

Posted By: Abdullah Chek Sahamat - April 12, 2009


& Comment

In 1997, it start with Thailand. The financial crisis then spread to the rest of ASEAN then move eastward to the Far East.....the stated caused is a greedy speculator...money laundering....

Today, I believe due to frustration to the Government who can't take the country totally out of the Financial crisis....and surely, after the much gain before the 1997 Financial Crisis....with some billion baths to spare....the then government figure(s)...being greedy....with money...buying all the support of the rural poor...while giving the great promiseS to the middle class....the present Thai government stand in a very winding and difficult position to stablised the Thai politic....

(2) In the post Financial Crisis....Malaysia, with the effect of Indonesian Political Tsunami lead by Amin Rais....facing the same problem as the present Thai....the struggle of the ousted person(s)....is it a genuine political struggle for the masses oR merely a personal revenge! Amin shouted Reformasi at Universiti Malaya....expecting Malaysian masses to join him on the street....and so do some..whom probably get paid just like what happen in Bangkok nowaday (and of course in Jakarta...till today)...

(3) All these, in fact are just a deception strategy that the Present Malaysian Government should be aware.....Malaysian can't be bombarded with all sort of slogan...and promises....we really need a great qurantee that our economy is moving smooth...the leader must focus to make thing happening...employment, income generating.....social harmony.....softer and firmer ways....

(4) We can't hope for the better of the American economy...which probably could only be revived if they could find a way to create war else where...where they can trade weapons, amunitions, and all sort of killing machines....we must always remember...American don't make anything except missiles, gun, all those killing machines. No war mean no market for American Made Products...thus their economic revival only come if they are engaged in War....look at WWII, Korean, Vietnam, Arab-Israel, Iraq....all these wars had created fortunes to the American....

(5)Najib...just need to restructure our economy to cater for export to non-American market...or even going for product subsititution that our neighbor or trading partners...could effort. Domestic economy must be revitalised....our banking system must be properly guided and monitored...

(6) Let innovate fast in bio-technology, the food production, pharmaceutical.....the needs that surely emerging....with the growth of our domestic, regional and global population...

(7) Our civil system....let move to work rather....politicking

(8) Reduce greatly BN (and UMNO) dependent on 'political runners' to serve our people. Almost two million of paid civil servants must be mobilised to serve the nation....or they may spent too much time at the golf courses, karaoke....all sort that just suck up the State coffer but with no significant contribution....

(8) What did Tun Razak do...in the time of high poverty incidence, high unemployment....he walked to the street (not to demo), to think dan decide things based on real ground knowledge....cracking his cabinet men....to serve the people right....let think hard...we can't be decepted and we can't just wait for the American economic revival....let build our strengths from the rubles of the American economy colapse...

(9) Najib....Muhyiddin...don't sleep to much....let run dan run faster....

(Alor Star, 12 April, 2009)

#Abdullah Chek Sahamat

Writing that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around my world which you may find hard to believe and understand


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