

Posted By: Abdullah Chek Sahamat - July 28, 2009


& Comment

'Read..." that was the first command given to Muhammad saw, when he was first approached by the Holly Ghost, Jibrail. But surely it means beyond literally read which through my lots of reading it could mean Do for the course of Allah.... And, among the Malays, reading is nothing new, it is sort of a must, especially among the rural folks, the Malay kids, since when they begin to know how to talk, they were exposed to reading, first the Al Muqaddam, then the Quran. Except, I believe, they seldom expand thereon.

(2) Two books that I remember most: Magdelina and Perdana. I read MAGDELINA while I was in Form II, thus quite sometimes I had searched for the books among our public libraries. I can't found one. From the internet and with a help from a friend, Nurul Aida in Jakarta, in 2009, I went to Jakarta Pusat Library, still I only managed to have the photocopy of Magdelina. In 2010, my search brought me to Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM) then to Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII), where Shamsuddin the owner of the Warung Buku Langka handed me one. Magdelina is about love on a two cross road of two persons of contrasting social status. I experienced this many times. While Perdana was a gift by my school, SMR Kuala Krai, Kelantan for my good result in my SRP Exam in 1975. After reading the book, I donated the book to our school library since then I have to move to SMSAH in Jitra Kedah. The book was about a kampung youth struggle to develop his Kampung after the Japanese invasion. Now, I tried to be the main character in the novel. Both books, seem to have some clue to my future personal life path.

(3) I began to love reading when I was in Form II (1974), and mostly reading on Biography. At such age, I read a lot on Malaysian Leaders and Artists. Then when in Form IV, as I was appointed the Secretary of the School Debate Club (BM & BI), I began to read heavier stuff such as Mastika, Dewan Masyarakat, Dewan Bahasa and Political Books. I even have good collection of the Yearly National Budget Book.

(4) At Primary School in Sg. Putin, Pendam (1966), then Abg Man, Simunjan(1967-72), we just read books on Kassim and Eng Hock! In those days, there was no public library. Even the school don't have one. We had no much books to read.

(5) When MyBoy, Luqman Nur Haqim, was born, I bought him lots of colourful plastic books for him to play with. Then I moved into large pictorial books. I spent lots of time teaching him to differentiate colors, forms, and objects. The same treatment was accorded when MyGirl, Nur Fatmadewi, was born. Now, reading is their habit. They have their own Library with their own collections. I'm happy for being able to instill deep reading habit among them. Probably the only sustainable wealth that I could left behind.

(6) My reading is diverse. The main purpose of MyReading is to look for solutions to various short fall to MyKnowledges and Skills in MyQuest of MyTasks. Nonetheless, lately (last five years), MyReading is to confirm on the Policies, Methodologies and Procedures that I think are right for the Organization that I lead. The greatest setback for me was, since 1973 to late 2011, all my reading were more of orientalist products. Book on Islamic matters were hardly available especially those in English, Malays or even Indonesian. Alhamdullilah, since I frequent Indonesia in 2010, now I have better collection of Islamic books which I source either through Gramedia, MPH and or Darusallam. I hope one day I would be able to visit great Islamic publisher in Pakistan and India who seem to have work on greater tyranslation of the Islamic documents.

(7) I'm listing books that I have read and in my archived since may be 15-20 years ago, and if anyone, believe we could share, let do so to expand our knowledge. I'm also interested to get some recommendation on books that you guys read and could further enrich MyKnowledge. My next dream is to have a BookCafe. To date I have placed some books at Nusantara Restro at Lorong Simpang Tiga 1, Kuching as well as at MyStore Cafe in Kg. Terasi, Sadong Jaya, Simunjan.


We are in very much lacking on Islamic books that dwell on the diverse demand of Islam as a Way of Life. Our focus all these while was more of the spiritual of Islam not the wholesome of the religion.

