(If we go deep into the virgin jungle. We will see less big-tall trees as compared to shrubs, creepers and ephyphytes. It is equal to human social-leadership heirachy. Just we are not observant enough to understand that. Big trees scarifice alot to those shrub, creepers and ephyphytes)
The 18 days struggle to get rid of Mubarak had succeed. Now, the struggle to put in place a Government System acceptable to the people is in limbo. Who is leading? Who is the next leader? Egyptian lost their leadership. The military begen to grip. The demonstrators becaming tired and going back to 'normal' lives (if it is going to be normal). The American is druming well and hard to lobby and making propaganda to promote whom they like. If the Egyptians are not fast and firm, they are going to have Mubarak in the Making!
(2) Historically, it must be remembered, once Egypt was a Great Kingdom, but due to the quarell among the decendants, had split the nation into various smaller-weak Kingdoms. Thus, after being definited by the Persian, later they were colonized by the British. Then rose Gamal Naser, a common Egyptian that managed to liberate Egypt from the colonial and as well as the kings, and formed the so called Great Egypt and command good respect among the Arab nations. Surely he was then the prime enemy to the West, so he made friends with the North and East (Russia and China).
(3) Based on such long historical backdrop, basically, Egypt, in specific the leaders of the Egyptians had all the experiences and skills on how to suppress her people. From the Pharoah to Cleopatra, then the various Kings, then the Persian, the British, they had learnt enough on how to make their subjects to be silent and obedient.
(3) Thus the Muslim Brotherhood, whom originally was formed to nurture the true teaching of Islam, which was seen as othordox thinking and teaching, which went against the socialist ideology of Gamal Naser, later the liberal democracy thought of Anwar Sadat, and capitalist-authocrative management sytle of Mubarak, had been badly suppressed. I would believe, in order to avoid continuous suffering among its followers, thus the Muslim Brotherhood camourflage their movement into purely spiritual. Over long period of time, they began to totally ignored the so called worldly political arena. They exclusively became spiritualist, and easily became a static target for all sort of critic and worst becaming a bad potrayal of the so called static Islamic taught! Islamist though of the Muslim Brotherhood then being seen as static, backward, and enemy to modernism.
(4) Worst, the Egyptian leaderships, through effective propaganda of the American (Israel's instrument), had all these while seen the Muslim Brotherhood as the threat to the survival of the State. Thus, the U$1.50 billions annual aids to the Egyptian Army, instead of being used for the good of the Nation, but the fund had been used to fight their own brothers ie the muslim brothers (the Brotherhood). The American had successfully defeated the Muslim Brotherhood without a gun shot on the American soil, but through the blood and tears of their own brother Egyptians. Better for the Israel, they won the battle without a fight!
(5) The Egyptian were successfully being made not to see their enemy from the outer scope, but better to fight among themselves. Thus the enemy just clapping their hands to make them fight more fiercely among themselves.
(6) Thus, due to fear of being suppress, therefore, I believe, under current political upheaval in Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood continue to play safe, not wanting to claim as leader and organizer of the Democracy Movement.
(7) As Mubarak is no more in the scene, the Egyptian seem to have leadership vacum. The American, as usual, is druming their game, to promote whoever that is more friendly to them. Thus, if the Egyptians are not fast enough, they would in the end, having another Mubarak in the Making.
(8) In Malaysia, we had experienced almost similar situation when lots of us were so eager to get rid of Dr. Mahathir as our Prime Minister due to both internal and external propaganda against him. Thus, when such pressure was mounting high, his preparation to develop his successor was not properly accomplished, thus he has to pass on the baton to an interim leader. When he stepped down with his tears of Melayu Mudah Lupa, years later only we knew, instead of moving fast forward, we are stepping fast backward. The Malays began loosing the footing and to this day we are facing challenges that we can't handle properly.
(9) Thus it is easy for anyone to dream to be a leader, but once a need to sacrifice being call, if we don't dare to do so, then better for us just to be a good rationale followers. Mahatma Ghandi (India), Jose Rizal (Philippines) Sukarno (Indonesia), Martin Luther King (USA), Nelson Mandella (South Africa), etc they won their leadership title by great sacrifice: life, wealth, family. Same goes with Saidinna Ali Abi Thalib and worst for Muhammad Ibn Abdullah.
(10) Tomorrow is the birthday of Muhammad Ibn Abdullah. We know, we remember his struggles, his sacrifices, yet little we are willing to struggle and sacrifice as him. His birthday is just a rememberence, not a review of our own deed. What a pitty and a waste!
Matang Jaya, Kuching, Sarawak
14 Feb., 2011
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