works, secondly, I observed in US, Canada, and Australia, or even in Thailand and Vietnam, the maintenance of this environment would generate easy employment especially among the older population, and thirdly, visitors would flock into Kuching to enjoy this Refreshing and Rejuvenating Environs, and surely this would generate greater trickling service sector development in the State.

(5) Las Vegas is one of those World Class Cities that emphasized on Landscaping, without which, it is just a naked hot city. Grown originally in the noway desert land, Las Vegas, I would guess is dead, without streets of beautiful landscape, very thematic landscape.

(6) Colorado, especially Denver, had great greening initiatives, whereby, certain percentage (5% if not mistaken) being charge on gas (petrol and diesel) refilling bill. These monies including tax form sales of lotteries are dedicated for the development of Public Parks. These are called Money for Green.

(6) Let now think of establishing Green Foundation in dedication to whoever had and wanna contribute to Greening Kuching (the State)to create the Refreshing and Rejuvenating Kuching (the State).

#Abdullah Chek Sahamat

Writing that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around my world which you may find hard to believe and understand


Anonymous said...

..yeah...i think now Kuching folks must remember her for all this efforts...sedekah al-fatihah, semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat oleh Allah saw

Anonymous said...

The Green efforts.. May Allah bless her... Al-fatihah

Anonymous said...

her Green Efforts will also include her true contribution to PERKIM and PERYATIM.. Moga segala usaha, keikhlasan, sumbangan dan harta yang dibelanjakan... mengiringi pemergian- Al-Fatihah

Anonymous said...

Dari Allah kita datang dan kepada Allah kita dikembalikan-Al-fatihah

Anonymous said...

..remember she always said every tree chopped down at the road side must be replanted by another 3 nos of tree..and now when every leaf comes out they pray upon her, bestowing her the God bless..al-Fatihah..

Bayu Senja said...

Moga rohnya dicucuri rahmat.Amin

Greening of Kuching
1.All those routes, the commonly used, are what we can termed as Protocol Roads. The airport road is one, but unfortunately what used to be lined with great huge angsan trees is now so barren.My friends from KL used to tell me how cool it felt to land in Kuching and to be able to drive thru that road. The trees are gone now, replaced by street lights,coupled with the flyover, and the Sheraton Hotel,we have lost the 'human scale'. Though all elements may reflect modernisation, development and urbanisation, the one important element, landscape is missing. Some effort was made to landscape the roundabout, but it was not a thoroughy thought job. And the excessive usage of eugenia (kelat paya) seems like the trees have to be cleared from a nursery...

2.The angsana at Jalan Tun Rahman is functional as well as esthetical. However, treament of street trees on the way to Santubong needs careful tree selection so as not to block vies of the mountain as one drives towards the area. Leaving a buffer area of the nipah palms and mangrove all along the way would keep the natural vegetation as well as the ecology of the area. This has been proposed in DBKU Landscape Masterplan, but we keep seeing developers cutting the whole lot when developing new home estates. A good example of such development along Sg Tabuan was initiated by Ibraco Berhad, and the mangrove there is surviving well.

3. Thematic landscape have been formulated for BBKU and MBKS through the landscpae masterplan. It's a matter of intepreting and implementing them. Action areas have been identified for prototype landscape development for town centre, new township, industrial estates, housing estates and conservation areas/national parks.

3.The benefits are of course multiple, buffering of noise, reduction of urban heat islands,absorbtion of pollutants from vehicles, shade from the hot , scorching sun and definitely, a refreshing and green environment.And we will surely provide more employment for the people. perhaps we could look into what Singapore has done with regards to lanscaping the island. The have a GIS system in which profiles of the trees planted are kept and updated according to their maintenance schedule. There even have aborists (tree doctors),and that was 2006, when we didn't have any yet in malaysia.I hope we do have them now.....

4. Las Vegas---hot, burning desert out in no where.The city council has done a great job in attracting people to the area, and with that comes all the amenities.Lighting plays such an important role in Vegas, and without any clock around in any of the casinos, you can hardly tell whether it's day or night or realise how long u have been in the casinos....

In American cities,landscape plays an imporatant role in development. Before anything is removed from the earth, it's all part of landscape that must be carefully observed.Hopefully we will have that same spirit on our lush,green, tropical landscapes.....to incorporate it in our development , rather than adding plants for the sake of fulfilling dev requirement, and many a times , they are not the right or suitable plant species.

Yes.....the the green foundation.I'd like to become a member to contribute whatever little knowledge i have. Tq

Anonymous said...

..yeah Bayusenja..you seemed to be having deep knowledge on urban lanscapping eh...tq for sharing your views...

Anonymous said...

A great idea to establish the green foundation, we should do it now before it to late.....

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