(1) Sejarah Umat Islam I-IV. Hamka, Prof., Dr. Bulan Bintang, Jakarta, 1981
(2)Ayo Berdagang. Membuka 9 Pintu Rezseki Semudah Membuka Pintu Rumah Anda. Muhaimin Iqbal. Republika. Jakarta. 2011
(3) Belajar sendiri Membaca Al Quran. Dari Nol Hingga Mahir. Muhammad Safrodin. Pustaka Marwa. Yogjakarta. 2011
(4) Hidup Sehat Dengan Shalat. Shaik Muhammad Al-Utsaimin. Akhbarmedia. Jakarta. 2011
(5) The Road to Happiness. Prof Emeritus Dr. M. Sambas Wiradisuria. Bumi Samami. Depok. 2011
(6) The Prophetic Wisdom. Miftah Fauzi Rakhmat. Mizania. Bandung. 2011
(7) Minhajul Mukmin. Dr Musthafa Murad. Media Zikir. Sukoharjo. 2011
(8) Olah Batin Orang-Orang Shalih. Imam an-Nawawi. Diva Press. Jogjakarta. 2011
(9) Koreksi Total Dzikir & Doa. Syaik Bakr Abdullah Abu Zaid. Media Zikir.
(10) Sentuhan Spiritual Aidh al-Qarni. Dr. Aidh Al Qarni. Al Qalam. Jakarta. 2006
(11) Cahaya Zaman. Dr. Aidh Al Qarni. Al Qalam. Jakarta. 2006
Islam Jalan Lurus. Kenneth W. Morgan. Psutaka Jaya. 1980
(12) Dunia baru Islam. Lathrop Stoddard. jakarta. 1966
(13) Cahaya Dari Timur. Peran Ilmuan dan Sains Islam dalam Membentuk Dunia Barat. John Freefly. Kompas Gramedia. Jakarta. 2011
(14) Teosofi Nasionalisme & Elite Modern Indonesia. David Reeve. Komunitas Bambu. Depok. 2011
(15)Searching for Solace. A biography of Abdullah Yusuf Ali, Interoreter of the Quran. M. A Sharif. Islamic Book Trust. 2006. Kuala Lumpur
(16) Usool at-Tafseer. The Methodology of Quranic Interpretation. Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips. International Islamic Publishing House. 2005. Riyadh.
(17) Shahih Bukhari Jilid I-IV. Zainuddin Hamidy et al. Klang Book Centre. 2009. Kuala Lumpur.
(18) Terjemahan Hadis Shahih Muslim Jilid I-IV. Ma'mur Daud. Klang Book Centre. 2005. Kuala Lumpur
(19) Sirah Muhammad sejak sebelum lahir hingga detik terakhir kehidupan sang Nabi SAW. Syek Shafiyur Rahman Al-Mubarakfury. Abdika Press. 1993. Pejaten Barat, Jakarta Selatan.
(20)Isra' dan Mi'raj. Jalaluddin Al Suyuthi. Ibnu Hajar al-Asqalani. Perniagaan Jahabersa. 2009. Johor Baru.
(21) Four Key Concept of the Quran. Sayyid Abukl A'la Mawdidi. The Islamic Foundation. 2006. Leicestershire.
(22) Islamic Finance. Why it makes sense. Understanding its Principles and Practices. Daud Vicary Abdullah. Keon Chee. Marshall Cavendish. 2011. Singapore.
(23) Islamic Law of Business Organization. Partnerships. Imran Ahsan KHan Nyazee. The Other Press. 1977. Kuala Lumpur.
(24) Understanding Islamic Finance. Muhammad Ayub. John Willey & Son, Ltd. 2007. West Sussex, England.
(25) An Introduction to Islamic Finance. Theory and Practice. Zamir Iqbal. Abbas Mirakhor. John Willey & Son. 2007. West Sussex, England.
(26) Membumikan Ekonomi Islam. AM Saefuddin. PPA Consultant. 2011. Jakarta.
(27) Dinar Solution. Muahimin Iqbal. Gema Insan. 2008. Jakarta.
(28) The Biography of Zaid ibn Thaabit. Ali Salahuddin Ali Abdul Mawjood. Darusalam. 2007. Riyadh.
(29) Bahan Renungan Kalbu. Pengantar mencapai Pencerahan Jiwa. Dermawi Alibasyah. Cahaya Makrifat Bandung. 2005. Bandung.
(30) The Taqua of Marriage. Essential Knowledge for the Modern Believer. Omar Zaid M.D. A.S. Narodeen. 2011. Kuala Lumpur.
(31) A Gift for Muslim Bride. Muhammad Haneef Abdul Majeed. Dakwah Corner Bookstore. Petaling Jaya.
(31) New issues in Islamic Finance & Economics. Progress and Challenges. Hossein Askari. Zamir Iqbal. Abbas Mirakhor. John Willey & Son, Ltd. 2009. Singapore.
(32) Hukum Ekonomi Syariah. Zainuddin Ali, M.A. Sinar Grafika. 2008. Jakarta.
(33) Islamic architure. Its Phlosophy, spiritual significance & some early development. Spahic Omar. A.S Noordeen. 2009. Kuala Lumpur
(34) Takaful. Islamic Insurance. Concept and Regulatory Issues. simon Archer. Rifaat Ahmeed Abdel Karim. Volker Nienhaus. John Willey & Sons. 2009. Singapore
(35) Islam and Housing. Spahic Omar. A.S Noordeen. 1968. Kuala Lumpur
(36) Muslim History and Civilization. Ehsanul Karim. A.S Noordeen. 2008. Kuala Lumpur
(37) The Prophetic Medical Science. Shamsuddin Mohammed. Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyya. Millat book Centre. New Delhi
(38) The Philosophy Of Islamic Law of Transaction. AbdurRahman Raden Aji Haqqi. Center for Research and Training. 2009. Kuala Lumpur
(39) Bekal Pernikahan. Syaikh Mahmud Al-Mashri. Qisthi Press. 2010. Jakarta
(40) Sukuk. Islamic Capital Market. Abdulkader Thomas. Sweet & Maxwell Asia. 2009. Petaling Jaya
(41) An Introduction to Islamic Economics & Finance. Sheikh Ghazali Sheikh Abod. Syed Omar Syed Agil. Aidit Hj Ghazali. Center for Research and Training. 2008. Kuala Lumpur
(42) The Stability of Islamic Finance. Creating a Resilient Financial Environment for a Secure Future. Hossein Askari. Zamir Iqbal. Naoureddine Krichene. Abbas Mirakhor. John Willey & Son. 2010. Singapore
(43) Manhaj Haraki. Strategi Pergerakan dan Perjuangan Politik dalam Sirah nabi SAW. Jilid I & II. K.H Rahmat Abdullah. Robbani Press. 1992. Jakarta
(44) Fikih Ekonomi Umar bin Al-Khatab. H. Asmuni Solihin Zamakhyari. Khalifa. 2010. Jakarta
(45) Kesempurnaan Solat. Ahmad Baei Jaafar. Shauqi Othman. E-Media Publication Sdn Bhd. 2008. Kuala Lumpur
(46) Islam. Art and Architecture. Markus Hattstein. Petter Delius. h.f ullmann.
