In this article, I try to present the hypothetical origin of the Malays, both from the archeological and Quranic sources. Thereon, I try to define the meaning of the greater Malays and Nusantara, their homeland and the pains that they had gone through, without neglecting their strategic strengths. By visiting the sustenance and fluidity of the Jews in their course to reestablish their glory promised homeland and kingdom, I then try to see how Heaven, Iman and Islamic Adeen are Allah given agendas for the Muslim Malays to be great. Thus, taking the wisdom of the presence of Baitullah as the divine monument for the faithful Muslims to attain the total achievement in the path of Islam, I try to present how Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur could be the baitullah of the Malays. I try also to define the Nucleus of Kampung Baru Develeopment. InsyaAllah.
Dalam tulisan ini, saya cuba mengutarakan hipotisis keberasalan manusia Melayu, dari sudut penulisan Sejarah Barat dan juga dari jalan pemahaman pribadi saya dari penceritaan Al Quran. Saya juga cuba mentakrifkan Gagasan Melayu dan melihat Nusantara sebagai alam Melayu, serta menurunkan serba ringkas pahit getir yang telah mereka lewati, disamping mengutara kekuatan strategik yang harus menjadi wacana bagi membangkitkan bangsa ini menjadi Melayu Raya. Lewat pengamatan mengenai kelestarian dan kelicikan Yahudi dalam menuntut janji Allah mengenai pribadi dan tanahair mereka, saya cuba mengutarakan bagaimana Syurga, Iman dan Adeen Islam adalah agenda besar Allah buat Melayu untuk jadi perkasa dan berbakti untuk umat sejagat. Maka, lewat hikmah kewujudan Baitullah sebagai tonggak Muslimin dalam mengejar keredhaan mutlak Ilahi, saya juga cuba melihat bagaimana Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur akan dapat menjadi baitullah Melayu untuk menjadi perkasa dan bermakna dalam ketemadunan Islam dan sejagat. Akhirnya, saya cuba mengutarakan inti pati komponen Pembangunan Kampung Baru. InsyaAllah.
What formed or who actually are the Malays? To answer this question, we need to look at it from two perspectives ie anthropological and political. Based on my various reading, there is a theoretical history, extrapolating that the Malays were presumed to originate from the mountainous tribes in China, to be exact from the Mongolia-Manchu region. How true is such a theory, I suggest one also need to look at the early history of human being especially with the ascending of prophet Adam from heaven to the Indian mountain. By instinct, surely prophet Adam descendants must have established their colonies at his landing place as what the Malays' proverb says: tempat jatuh lagi dikenang, inikan pula tempat bermain. Thereon, some colonies further spread eastward to those Mongolia-China range. Probably due to drought and famine, most of them migrated to the lower plain of South China, with some remain on the present Vietnam-Laos-Vietnam and Burma mountain range. Nonetheless, due to fierce conflict with the plain native inhabitants, they were then further pushed to the coastal plain. The natives of the plain might also as not friendly, thus their migratory inclination then made them to explore the much accommodative territories. Probably without much choice, and believing that there are lives beyond their hostile territories, as well as their hereditary heritage instinct from their ancestor, prophet Noah, they built boats and began to take the sea as their new frontiers.
(2) If it was true that the Malays were of Mongol-Manchu descendants, the mountain tribes, definitely they were then not great farmers. They were great hunters. They were great desert hunters of the Mongolia-Manchu plateaus. Thus, once pushed out to the sea, they turned the sea as their new hunting fields. As they roamed the sea, they began to discover all those South East Asia islands. If we care to study the Malays settlements, definitely we would see that they were and are strongly associated with their hunting ground the sea. Thus, in the new found lands, they continue to occupy the coasts and riverines. Only some groups took the hinterland as their new habitats. Nonetheless, as time passed by, more began to take the land as their cause. As a cursory proves to such a theoretical history, does not the Ilanus of the South Philippines, the Rohingya of Burma, the Iban of Borneo, the Celebes Bugis, the horse riders Bajau of Sabah, etc carries the remnant characters of the fierce warring hunter Mongolian? Probably the politically classified Javanese, Champa, and Rhiau-Johor Malays landed as much advance farmers, while the Pattani, Sulus, Bugis, Kedayan, etc remain as sea conquerors.
