Today, about 1,400 years ago, Muhammad SAW and his closest buddy Abu Bakar Ass Siddique made what today as the most memorial day in the Islamic world, ie departing from the cruelty and stubbornness or hard headed of the Jahilliah Quraish of Mecca. Today, while most Muslim remembered this day as the day Muhammad SAW took the Hijrah or migration from the cruel Quraish of Mecca to the inviting Al Ansar in Medina, not many would remember, Ali Abi Thalib, Muhammad's SAW nephew had made a great sacrifice for the Muslim world ie when he in no question was willing to take Muhammad SAW bed to decept the Quraish from Muhammad SAW migration intent. Indeed, I would say Ali Abi Thalib was the first Muslim willingly to place his soul over Muhammad SAW. At the night of the intended Hijrah, among those whom were the great threat to Muhammad's SAW life were Khalid Al Walid, Abby Suffyan and even Omar Al Khatab. But by Allah will, and Muhammad SAW endurance and total submission to Allah command, all then were the great men of Islam. In deed today, as Abu Bakar Ass Sidique and Omar Al Khatab and those other prominent sahabah of Muhammad SAW, were discussing on the matter of a Muslim Calender, Ali Abi Thalib, whom was then just walked into the Masjid, was asked and he then suggested to take first of Muharram as the starting of the Muslim New Year.
(2) Sesungguhnya, semua para sahabah Muhammad SAW terlibat secara langsung dan tidak langsung dalam Hijrahnya. Abu Bakar As Sidique menjadi pemnadu dan pelidung ke atas pemergiannya. Othman Affan duluan memgiring keluarganya ke Madinah. Ali Abi Thalib bertarung nyawa mengantikannnya di perbaringannya. Sedang Umar Al Khatab adalah penentang paling hebat kepada Hijrah ini. Dia adalah yang paling mahu membunuh Muhammad SAW pada masa itu. Sesungguhnya, di sinilah jelas kebijaksanaan Ali Abi Thalib bila beliau menyaran agar Awal Muharram harus dijadikan mula Tahun Baru dalam Islam. Tujuannya agar umat Islam sampai kapanpun perlu ingat betapa melarikan diri dari kejahillan dan sifat keras kepala dan dengki adalah tuntutan paling besar untuk kita umat Islam berjaya. Namun sayang, banyak yang hanya merayakan hari ini dengan tidur panjang atau rehat serehatnya tanpa mahu merenung masa depan ummah.
(2b) Indeed, all Muhammad's SAW closest sahabah were involved in one way or another in the event of Hijrah. Abu Bakar Ass Sidique acted as his guide and protector in the eve of the Migration, while his in-law Othman Affan had migrated quietly earlier with his families, Ali Abi Thalib stayed back to take his bed, while Umar Al Khatab was the most furious learning the escaped of Muhammad SAW and his key followers. Thus, it is very wise of Ali Abi Thalib to name Awal Muharram as the date for the New Year of the Muslim, though among the orthodox Jews, if Muhammad SAW was their prophet, they would make 10 Dzulhijjah as their most memorial day. In deed with such intent, the Jews do recognize Islam, just that hard headed and jealousy made Islam, Chritianity and Judaism apart. Hijrah in deed is a reminder to all Muslim how such die hard character to this day made the Muslim still far backward despite we had been great in the past 1,200 years. In deed many would just love to celebrate this day to sleep or mere a rest rather to have a far look back and plan forward and act for the greatness of the ummah.
(3) Selamat Tahun Baru. Semoga semua dalam rahmat kesejahteraan dan kewarasan sempurna demi perjalanan panjang ummah. Saya mengucapkan Selamat Tinggal untuk seketika buat semua pembaca kerana saya akan berpergian demi seorang teman yang sedang tenat. Kami hijrah mencari jalan pulang yang mungkin penuh liku dan panjang. Sehingga ketemu kembali, saya dioakan agar semua terus gigih berbakti untuk ummah.
(3b) Happy New Year to all Muslim. May Allah grant all with the best health and great mind to serve Him the best. I would also love to notify that I'll be undertaking my hijrah to help a friend whom is under critical mind and soul situation. Both of us may have to take long and winding path, before I could again reappear on this web. Till then, my pray to all, do care for the best of the ummah.
Terasi, Pendam, Sarawak
15 Nov., 2012
1 Awal Muharram, 1434H
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