
10/4/09 NAJIB DAN MUHHYDIN......CheDet kembali bekerja....

Posted By: Abdullah Chek Sahamat - April 09, 2009


& Comment

Dengan perletakkan jawatan Tun Lah, dan kenaikan DS Najib (DSN) sebagai PM dan kemungkinan pula TS Muhhyddin (TSM)sebagai TPM...maka orang-orang CheDet dah bertapak di Kabinet Persekutuan. Moleknya gandingan DSN-TSM ini adalah kerana kedua-duanya telah memerintah negeri sebelum di bawa masuk ke persekutuan. Mereka mentadbir negeri adalah pada zaman di mana Malaysia (Pahang dan Johor) belum pun maju, mewah sebagaimana sekarang ini.....sebenarnya Malaysia pada masa itu masih terkial-kial untuk melepaskan diri dari pelbagai belenggu kepayahan...

(2) Istimewanya DSN...semasa mentadbir Pahang, pada masa itu kebergantungan Pahang pada Kerajaan Persekutuan adalah sangat kuat. Pahang bukanlah sebuah negeri yang maju...ianya masih tergolong dalam kelopmpok 10 negeri yang mundur....maka dengan itu, DSN, saya kira faham akan apa itu kesusahan....kesusahan rakyat dan kepayahan mentadbir negeri bila negeri adalah juga miskin.....sekurang-kurangnya jiwa dia in touch dengan kepayahan dan kemiskinan....mundur dan miskin..kerana pengurusan kekayaan yang kurang betul.....harap-harap dia juga faham akan pengalaman/kesilapan ini...

(3) Johor di zaman TSM, juga sedang kembang....sekurang-kurangnya MB terdahulunya, Datuk Ajip(?) telah mengerakkan Johor ke arah landasan yang betul....maka bila TSM mengambilalih tampuk kepimpinan Johor....beliau dengan mudah menggarap kekuatan pada pihak swasta untuk memacu kejayaan Johor....dan kini menjadi antara lima negeri terkaya di Malaysia... cuma TSM kena ingat....janganlah terlalu ghairah bersekongkol dengan pihak swasta sehingga rakyat menumpang di negeri sendiri......masa saya ke JB dalam 1990an....orang-orang JB dok merunggut....maju memang maju...bangunan tinggi-tinggi...kita dok jadi bangsa kelas kedua dan ketiga....dok jadi amah, jaga, drebar..orang Singapore, Korea, Taiwan, Jepun....cermin-cerminlah!

(4) Gandingan TSM..biarpun CheDet pada asalnya tidak memandang tinggi TSM...namun, tuah mungkin menyebelahi TSM kali ini....bila CheDet mampu mengikat DSN untuk berkerjasama dengan TSM mentadbir negara..... mudah-mudahan pengalaman pahit manis zaman lampau mereka menjadi pedoman kewarasan pentadbiran mereka......ikutan kita!

(5) Kedua-duanya asal keturunannya orang yang kuat bekerja...mudah-mudahan Allah berikan mereka semangat bekerja dengan penuh bijaksana, berani dan berkhemah.....biarlah kuah tumpah ke nasi....

(6) Lapuran akhbar sedikit masa lalu mengambarkan terdapat RM200 billion kecairan yang boleh digembeling untuk memacu ekonomi negara....kita bersyukur dengan kekayaan ini....

(7) Prinsip memajukan negara....hanya dengan apa yang ada...tidak mugkin dapat menggerakkan negara ini ke status sebuah negara Makmur dan Sejahtera seperti di wawasankan pada 2020.....konsep membangun dengan meminjam perlu diteruskan.....tidak salah. Mana satu ahli perniagaan yang hebat tidak pernah meminjam....ingat saya guna istilah meminjam!

(8) Tidak salah untuk kita membangun secara meminjam....dengan syarat....semua pinjaman dan pembangunan hendaklah diurus dengan sempurna...asal kita teguh berpegang kepada konsep Membangun dan Meminjam secara berhkemah...kita tidak mungkin akan kecundang.....

