
6/7/09 KAABAH....

Posted By: Abdullah Chek Sahamat - July 13, 2009


& Comment

First the Angel, then Adam, and later Abraham were the persons entrusted by Allah to build this Kaabah (which given rise to the existence and expansion of Mecca) as a place to guide, I presume, human focus in their search for their trueselves especially wrt to their Purpose of Existence. I have met so many people who had been and want to go to Mecca, all of them were only able to describe Mecca as a place with no word could explain, the beauty and the feeling great when one is there. Ya....all said, it is a Holy Soul Searching and Submission Place. It is too sacred to be explained in a simple human vocab. Of course, some said, I just feel want to go!

(2) Couple of days back, I met a young lady, whom seem so immerse to pay a visit to Mecca. I asked her of her foundamental reason to be there? Her answer was simple, I just got a feel of wanting to be there. It is just sort of a falling in love feeling, probably deeper. And she can't explain further details. Probably this is what the Malay called: Dah sampai seruan! I wish her and love to see her make her trip there soonest.

(3) I don't want to talk of Mecca as the Human Holy Place, but I believe now, I could figure out, one day I will make it there, among the key reasons, to study why He had created Mecca to such an extend, that it is being classified and must be sustained as Tanah Haram. A place of Protection and Peace for all. Physically and spiritually no harm in what ever form could be inflicted when one is within the compound of Masjidil Haram. Accordingly, whether of good or bad deed, a multiplier of 100,000 (pahala or dosa) will be granted to the doer.

(4) I believe, with the Zam-Zam spring, clusters of Green Oasis, beautiful (sun rise and dawn time I presume) Mountain enclaves, and surely the water hunger desert, and the strict order that Mecca must be Tanah Haram, there must be a great sociological meaning to all these. Surely, I would also believe, the best human habitat should be Mecca. Surely so, since Mecca is the Centre of Islamic faith, the closest statue reflecting the true existence (and a place on earth where we could be closest) of (to) Him. He had protected, redeveloped, and even clean up Mecca to signify such course. Thus, apart of its Holiness, it serenity have given a true Sense of Place, for feeling great to be in peace, harmony, united, and foremost as ONE HUMANE.

(5) I believe, all these must be what Ibnu Masoud (ra) meant by saying: Jangan mampir di tempat yang tiada pemerintah, pasar yang aktif, dan air bersih yang mengalir (Do not stop in a place that does not have a sultan, an active market place and clean running water).

(6) Lately, the National Geographic Channel(?) did made a documentary of the Musoleum of Hassan/Hussein (?) in Iran, where the wall of the mosque is decorated with painting of a Garden full of trees, flowers, rivers, and all sort of park fabrics, but with no sign of human figure, which sort of reflecting, probably, how Eden look like.

(6) I wonder, as well as I believe, He is sending a message through the creation of Kaabah, and those simple discription of the Eden in the Quran, how human habitat should be developed so much so it would give human the true Sense of Place and full Sence of Existence. When a habitat could create such a feel (environ), then, there must be a great feeling of purpose and strong sense of oneself onto the person (as a person and as a community). With such the urge for Total Submission could be well nutured and one would be able to see things from what He had ordered...whatever is there on this earth are His Amanah for us to manage for all! I think so, and I believe so!

(7) I wonder, how much researchers especially Islamic Scholars had try to see Mecca from such human habitat development purpose apart from purely spiritual perspective.

(8) It is rather unfortunate, when we study the Quran, we focus to the theology aspect of the subject rather balancing with the TOTAL PURPOSE of the Quran! Equally of a great mistake that we had made, when we translate all those old testimonies from the older Islamic Scholars, we again dedicated our focus on the spiritual aspect of the writing.

(9) I'm wondering, why Islamic and even Churhes were built with every aspect of serenity, though that may seem to be a tradition, but I strongly believe, the tradition must have been designed with clear purpose. Just probably, we have closed our eyes on some aspect of all these messages, that we have lost track of the hidden meaning of those beautiful and serene layouts and designs!

(10) Kaabah, Masjidil Haram, Mecca, what actually is your secret? Let me be with you, one day, to submit MyPlan of MyTruePurpose for the Humankind (or any oters), God let me think and work on it first! I'll talk with You then, there in Baitul Haram!

LCCT, Kuala Lumpur
13 July, 2009

#Abdullah Chek Sahamat

Writing that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around my world which you may find hard to believe and understand


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