(47) Minhaj Al-Muslim. Volume 1: A Book of Creed, Manners, Characters, Acts of Worship and other Deeds. Abu Bakr Jabir Al-Jaza'iry. Darusalam. 2001. Riyadh.
(48) Islamic Law on Commercial Transactions. Razali Hj Nawawi. Center for Research and Training. 2009. Kuala Lumpur
(49) The Art of Islamic Banking and Finance. Tools & Technique for Community-Based Banking. Yahya Abdul Rahman. John Willey & Son. 2010. New Jersey
(50) Islamic Money & Banking. Intergrating Money in Capital Theory. Iraj Toutounchan. John Willey & Son. 2010. Singapore
(51) Architecture As A Reflection of Social Structure. A reminiscence of the Suleymaniye of Istanbul. Manor Ibrahim. Shireem Jankassim. Mesut Idris. Nurul Syala Abd latip. Nor Zalifa Zainal Abidin. IIUM. 2010. Petaling Jaya
(52) A Brief History and Development of Islamic Order. Azhar Seikh. Arise Publishers & Distribution. 2006. New Delhi
(53) Secrets of Leadership and Influence. The highiest level of leadership techiques and the strongest ways of influence from the Biography of the Greatest Ledar Prophet Muhammad. Sulaiman Ibn' Awad Qaiman. Dakwah Corner Bookstore. 2010. Jeddah
(54) Reconstruction of Culture and Islam. Mohammad Taqi Amini. Kitab Bhavan. 1988. New Delhi
(55) Sayyidah Aminah. Ibunda Rasullullah. Abdul Salam Al-Asyri. Jahabersa. 2009. Johor Baharu.
(56) The Way To Patience and Gratititude: Uddat As-Sabirin Wa Thakhirat. Ibn Qayyim Al-Jwaziyya. Umm al-Qura. Al-Manusura, Egypt. 2002;
(57) The Biography of Ali Ibn Abi Thalib Vol 1 & 2. Ali Muhammad As-Sallabi. Darusallam. Riyadh. 2011;
(58) Zaid ibn Thaabit. Salahuddin Ali Abdul Mawjood. Translated by Abdul Raafi Adewale Imam. Darussalam. Riyadh. 2007;
(59) Uthman ibn Affan. Ali Muhammad As-Sallabi. Translated by Nasir Khattab. Darusallam. Riyadh. 2007;
(60) Salah ad-Deen Al-Ayubi. Vol 1-3. Ali Muhammad As-Sallabi. International Islamic Publication. Riyadh. 2010;
(61) The Priciple of Leadership. Yusef bin Othman al-Huzaim. Trasnlated by Safina Yasmin Naser. Darusallam. 2011;
(62) The Valley Come Alive. Life of the Last Messenger. Ibn Katheer. Darusallam. Riyadh.2010;
(63) Islamic Fatwa Regarding Women. Muhammad bin Abdul Aziz Al-Musnad. Darusallam. Riyadh. 1996;
(64) The Biography of Abu Bakar Ass-Siddeeq. Ali Muhammad As-Sallaabee. Translated by Faisal Shafeeq. Darusallam. Riyadh. 2007;
(65) Important Lesson for Muslim Women. Amr Abdul Mun’im Saleem. Darusallam. Riyadh. 2005;
(66) The Islamic Months. The detail treaties on the merits, virtues, and practices for the months of the Islamic year. Hafiz Ibn Rajab Hambali. Translated by Mohammed Mohemedy. Zam Zam Publication. Karachi, Pakistan. 2010;
(67) Muhammad for the Global Village. Muhammad al-Haashimi al-Haamidi. Translated by Nasiruddin al-Khattab. Darusallam. Riyadh. 2008;
(68) Guide to Sound Creed. A book on Muslim creed and Faith. Salih Al-Fawzan. Al-Maiman Publication. Riyadh. 2009;
(69) The Islamic Guideline on Medicine. Yusuf Al-Hajj Ahmad. Darusallam. Riyadh. 2010;
(70) The End of The World. Sign of the hour major and minor. Muhammad al-Areefi, darusallam. Riyadh. 2010;
(71) Islamic Medicine. The key to better life. Yusuf Al-Hajj Ahmad. Darusallam. Riyadh. 2010;
(72) When The Moon Split. Faizul Rahman Mubarakpuri. Translated by Tabassum Siraj et al. Darusallam. Riyadh;
(73) You can be the happiest women in the world. A treasure chest of reminders. Aid al-Qarni. International Islamic Publishing House. Riyadh. 2005;
(74) Psychology from the Islamic Perspective. Aisha Utz. International Islamic Publishing House. Riyad. 2011;
(75) A Literary History of Persia. Volume III&IV. Edward G. Browne. Goodwood Book. New Delhi. 2002;
(76) Now You Are A Mother. Du’aa Ra’oof Shaheen. Translated by Huda al-Khattab. Darusallam. Riyadh. 2012;
(77) Healing Body & Soul. Your Guide to Holistic Wellbeing Following Islamic Teachings. Amira Ayad. International Islamic Publishing House. Riyadh. 2008;
(78) Sales and Contracts in Early Islamic Commercial Law. Abdullah Alwi Hj Hassan. The Other Press. Kuala Lumpur. 2007;
(79) The Story of Islamic Spain. Syed Azizur Rahman. Goodwood. New delhi. 2008;
(80) First Thing First. For Inquiring Minds and Yearning Hearts. Khalid Baig. Islamic Book Trust. Kuala Lumpur. 2007;
(81) The Prophet's Methods of Correcting People Mistakes. Muhamad Salih al-Munajjid. Islamic International Publishing House. Riyadh. 2008;
(82) The True Secret. Amira Ayad. International Publishing House. Riyadh. 2011;
(83) Sejarah Masjid Nabawi. Muhammad Ilyas Abdul Ghani.Terjemahan Anang Rikza Masyhadi. Madinah. 2004;
(84) Sejarah Mekah. Muhammad Ilyas Abdul Ghani. Terjemahan Anang Rikza Masyhadi. Al Rasheed Printer. Madinah. 2004.
(85) The Book of the End: Great Trials and Tribulation. Al-Hafiz Ibn Katheer Dismashqi. Translated by Faisal Shafiq. Darussalam. 2006. Riyadh
(86) Raza'il-E-A'Maal Part Ii. Revised Traslation of Tabalighi Nisab. Millat Book Center. 2002. Delhi
(87) Sword of Allah Khalid Bin Al-Waleed. One of the greatest Military General in History. A.I Akram. Nickleodeon Books (M) Sdn Bhd. Petaling Jaya
(88) Indahnya Akhlak Rasulullah. Abdul Mu'nim Al-Hayimi. Inteam Publishing.2012. Kuala Lumpur
(89) Ensiklopedia Akhlak Muhammad SAW. Mahmud Al-Mishri. Pena Pundi Aksara. 2011. Jakarta


