Lihat pada seekor babi. Apa yang dia mengerti? Pasti sekadar makan, tidur dan mengawan. Dia makan apa saja, sehingga bangkai sesama sendiri. Haiwan paling jijik dari segi pemakanannya. Saat kekenyangan, dia ketiduran biar sampai langit runtuhpun dia tidak akan sadar. Begiutlah dia membina perut gendutnya.
Dia tidak akan peduli apa-apa melainkan nafsunya. Hidupnya amat mudah, makan, tidur, mengawan. Suatu kehidupan tunduk penuh kepada nafsu. Nafsu adalah Tuhannnya.
A hog, what are basic for him? He eats a lot. He can eat anything including his own native corpse. Once full, he sleeps a lot. He sleeps like death wood. That makes his tummy balooning. He cares nothing once he fall asleep. Once he wakes up, as the females are in height he mates, he really mate. His life cycle is very simple: eating, sleeping, and mating. The life of submissive to lust. The rest are none of his business. He indeed is a greatly blessed creature to live to eat, sleep and mate.
A hog, what are basic for him? He eats a lot. He can eat anything including his own native corpse. Once full, he sleeps a lot. He sleeps like death wood. That makes his tummy balooning. He cares nothing once he fall asleep. Once he wakes up, as the females are in height he mates, he really mate. His life cycle is very simple: eating, sleeping, and mating. The life of submissive to lust. The rest are none of his business. He indeed is a greatly blessed creature to live to eat, sleep and mate.

(2b) Try him to carry a load on his back. Definitely he will go real wild. Make him to plough a field. He will never can do such. He will ran amok instead. But definitely he can destroyed the crops field to feed his lust. Get him to do any work, he won't and he can't. He is of no good to do any work except to his lust. What then be his purpose? I believe, he is blessed with heavy eating, sleeping and breeding habits to make him just good to be roasted. He is great for BBQ. Moses AS as he crossed the Red Sea, escaping from the brutality of the Pharaoh, he led the twelve tribes of the Israel, the Jews to the promised land. But one of the tribe had perished to this days for being cursed by Allah for their hard headed attitude. The

(3b) Let see a mule, a cross between an ass and hare. On first sight, this is a real stupid creature. The name mule, was indeed his attitude reflection of the greatest degree of stupidity. Load what ever onto his back, he will never resist. The most, upon not able to bear the load, he will lower himself politely. Make him walk, wherever to his master needs, he will just be most loyal. On the rugged mountain terrain, in the hot desert, he will never refused. Drag him, he will comply. Push him, he never avenge. Kick him, he will just stare in emptiness. Such, he is name a mule the most stupid among the stupid. He is neither a horse nor a donkey. But for sure, he carries the attitude of both ie to take the load wherever the master wants it to be delivered. He while seen as stupid is among the most responsible creature. But then how did the world treated the trustworthy creatures?

