Couple of months back, I traveled to Mukah and while having my dinner with friends, the L&S Officer, Eunos the SUP of Mukah, then, pushed his hand for a shake. I made him to sit for a while with me. We then talked about what have to be done in particular wrt to all those idle ramnant of Stateland behind so many Villages in the Division. I accidentally was also talking about those areas in Betong Division. I believe all these areas must be well developed so that the people could gain real and direct benefit from the State economic progression.
(2) I was surprise when he then asked me: "Do you remember what you have said long time ago when you was presenting a development paper in one of the Seminar to the civil servant? To this day, I believe in what you have said, and I keep that spirit in my daily work."
(3) Before I could answer him, he repeated the statement emotionally to friends siting next to me. "You said, doesn't matter where we are, who we are, we must work to help others. InsyaAllah, one day, others will work and help us. That the reason, while I'm here in Mukah, I worked hard to help our people here, and I hope, someone will take care of my Kampung, the development in my Kampung, somewhere in Pusa. I'm happy you did it". I hav ebeen pushing to consolidate the sago samllholders' farms there and hopefully will be able to get moving with Tabung Haji fast in developing all the other areas.
(4) I can't say much. I just shook his hand and pat on his shoulder. In fact helping others is what Allah had always want us to do. That the very reason among us, there are the needy. They exist in all sort of forms and norms. Not necessarily only among the poor. Just that how sensitive are we to these needs and how brave are we to make a stand and willing to dirty our hand to honor the helps needed.
(5) I hold to the principle: "Firstly, in what ever He gives, there is always a share owned by others. We are mere custodian to those shares and we must distribute those accordingly. Secondly, the more we take for ourselves, the more we lose, the more we give for a good deed, the more we get. He is just that mysterious and we have to think hard to understand"
(6) I hope this simple thought would push all my friends to really work hard for the good of the nation, not only oneself.
Kuching, Sarawak
5 Oct., 2011
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