Saya tengah menikmati rezeki sarapan harian segelas air Zam-Zam, dua biji telur separuh masak, beberapa ulas buah-buahan segar, dan secawan oat-susu bila telipon bimpit saya menerima sebuah utusan Anak saudara saya, Masni Haili telah kembali kerahmatullah pagi ini. Darinya kita datang, kepadanya kita kembali. Semoga rohnya dalam pelihara dan rahmat Allah.
I was enjoying my simple daily healthy breakfast a glass of Zam-Zam drinking water, two half boiled eggs, few slices of fresh fruits, and a cup of oat in milk when my phone beeped signalling a new message just came in. My niece, Masni Haili, a CRAUN staff passed away this morning. Inallillah Wainaihillajirun. SubhanaAllah. From Allah she came to Allah she goes, may her soul be blessed and be in peace.
(2) As I immediately drop by her home, I met the uncle, Hatta Solhee (Datu) and the husband, Hasawardi, whom by accident sometimes got my drilled when he was serving under me years ago. Sure at such a juncture, my simple enquiry was why?. Theologically, the best answer would be Allah want her to rest, but a human explorative mind would want to know how. As I have said, Allah governs all His creation by mean of Natural Laws as proven by question and answer to a young man by Imam Ali Abi Thaalib in one of his sermon How do Allah monitor all His human deeds?. Imam Ali Abi Thaalib answer was: As He had created you.... Such an answer warrant another explorative mind to wander to the point.
(3) In such a situation, Masni's great deed, a very dedicated professional and person, to her responsibilities not only wrt to the National course but as a wife, mother and Muslim crawl into everyone's mind. Words of pressing flow like swift stream. But there were also that sounding of regret ie that her dedication cost her life. If we take this negative view to it superficial value than one will began to
(4) I classified her professional dedication as a matter of national interest, as I believe, in 15-30 years ahead, there will be a great starch-based food crisis if the present climatic changes not well address. She, I would say, the World Expert trained by her earlier mentor Zaleha Christine (Datin Dr), as sago in vitro breeder. In fact, my last encounter with her, was to get her to look at her works from a very different scientific and management approach. I gave her some clue to some of the puzzles that she encountered in her tissue culture works. But, life is always interesting, new ideas never get accepted fast, and this in fact had been well manifested by the fate experiences of Si Lunchai and Hang Nadim in the Malays epic, history repeat itself without much remembrance.
(5) In fact I have been observing Masni for sometimes. Her too focus character sometimes made me wander and begin to have some feeling of uncertainty. Personally I was not sure of the precise nature of such feeling. My gut didn't tell me to the details, but there was that feeling inside me that urge me to even said get a good backup fast. In many instances though not specifically I pointed to her superior that she (and many others) should not only be confined to her laboratory world. Give her more external exposure. I wish to see the spark of smiles and cheers on her face. As a scientist trained person myself, during my students days, I have lots of friends who were too much dedicated and Masni characters were some of them. Scientists are people with small window professionals. I got friends who just collapsed at the verge of their last paper, all because at that point in time I said they were too studious.
(6) The Law of Nature, the way probably Allah governs His universe, if we care or ignored, that is where everything will fall in place or out of place. Masni, she took her responsibilities to the best, but I could see she neglected her self health care. She didn't manage her time well to balance her great responsibility over herself health management need. Well, people may said I was a mad dog making those under my responsibility to take at least on every weekend or once a month to even get lost into the juggle. May her departure recall my advice that people must care for their health. Alhamdullilah, silent recital of Fathihah, Al Ahad (?), Al Falaq, Al Ikhlas, Kursi many times made my sleep sound and deep, waking up and do simple warm up, make me sweat and fresh, and surely calculated food keep me fit.
(7) Al Fathihah for Masni Haili, a silent warrior a dedicated professional and person but without a name. May her kids be also blessed with her great deeds and be inspired by those. In the words of her uncle I always advice my other nieces and nephews to take her as their example.
Kuching, Sarawak
3 Sept., 2012
Al Fatihah to arwah Masni binti Haili.... I've been told that during her final hour, she is still doing her office work in hospital bed, that her laptop is still on when she passed away.... a great, great loss to her family, her friend, and everyone who knows her personally....
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