(3) As a Muslim, I believe all human beings are of the prophet Adam-Eve origin. These would includes native races and tribes in the South East Asia that originally formed what I love to call as the greater Malays. Their dispersal, is by nature fitrah of prophet Adam innovative and explorative characters, whom, as Allah had commanded to walk the earth and to provide leadership for all His other creations. I strongly can't agree with the Darwinian Evolution theory, though in some case, that might be the truth as the Al Quran had said: ...from a drop of water, I made the other lives.... Darwin in deed was a Jew (?) whom differ in religious perspective over human fate as projected by the Catholic in the period of social distress in German before the emergence of Aryan Supremacy Movement (Nazi). The Malays in Borneo for instance can't be originating from the primate as Darwin had put up. So far, the archeological excavation in Niah Cave and Java, have not proved that. If Darwin is correct, then all the Orang Utan and Probocis Monkeys should have extinct. Or stupidly would not Darwin and some western archeologist and geologist began to have a better Evolutionary Theory about the Papua New Guinea, as compared to this original Evolution Theory which was based on the Galapagos observation, since there is no monkey in such Island. Thus the tribal Malays are just great brothers and cousins that being politically and religiously split for the benefit of the Western colonial masters.
(4) About 4,000 years ago, the greater Malays took Buddhism and Hinduism as their protector. They were united under such cultural religion, but as Islam emerged in the sixth centuries and began to spread Eastward in the eleventh centuries, the Malays began to adopt the new religion and thus by the fourteen centuries, almost all the coastal and riverine Malays adopted Islam as their new way of lives. The hinterland Malays due to accessibility problems, they were not only not submitting to Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam, they were left to their pagan lives. Nonetheless in the Middle East, the birth place of Islam, North Africa, as well as in Europe (Turkey and Andalusia), the Islamic empires began to collapsed and the reemerging of Christianity thus later developing into the expansion of new wealth and missionaries to the East, the Muslim Malays, as the West common enemies in Middle East, North Africa and Mediterraneans were subjected to the West hegemony and conquest. The Spain took the 'Sulus' and unite them into the Philippines, the British took the mainland archipelago and thus splitting the sub-region into Burma, Malayan, Pattani, and Borneo to form the Malays, while the Dutch were confined to the southern thousands of Island to form East Indies, the France took the Indochinese and dissociated the Champa into Vietnam, Laos, and Chambodia, isolating them from the Cham of China. To this day, legalized by the League, we now remain as such. The West, since religiously they can't Christianize the coastal Malays, they made all effort to breed Christianity in the hinterland as their next grand strategy to enclave the Muslim Malays.
Our Strategic Gifts and Challenges
Firstly we are located in the center of the globe dynamism. East and West, and even North and South are bridged by our lands and islands, which I love to call as Nusantara in it greater sense. World great religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Christian had merged here. Accordingly, the so called global free trade that then evolved into monopolistic hegemony also was born here. The region had experienced great wars among itself and transnational. We had experienced all forms of governance from leisure fare, to feudalism, then autocratic. The great worldly ideologies, democracy, communism, socialism had made it way into our lives. Lately, we were the surviving guinea pigs in the democratic and capitalist cult. In short, economically, politically, security wise, governance, and religio-culturally, we had all the experiences much advance of any groups of human clustering. Natural disaster, beginning with the eruption of Krakatoa to the worst Tsunami, we had experienced all. And, my question is, why did we never draw great lesson and or agenda from all such great experiences? This is the profound leadership and intellectual challenge that we must trust into our hearts and minds.
