

Posted By: Abdullah Chek Sahamat - April 08, 2010


& Comment

If one looks at this photo, and imagine being directed to look for where is this place on earth, without even a clue where to start, definitely there will be numerous of IF and BUT being given to 'avoid' the immediate serious search for the place. Most, I would figure out, 1,001 excuses will be given for not able to look for the place. Similarly, if one being directed to conquer Mt. Kinabalu. We normally being frighten by the height of the Mountain, rather working hard to achieve our target or task given. Worst if we were to swim accros the Pacific or climb the Mt. Everest. Definitely, lots of doubt being cast for not to work for the target or execute the task!

(2)The same attitude in fact we had been attributing to Allah call for us to do good, and be good, even though He had promised the heaven as the ultimate reward. Though openly (in the eyes of the human being) no one dare to show their disrespect to Allah call since He is the God, the Almighty, but actually our natural act in fact signified our indifferent and or ignorance attitude toward His call and His promise. I can say that, based on my observation over how serious and committed are we to achieve the heavenly deed?

(3) Anywhere, I'm not going to dwell on those heavenly subject, but what I really want to focus is what I would termed as Focusing To Getting Thing done!

(4) Either we study books on the Samurai, the Judo, the Kamikazee, the Cults, the Gangsterism, the Therorism, the Mafia, the Art of War, the Crusade, anything, all in fact have one thing in common: Get Thing Done. Done with courage, done with determination, done wisefully. Only with such an attitude, the Mission Impossible is possible.

(5) Unfortunately, when one being given a task, one would firstly try to see if there is anything one could gain from such assignment. If one doesn't see the gain, then one will come with all sort of IF and BUT, concious and or unconciously, trying to avoid executing such task. Worst if the execution of such task place one in a very difficult position eg need to learn more, need to leave the comfort zone, and or need to sacrifice in whatever sense.

(6) As long as we Malaysian, and worst if we the Malays whom, despite our majority and even have been blessed with the superiority of Islam, yet we are deep rooted with such an attitude, I would say, InsyaAllah we will never be excellent!

(7) Let us be reminded by the story of Moses and his followers, after managing being save from the brutality of Pharoah and their sin of 'kidding' over the almighty power, Allah had ordered them to sacrifice a cattle to Him as an offering. If the Moses's followers had just been obedient and get the sacrifice done, without much questioning, I would believe, the story of Moses's Followers and the Sacrifice would be said differently in the Taurah, Bible and the Quran.

(8) But since, the good deed that Allah wanted them to do, was being avoided in whatever sense, these followers were later stone to death!

(9) In the Samurai Culture, once a task being assigned, the executor just work hard to get the job done. Not only the job must be done, it must also be properly done. That is the reason, why Japan, despite being economically and morally humiliated in the WWII, they managed to rebuild their economic power in the short span of time. The character of the Samurai is simple, listen to the order(s), understand the result(s)to be achieved, then the work hard and real serious to achieve such result. They never question the end result! They get the end result by all means.

(10) I remember, in my older kid days, my guru, my grand parents, my parents, always said: Jangan membantah cakap orang tua-tua, dengar dan buat! Meaning, it is not only the Samurai having such Getting Thing Done Culture, but we the Malays do also have those except we have forgotten our root!

(11) We are just loving of what is convinient to us, we just don't want to do more! So much so, we are now becoming the Third Class Citizen of our own 'Soil': hamba di bumi sendiri!

(12) We love to think, argue, and do, not to get thing done, but to avoid of getting thing done!

Kuching, Sarawak
8 April, 2010

#Abdullah Chek Sahamat

Writing that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around my world which you may find hard to believe and understand


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