History remind us of the strengths and weaknesses of the past that could be the mirror to our struggles. History seem to repeat itself as most of us ignored our past.

(1) History of the Filipino People. Agongcillo, Teodoro A. Garotech Publishing. 1960
(2) The Long March. An Account of Modern China. Beauvoir, Simone de. Phoenix Press. 1957
(3) Kerajaan Acheh. Zaman Sultan Iskandar Muda. Lombard, Dennys. Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia. 2006
(4) The Conquest of Java. Thorn, Major William. Periplus. 2004
(5) Indonesian Destines. Friend, Theodore. The Belknap Press of Havard Univ. Press. 2003
(6) A Concise History of USSR. Dmytyshyn, Basil. Charles Scriner's Sons. 1984
(7) A Cambodian Odyssey. Ngor, Haing. Warners Books. 1987
(8) Soldiers of the Sun. The Rise and Fall of The Imperial Japanese Army. Meirion, Susie Harrie. Random House. 1991
(9) Mindanao. The Quest for Independence. Canoy, Reuben R.1987
(10) The Opium War. Low, C.C. Canfonian Pte Ltd. 1992
(11) 1688 Revolution in Siam. Hutchinson, E.w. White Lotus. 1968
(12) Perjuanagan Anti-Cession Sarawak. Sulaiman, Hj Mohammad Hasbie. Samasa Press. 1989
(13) Kampuchean Diary 1983-1986. Bekaert, Jacques. DD Books. 1987
(14) The Birth of Malaysia. Min, James Wong Kim, Datuk Amar. Lee Ming Press. 1995
(15) Iraq & The Crusaders. Bagig, Ahmad. Magnus Books. 1991
(16) Sino-Japanes War of 1894. Low, C.C. Canfonian Pte Ltd. 1993
(17) The Balancing Act. A History of Modern Thailand. Wright Jr., Joseph J. Asia Books. 1991
(18) A History of Thailand. Syamananda, Rong. Thai Watana Panich Co., Ltd. 1990
(19) Kamuchea Between China and Vietnam. Pao-Min, Chang. Singapore University Press. 1987
(20) The History 1946-1975. Vietnam at War. Davidson, Philip B. Presidio. 1988
(21) Korea. The First War We Lost. Alexander, Bevin. Hippocrene Books. 1986
(22)Life in the Malay Kampongs of Kuching Fifty Years Ago. Abidin, A. Zainal, Abdullah Salleh. Institute of East Asians Studies, UNIMAS. 2002
(23) Akhbar Melayu Perjuangan di Sarawak. Achie, Nordi. penerbitan Universiti Malaya. 2003
(24) Sepik. Tradition and Change Heritage in Papua New Guinea. Lutkehaus, Nancy et al. Carolina Academic Press. 1990
(25) Long Island. Coastwatchersat War in New Guinea.Veale, Lionel. Nationa lLibray of Australia. 2002
(26) New Guinea History. Documents and Readings in Prehistory to 1889. Whittaker et el. The Jacaranda Press. 1975
(27) Jerusalem in History. Asali, KJ. Olive Branch Press.1990
(28) The High Walls of Jerusalem. A History of the Balfour Declaration and the Birth of the British Mandate for Palestine. Sanders, Ronald. Holt, Rinehart and Winston. 1983
(29) The Philippine Revolution. A Citical Apptoach to History As Simplicity. Martinez, Manuel F. International Academy of Management & Economics. 2005
(30) The Kingdom and the Republic. Forest Governance and Political Transformation in Thailand and the Philippines. Contreras, Antonia P. Ateneo De Manila Universtiy Press. 2003
(31) Kisah-Kisah Kebijaksanaan China Klasik. Refleksi bagi Para Pemimpin. Micheal C. tang. PT Gramedia. Jakarta. 2006
(32) Catatan Subversif. Mochtar Lubis. Sinar Harapan. Jakarta. 1980
(33) Operasi Djiwa. sari dan Nila Pidato-Pidato Moh. Natsir. Ghazali Hasan. Menara Islam. Medan. 1956.
(34) Belenggu Ganas. Pitut Soeharto. Aksara jayasakti. Jakarta. 1982.
(35) Kebudayaan petani Desa Trunyan Di Bali. James Danandjaja. Pustaka Jaya. Jakarta. 1980
(36) Daulat Ra'jat. Buku 1. Tahun 1931-1932. Yayasan Hatta. Jakarta. 2002.
(37) Daulat Ra'jat. Buku 2. Tahun 1933-1934. Yayasan Hatta. Jakarta. 2002
(38) Sedjarah Melaju. Abdullah Ibn AbdulKadir Munsji. Penerbit Djambatan. Djakarta. 1952
(39) Limabelas Tahun Digul. Kamp Konsentarsi di Nieuw Guinea. I.F.M Chalid Salim. Bulan Bintang. Jakarta. 1977
(40) Revolutions and Revolutionary Movements. James Defronzo. Westview Press. 2011 Boulder, Co.
(41) Masa Depan Tuhan. Karen Armstrong. PT Mizan Pustaka.Bandung. 2009
(42) Sejarah Tuhan. Karen Armstrong. Pt Mizan Pustaka. Bandung. 2011
(43) The Art of Not Being Governed. An Ararchist History of Upland Southeast Asia. James C. Scott. NUS Press. 2010. Singapore.
(44) Laos. Frm Buffer State to Crossroads? Vtthana Pholena. Ruth Banomyong. Mekong Press. 2006. Chiang Mai
(45) Colonial Cambodia's Bad Frenchmen. The Rise of French rule and the life of Thomas Caraman, 1840-87. Gregor Muller. Routledge. 2009 London.
(46) A Record of Cambodia. The Land and Its People. Peter Harris. David Chandler. Silkworm Books. 2007. Bangkok.
(47) cambodia After the Khmer Rouge. Inside the Politics of nation Building. Evan Cottesman. Silkworm Books. 2004. Bangkok
(48) The Cham Rebellion. Survivor Stories from the Villages. YSA Osman. Document of Center Cambodia. 2006. Phnom Pehn
(49) Vietnam. A Long History. Nguyen Khac Vien. The Gioi Publishers. 2009. Hanoi

MyUnderstanding of one's biography, lead me to understand one's approaches in handling tough times in their course of their struggles and lives. It is great to know how the BigBoys think and act at their times.