(9) Mentadbir Malaysia bagi DSN dan TSM (harap-harapnya), tidaklah terlalu payah...Sarawak, Sabah, Melaka, Negeri Sembilan, Johor, dan Pahang sudah ditadbir oleh para MB dan KM yang berpengalaman....mereka hanya perlu terus maju dan bersih...Trengganu dan Perlis...MB mereka hanya perlu banyakkan bekerja...jangan dok banyak sangat cakap...buat kerja...tapi buatlah sesuatu yang lebih bermakna....dan EPU JPM dan UPEN mungkin kena lebih cergas seperti di 1980an....

(10) Di Kedah, Perak dan Selangor...BN kena jadi gerakan Konservatif yang dinamik....jangan jadi pembangkang....dok bangkang, maka apa bedanya BN dengan yang dituduh sebagai pembangkang...buatlah kerja membangun...bukan mengkritik...dok selongkar entah apa-apa...hasilnya cuma menyakitkan telingga dan memesongkan bangsa...

(11) Di Kelantan....orang Kelantan ni baik-baik. Kita kena faham sikap keMelayuan mereka...Kelantan bukanlah persoalan Islam atau Tidak Islam...persoalannya adalah KeMelayuan....biar To Pa uruskan kemajuan di Kelantan secara saksama...tak apa kalau Kelantan terus di tangan PAS...namun....negeri itu terus maju...jangan Kelantan menjadi negeri yang kita tidak kehendaki....Kelantan kena di urus secara molek-molek....jange dok tunjuk agah, jange gedebe, jange do kure ajar, jange dok gelewak, orang Kelantan mudah tebulah....lamo bawok tubik kapok bukus, sapa bilo pun Kelate dok di jajoh.....(hanya satu-satunya negeri di Malaysia...guna istilah Jajahan bagi gantian daerah)! Ko guano we?

(12) CheDet...elok CheDet nasihat depa ni, DSN dan TSM....di mana kita silap dulu masa CheDet 22 tahun pegang negara ini....tapi oleh kerana dah lama tak jadi Doktor...awas, mungkn ubat (nasihat) Chedet dah banyak expired....

(13) Tentu seronok tengok DS Rais Yatim (DRY....jangan dry sudahlah) team up dengan Datuk Zahid Hamidi (DZH) aturkan kelas tuition untuk ahli-ahli Dewan Rakyat kita dan mengajar mereka....cara-cara berdebat...berbahasa, beradap, bersopan...tapi bernas.....bolehlah....kalau tak baling dio orang ni dengan taik lombu Bt Kikir....

(14) DRY ni...bangus nya dia ni...dia faham pengertian Bahasa, Budaya, Seni dan Perpaduan....eden sokong bona kalau DRY ni kokal jago bondo-bondo ni....harap-harap bertambah kuek orang kito berpogang pado adat...tapi awas DRY...jangan sampai...biar mati anak jangan mati adat...kurang orang Melayu nanti....dok jago adat sangat, anak habih dibunuih yo! Lebih elok jago duo-duo.....

(15) TSM...jom kita sekali lagi minum pagi di gerai Tebingan Mukah...sambil dok bertenggek macam dulu-dulu.....dekatilah rakyat....DSN biarlah dia merayau kat Brickfield...kaki tose kot!

#Abdullah Chek Sahamat

Writing that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around my world which you may find hard to believe and understand


thebastard said...

What is your comment on the American economic crisis as compared to Malaysia? Whether the political change and the sudden movement of PKR ... will create new polimics and baseline to Malaysia?

Anonymous said...

PKR is working hard to make a transformation and not a reformation. The party is not a lucky one but will be able to be a responsible party to bring about changes in the politic mapping of Malaysia. It does bring about new feeling and new hope so that the new generation or composition of UMNO will improvise. Its a healthy changes.

Anonymous said...

..america economy get worsen now and still the worst is yet to come..that is the danger when you run the country with defisit budget....in malaysia I think trading business is affected very much because of slower demand...hopefully we can recover at greater pace, just worry the world economy is american dependent, Malaysia and all asian country have to diversify their economy to the point where we can become less american dollar dependent..

thebastard said...

Agreed with you bro. Do you have any suggestion of how best can we diversify and what is you view on China and middle east investments in Malaysia?

Anonymous said...

