If not mistaken, it has almost two years Najib being the Prime Minister (PM) of Malaysia. In the previous article, I had pointed out that the strength of his leadership is with the presence of personalities such as Muhhydin Yasin (MY), Rais Yatim (RY) and Mustapha Muhammad (MM) within his team. Among the younger stars, to this day, I would say Mukriz Mahathir Muhammed (3M) is the only one that I keep my eyes on. I believe under the mentoring of the straight minded MM, 3M would develop better. I would say this the circle that Najib has, that I strongly believe are made of those who really used their heads and gut to do things that are usefull for the Nation. The rest, I yet to take off my hat, except probably for Peter Chin. So far, I don't see any star from Kota Kinabalu.
(2) I'm really hoping that Najib would quickly clean up UMNO. UMNO's experiences since before independent in administering the country must be well appreciated and further enhanced. UMNO must be re-energised with people at every level who are sincere and honest to serve the Nation. Those who just want to be around for wealth reason must be immmediately check and they must be placed where they belong. Money-minded personalities must not be draged or allowed to be politician. They can't and will never be People At Heart Politicians. This type of personality could be greatly capitalize in their own ways especially in the business world with serious monitoring be attached to them. In short, never turn a wolf to be a sheep and let the sheep be fenced away from the wolves.
(3) Keeping these wolves too close within the political leadership function would bring down not only UMNO but the whole National Front (BN). This I have observed in many State and even National Election particularly in the by-election. A good case in hand was the lately Sibu Parlimentary by-election where, too many wolves were around the moment Najib, Muhhydin, and Rais landed their feet there. Their interest were not really to meet every voters and made them vote for BN, but they just love to be seen by Najib and even Taib. The best is just to keep where they belong, ie true business and make them deliver their business results to the best. This is a area that Najib must quickly do his homework digging up his father memoir and working diaries. I believe, TAR had lots of those priceless experiences.
(4) Observing what Najib had been doing and expecting to be doing, I would want to bring back the saying of Mahathir Mohammed (MM) in the height of his disapproval of Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (AAB) leadership style: "I'm nominating Najib as the Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) because I respected his late father, Tun Abdul Razak. I believe he should has great caliber as his late father....(though when he made this remark, he intended to challenge Najib to take on AAB)".
(5) Let begin with his National Key Result Areas (NKRA) or focus areas ie: Income level among the Lower Income Group, Rural Infrastructure, Educational Excellence, Public Transport, Security, and Anti-corruption. All those in fact, were greatly emphasized by Tun Abdul Razak (TAR) during his administration.
(6) In term of Income Enhancement and Rural Development, these could be seen with the establishment of key Organization such as FELDA, RISDA, and FELCRA. Then Rural Development Approach (Rural Economic Model) was geared toward Regional Development Approach with the establishment of Regional Development Authorities (RDAs) such as KEMUBU (Kelantan), MADA (Kedah), DARA (Pahang), KETENGAH (Trengganu), and even KEJORA (Johor), which later evoled into Integrated Agriculture Development Project (IADP) which now being called IADA. In Sarawak, BDA (Bintulu) is a modification of such RDA approach.
(7) Of course, as expected now Najib is not only being confronted by rural development issues, but those issues facing the rural population has now being transmitted into the urban and peri-urban sectors. Basically, Najib is now facing a real 1Malaysia Problem, a cross-sectoral and cross-regional development issues, no more a sub-sectoral or sub-regional issue. Thus, his Income Enhancement task would has to focus not only among the rural poor folks, but also among those Lower Income workers in the urban and semi-urban sector. Therefore, improving drastically Lower Income Group housing affordability and neighborhood social hygiene should be his great sub-sectoral focus. Better Public Transport System would bring down the Cost of Living to the whole Nation. It is great that he mas made such sector be given due focus. In this regard, our focus should go beyong Mass Public Transport System, but must also encompass Goods and Commodities Movement System. Cost-effective People and Goods mobility must be the key result.
