Some years ago, I asked for Ice Tea at Wewak Inn in Wewak, Papua New Guinea (PNG), the answer was:Sorry sir we don't have Ice Tea. But they do served hot tea. I called for the Head Waiter to explain how to make the Ice Tea. He still inssisted that they don't serve Ice Tea. Thus, I got an idea, for them to give me a Pot of Tea and a big glass full of ice. Later I shown both the waitress and her boss what I mean by Ice Tea. Next couple of days, I have no problem to have my Ice Tea.
(2) When I was in Toronto, Canada, I was a bit conservative when asking for Ice Tea. It seem they have no problem to serve me one. Thus I was then pretty sure, that Ice Tea is internationally nothing alient.
(3) Thai Ice Tea is the best. It is an aromatic tea, a blend of various type of tea produce in Cameroon Highland, Pahang. Interestingly, the Thai know how to make a much better tea out of the Malaysian Boh or Lipton Tea. But we have to be careful when asking for Ice Tea in Thailand beacuse Ice Tea mean Ice Tea with Milk. We need to tell the operator precisely what we mean by Ice Tea, locally in Pattani and Hatyai, we have to tell them Teh Beng.
(4) In Laos, I encountered lots of problem when ordering for Ice Tea. I really have to explain many times and worst, neither me nor the waiter could really understand each others. Normally, I being frustrated for not getting what I want. Either I got hot tea with no sugar, or Ice Tea with milk, or a can of Ice Lemon Tea.
(5) On the last night staying in Luang Prabang, I ordered Ice Tea. Stated in the Menu was Lemon Ice Tea, so I told the waiter to take out the lemon. The reason why I never take Ice Tea with lemeon was that I have read somewhere many years back, in fact it is not healthy to drink tea with lime or lemon. There is some aluminium effect due to some chemical reaction between tea (alkaline) and lime (acid). Again to my supprise, what came was shredded lemon grass ice tea. Here in Laos, tea is made from many others than the tea itself. Thus one have to really find out what do they meant by tea.
(6) In Chambodia, today, firstly I went over to the Old Market to pickup some of those paintings that I have ordered. Since the nearby restaurant look great, I dropped by to have Ice Tea:"Sir, we have only hot tea", and the waiter shown me the menu as such. Nonetheless, since it was a hot day, and I was sweatng profusely, thus I insist to have the Ice Tea. I explained to her how to make Ice Tea then. OK sir, we make for you. You want Lipton or other tea?. I felt relief. You want hot or small sir?, the waiter seek further clarification. I was puzzled. How do you serve hot ice tea? If it is ice tea, it must be cold,I asked her back. A Mat Salleh next to me smiled amused as well. Well, anywhere I just asked the lady to bring over whatever it is.
(7) To my supprise, she served me a pot of ice tea. Now I got her, what she meant by hot actually is pot. Anywhere, I just take it. Though look funny to have Ice Tea in a Tea Pot. The Mat Salleh next to me look more amused.
(8) This evening after returning from the Angkor Watt sunset observation, I requested the tuk-tuk man to drop me at a Seafood Restaurant. Fisrtly he can't really get what I meant, then I have to mentioned about prawn, fish, cockle, etc: Yes, yes, I know, he claimed. Then we stopped at a nearby restaurant, surely it is not a seafood restaurant but a normal one that serve prawn and fish.
(9) First thing first, again I ordered Ice Tea. No question asked. Ice tea was served. It was shredded dried pandan leaves and turned into tea. Pandan Ice Tea. Gotch. But, to my supprise they have what is called Sabah Fish. Being curious, I ordered smoke Sabah Fish, and what came in fact was a smoke sardine.
(10) That what tea means in Indochina. I have forgotten what it meant in Vietnam. But for sure, in Vietnam, the water lily or lotus are made into tea, which taste not to my liking.
Siem Reap, Chambodia
5 Sept., 2011
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