(1) Sukarno. Kronologi Suatu Keruntuhan. Dake, Antonie C.A. Aksara Karunia. Jakarta. 2006.
(2) Bung Karno. Penyambung Lidah Rakyat Indonesia. Adams, Cindy. Yayasan Bung Karno. 2007.
(3) Achamd Yani. Tumbal Revolusi. Yani, Amelia A. Galangpress. 2007
(4) Confucius-Sage of the Orient. Low. C.C. Canfonian Pte Ltd. 1995
(5) Tun Haji Openg bin Abang Spi’ee. First Malaysian Govenor of Sarawak. Chon, Ho Ah. Se Hua Daily News Bhd. 1992
(6) Datuk Stephen Kalong Ningkan. First Chief Minister of Sarawak. Chon, Ho Ah. See Hua Daily News Bhd. 1992
(7) Tun Mustapha dan Pembangunan Sabah.Harman Shah, Abdul Hadi. Junaenah Solehan. Mohamed Yusoff Ismail. Nor Azizan Idris. Zahra Yaacob. Yayasan Sabah. 2003
(8) Kakuei Tanaka. Apolitical biography of modern Japan. Hunziker, Steven. Ikuro Kamimura. Times Book International. 1996.
(9) Musa Hitam. A political biography. Gale, Bruce. Eastern Universities Press (M) Sdn Bhd. 1982
(10) Sun Yat-Sen. Pictorial stories of Father of China in Chinese and English. Low, C.C. Canfonian Pte Ltd. 1994
(11) De Niro. A biography. Baxter, John. Harper Collin Publishers. 2002
(12) Mahathir. A profile in Courage. Morais, Victor J. Eastern Universities Press (M)Sdn Bhd. 1982
(13) Nelson Mandela. The Autobiography. Long Walk to Freedom. Little Brwon and Company. 1994
(14) Hitler and Stalin. Parallel Lives. Bullock, Alan.Fotanan Press. 1991
(15) Mao and Deng. A Dual Biography. The New Emperors. Salisbury, Harrison E. HarperCollin Pulishers. 1992
(16) The Autobiography of MalcolmX. Haley, Alex. First Balantine Books. 1973
(17) Harris Salleh of Sabah. Reffaele, Paul. Condor Publishing Pty Co. 1986
(18) Mahathir. Di Sebalik Tabir.Maidin, Zainuddin. Utusan Publication & Distribution Sdn Bhd. 1994
(19) Ho Chii Minh. The Missing Years. Quinn-Judge, Sophie. Horizon Books. 2003
(20) Kublai Khan. The Monggol King Who Remade China. Man, John. Bantam Press. 2006
(21) Einstein. His Life and Universe. Issacson, Walter. Simon & Schuster. 2007
(22) Tun Abdul Razak. A Personal Portrait. Yayasan Tun Razak. Utusan Publication and Distributors Sdn Bhd. 2005
(23)Tun Dr. Ismail. Kejora Timur yag Mengerdip. Ibrahim, Thajunnisa Mohamed. Utusan Publications & Distributors Sdn Bhd. 2004
(24) Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra. Biografi Politik. Adam, Ramlah. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. 2004
(25) Mahatthor. Great Malaysian Hero. Hamzah, Hassan Hj. Mediaprint Publications. 1990
(26) Ho Chi Minh. President Ho Chi Minh. Ho Chi Minh Museum.
(27) Chairman Mao. The Private Life of. Li, Zhisui. Arrow. 1996
(28) Mao. A Biography. Terrill, Ross. Simon & Shuster. 1980
(29) Mao’s. Great Revolution. Elegant, Robert S. Weidenfeld and Nicolson. 1971
(30) The Private Life of Chairman Mao. The inside story of the man who made modern China. Li, Zhisui. Chatto & Windus. 1994
(31) Deng Xiaoping and the Cultural Revolution. Rong, Deng. Foreign Langguages Press. 2002
(32) Mao. The Unkown Story. Chang, Jung. Jon Halliday. Jonathan Cape. 2005.
(33) The King Never Smiles. A biography of Thailand’s Bhumipol Adulyadej. Handley, Paul M. Yale University Press. 2006
(34) Chin Peng. My Side of History. Ward, Ian, Norman Miraflor. Media Press. 2003
(35) Suharto.The Life and Legacy of Indonesia’s Second President. Abdulgani-Knapp, Retnowati. Marshall Cavendish. 2007
(36) Suharto. A Political Biography. Elson, R.E. Cambridge University Press. 2001
(37) Sukarno. An Autobiography. Adams, Cindy. The Bobbs-Merrill Company, Inc. 1965
(38) Sejarah Kajeng Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX. Purwadi, M. Hum. Hanan Pustaka. 2006
(39) Bung Hatta. Oetama, Jakob. Kompas. 2003
(40) Benjamin S. Muka kampong Rezeki Kota. Cahyana, Ludhy, Muhlis Suhaeri. Yaysan H. Benjamin Sueb. 2005
(41) John Denver. Take Me Home. An Autobiography. Tobler, Arthur. Harmony Book. 1994
(42) Pramoedya Ananta Toer. The Mute’s Soliloquy. A Memoir. Samuels, Willem. Hasta Mitra. 1999
(43) The Life and legend Clint Eastwood. McGilligan, Patrick. St. Martin’s Press.1991
(44) An Unfinished Life. John F. Kennedy. Dallek, Robert. Little, Brown and Company. 2003
(45) Lee Kuan Yew. The Beliefs behind The Man. Barr, Micheal D. Curzon Press. 2000
(46) Sadam Husein. The Fighter, the Thinker and the Man. Iskandar, Amir. Golden Books Centre Sdn Bhd. 1991
(47) Daim. The Mna behind the Enigma. Sui, Cheong Mei, Adibah Amin. Pelanduk Publications. 1995
(48) U Thant in New York. A Portrait of the Third UN Secretary General. Nassif, Rames. St Martin’s Press. 1988
(49) Arafat. Terrorist of Peacemaker? Hart, Alan. Golden Books Centre Sdn Bhd. 1988
(50) Margaret Thacher. The Downing Street Years. Harper Collins Publishers. 1993
(51) Daughter of the East. Benazir Bhutto. An Authobiography. Mandarin. 1988
(52) Memoirs of Lee Kuan Yew. From Third World to First. The Singapore Story: 1965-2000. Singapore Press Holdings. 2000
(53) Lee Kuan Yew Vol. 1. Josey, Alex. Times Books International. 1968
(54) Lee Kuan Yew in his own words. Book 1, 1959-1970. Rodringuez, SJ. Hurricane. 2003
(55) P. Ramlee. The Bright Star. Harding, James, Ahmad Sarji. Pelanduk Publications. 2002
(56) Jose Rizal. Life, Works and Writings of a Genius, Writer, Scientist, and National Hero. Zaide, Gregorio F, Sonia M. Zaide. All Nations Publishing Co. 1999
(57) Ayahku. Riwayat Hidup Dr. H Abdul Karim Amrullah dan Perjuangan Kaum Agama di Sumatera. Hamka, Prof. Dr. Pustaka Dini. 2007
(58) Paradoxes of Mahatirism. An Intellectual Biography of Mahathir Mohamad. Teik, Khoo Boo. Oxford University Press. 1995
(59) Anak desa Diajanya berkata, Dibimbingnya berjalan. Abdul Muluk. Drs M.Isa Sulaiman. Pustaka Sinar Harapan.Jakarta. 2001
(60) Alhamdullilah Asahan Aidit. Roman Memoar. Lembaga Sastra Pembebasan. Jakarta.
(61) Ajahku. Riwajat Hidup Dr. Abd Karim Amrullah dan Perjuangan Kaum Agama di Sumatera. Hamka. Djajamurni Djakarta. 1957
(62) Mohammad Hatta. Memoir. Tintamas. Jakarta. 1979
(63) Bung Hatta. Pribadinya dalam Kenangan. Meutia Farida Swasono. Sinar Harapan. Jakarta. 1980.
(64) Antara Fakta dan Khayal "Yuanku Rao". Hamka. Bulan Bintang. Jakarta. 1974
(65) Petualang Ibnu Battuta. Seorang Musafir Muslim Abad-14. Ross E . Dunn.Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia. Jakarta 2011
(67) Natsir. Politik Santun di antara Dua Rezim.Tempo. Jakarta. 2011
(68) Mohammad Natsir Dalam Sejarah Politik Indonesia. Peran dan Jasa Mohammad Natsir dalam dua Orde Indonesia. M. Dzulfikriddin. Mizan. Bandung. 2011