(2) We are the nations of the tropic. A warm, juicy and colorful world of nature. Our environment is the most dynamic, that gives us the diverse opportunities either on land, in the sea or even in earth. Name its, what is there not made available by Allah to us. We have almost all the other parts of the world have. Our flora and fauna are much diverse from anywhere. Our soil is the most fertile. Our land and oceanic topography gives us almost all the needed climatic conditions for us to produce anything. Our minerals and all those geological contents, could propel us into greater nations. In fact, Allah had given us the greater Malays all the endowment that we need to be great. With all those, among others, the greater Malays could produce the best exotic foods and pharmaceutical products for the world. In short, I could say, the Nusantara the homeland of the greater Malays is Allah created paradise on earth. The Malays must know how to appreciate and safeguard those to make themselves forever as the citizen of the paradise. This is what I would call as the second leadership and intellectual challenge to the greater Malays to really ponder. Our universities, to name; Malaya, Chullalonkorn, Brunei, Bogor, Brunei, and Philippines should initiate lots of intellectual and technological transmigration among them. Our Madrasah, in what ever forms, had not established its real dynamism, why?
(4) In the early days especially in the era of the Islamic expansion in Nusantara, the greater Malays were either using Ringgit or Rial as their medium of trade exchange. Most part of Indonesia, the Malaya, the south Siam, the whole of Borneo, the Cham, and Sulu all were either trading in Ringgit and Rial which was of equal value. Does this not sparkle our mind, that 500-700 years ago, we were free trading nations? Once, we were much advanced than any other part of the world in term of our currency exchange, but what make us now differ and loosing? I believe, the Sri Vijaya, Majapahit, Langkasuka, Malacca, Makasar, Demak, Jambi, Pasai, Pattani, Champa, etc gave the greater Malays some foundation of international trading system. The Malays historian, writers, thinkers, where are they? I would see, reestablishing the greater Malays legacies is the fourth leadership and intellectual challenge that the Malays must take on. Surely the forms must be readjusted.
(5) Name it either the Indonesian, Malaysian Malays, Pattani, and Champa, in view of some political distressed had made lots of them are much acquitant with the Arabic and Islamic insight. Today, there are tenth of thousands Malays whom mastered the Arabic in various academic fields. I believe, there are millions of Malays now in Arabia doing all sort of professional and odd jobs. There are good numbers of the Malays whom are good in Chinese and Indian. Our Arab-Chinese-Indian association had gone through a very long assimilation process that had bred into the Wan-Sharifah, Baba-Nyonya, and Mamak-Mumi generations. Accordingly, for so long has the Malays are strongly associated with the English, Dutch, and now further dispersing all over the world to include the Russian, German, France, Japan and Korea. Allah indeed had blessed the Malays to have open and sponge hearts and minds, which are very flexible and absorbent. The Malays could adopt and adapt to any civilization and norms that make them successful, except as I could see it, the collectivity are very much lagging.
Our Survival In Question
As I had theorized above, the original Malays, they never accept their depressing prevailing lives and conditions to take toll on them. They took their forefathers Adam AS, Abraham AS and Noah AS survival traits to the best. They hijrah to the best to where we are now not only here in Nusantara but including in those places such as South Africa, Madagascar, and even Mali. Ferdinand Magellan will never discovered the Philippines, Vasco Da Gama will never passed the Cape of Good Hope, as well as Admiral Ang Cheng Ho armada will never made it half of the globe, without the guidance of the Malays sailors. The emperor of China will never knew about the Bird of Paradise without the Malays sailing up the Sepik of Papua New Guinea. But, all these grandeur and specialties of the Malays had perished without trace, and it seem we are now half death swimming rocking in our wavy samudera. Why?