....yeah..few strategic thrust: 1.encourage spending, people have to spend to complete the 'up to bottom' cycle 2. reduce import shall mean we produce here utilizing our own resources, on all sector 3. explore more orportunity on all sector, expand, r&d, more employment can be created,
..china is real strong economic power now, so as middle east country..given them oppurtunity to invest here will rise influx of employment, more trading, which is something healthy but at the same time we must take adavntage of their investment..

thebastard said...

When we agree with middle east country to invest in Malaysia, does this means Halal Hub? Looking at Sarawak, most of the trading ventures and the business are controlled by non muslim, how best can Sarawak be the centre for marketing of Halal Hub? And furthermore does the investments also means that we invite investor from China and Middle East to make Malaysia as their second home... I mean we gonna allow more of our landed property to be bought over by Foreigners... may be this also include other investors like korea, China and Japan? Concerted effort for concerted economic activity?

Anonymous said...

..you again bro.....middle east investment here not only limited to those halal hub, they have tons of fund to dispose, so sector like hig tech, heavy industry, tourism, property etc seem attractive to them, our local company can JV them with sharing capacity and knowledge..halal hub sector is identified in score terrirory, so vast oppurtunity is here middle east/sarawak collaboration,,,we have to strategize our kargo direct-route both air and sea to middle east, port facility etc..we have plenty of halal product we can produce, I wish we can send our banana, pineapple, coconut milk or rambutan to middle east within a day..hehe

thebastard said...

Yo bro.. am again bro. "I wish we can send our banana, pineapple, coconut milk or rambutan to middle east within a day" .. Bro am quoting the crops that you have mentioned. Well am thinking of something different... I mean a plus factor that can make Sarawak as the number one producer in the world. I am quite agree that we need proper facilities and transporation to transport our products to middle east or where ever the demand of this products came from.. But again I am of the view that banana, pineapple, coconut milk or rambutan have been prodused by country like Thialand, Indonesia Philipines and ect. Well its a common product that may at the end of the day an over supply product from Asian country like Malaysia. Unless we can produce downstream product from all this crops through the advnce of reaserch and technology know how... If this workable not only we become producer but we will become the consultant that can patent our product and sell to other countries. Am interested in the title writen by Abdullah about sago. I believe if you are Sarawakian, you know that sago can only be find in Sarawak. There has been continous effort for the upstraem and downstream of this product. It has also proven to be able to be planted on estate on commercial basis. What is your opinion if we can capitalise into this crop and make it our world product, different from other countries and what do you think on this sago industry bro?

Anonymous said...

..i m just quoting example how this fresh crops can be marketed oversea..while you quote it can be surplus because all other asian country producing the same, I do agree,..but at the same time we have to capitalize and diversify, r&d them, and as what you said..we will become the consultant that can patent our product and sell to other countries...right on..
..What is your opinion if we can capitalise into this crop and make it our world product,..concerted effort from everyone of us is vital to make this happens and I believe we can with support from government agency, glc and private player...a lesser known sago products is still very new in the food world directory, so it is the real opportunity here to capitalize this product as a sarawak's trademark...a lot to be done on this bro..

thebastard said...

Ya. But I believe it is a PLUS FACTOR. The R&D is working very hard on it. If our R&D in Sarawak can really make sago as the World upstream and downstream product and produce a lot more from this Sago, we can easily work from "bottom" to "up". China normally will try to find and produce product that is very difficult to find in the world and once they discover, they will dominate so as to enable them to monolopolise.How do you think in term of policy especially on development control and class of land can actually help in this "promising" industry or any kind of industry that is beneficial to our State ?

Anonymous said...

oh..i'm pretty ignorant on this,..what short of R&D they are doing now bro?..last time i ve heard japanese company was doing research on sago turned to etanol..hopefully something good working out on it now..
....development control on plantation industry is not defined properly or is there any of these made public?,,a lot of abuse also..can quote example one company getting PL for planting coconut but when they actually got it, they turned it to planting palm oil ..or terubok breding is very much affected because palm oil plantation nearby..and some operated within gazzetted catchment area..all these issues must be tackled properly so we can have a complete 'balance' development...

thebastard said...