Learning from practical persons give one greater confident, learning from theories, frames one better.

(1) The 48 Laws of Power. Greene, Robert. Penguin Books. 1998
(2) Building Character. Strengthenin the Heart of Good Leadership. Klann, Gene. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.2007
(3) Jack Welch. Lexicon of Leadership. Krames, Jeffrey A. Mc Graw Hill. 2002
(4) Becoming Coaching Leader. The Proven Strategy fo Building Your Own Team of Champion. Harkavy, Daniel. ThomasNelson. 2007
(5) Leadership Challenge. Posner, Kouzes. Jossey-Bass. 2002
(7) The Complete CFO Handbook. From Accounting to Accountability. Fabozzi, Frank J. et el. John Wiley & Sons. 2008
(8) Leadership. Rudolph W. Giuliani. Kurso, Ken. Hyperion. 2002
(9) Your Inner CEO. Unleash the Executive Within. Cox., Alan. Career Press. 2007
(10) Mindset! Reset Your Thinking and See the Future.Naiisbitt, John. Collins. 2006
(11) Reinventing the CFO. Hope, Jeremy. Harvard Business School Press. 2006
(12) The Transparent Leader. How to Guide A Great Company Through Straight Talk, Openess and Accountability. Baum, Herb. Collins. 2004
(13) Mindset! Reset Your Thinking and See the Future.Naisibitt, John. Collins. 2006
(14) The Tao of Negotiation. How You Can Prevent, Resolve and Trancend Conflict In Work and Everyday Life. Edelman, Joel, Mary Beth Crain


(1) Kumpulan Karangan Dr. Mohammad Hatta. Pusat Koperasi pegawai Negeri. Jakarta. 1971
(3) Alam Pikiran Junani I. Mohhamd Hatta. Tintamas. Djakarta. 1966
(4) Alam Pikiran Junani II. Muhammad Hatta. Tintamas. Djakarta. 1964
(5) Alam Pikiran Junani III. Muhammad Hatta. Tintamas. Djakarta. 1968
(6) cendikiawan Dan Polotik. Wiranto Soekito. LP3ES. Jakarta. 1983
(7) G-30-S. DiHadapan Mahmillub 3 di DJakarta. Perkara Dr. Subandrio. Pusat pendidikna Kehakiman. Djakarta. 1967
(8) Revolt in Paradise. K'tut Tantri. Mega Bookstore. Jakarta. 1964
(9) Indonesia. Social and Cultural revolution. A. Takdir Alisjahbana. OUP. 1966
(10) Santri dan Abangan di Jawa. Zaini Muchtarom. INIS. Jakarta. 1988
(11) Kaum Tuo-Kaum Mudo. Perubahan Religus Di Palembang 1821-1942. Jeroen Peeters. INIS. Jakarta. 1997
(12) Capita Selecta Ketiga. Pergerakan pemuda: jong Java, Jong Bataks Bond, Jong Sumatrenen Bond, dll dalam dokumen asli. Pitut Soeharto. Aksara Jayasakti. Jakarta. 1981
(13) Karya Lengkap Bung Hatta. Buku 2 Kemerdekaan dan Demokrasi. LP3ES. Jakarta. 2001
(14) Karya Lengkap Bung Hatta. Buku 3 Perdamaian Dunia dan Keadilan Sosial. LP3ES. Jakarta. 2001


These are specialized up to date books that inspired me in solving and moving toward specific course based on tested practices and experiences. All are Harvard Business Review publication.