(2) The West, learning from the mistakes (and fear) of all the earlier great civilizations, be it the Nile, Babylon, Ganges, Yangtze, or empires such as the Pharaoh, Greek, Rome, Persian, numerous of the Chinese and series of Islamic ruling such as the Four Caliphs, Ummaiyah, Abbassyah, Seljuk, Fatimid, Andalusia, Ottoman, and even the Khans, where the idea of one grand nation never works (or too dangerous to the survival of the West), thus after the WWI and WWII, they muted the idea of independent smaller nation states. The League where use to ensure such idea sustain but with hidden shrewd agenda well in hand. The break and rule governance philosophy were and are well planned to be then deployed. Initially, trade and monetary strategies were used to shaken any non-pleasing nations and later the military supremacy was and is the tool to be utilized if need be to make all the independent nation states of the East, South and Dark World to submit. Nonetheless, the West unite (vis Allied Nations, NATO, etc) not as a nation, but by objective ie sharing the globe wealth only among themselves, making the natives almost to pariah!
(3) Today, the sustenance of the prejudice that the West had successfully doctrinated in our soul, had blurred us to see things that are of our common ground for our renaissance. We the greater Malays continued to be played around and remain as sitting ducks to even an easy threat. The fate of the future Malays, the greater Malays are at stake if the present able and advantage Malays do not take the cause to save the greater Malays as their divine struggle. The Rohingya, the Pattani, the Sulu, the Cham, they need all the support of the able Malays in Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia and Singapore to make all of us to stand and walk firm. We need to use or brain to succeed. Thus, what should we do?
Allah Given Grand Agenda
The Malays, especially the Muslim Malays, we need to adhere to our grand agenda to be great. Surely, lots will be pondering, do we have the great agenda. As many times I have said, Allah purposely never wants to make the Jews to perish from this world. Allah wants us to look at the Jews as something that we should see, listen, hear and feel to learn. From the Bible and the Al Quran, we know that they had been subjected to the cruelty of the Pharaoh, Roman, and Persian. History also had shown that, Palestine, their state, had also been subjected to drought and famine that had pushed them out into the larger Arabia and Africa. During Muhammad SAW and the four Caliphs, due to their hypocrisy character, they were isolated and being confined to certain regions. Conquest, isolation, and famine made them later spread and bred fast into Europe. Hitler and Mussolini, through their fascist ideology made the Jews to cross the Atlantic and found their godfather, the Protestant West, and thus brought over all their dreams and grand plan, which are now implicitly implemented through the World Bank, IMF in particular, Credit Cards, NYSE, NASDAQ, all those great American Universities , and those NGOs both in the US and EU.
(2) The present world's grand idealism, name it: Democracy, Communism, Socialism, Capitalism, now Psychopath, Free Trade, MNC, etc all were and are in fact the brilliant ideas of the Jews. Prior to WWII, the brilliant Jews flooded the European universities, and later they dominate the American universities to spread the new worldly ideology in line with the spirit of the Protestant American. Name it, where among any American best universities the best intellectuals are not the Jews? Indeed, the Jews had infiltrated the whole world, through the Western Education System to make their graduates to submit to their ideologies. In the modern political sense, that is part an parcel of Zionism, their grand agenda. But, spiritually, they uphold to Allah promised that there will be a messiah to bring and reinstate their grand kingdom as had been established during David-Solomon time. We know, they expected Jesus Christ to be their Messiah, but instead he came to validate Taurah and called the Jews to submit to the Bible, thus he was made their number one enemy, and their hypocrisy took Jesus Christ to the bloody cross, as portrayed in the bible, which is not the case in the Al Quran. The Jews, Home Coming is their living agenda, and thus Zionism which explicitly implemented through all means is their grand strategy. There is a writing, the Jewish messiah will only emerge after all the twelve tribes of the Jews that currently dispersing all over the world be united in Israel and they are looking at the whole Palestine as their Home State, their Promised Kingdom. They believe they can do so, because Allah had made them the chosen community, the best.