Believe me or not, Sarawak have thier own R&D . They have made remarkable output from the R&D for Sago. I have read from their website known as "Craun Research" and they are working closely with MPOB and Universities for this purpose. I believe this is one of "concerted effort to capitalize this product as a Sarawak's trademark". Therefore, the State and federal Government should give more priority in this "promising" crop and industry. Whatmore is that the R&D doesnt stand by itself. It is integrated with plantation. I am confident that if the related agency realy work on it, this crop will be one of the "golden crop" in the World Mapping. We as Sarawakian should give full support.

Yeah Bro, I am of my personal view most of the PL title condition does not specifically restricted the type of agriculture crop that should be planted except for the land is specificaly for " agriculture purpose" Normally there is a condition imposed that an EIA study have to be done prior to the implementation of oil palm project and the same to be approved by NREB. I believe, if this factually happened, then the related agency should "buck up" and work hand in hand to handle this matter. Let move forward for balance development and earn more and high value. Caya bro....

thebastard said...

"development control on plantation industry is not defined properly or is there any of these made public? ... This is a question of policy and a question of how best the Government planned for the scheme of development in any State.Can this be too transparent or do you think it should be publicly discussed or whether cabinet or dewan rakyat is sufficient?

Anonymous said...

..oh..I support you bro..heard about Craun before but didnt know what they are actually..if that being said,we are now have a secret receipe to explode worlwide or awaiting one of a kind sarawak,s product in the making..yeah..government and other related agency should give more priority on this.. I remember last time I went to Pusa, a lot sago trees at semiwild jungle there, i tot they planted it for purpose...
..you qoute..."I am of my personal view most of the PL title condition does not specifically restricted the type of agriculture crop that should be planted except for the land is specificaly for " agriculture purpose"...if that is so, the plantation company is at their liberty to plant any crop they want..this should not allow to happen bro..imagine PL holder can plant palm oil, coconut, rubber, rambutan, durian, tembakau or even paddy in the same PL area...doesnt it look funny?...or if government gives PL only to specify 'for agricultural purpose', I think it is quite a blanket approval end up agency like land surveys find out very difficult to monitor them let alone to report how many acre have already been cultivated to get the lease in the end..or whatever term they called it..
.I m wonder is there any development control on ony specific industry here?..if there is, then I think we must be transparent otherwise it is prone to cronysm...or I think any Bill to pass, it has to be debated in the cabinet etc..your professional view bro...

thebastard said...

Hei bro... Cronysm ... Am not so sure about that. Actually there are due process and procedures related to the issuance of PL and the class of lands. I cant comment much Bro, but let me be constructive in giving my opinion. this is very much related to the difficulties that Investors may have to face which we must take into high consideration.

To be honest, I am of the view that we should be thankful because big companies like IOI Corporation or Sime Darby, Tabung Haji or other local companies like SOP and so on would want to invest in Sarawak. We may have many lands but sometime eventhough we thought that the lands are suitable for certain purposes, however after some studies being done such as drainability study or soil study, it was found that the lands are not suitable or viable to plant certain crops. Or in some instances based on the finding of the EIA Report by NREB.

Therefore,we, from my point of view, should also take into high considertaion the "need" and the "interest" of the investors who are willing to invest in Saawak. Thus, i verily believe that a due process or system by certain Department, especially like land & Survey Department should be dynamic and open to change or variation to fit the outcome of the studies. By fixing the type of crops in the PL will therefore lead to inflexibility.

If you are talking about land which are accesable ... it is a simple case...but lands located far away at long ekang long banyok, Ulu teru, Baram are very remote.. Thus, we have to be logical and give fair treatment to the Investors who had or gonna spend money or if I may say if they are public company, gonna use public money to develope our lands. Whatmore to say.. the Investors have to spent money to built infrastructure for the purpose of development whereby at the end of the day the benefit is to the people. I am not looking down at your point of view, it is significant. However, we have to be balance in giving our view. So it is fair if the lands are not suitable for certain crops... however in order "to ensure that the lands are developed", the related department may have a sytem which can be flexible but maintainable to fit into this kind of situation and be able to vary the terms and conditions of Offer for the alienation of lands..A proper control should also be taken into consideration especially in order to avoid abuse in the system. There must be authorisation or policy of empowerment to allow the variation to be approved by specific authorised person.

A dynamic system to be established so that it can capture all the structural data or even the variation of data in respect of the related transaction in the related department. That is why the world is now looking at paradigm system of IT that can link all this data and it is flexible... A transformation, if yet to be done has to be done...Your view Bro

Anonymous said...