(8) During TAR time, communism insurgency was the main national threat. Now, security issue encompassed much complicated international and domestic issues. International issues need greater International Diplomatic acuteness, such as when TAR were facing the Ganyang Malaysia (from Indonesia) and Communism Expansion by Mao Tze Dung. TAR resovled those issues in much friendly manners that brought great International Diplomatic closeness among our neighbours. Today, Najib shouldn't get easily trape into other nations 'killing' agendas especially with regard to Human Right, Theological Conflict, and even regional conflict matters. I hope, soon he fould a better Foreign Minister that should focus on Forging Meaningfull Economic ties. It is not wise to medle into others domestic issues and problems. We must act to be a civilized nation.
(9) To me our current domestic security issues: theft, blugaries, in debt, rape, killing, vandalism, trafficking, drug absused, etc must be seen from Economic Challenge, not merely from the Security Issue. If we merely see these as Security threats, then our focus would then increasing Security Expenditure. Would Security Expenditure create sustainable and great trickling business effect? It does, but is it really going to be a real significant? Thus, Najib must see the up rising of our domestic security issues as an issue of Income, Employment, and Neighborhood enhancement.
(10) The Quran pointed clearly on the direct correlation of poverty (insufficient income) to infidelity. Criminal up rising among our urban and periurban population must be tackle seriously from the point of income, employment and neighborhood system enhancement. We need not much police and security personnel, if we have good economic system that can take care of the citizen welfare and basic needs. Najib, should not merely focus on affordable housing development, but his housing development policy should shift toward developing a real healthy neighborhoods. What encompass a healthy neighborhood, the magical exmaples are there since the Baghdad Garden of Eden era, to Cardova, then development of Madina and Mecca in the hieght of Muhammad life to Garden Cities in the current centuries.
(11) TAR knew that in order for the nation to be able to stand tall, the citizen must be well educated. Penyata Razak is the briliant idea of TAR in transforming our Post-Colonial Education System. Fully residenbtial school and ITM was engineered for such, especially to facilitate the disadvantage rural students to have access to better education. TAR himself is the product of MCKK. It is a basic need now that education and skill must be seriously advanced among our citizen. We must not be too complacent to see that nowaday there are more girls in the Higher Learning Institution, but we must also be critical minded of why is that phenomena sliding drastically among the boys. Let our educational system be a tool to really develop the nation not the gender! We can't afford to loose even a body, worst to say a group drop-out! Appointing the DPM as the Minsiter of Education is a real righ move. He must be given a great authority to transform our educaytion system that could make our citizen forever at greater advantage position.
(12) TAR hate corruption. Corrupted leaders and administrators are traitor to a nation building process. These type of personalities are the destroyer of the future generation fate. They are the pariah that are worst than pirates, thieves, rapers, killers...or what so ever. The establishment of the Biro Pencegah Rasuah (BPR) under TAR signified his hatred on corruption practices. I (we) hope and must now ensure that the Najib be serious about all this. We should note, when TAR passed away, a news paper did reported that he merely have RM50,000.00 cash in his account. He don't even have a home. That how TAR had dedicated the whole of his life and struggle to the country. Will Najib have a gut to behave the similar if not alike?
(12) Let us not being influence to bribery. Let us just take what i really due to us. Bribery, in what ever form: material, women, 'good words', etc would one day make us a slave. I have seen and heard, one said: "When I was at certain position, everybody prayed to me, now after I retired, I felt like a mad dog on the street!". Let live an honored life.
(13) Politically, TAR managed to bring PAS (Asri Muda) to work together with UMNO. Why can't Najib. Let pray and assist Muhhydin to succed in this, and I hope, Nik Aziz could take off his turban and wipe well his forehead to see the star ahead if not the coudy Malays' future for being 'closed eyes and deaf ears' to the real need of today! Let everybody swallow their ego, let works seriously for the good of Ummah.
(14) I hope Najib, as I said in a much earlier article, not the one who would realize the end of UMNO based on the RAHMAN theory! I hope he could reverse or re-cycle the theory into NAMHAR!
Mukah, Sarawak
14 July, 2010
that partly explains why economic achievement is considered a prerequisite for the nation building...
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