(3) Now let us go back to the cause of the greater Malays especially the Muslim-Malays. By default, as a saviour in our darkness, Allah had set a very precise agenda for us. First He had promised us an infinite Homeland, indeed better than Palestine called Heaven, a perfect hereafter environ. On the contrary He had also promised Hell if we choose not to take the Heaven, a destiny for those who devoted themselves to worldly heaven. Secondly, He had set the clear pre-conditions for us to be eligible to be in Heaven; one must submit to Him. The route to deity, or Iman is well defined and must be adhered to. One's degree of Iman, will determine one's position in Heaven. Allah had created seven hierarchies of Heaven to fit one's level of Iman.
(4)The Al Quran says: hold to rope of Allah.... Clear Quality Control and Work Process had been set, not only in the Al Quran, but was well demonstrated by Muhammad SAW and the four Caliphs. This is what called Islamic Adeen. All Muslim, must know that Prophet Muhammad SAW and all the prophets before him, placed their whole trust on such demand and they did all what being commanded on them. They then exercised the third agenda that Allah had trust on them ie to lead to the best endeavors.
(5) To lead, is to bring goods to the followers. But, Allah demand that His leaders are to serve Him only, nothing less, thus the goods that the leaders should impart to their followers are those that would take them to Heaven. He
demand the leaders to uphold good governance which is closely associated with Iman. Self interest is very much discourage. Reward for great leaders are barakkah and thus hereafter good lives in Heaven. Thus the Muslim leaders, doesn't matter at which level they are, they are to compete with each other to achieve the best. They are demanded to sacrifice more rather than taking. The competition and sacrifice must be confined to the path that He had clearly determined. Such competitive and sacrificing characters in fact were clearly demonstrated especially by Abu Bakar As Siddeeq and Umar Al Khataab. Both love to compete to give the best for the good deed of the ummah.
(6) Umar Al Khataab and Ali Abi Thalib in particular, worked hard to establish details of the Islamic Governance based on principles earlier set by Muhammad SAW. Umar Al Khataab in particular, while adhered strictly to strengthen the Iman of the Ummah, he worked hard to improve on the larger aspects of the Islamic Economic Management. In the Muhammad SAW (and even Abu Bakar As Siddeeq) days, sub-sectors of Finance and Trade Management were given greater emphasis. In time of Umar Al Khataab, with the expansion of the Islamic influence covering the whole of Arabia, African, Persian and Asia Minor, the fields of agriculture land management, settlement developments, infrastructures, education, ventures partnership, finance and banking, etc were given due attention. Umar Al Khataab indeed, established the expanded economic principle for the Muslim world. His economic doctrine should be read and debated elaboratively in the Muslim world.
(7) In deed, taking on Umar Al Khataab's governance, all the other Islamic empires thereon especially the Ummaiyah, Abbasiyah, Andalusia and Ottoman put great emphasis on Economic Prosperity so much so with lesser emphasis on the strengthening of Iman, at last made Allah to part from them. Due to much loving of the glorious worldly lives, the then Muslims leaders had breached Allah pre-conditions to the sustenance of heavenly living. The then events are history for us to mirror ourselves. But most important lesson that the Muslims could draw from all these historical paths, to me, we have to be serious about the Islamic Education and Financial Management System. I do strongly believe, that Iman and Islamic Adeen, our grand agenda could be well achieve if we could firmly establish the Islamic Education and Financial Management System
The Baitullah of the Malays
Every time going down to Kuala Lumpur, since I was a student to this day, I made all effort to have a feel of Kampung Baru of Kuala Lumpur. Either to buy fruits, those traditional cottage industries products, or having all sort of exotic foods down there, I made all effort to be there. My favorite was (and is) boiled or smoke cockles. Kg Baru, Kuala Lumpur is the early Malays settlements in the
prosperous early day Tin Mining industry. The Malays, be they the local native of Malaya, Singapura, or transit migrants from Sumatera, Java, Celebes, even Pattani, and Champa, before they settle elsewhere, they in one way or another must had stayed or worked temporarily here. My grandfather, a Rhiau Malay was one of those. He served as a surveyor in the construction of various roads and railways in those days. Kg Baru indeed has all its legacy and interesting history. To me, this is the soul of the Malays of Klang Valley if not Kuala Lumpur or Malaya or Nusantara.