..bro..while I can concurred with you on consideration to 'the need and interest of the investor', we may also consider some rationale points on the issuance of PL..you know with today technology and spatial data availabe, informations like land use, soil profile, soil classification, terrain etc are easily accessible at your fingertips, you know for sure what type of crops are suitable at any given land..and those companies involve in plantation say oil palm like IOI wouldnt plant anything else except oil palm..I think most companies in plantation industries are very focus and single minded...they wouldnt mix the crops in any given PL..this is the use of any information and technology that we have now..its all there so use it....one day I wish our rural farmers can bring device their own to measure the soil pH, the water level or they can assessed drawbacks in their plant like boron symptom, Cu, Mg etc...somebody or agency got to educate them some basic on modern farming..

Anonymous said...

.bro.. "it was found that the lands are not suitable or viable to plant certain crops. Or in some instances based on the finding of the EIA Report by NREB."...
.... do you think EIA/EMP report is relevant on agro industries?...or do we have any specialist EIA consultant on agriculture business?..if they are only environmentalist scientist who would measure the turbidity, water, soil,ph, buffer control..what the hell they know about suitability of crops on certain land..not too sure on this but for the reason only best known to NREB, EIA consultant(who is in actual is environmental engineer or civil engineer)is allowed to carry out study on PL land....
....what is view bro on windfall excess tax imposed on palm oil..i.e whenever CPO reaches RM 3000/-ton certain quantum is taken as gov tax...while other industries like gambling, tourism, manufacturing do have extraordinary excess profit at some point is continue to generate profit without any of these taxes..

Anonymous said...

For sustainable development, EIA Report is beneficial. Sometimes when we dont really have KPI to measure "the effectiveness" and "maximum" impact of one development it may lead to disaster. Global warming is one of the example. In agro Industry .. it is very relevant. Unless it is of small scale development. EIA is not confine to agro industry only but to most of development.

Anonymous said...

..yeah bro..agreed with you but my point of concerns is EIA consultant registered with NREB must come from all dicipline so that all sectors of development are covered..

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Bro. This are few things that I encountered..Normally when the government approved Land together with the scheme of development.. EIA in some sectors are compulsory. I just wonder even if there are small scales development approved which might not affect the environment at that point of time but if the land applied for development whether from the same Developer or different are based on different phases or series of development, it may lead to accumulated or "big area" of development... (the development approved may happen at different time). However towards the end ... I forsee that the issue of "Environment affected by the Projects or development".... I wonder whether this issues has been addressed. That is what happen in Semenanjung.. some of the land slide happened bacause of this kind of issues... What say you Bro

Anonymous said...

..yeah..thats what happen on most of the EIA/EMP study..I think it is a high time to review this altogether for better and balance development with much reduced residual impact...
..you give a classic example where repeatence occurrence of landslide in semenanjung, you know they have Dept of Environment who monitored and regulate this issue and also their local PBT (if i m not mistaken PBT there is empowered for siting also)...and I dont think this issue they can shoulder alone, there are technical dept like JKR and DID who can give valuable input...I remember sometime this year KKR Kementerian Kerja Raya is to launch an enactment on Akta Cerun Negara..and this is a positive move...

Anonymous said...

Yo Bro.. your view Bro on the quality of our Government "Engineers" in dealing with this Bro? Is it high tme for us not too much relying on Consultant work Bro???

Anonymous said...

...bro..it is not a question on commissioning outsiders/consultant, it is the government role to set up policies first for the industry to follow, without any of these guides the loophole can be even bigger...u know, wonder also still a lot of 'cut and paste' private consultant around,,..got to educate them on the importance element of 'professional ethic'...

Anonymous said...

"What about Government Engineers" in JKR for instance. Can they really verified the works done?... I can agree with you that the policies come from Government..but we have Working Agencies..How good are Government Engineers to verify the works done by Consultant? I am not looking at land slide only.. now am looking at the quality of building Contruction and Maintenance... Putra Jaya for instance ..quite a new project but look at the Building... Then the Government have to spend money to do rectification works... Is this efficient and costs saving?

Anonymous said...

