My reading on the book titled: German Genious lead me to the the knowledge that the German are the people whom started seriously the study on History. In fact it was through the subject of History that later they developed into Biology, Geology and all other applied sciences and socio-psychology. Couple of months back, when Muhhydin Yasin made it compulsory for Malaysian school children to study and pass the subject of History, in fact I was so delighted. Except now, probably we should be strategising well on substance as well on how and the subject on Histrory could be used to strengthen and uphold our unity and nationalism.
(2) The Malays in particular, they love to claim that they had sacrificed enough for the good of this country. They have given up their land, their citizenship right, their voting power, even their soul to ensure for the independence and peace living of this country. Nonetheless, I read les and less about all these fact if there are any. The problem with the Malays, they just like to talk, never and very minute love to write. The reason is simple, writing need reseach, and the Malays are damn lazy to do research. That the very reason why the Malays love khabar angin rather discovering for the truth.
(3) I have said about this in the past. We lost Pulau Batu Putih to Singapore because we rellied our fight based on oral evidence. Singapore based on documentary evidence. We really don't have the habit of writing. We love surfing, a surface scratching then forget. Reading, exploring not our blood. We read the Al Quran eveb without understanding a word, funny!
(4) There are lots of our folks stories such a Pak Pandir, Pak Kadok, Si Lunchai, Munsang Berjangut, Bangau oh Bangau, Abu Nawas, etc, but we can't find those in the library or even worst in the market in what so ever form. Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka seem is death without batu nisan. The Art and Literature schools in the universities are now flooded with young educated but not dedicated lecturer whom have No Sense of their Root. Even the local artist (painting and photographers) had lack aspiration to paint and photoes those of our future treasures. I believe we are going into a Point of No Future Reference.
(5) Last night I was reading the Biography of Pol Pot, whose real name was Saloth Sar through a book titled Brother Number One. A Political Biography of Pol Pot by Chandler, Dvaid P.. For those who doesn't know Pol Pot, he is treated as the Black History of originally Khmer and now called Chambodia. When in power from 1975-79, he made about 1,500,000 of his 7,000,000 population starved of killed. Most are cities folks.
(6) Saloth Sar in fact was a nice boy. His father is a farmer in Kampong. He was intially raised in the evironment of the Palace either by the sister or the aunty whom served as the Women Head of the Palace. He even further his study to Paris which lead him to the communism ideology of the Russia and Eastern Europe. He be friended the Chinese and later Vietnamese especially Ho Chii Minh for the course of his struggle to free the than Kampuchea from the long colonization of the Frence and America.
(7) He hated the educated, the have, because I believe, based on what he saw in the Palace where the King just love to be king and treated as king while the people are left to survive on their own. The educated and the have were the people whom made the King a too much King. Worst, the king made no serious effort to liberated the country from the imperialist west, whom robe the country treasure for their own benefit. Pol Pot sees, Khmer, Kampuchea and then Camboida as a State without a pride. A Stateless State.
(8) Surely the western media, drum up the evil of Pol Pot who had a brutal heart to execute his own people. The same image had been given to Mao Tze Dung and Ho Chii Minh. Even today, Muamar Ghadaffi is facing the same song. All is in fact about the Western greed are in jeopardy. Did America say anything about the Saudi? Why?
(9) Doesn't matter who was Pol Pot, Mao Tze Dung, Ho Chii Minh, Tito, Fidel Castro, Stalin, Ghadaffi, Sadam Husein and many others, but for sure these are the people who stood for the Pride and Independence of their Own People and Country. They have to kill to make good of what they believe. They believe, the majority must prevail over the minority, the have who don't care of the have not, the disadvantages.
(10) Back home, once the middle class Malays were the poor peasants from the far villages all over the country. Now they are much educated and well to do. But, if they are careless and don't bother to look back especially among those who are left behind or even drifted apart, time will come, all the wealth and success that they have, might just gone in a night and thing such as The Girl in the Picture may just happen even to our young daugthers, siblings, wives or even mothers.
(11) Thus the saying, To love Muhammad SAW is to love the poor and orphan basically the disadvantages sort of a clear warning to all the Muslim and especially to a much successful Malays. The warning of the Al Quran which said: In your wealth, there are others as well.....and never ever think that your Iman is approved, unless you care for others.
(12) These are few strong Quranic verse that we must uphold one we are a bit advantage from others. I have talked about want and need in my pervious entry, and we should never not to look back of who we were and what good have we done to help those still at the hind.
(13) Looking back, I'm deeply disturbed seeing friends doesn't matter whatever their position are, high, middle or low, they seem to be so stingy to let go and worst not making all effort to develop whoever surrounding them to be a better person. They, if they are Muslim, then they never know the meaning of: In your wealth, there are others.... they don't understand the meaning of wealth in the Quranic sense. MasyaAllah when are they going to open up their head and heart to really care about others?
(14) We don't need Pol Pot to emerge among us. Once we had Rashid Mohidin, Abdullah CD, Shamsir Fakir, etc. The naughty street voices that we have now are the tips of an ice berge of all those under currents that we don't yet able to see, and we don't have to wait for others to make our move for the better.
Siem Reap, Cambodia
5 sept., 2011
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