(2) In the Al Quran, Allah had clearly stated; ....look all around you, don't you see My Authority... or even His challenge ....can't you think.... Allah in deed at all times, remind us of how Powerfull is He that by mere Kun Fa Ya Kun, what ever He wants will be there or dismiss. Thus, the mountains, the deserts, the oceans, the stars, the planets, the winds, the plagues, all, are displays of His Greatness. All those, He created, including our ownself, are for us to steadfast to His cause, to be the best creature that was given part of His soul. Allah soul in us, in fact demand us to be good. We must do good, nothing but good. If we keep ourselves to be and do good, definitely we will be great.That is His promise. He has all the means to keep to His promises.
(3) Muhammad SAW and his four immediate sahabah totally submitted themselves to the command and demand to be and to do good. They were willing to sacrifice everything; their lives, wealth, pleasure, and self interest just to gain the status to be and for good, not for themselves, but the general ummah. Their faith (Iman) to Allah was unshaken. Their struggle to establish the Adeen of Islam was rock hard. All because, they just want to attain to the highest level of the hereafter Heavenly living. They ignored and hate the worldly pleasures and glories. And to me, the very reason why they were so determined and uphold to their struggle to implant Iman and Islamic Adeen was because, Baitullah was there. Baitullah I would believe, is at hand monument that Allah purposely command to be built to remind and to make all human being to be focussed to the purpose of their creation. Human indeed was created to set the best example and to lead all His other creation. Human being is created to be a leader. A leader is to be and do nothing, but good. With Baitullah at hand, the Muslims are inspired to be and to do good. It is a spiritual monument for Muslims to keep to their great cause, to be and do good, to entitle them a good share in Heaven.
(4) As such, I believe, for the Malays, especially the Muslim Malays of Malaysia, for them to be great, to enable them to contribute the best to the whole humankind within the path of Allah, they must have close to home, to their nose, the morale booster. To me, Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur that is very dear to the Malays and our struggle to Independent, its must be sustained and further develop into the Soul and Body of the struggle to make the Malays great.
Nucleus of Our Struggle

(2) If we care to study deeper into the glory of those ancient Islamic empires, we could easily noticed that during Muhammad SAW and his sahabah period, in every cities and lands that they conquered, they will sent over tens and hundreds of Islamic scholars to educate the new Muslims of the Iman. They also sent great Islamic scholars as governors, judges, finance controllers, and military leaders to ensure they would established a proper Islamic Adeen among the Muslims and all the other subjects. Even during the cause of the wars, the scholars were to accompanied and took the sword along the armies, so as to safeguard that military exercise would not go beyond in human deed as practiced by other non-Islamic armies. And we also could see that the destruction of the Islamic empires were due to the degrading of Iman and the emergence of worldly pleasure and greed among firstly the leaders then the public officials which to me is succinctly about the poor economic management. Thus, reflecting back to the Jewish struggle, the modern Jewish agenda which is laid through the Zionism, is all about Education and Financial Control. The Jews, through the Western Liberal Education and Economic System had succinctly able to infiltrate transnational cultures and norms that gives them great benefit to be on the upper hand to this day. Thus, I would suggest, Kampung Baru, Kuala Lumpur should be the Islamic Educational and Financial Center.
(3) If we listen closely to the voices of the landowners in Kampung Baru, their very basic concern is over their sustainable equity of the whole development.