(1) Finance for Managers. 2002
(2) Supply Chain Management. 2006
(3) Green Business Strategy. 2007
(4) Breakthrough Leadership. 1979
(5) What Makes a Leader. 1998
(6) Making Smarter Decissions. 2007
(7) The Mind of the Leader. 2005
(8) Corporate Governance. 2000
(9) Managing Uncertainty. 1999
(10) Developing Leaders. 2004
(11) Marketing. 2001
(12) Building Personal and Orgainzational Resilience. 2003
(13) Becoming a High Performance Manager. 2002
(14) Corporate Responsibility. 2003
(15) Strategies for Growth. 1998
(16) Becoming an Effective Leader. 2005
(17) Team That Succeed. 2004
(18) Bringing Your Whole Self To Work. 2008
(19) Compensation.2002


Knowing the economic of the business and the business of the economy would place us in greater advantage rather then just knowing either one.

(1) Macroeconomic. Theory and Policy. Branson, William H. Harper & Row, Publisher. 1989
(2) Advanced Mcaroeconomics. Romer, David. McGraw Hill. 1996
(3) Global Macroeconomics. Dernburg, Thomas F. Harper & Row. 1989
(4) Macroeconomic Decission Making in the World Economy. Rukstad, Micheal G. The Dryden Press. 1992
(5) Sukatan Pelajaran Makroekonomi. STPM. Piei, Mohd Haflah, Md Zhahir Kechot, Reduan Othman. Eastview Publication Sdn Bhd. 1993
(6) Cliffs Quick Review. Economics. Duffy, John. Cliffs Notes. 1993
(7) Intermediate Macroeconomics. Jansen, Dennis W., Charles D. Delorme, Robert B. Ekelund. West Publishing Company. 1994
(8)Macroeconomics. Theory and Policy. Glahe, Fred R. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. 1973
(9) Macroeconomics. Dornbusch, Rudiger, Stanley Fischer. McGraw Hill, Inc. 1994
(10) Macroeconomics. Mankiw, N. Gregory. Worth Publishers. 1997
(11) Economic. Principles, problems, and policies. McConnell, Campbell R. McGraw Hill. 1987
(12) Macroeconomics. Smith, Gary. W.h Freemen and Company. 1985
(13) Economics Today. Fourth Edition. Miller, Roger Leroy. Harper & Row. 1985
(14) Historically Planned Economies. Marer, Paul et al. A World Bank Publication. 1992
(15) Econometric Model and Economic Forecasts. Fourth Edition. Pindyck, Robert S., Daniel L. Rubinfeid. McGraw Hil. 1998
(16) The Essence of The Economy. Second Edition. Nellis, Joseph G. , David Parker. Prentice Hall. 1996
(17) Introductory Mathematical Methods in Economics. Wisniewski, Mik. McGraw Hill. 1991
(18) Mathematics in Economics. Model and Methods. Ostaszewski, Adam. Blackwell. 1993
(19) Basic Econometrics. Third Edition.Gujarat, Damodar N. McGraw Hill. 1995
(20) Statistical Techiques in Business and Economics. Third Edition. Mason, Robert D. Richard D. Irwin, Inc. 1974
(21) Economic Growt. Barro, Robert J. , Xavier Sala-i-Martin. McGrwa Hill. 1995
(22) Leading Issues in Economic Development. Fourth Edition. Meier, Gerald M. Oxford University Press. 1984
(23) Economic Development. Sixth Edition. Todaro, Micheal P. Addison-Wesley Publishing. 1996 (24) Proceedings of the World Bank Annual Conference on Development Economics 1989.
(25) The Limits to Growth. Meadows, Donella H. et el. A Potomac Associatioe Book. 1976
(26) The Economic Development of Sarawak. The Effects of Export Instability. Bugo, Hamid. Summer Times. 1984
(27) Economic Theories of Development. An Analysis of Competiting Paradigms. Hunt, Diana. Harvester Wheatsheaf. 1989
(28) Trends in Developing Economies 1992. A World Bank Publication
(29) Economics Today. The Macro View. Eight Edition. Miller, Roger LeRoy. Harper Collins College Publishers. 1994
(30) Microeconomics. Second Edition. Katz, Micheal L., Harvey S. Rosen. Irwin. 1994
(31) Microeconomics. Principles and Policies. Fifth Edition. Baumol, William J., Alan S. Blinder. Harcourt Brace Jova Novich. 1991.
(32) Microeconomics Theory. Basic Principles and Extensions. Sixth Edition. Nicholson. Walter. The Dryden Press. 1995
(33) Intermediate Microeconomics and Its Application. Nicholson, Walter. The Dryden Press. 1979
(34) Leading Issues In Economic Development. Studies In International Poverty. Second Edition. Meier, Gerald M. Oxford University Press. 1971
(35) The Peristence of Economic Discrimnination. Race, Ethnicity and Gender. A Comparative Analysis. Tuma, Elias H. Pacfic Books Publisher. 1995
(36) Case Studies in Economic Development. Second Edition. Smith, Stephen C. Addison-Wesley. 1997
(37) World Develoment Report 1992. Development and the Environment. World Development Indicators. Oxford University Press. 1992
(38) Leading Issues In Economic Development. Sixth Edition. Meier, Gerald M. Oxford University Press. 1995
(39) Regional Development Dialogue. Vol 5, No 2, Autum 1984. UNCRD
(40) Macroeconomics. Smith, Gary. W.H Freeman and Company. 1981
(41) ntroductory Mathematical Economics. Hands, D. Wade. Oxford University Press. 2004
(41)Economics of Development. Second Edition. Gillis, Malcom, Dwight H. Perkins, Micheal Roemer, Donald R. Snodgrass. W.W Norton & Company. 1987
(42) Economic Report of the President. Trasmitted to the Congress February 1998.US Printing Office. 1998
(43) Isu-isu Ekonomi. Siwar, Chamhuri. Dewan Bahasa & Pustaka. 1988
(44) International Economics. Theory and Policy. Krugman, Paul R., Maurice Obstfeld. Addison-Wesley. 1997
(46) Modern International Economics. Heefernan, Shelagh, Peter Sinclair. Blackwell. 1990
