
8/4/09 NOT TO BE DEFFENSIVE....of MyDuty....let go to the fact!

Posted By: Abdullah Chek Sahamat - April 08, 2009


& Comment

Land is considered as 'basic ritual' element of our Sarawakian natives...doesn't matter wheither they are Dayak or not. For the Iban, hunting and paddy farming are their blood. The same with the Penan, land, forest are their roaming places to hunt, to survive. The Melanau, Bidayuh, the Orang Ulu, Kedayan, ....and the Malays, name it...all of them want the belonging over their land to be protected for their present and future good...thus land issue is not an issue only dear to the Dayak and Iban in particular....even the Chinese, Indian, Javanese, Bugis...treated land as key to their survival...

(2) NCR...Native Customary Right land had it definite definition (legal stature) both in the State Land Code and the Adat Istiadat Iban...so let look a this NCR from such strict point...not based on our own personal perception and interest....this Land Code and the Adat Istiadat Code of Conduct...definitely being developed to protect the interest of the majority....I believe nothing less than that...

(3) By virtue of the established procedures in the Sarawak State Land Code and the Iban Adat Istaiadat...on how to established the NCR...such provision indicate the society seriousness in ensuring the ownership of such land....

(4) On how the land to be managed or developed is a separate issues.....in analysing this...one should walk along the reality....the public funding can't afford to be dumped on NCR development only...other public fundings are required in so many other fields...thus...various other options need to be explored....just to make them becoming a rewarding asset not only for the rightful owners but the State as a whole.....

(5) The issue of NCR...as I see it...is nothing to do with the legality of the matter (both from the Land Code and Adat Istiadat perspective)...but is a matter of personal interest....let me walk you thru' my little experiences...

(6) In the 60s, MyDad, being a fultime farmers...used to clear forest either for paddy or coconut planting....and he used to organise these forest clearing with group of men (5-10 of them)....these are some time virgin jungle....I used to accompany him....as his coffee boy....and sometime stumbled down as I ran away to safe MyLife from the big falling trees...spilling the coffee..and make me cry for it!

(7) Interestingly....we always claimed areas that we have felled as ours and no others are allowed to use the land...and we really put a serious fight when even the government want take back or block us from using the cleared land....our farm.

(8) It is also a norm, among us, that any immediate land interior to the land that we are clearing (term as Palak Tanah/Kebun)...it is also ours....god...until he passed away...he still talk about these pieces of land...as his NCR....(I wonder...if he is still alive...we will continue to fight each other over the true claims of his....)

(9) But now, as an educated person...who knows what is right and what is not...both legally and morally (spiritually)....I see, I could only take my NC claim but not NCR claims on these lands....Native Claim...but Not Native Customary Right claim....I have no RIGHT to do so....the law of the day must prevail.

(10) I believe all these could be resolved...if we face all these issue with open mind...and really look and agreed on a more civilize way of managing our interest....as such I'm willing to help as long as it is good for the State and the people....so..stop all the unfactual accusation....let work for the best interest of everybody...not merely taking care of our pocket and closes one...

#Abdullah Chek Sahamat

Writing that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around my world which you may find hard to believe and understand


Anonymous said...

...whatever on NCR or land subject to claim the bottom line is if the land remains undeveloped then there is no development, no revenue, no income and the cycle of revenue income will never be completed...maximize all our cultivated area, plant more and get rid of those traditional farming, go integrated and so on..as far as the land is concerned, we have plenty but we still havent explore them to full potential..

thebastard said...

The change of the mindset... will actually lead to the full potential of the resources.

Anonymous said...

yeah.fully agree with you bro....

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