Under current development science, we could easily concluded that the Malays in Kampung Baru should not take advantage of the two world. Meaning, they shouldn't take the market price compensated deal, and at the same time enjoy the benefit of the development on the same land. In today, development theory and practices, once compensated, the owners cease the right over the matter. While that is true in certain sense, but it couldn't be treated as such to Kampung Baru. If so, then sure some will say, then it is very difficult to redevelop such place.
(4) Let us just go back to the building of Baitullah at Beca Valley. The Al Quran says;....this is a place where nothing grow.... With such a misery, and yet Allah wants such a place to be a place where human being should glorify Him most. Just imagine in today contact, make everybody in misery, and thus request them to praise you most, would it work?. But it works with Allah, why? Before, Baitullah as it is of today, Quranically, Eve-Adam firstly suffered much here, then Hajar-Ismael left to thirst and starve, Abraham-Ismael were tested to the the limit to sacrifice, even the Quraish was almost crushed to death by Abraha, and Muhammad SAW himself, with Ali Abi Thalib willingly to lost his life in the cause to purify Baitullah. This is a place on earth where Allah declared a decree of the Tanah Haram where nothing that is not good should be practiced here. In view of such ruling, the ambient and social structure here are totally serene than any other places on earth. All Muslim knew this, and all Muslims that had visited the Baitullah, had felt it. Why? What makes the tamu Allah experienced such emotional cleanliness and submissive satisfaction? Can't we then not try to learn from such a wisdom, to make all those landowners in Kampung Baru to have such willingness as to forebear and sacrifice as Eve-Adam, Hajar-Ismael, Abraham-Ismael, Mutalib-Quraish, and Muhammad-Ali Abi Thalib. To me, Eve-Adam, Hajar-Ismael, Abraham-Ismael, Mutalib, and Muhammad-Ali Abi Thalib were willing to forebear and sacrificed were all due to their intended good deed for the overall humankind.
(5) I'm not suggesting for us to massage the Malay Sentiment of the Malays of Kampung Baru. What I try to say is that, sustaining the equity ownership of the redevelopment of Kampung Baru, must be aligned from a much purist and meaningful gain. Worldly, the property owners must not be denied their present livelihood, they must be able to improve even better, but the wider agenda, they must be given a ticket to go to Heaven as a reward to their their sacrifice and forebearing. Thus, how could the redevelopment of Kampung Baru would not only to make the land lords worldly better, as well as their willingness to take such redevelopment call as Amal.
(6) As I have earlier suggested, indeed, the way Muhammad SAW and his sahabah in pursuing the strengthening of Iman and unity among the Muslims were through the implementation of the Islamic Education and Adeen ie in today world, through the cause of Islamic Education and Governance. Education is the tool to implant Iman into the heart and mind of the Muslim ie to develop their clean and trustworthy characters and values. While, the profounding governance would be in the area of Islamic Finance based on the fact of what Muhammad SAW had said: ...poverty would lead to infidel...nine out of ten, the worldly rezeki is by mean of trading...and Allah forbade riba.... Indeed those were the cause taken by those grand amirs of Ummaiyah, Abbasiah, Fatimid, Andalusia, Ottoman, Seljuk, the Khans and even Mudzafar Shah of Malacca, the Majapahit, Langkasuka, Pattani, Champa, Pasai, Sulu, Makasar, Jambi,etc to make them great in their times.
(7) To me, Kampung Baru must be transformed into the Islamic Center of Educational and Financial Excellent. It should be the Mecca of the Fareast. It should be the most preferred place to live, work, celebrate, learn, innovate, recreate, and practice. It is an Organic Place. The Islamic Iman and Adeen must be the shine of Kampung Baru. Its new form, gave the loing search of soul and body of the Malays. That should be the goals of the redevelopment of Kampung Baru. Nothing less. With such, then the worldly and herefater equity of the Malays landowners of Kampung Baru be sustained and achieved.