(4) Lembu, kerbau, gajah, kuda, keldai, ilama, unta dsb mereka bukan sekadar haiwan angkutan yang amat setia, namun saat matinya mereka menjadi panganan yang sangat enak dan halal. Lewat kuda, unta dan gajah banyak peperangan telah manusia asakkan. Lewat kuda, unta, gajah, ilama, keldai, dan baghral banyak beban dagangan telah terjaja. Lewat lembu dan kerbau, lembangan tergendala menjagi padang tanaman yang subur. Sesungguhnya, babi dan kera sangat enak meranap segala tanaman di padang gendala mereka. Inilah binatang-binatang yang sangat berjasa semasa hidup dan matinya mereka. Allah, cara Dia hendak membuka mata hati manusia adalah tersangat mudah, bagi yang mahu berfikir dan jujur. Lewat Kingdom Haiwan dan Division Mamalia, Allah mengajar manusia tentang tanggungjawab hidup dan harga sebuah kematian. Manusia harus menjadi baghral, memikul tanggungjawab penuh sabar tanpa pengharapan balas dari menjadi babi dan atau kera. Sang baghral, dia tahu, saat usai tanggungjawabnya, dia akan tetap menerima habuan makanan, minuman dan istirehat namun semuanya tersedia secara sekadar cukup, tidak berlebih. Dia tidak punya masa untuk berlebih-lebih. Biar juga masa untuk bersengawa. Baghral tersekat dari bersengawa. Baghral dinafikan untuk berseronok-seronok melampiasi sahwatnya. Hidupnya adalah untuk patuh berjalan bekerja. Namun Allah MahaAdil, sang baghral tempat semadi jasad dan nyawanya sangat berbeda dari babi dan kera yang di sepanjang hayatnya dapat mengecapi sepenuhnya segala keseronokan hidupnya.
(4b) The cattle, buffalo, elephant, horse, donkey, ilama, camel, etc, they are not only loyal as transporter yet they are also great nutrient to human lust. By the horses, camels, and elephants many lust battles men fought. By the horses, camels, donkeys, ilama, mules and elephants, men had made trading possibles. By the cattle and bufallo men turned the valleys into green fields of crops. Indeed they made food for the hogs and monkeys to rampage lustfully. These are creatures, they are very useful in live and death. Allah, His School of Thought is rather simple and easy to follow, just one needs to think to what he sees, touches, feels, and hears. In the Animal Kingdom, the Division of Mamals, Allah displays His great teaching of how man should be in live and to be honored afterlife. He has to be a mule rather a hog and or monkey. He has to be loyal to carry his load thinking of nothing but delivering his responsibility to the set destiny. A mule, he knew, once delivered, he will get his food, drink and rest. But all are to be provided just enough. His food, drink and rest wouldn't make him to tummy balooning. Will he then mate? The mule indeed has the slightest chance to mate. He normally being denied to mate. He normally being restrain from mating. His life is about to walk and work, to submit. Nonetheless, the Almighty Allah, His reward to the mule afterlife is 100 per cents reverse of those to be granted to the hogs and monkeys whom take their lives in full pleasure.
(4b) The cattle, buffalo, elephant, horse, donkey, ilama, camel, etc, they are not only loyal as transporter yet they are also great nutrient to human lust. By the horses, camels, and elephants many lust battles men fought. By the horses, camels, donkeys, ilama, mules and elephants, men had made trading possibles. By the cattle and bufallo men turned the valleys into green fields of crops. Indeed they made food for the hogs and monkeys to rampage lustfully. These are creatures, they are very useful in live and death. Allah, His School of Thought is rather simple and easy to follow, just one needs to think to what he sees, touches, feels, and hears. In the Animal Kingdom, the Division of Mamals, Allah displays His great teaching of how man should be in live and to be honored afterlife. He has to be a mule rather a hog and or monkey. He has to be loyal to carry his load thinking of nothing but delivering his responsibility to the set destiny. A mule, he knew, once delivered, he will get his food, drink and rest. But all are to be provided just enough. His food, drink and rest wouldn't make him to tummy balooning. Will he then mate? The mule indeed has the slightest chance to mate. He normally being denied to mate. He normally being restrain from mating. His life is about to walk and work, to submit. Nonetheless, the Almighty Allah, His reward to the mule afterlife is 100 per cents reverse of those to be granted to the hogs and monkeys whom take their lives in full pleasure.
(5) Di saat saya menjelajah di kota ini, Kajang, Selangor, sebuah kota di mana saya menemukan kedewasaan saya, terlintas dalam benak fikir akan ciptaan Allah berbentuk babi dan baghral. Saya mulai melihat bagaimana banyak manusia kian bertukar olah jadi babi dan kera. Mereka kian tidak peduli apa-apapun melainkan nafsu masing-masing. Mereka kian tamak harta, kuasa, pangkat dan gelaran. Namun mereka tidak pedulikan tanggungjawab. Tanggungjawab mereka kian menyempit untuk memenuhi nafsu. Mereka menjadikan masyarakat sebagai baghral memikul beban kesenangan buat mereka, menjadi lembu dan kerbau untuk membajak subur kekayaan buat mereka, sebagai kuda menuju ke taraf kemegahan mereka, dan sebagai gajah untuk meranap segala galang buat memenuhi nafsu di depan mereka. Namun saat segala sudah kecapaian, masyarakat terlantar terbiar tersumpah bodoh sendiri. Mereka sepertinya telah terlupa. Dalam kehidupan ini pasti mereka akan berseronok berjaya megah. Namun sampai kapan? Juga kenapa harus mereka peduli? Bukan mereka menerima musibahnya nanti. Setelah mati, so what? Sangat riak bongkak. Cuma, pasti jika tidak diri, anak cucu cicit pasti menerima padahnya. Saat sebegitu, doa mereka adalah sumpah seranah neraka balasannya buat si babi dan kera.
(5b) When I roamed this place called Kajang, Selangor, a place of my teenage and adulthood spree, this thought of a hog and mule crossed into my mind. I began to see, how many men are turning themselves into hogs and lots of monkeys. They care nothing except their lust. Their lust of power, wealth and glory. Yet they refused to take responsibility. Their trustwothiness is now confined to the fulfillment of their lust. They take the communities as the mule to carry their loads, as cattle to plough their fields, as horse to ride to their destiny, as elephant to bulldoze their ways. Once everything are within their realm, they slaughter the communities to their skin. They seem to be very forgetful, one day be it in this world and or hereafter, they will be roasted not as the BBQ but ashes and dust. They are going to enjoy this life, but their death would worth noting. They are to be remember as hog scavenging their tribe corpses. But then why care? Definitely, we need not have to care, for it is not us to bear, definitely our kids and generations hereafter will cry and fall victim to our lust.
(6) Allah, jalan pembalasanNya tiada siapa tahu. Dia punya segala daya untuk pertama-tama menyedarkan manusia jika mereka mahu berfikir. Sesungguhnya, gerak lalu saling membunuh di antara kita sesama Melayu dan Muslim sudah mencapai ke tahap sangat jelek. Kita sudah menjadi babi saling memakan bangkai sesama. Kita saling berbunuh. Kita sudah kehilangan akal dan akhlak waras dalam menuntut tanggungjawab. Astarfirullah.

(6) Allah, jalan pembalasanNya tiada siapa tahu. Dia punya segala daya untuk pertama-tama menyedarkan manusia jika mereka mahu berfikir. Sesungguhnya, gerak lalu saling membunuh di antara kita sesama Melayu dan Muslim sudah mencapai ke tahap sangat jelek. Kita sudah menjadi babi saling memakan bangkai sesama. Kita saling berbunuh. Kita sudah kehilangan akal dan akhlak waras dalam menuntut tanggungjawab. Astarfirullah.
(6b) Allah, His moment of repayment, to no one can predict. He always has His ways of trying to make people to repent, if they care. Self-destruction among the Malays and Muslims of this State is getting beyond human comprehension. We copycat the hog in scavenging our own brothers. We really had lost our mind. Astafirullah.
All accompanying illustration photos are sourced from the internet. Thanks to all those that had placed the photos on the web.
Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor
16 March, 2014
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