
9/4/09 KONSERVATIF SATU BATANG.....liberal dua bukit!

Posted By: Abdullah Chek Sahamat - April 08, 2009


& Comment

Kita terlalu suka gunakan istilah parti pemerintah dan parti pembangkang.....kerana sifatnya memerintah...dari kata dasar perintah...ie order....maka, sifatnya akan tetap memberi perintah...giving orders....soal betul salah perintah itu soal kedua...namun begitulah sifatnya bila dok selalu bagi perintah...maka sifatnya sering dilihat sebagai....autorotarian, MyWay,....others not important, others can't do!

Pembangkang pula....dari kata dasar bangkang...tiada lain, sifatnya ialah bangkang...menantang, menentang, menyanggah....tiada apa yang dipersetujui...melainkan dan hanyalah membangkang.....

Natijahnya...keduanya dok beranggapan dialah betul...dialah jaguh.... sering melihat di antara satu sama lain dengan mata picek (buta)...

(2) Cuba kita tukar...parti pemerintah di Malaysia yang majoritinya Barisan Nasional (BN)...kita jenamakan sebagai Konservatif dan pembangkang (Pakatan Rakyat, PR)kita gantikan dengan Liberal.....

(3)BN adalah Konservatif kerana sifatnya yang mahu mengekalkan prinsip-prinsip asas yang sudah dipersetujui semasa memperjuangkan kemerdekaan....kerana itu adalah asas penubuhan mereka...

(4)PR saya sarankan sebagai liberal...kerana sifatnya yang mahu merubah (transfrom) banyak perkara...biarpun perkara asas dalam social contract asal....

(5) Mungkin dengan cara ini, kedua-duanya akan mempunyai halatuju kehadapan yang lebih jelas dan tidak hanya berselut dan bergelumang dengan perkara remeh temeh....memesongkan semua pihak...merugikan negara!

(6) Pak Najib...usah khuatir, kalau tak dapat dua bukit...sekurang-kurangnya BN masih ada Batang....dengan semua batang masih ditangan BN, maka ianya masih anak jantan saya kira....percayalah kalau tak ada batang...bukit akan tengelam...banjir...air takkan dapat mengalir....hutan dan segala kehidupan pun akan karam.....PR...hahhhh dapat dua bukit...awas jentolak dok tunggu...sampai masanya....rata juga akhirnya....

#Abdullah Chek Sahamat

Writing that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around my world which you may find hard to believe and understand


Anonymous said...

..I say

dont ask you can do for the country but ask what the country can do for you..

Abdullah Chek Sahamat said...

Well....then we must firstly make this country strong...then its could then be a Welfare State...once that happen...the country can do anything for us....but is that what we are for....just wanna recalled when Adam and Eve were asked to leave heaven...and sent to earth...why not he just stay in heaven...where heaven will do everything for him......but god sent him to earth...which is where we are today...

Anonymous said...

Very good point... No body can change our faith except we ourself... Lead the way....

Anonymous said...

..I say

dont ask what you can do for the country but ask what the country can do for you..

..dont get me wrong,..i m not talking about welfare country here which is not the case anyway, but if you look at how we manage the state constitution; in ideal situation; politician makes policy, department implements and public at large benefits..so it starts from politicians or government of the day, they have to make things right for us, thats why we vote for them right...with abundance of resources the government can generate, our income per kapita should have been many folds higher...no doubt people have to work harder but we are in dire need of first class and professioanal government/politician....

thebastard said...

"with abundance of resources the government can generate, our income per kapita should have been many folds higher" yah that is factually true but the component of development involved not only resources but we have to take into consideration who owned the resources. I quote one example.. lands. It is not easy to deal with people and to change their mindset and not all the lands are owned by the State. May be you have good idea to be shared with us on how actually the best way to change the mindset of the people bro... it will help a lot.

Anonymous said...

...yeah bro..I can agree with you to some extend..but,..let me bring you to rural farmers on how best they can develop their land,not only by plantation participation but thru many integrated farming which they can develop..say for example we have many small time farmers planting pineapple but where is the damn factory to process them, so cash crops planting like this only give them marginal income, so agency like fama, mardi, mpib come on..do something here..i m sure if people can market their product constantly with steady income the whole system will benefit..government can get tax money, people will have employment, active trading etc..I said in the prev post, mindset of these people is in their comfort zone as they livelihood is like that,..so to change their mindset we must change their livelihood first then the rest will be easy...if you go to the ground with this farmers then you know...the more you see, the less to believe...

thebastard said...

I support you bro... Its an objective and realistic view.

thebastard said...

What is your view bro... when the government dont have much capital while investors only wanna have economies of scale. But the people's lands are scatterd here and there. On the other hand people also refused to integrate their lands with other landowners?

Anonymous said...

...yeah..thats what happen now, private plantation only interested in economic of scale without bringing much economic & social benefit to the community,..if we can have a good agency to consolidate or develop the farmer's land into modern and integrated farming with succes proven , I believe many will participate, agency like IADP/IADA is good but their covered area is limited...if we can prove to this people all the benefit of the land development concept, chances are, all will participate...tq

thebastard said...

Well some of the agencies are working on it and I believe the writer being the GM of PELITA have series of scheme of development which among others include the integated farming, development of idle land with the fund from federal agencies and private sectore. May be this can be earmark to embark into full utilisation of our resources.. By the way do you have any idea on "agro tourism" as one of the alternative activity to restructure the economic activities in the rural areas bro? And what type of communication, I mean the effective one that can help to change the mind set?

Anonymous said...

.....)), hopefully they are doing well with not much hurdle to overcome...agro tourism? thats what I was thinking all this while how people would set up one in rural places...with variety of farming products, set up a homestay, full of agro activity and display, bycycle/jungle tracking,bees keeping, haunting etc..this will definitely diversify their income and put them to another high....
..effective communication to change their mindset?.. may be we have to be a farmer ourselves to understand them and communicate with them better..if you hail from the city, the farmer would ask you who the hell are you to teach me how to plant this bloody coconut..people in rural areas have sensitive touch with few sentimens/customs that we are not familiar with...dig them..
..yeah bro..I seem to answer all yr question.. thats only my opinion..open to any critic and suggestion...

thebastard said...

That's the spirit bro.... we need local people to understand the local.. better still if they are from the area.On the other hand if there is any outside investors either Federal agency or private investors, they should be educated with the sentiment/custom. I do agree with you. If this is workable, it may also be the baseline and tool to bring/invite the rural folks to participate in the agro tourism.The most is we have to do a reserch and programme that can capitalise our unique culture, lifestyle and our resources so that we can create new paradigm and shifted from the existing paradigm to earn more value.

Anonymous said...

yeah bro...you saw what I saw..thanks for sharing..

Abdullah Chek Sahamat said...

Great brothers..I'm following your ideas...will see how we could restrategise things.....Thanks

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