(8) Malaysian Muslim Malays had been further blessed indeed, with the Allah guided leadership that we have, firstly Tunku Abdul Rahman made Islam and Malays as our constitutioanl right, Tun Abdul Razak Dato' Husein through his brilliant New Economic Policy (NEP) had left us numerous Conglomerate that had acquire great wealth for us to move on faster and much freely, Tun Husein Dato' Onn, in short span had established Permodalan Nasional Berhad to further enrich the Malays, while Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammed, had established and erected further landmarks for us to take speedious highways to the better. Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, though had tried his best, but failed, I believe had give the Malays a great lesson to always bear in mind, never to give in without a clear trade off. Personally, I must also recorded some goods of Dato' Nik Aziz Nik Mat, the PAS spiritual leader, though he had failed to bring material goods to Kelantan, but I believe he had in one way or another made the general Malays to love Islam better. Without Nik Aziz being around I would believe, most of the Malays would just love to love the worldly lives. Allah, indeed as I have said loves the Malays so much, but we must not stay indifferent and be complacent
(9) To me as I have pointed in many of my earlier writings, the GLCs and conglomerate that are under thye Malays' arms must now be able to see their role from the dakwah perspectives. Tabung Haji, MARA, FELDA, MayBank, CIMB Bank, PNB, Sime Darby, etc and personalities such as Tun Daim Zainuddin, Syed Bukhari, Tan Sri Azman Hashim, etc should now be able to work under Malays Renaissance Task Force to draw detail enumerative gain for the Kampung Baru landowners as well as to make Kampung Baru as Fareast Islamic Center of Educational and Financial Excellent. I can't see, why all these Organization couldn't contribute to such goal.
(10) It is for Najib to really exercise his authority and wisdom to unite all the best brains and talents that the greater Malays have, be it in Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Brunei, Siam, Chambodia, Laos, Burma, Vietnam, China, South
Africa, Madagascar, Mali, etc; as well as within the country to form the Advisory Council to transform Kampung Baru to be what I love to call Monument of the Malays Renaissance, the Mecca of the Fareast.
(11) We should make such as our socio-cultural agenda. Mahathir, Anwar, and Nik Aziz; it is time for us to get together. Our veteran age should give us all the wisdom to leave this world with the best gift for Islam, the greater Malays and the whole humankind. We should stop eduacting our new generation with political quarel, nothing but those stupid political quarel. Najib, the cards are yours, and no point to shout for glory yet we are wasting our time and energy just to condemn each other.
(12) Last but not least, I heard Sungai Besi is going to be developed into the Kuala Lumpur Islamic Financial Center, I hope that is not true, and if it is true, that won't impart great meaning to the Malays. Sg. Besi, because of Tin Mining, had made thousands of Malays be the slave of the British. Kampung Baru, did played its role in our National Independent and Malays survival struggles. I hope, not because of some difficulties that we are now facing with those landowners, thus we would love to leave Kampun Baru to the least choice of development. Once again, I would love to reiterate, Mecca or Baitullah was never returned to Islam with an easy ride. Allah purposely made it difficult for Muhammad SAW and the early Muslims to take and returned Baitullah to Islam. Najib, especially through Nong Chik, they must understand such a wisdom of Allah. SubhanaAllah, may He gives all of us the needed wisdom and firmness to be great.
Kg. Terasi, Pendam, Sarawak
14-22 Oct., 2012
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First of all I would like to say superb blog!
I had a quick question which I'd like to ask if you do not mind. I was interested to find out how you center yourself and clear your head before writing. I've had a hard time clearing my
mind in getting my ideas out. I do enjoy writing however it just seems like
the first 10 to 15 minutes tend to be wasted just trying to figure out how to begin.
Any suggestions or hints? Kudos!
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Nothing is easy. Writing vs talking not as easy as seem to be. Talking vs singing, even worst. Equally bad giving a speech not to make the audiences snoring. My simple approach is, we must stay clear with our intent. Secondly, keep it important ie the subject is important or interesting. Third, say whatever you want to say but remember to take your responsibility and never be a cowardice. Tq
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