..bro..i m not really aware jkr engineers verifying works done by contractors/consultants..but if I look at the whole spectrum in today's construction industry..it is very dynamic, u know one dollar company one month old can get multi million contracts or old timer very experienced contractor cant get any job..then again if we look at highland towers or MRR2 there should be something that engineers must be ashamed of..

Anonymous said...

Sometime we are too keen to develop our State without taking into consideration the "Quality" of such development.. I wonder whether the Akta cerun Negara will be applicable to Sarawak. I beieve that Land Matters under Constitution is State matters.

Anonymous said...

..yeah..thats true bro,,,I beleive sometime when we construct project, do it slow and steady as not to compromise any on quality..
..while the land is always under purview of state matters..I beleive something like Akta Cerun Negara is applicable to all state in Malaysia,..just like Akta Kumbahan Alam Sekeliling 1974 or Akta Pengangkutan Jalan 1987..u know before this cerun or slope is government responsibility when it falls within government reserve..how about if the slope fails within kampung, housing area, private land and so on..or just like what happened in Bt Antarabangsa...so Akta Cerun I believe is to regulate and safeguard all parties involved..government, contractors, developer, public...

Anonymous said...

Cerun and Slope is still part of Land... I wonder which Act in the Country specifically define Cerun as none other part of the Land itself.. Therefore I verily believe that it is State Matter. It may be subjected to interpretation. "Land Slide" ...? ..I agree with you. The intention of the government is good but Normally if it is land matters it will defenitely falls under Sarawak Land Code.

Anonymous said...

..bro..this is not a question on land..they know very well whatever in sarawak soil with exception of federal land revenue, is state matters..thats the famous word when our sarawakian dealing with our counterpart from semenanjung,..thats fair enough though..
..o.k, now,let we be open a bit, with something like Akta Cerun, development regulator like SPA,land surveys, municipal council, JKR, DID will have their own role how to streamline development in line with this Akta Cerun and to make sure all precautionary and long term counter measures are taken into specific consideration whenever project involving high, undulating or mountanious terrain are involved.

Anonymous said...

Bro.. we are very and too eager to develope the State ... What say you Bro.. in making the State a develope and beautiful place to stay.. can the Majlis Islam or Baitul Mal play a vital and changing role to ensure that the land reserved for "tanah perkuburan ISLAM" within the town area and even rural area be stratergically identified , organized and provide it with a Muslim natural landscape... I saw some of the Christian and Chinese Graveyard... it is very organized and beautiful.. I think.. we can think of this.. So that it doesnt show how forgetful you are to your people eventhough they have gone and it doesnt show how not organize we are even to the "classic and material" need like this...Yo Bro

Anonymous said...

..yeah bro..we have to sometime..physical development is an integral part towards achieving developed country status and at the same time we must not forget those non-physical development like human development...
..thats fantastic idea bro..if people havent give a thought on this except you bro..then you should be given credit for it..caya lu bro.. the one we see at jln keretapi is horrifying, at samariang also looks unstructured, lack maintenance and not beutiful..if you go to coastal area most of the tanah perkuburan situated at the river bank and slowly its gone down to the river..not sure which body take care of muslim graveyard..LAKMNS, Majlis Islam, Baitulmal or respective Lembaga Masjid Bahagian..whoever controls, I think they should plan and implement what you were saying...
..wah..we have debated many subjects on many post bro..wonder also who you are eh....hehe

Anonymous said...

..bro..since you r talking about grave subject..surely it is something to do with die..I wonder many phrases come with words die, dead, death...here are few examples; life after death, die dead enough, are you dead yet?,tomorrow never dies, evil never dies, die another day,wake up dead, dead fugitive mind,live young die free,undying, dead skin mask, live undead,angle of death,...yeah bro

Anonymous said...

Thats great Bro.. It makes me COOL. I wish the town PLANNING is not only about making Construction Industry moving..its not about Tourism.. but it is also to make good of everything. This "grave subject" is a sensitive issue.. but only when it comes to emosion and feeling ...But when it comes to Organize and Structure ... every body seems to be very Quit. We as Muslim have paid ZAKAT.For me its just laike tax... I wonder whether we can actually spend the monies collected for this kind of efforts. RELIGION is about making GOOD of a lot of things.. Its time to change Bro...

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