
12/4/09 MOVING MALAYSIA FORWARD.....UMNO must clean up...Najib must be brave!

Posted By: Abdullah Chek Sahamat - April 12, 2009


& Comment

Sometime ago....about a month before the then PM dissolved the Parliment for the 12th National General Election...I was travelling to Johor, pushing up to Perak, Penang, Kedah, Perlis and Kelantan. At that point in time I could see not much different in Penang since MyLast visit in 1981 (student day)....same with Perak...nothing significant apart from the good highway....Kedah...Perlis....I got all my reserve...and of course Kelantan, I have my very own theory of Malaysia Boleh Kelate Jange....

This afternoon, I took a taxi ride from Kuala Kedah to Alor Star. Immediately upon settling down....I tickled the taximan, an elder man aged probably 50s-60s....hmmmm Kedah is now under PAS, so what is happening.......What happen to Mahathir?

(2)He looked at me curiously through his driver mirror....well, it is not because PAS is strong...it is because (a) Money Politic, and (b) among the new UMNO....there is lots of killing....the good and the hard working one are being killed...left with the rottening one to lead....

(3) As for Money Politic is it real....again he looked at me suspiciously....you sound like Kedahan...(since I spoke good Kedah dialect with him)...but how come you don't know all these....sorry I'm a Sarawakian....just come over to pay a visit to MyOld school....SMSAH.....

(4) Well before the UMNO general election.....all Ketua Bahagian Pemuda were given good treat in Langkawi...with each of them given handsome reward...to vote for certain group.....and what ever signal given say in Pekan Pahang Divisional Meeting mean nothing to these people.....not like before...the wisdom of the elders..is not well read...they look for quick money...

(5) One delegate head...he said, came from his area....he told him not to vote for certain person...and the replied of this Division Head is simple....I was unemployed, I have no business...and now this guy help me and appoint me to my present position....and I got RM5,000.00/month...so why should I not vote for this person....and who care to Mr Clean.....again..when political machineries depend too much on the so called voluntary workers...it won't work....why not just used government machineries to reach the people....government servants...community leaders..they are already paid....and they should be able to do their job without bias! Why depend on political...runners...!

(6) UMNO will never came back..unless..UMNO do total clean up...and all those young, honest, hard working, and potentially capable leaders be properly groom and given the chance.....

(7) Najib...your dad groomed so many young leaders when he was there...and he never regret and scared to do so....and will you.....?

(Alor Star, 12 April, 2009)

#Abdullah Chek Sahamat

Writing that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around my world which you may find hard to believe and understand


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