Should Maths and Science be taught in ENGLISH or BAHASA KEBANGSAAN? What is/are the main issues? Is it the (a) Teaching medium (b) Ability to excel in Maths and Science, or (c) Ability to excel in English? but (d) What happen to the capability to excel in Bahasa Kebangsaan?
(2)The main focus of the issue in fact, I believe is wrt the Malay students poor performance in Maths and Science. If this is not immediately corrected, this would lead to long term inter racial professionalism gap, whereby the Malays wouldn't be equitably represented in the science and math-based skilled/professionalism development vis. engineering, medical, accountant, etc. If this is not taken seriously, not only the Malays will be in a disadvantage position, but the country as a whole will be loosing. Thus, the worry is valid, and must be properly address.
(3)For some, the concern, in fact is wrt the Malay students poor performance in Maths and Science. In general, they are not that good in those areas, and their poor COMMAND in English had been placed as the main factor. Now, to this group School of Thought, the Malay students poor COMMAND in English is the main cause for the poor performance in Maths and Science? But did they not be thinking that, the poor performance in Maths and Science is just the EFFECT. Thus I believe, we should analyze the causes for the real issue that lagged the Malay students in Maths and Science. Personally, I believe, poor command in English is one and not the main cause of such syndrome.
(3) Surely there is a Second School of Thought especially among the Malay Interest Scholars and Intellectual, English is not the issue. Their argument is that the Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Russian, German, etc never used English as their medium of Maths and Science teaching, yet they excel. Why?
(4) The other worry that also arise from this debate, is that if the Malay students continue to have poor English COMMAND, with the present globalization trend, would they also not gonna be in a disadvantage position? And, with bad English command, will the Malays be able to acquire a READING HABIT? Reading that give them greater knowledge, not reading all those 'kaki lima' junk magazines!
(4) Let me share my experience. (a) At elementary school level (1966-72), I studied every thing in English, except Bahasa Melayu subject. (b) Then I went to study in Lower Secondary, Secondary, Matriculation and University (1973-84) using fully Bahasa Malaysia, as the medium of teaching. Meaning, my English-based education is only basic and at a very young age, lasting for SIX initial years, while BM/BK lasting for ELEVEN years, but at a more matured stage.
(5) In fact, initially, for three months at Lower Secondary School, I was attending my classes in English. But, I was stubborn, n refused to continue to study in such school, and moved out to Sekolah Menengah Kebansgsaan. The reason is not because of the English medium, but due to I don't understand what my teacher was teaching especially the Science and Maths subjects. I was not happy, I know, my command in Maths and Science were great, but I don't understand what they are teaching!
(6) It was proven then that I have no problem to excel in Maths and Science, though the subjects were taught in BM. I grad in Science stream, except when come to profession I choose to take up Management. Despite 11 years at the Secondary and Tertiary educational level, I didn't improve much in English, but my Bahasa Melayu excel greatly. My understanding of Science and Maths in BM I believe is excellent.
(7) One thing for sure, my Lower Secondary School is not a good school. Mixed with lot of poor rural students and even some aborigines (Orang Asli). BUT, the teachers were dedicated. They really wanna spent time with the students. They even go on one-to-one teaching. Or even, using the bright students as mentor to the weaker one. I remember, We used to have free TUITION on the weekend, despite I was excellent in Maths, Science and English, my teachers made it compulsory for me to come to the free tuition, which actually I didn't need it. The idea, is, to show to the other weaker students that, despite how good I was, I still wanna learn more...motivation purpose in fact. The teacher work hard to make us UNDERSTAND the subject, not MEMORIZING the subject. They teach us in the LANGUAGE and METHODOLOGY that we can UNDERSTAND.
(7)Then again when I moved to a better school, Fully Residential School (SMSAH), the emphasis of the teachers was making us UNDERSTAND. Not only in Maths and Science, but all of the subjects.
(8) That was the approach I observed in American Education. Making students to understand and willing to argue and even delibrate on what they learn in their own words....just to check whether they had understand the subject.
(9)Therefore, I believe, let start teaching English using proper method at younger age, even at Kindy. Let just remember, our grand parents/parents, make us read the Quran at a very early age, and till today, despite we normally seldom read the Quran, but we still can read! In Malay, MELENTUR BULUH HENDAKLAH MASA REBUNGNYA. Let learn from our old folk wisdom!
(10)Maths and Science could easily be master, if the TEACHING METHODOLOGY is correct, but must remember, each method would only be good for certain students depending on their socio-economic background. The teacher/parent must be mindful of such.
(11) For Educationist planner, let focus on the (a) TEACHING METHOD (b) FOR EACH SUBJECT (Maths, Science, etc), CAREFULLY WEIGHT THE STUDENT MENTAL CAPABILITY based on their age to absorb the subjects.
(12) For sure, let us be clear why we are poor in Maths and Scinece, and also poor in our proficiency in English. Let split the two and don't get mixed up.
(13) To all my teachers, whose some are Chegu Sitam Deron, Ms Lee/Lim, Chegu Kasma Booty, Chegu Mustapha Chang (Primary), Chegu Arifin, Mr. Tee, Chegu Adibah, Chegu Mustapha, Chegu Mokthar, Chegu Zainab....(Lower Secondary), Chegu Ali Salleh, Chegu Latifah, Chegu Noraini, Chegu Nordin, Mr. Tan Ben Hock...(Secondary)...though I can't remember your full name and all of you, I respect all of you for your dedication. Thanks.
(Originally posted on 14 Feb., 2009, MyFirst Article)
Part of the problem is to the Teacher rather than the student. The teacher had made few complaints that they themselves did not master English to enable them to teach in English. So ..for the balancing act.. the Teacher should also be given Classes or Training or Tuition in English.
Semua masalah ini berpunca dari sikap manusia itu sendiri.Perpatah ada menyatakan "hendak seribu daya tak nak seribu dalih". -TheMonkey-
(1)"reperesented" is "represented"
(2)"loosing" is "losing"
(3)properly "address" is properly "addressed"
(4)School of "Tought" is School of "Thought"
(5)issue that “laged” is issue that “lagged”
(6)"gonna" is not an English word....
(7)"disadvatage" is "disadvantage"
(8)"every thing" no space in between please....
(9)"stuborn" is "stubborn"
(10)"aborigins" is "aborigines"
(11)"wanna" is not an English word....
(12)"delebrate" is "deliberate"
(13)"grand parents"no space in between please....
(14)"Scinece" is "Science"
Just wanna thanks you....n gonna be great if you stay patience with me. Thanks.
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