(47) International Economics. Eight Edition. Lindert, Peter H. Irwin. 1986
(48) Internatinal Economics. Second Edition. Appletyard, Dennis R., Alfred J. Field. Irwin. 1995
(49) Statistik. Matematik STPM. Edisi Kedua. Bew, Chew Chong, Lye Min Soon, Ong Beng Sim. Fajar Bakti. 1993
(50) Economic Evolution and Structure. The Impact of Complexity on the Us Economic System. Pryor, Frederic L. Cambridge Univesrity Press. 1996
(51) Financing Economic Development. An Institutional Respose. Bingham, Richard D., Edward W. Hill, Sammis B. White. Sage Publication. 1990
(52) International Finance and Open Economy Macroeconomics. Rivera-Batiz, Franisco L., Luis Rivera-Batiz. MacMillan Publishi Company. 1985
(53) The Case Against The Global Economy. Anad For A Turn Toward The Local. Mander, Jerry, Edward Goldsmith. Sierra Club Books. 1996
(54) Poverty & Household Economic Strategies. In Malyasian New Villages. Fui, Lim Hin. Pelanduk Publications. 1994
(55) Makroenomi, STPM. Piei, Mohad Haflah, Md Zhahir Kechot, Redzuan Othman. Eastview. 1993
(56) The Invisible Continen. Four Strategic Imperative of The New Economy. Ohmae, Kenichi. HarperBusiness. 2000
(57) Can japan Compete? Porter, Micheal. E, Hirotaka Taeuchi, Mariko Sakakibara. Perseus Publishing. 1998
(58) Restoring Ou Competitive Edge. Competing Through Manufacturing. Hayes, Robert H, Steven C. Wheelwright. John Wiley & Sons. 1984
(59) Asian Development. An Introduction to Economic, Social and Political Change in Asia. Tan, Gerald. Times Academic Press. 2000
(60) Asian Development and Cooperation. Second Edition. Tan, Gerald.Times Academic Press. 1996
(61) Lessons From Korea's Industrial Experience. Mukerjee, Dilip. Institute of Strategic and International Studies, Malaysia. 1986
(62) Issues In Malaysian Development. Jackson, James C, Martin Rudner. ASAA Southeast Asia Publication Series. 1979
(63) The Challenge of China an Japan. Politic and Development in East Asia. Shirk, Susan L., Kevin Kennedy. Praeger. 1985
(64)The Asian Storm. Asian's Economic Crisis Examined. Ries, Phillipe. Tuttle Publishing. 1999
(65) Greater China. The Next Superpower? Shambaugh, David. Clarendon. Oxford University Press. 1995
(67)Southeast Asian Chinese and China. The Politico-Economuc Dimension. Suryadinata, Leo. Times Academic Press.1997
(68) Chinese Economic Policy. Reynolds, Bruce L., Llpyong J. Kim. Paragon House. 1988
(69) China's Second Revolution. Reform after Mao. Harding, Harry. The Booking Institution. 1987
(70) Pembangunan dan Masalah Ekonomi. Kumpulan Rencana Pilihan Dewan Masyarakat 1963-72. Jilid 2. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. 1979
(71) Economic Crisis in Malaysia. Causes, Implication & Policy Prescriptions. Okposin, Samuel Bassey, Cheng Ming Yu. Pelanduk. 2000
(72) Malaysia's Economic Sustainability. Confronting New Challenges Amidst Global Realities. Navaratnam, Ramon V. Pelanduk. 2002
(73) Pembangunan Ekonomi dan Kelas Sosial di Semenajug Malaysia. Jomo. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. 1988
(74) Malaysia's Political Economy. Politics, Patronage and Profits. Gomez, Edmund Terence. Jomo K.S Cambridge University Press.2002
(75) The Malaysian Economy In Transition. INTAN. 1990
(76) An Introduction To Law And Economic. Second Edition. Polinsky, A. Mitchell. Aspen Law & Business. 1989
(77) Agriculture and Economic Development. Ghatak, Subrata, Ken Ingrersent. Harvester Press. 1984
(78) Overcoming Poverty Through Credit. The Asian Experience in Replicating Grameen Bank Approach. Getubig, I.P,M. Yaakub Johari, Angela M. Kuga Thas. APDC. 1993
(78) The Future of Capitalism. How Todays Economic Forces Shape Tomorrow's World. Thurow, Lester C.Willain Morrow and Company. 1992
(79) The New Competitiors. How Foreign Investors Are Changing The US Economy. Glickman, Norman J., Douglas P. Woodward.Basic Books Inc. 1989
(80)Post Capitalist Society. Drucker, Peter F. Butterworth. 1993
(81) The Mosaic of Economic Growth. Landau, Ralph, Timothy Taylor, Gavin Wright. Standford University Press. 1996
(82) Global Ethic, Global {Politic, Global Economics. Kung, Hans. Oxford University Press. 1998
(83) A New Deal for Asia. Mohamad, Mahathir. Pelanduk Publication. 1999. (Courtesy of YB Julaihi Narawi, 2006)
(84) The Tourism System. An Introductory Text. Mill, Robert Christie, Alastair M. Morrison. Prentice Hall. 1985
(85) Critical Issues In Tourism. A Geographical Perspective. Shaw, Gareth, Allan M. Williams. Blackwell. 1994
(86) Tourism, Develoment and Growth. Wahab, Salah, John J. Pigram. Routledge. 1997
(87) The Naked Social Order. The Roots of Racial Polarization in Malaysia. Abraham, Collin. Pelanduk. 2004
(88) The Next War. Weinberger, Caspar, Peter Schweizer.Regnery Publishing. 1996
(89) Penggantar Kedjalan Ekonomi So0siologi. Mohammad Hatta. Fasco. Djakarta. 1957


(1) The Complete Entrepreneur. The Only Book You'll Need to Manage Risk and Build Your Business Wealth
(2)The Entrepreneur Magazine. Small Business Answere Book. Solution to 101 Most Common Small Business Problems. Schell, Jim. John Wiley & Son. 1996
(3) Entrepreneurship. Starting, Developing, and Managing a New Enterprise. Hisrich, Robert D., Micheal P. Peters. Irwin. 1989.
(4) Successful Small Business Management. Fifth Edition. Megginson, Leon C., Charles R. Scott, Lyle R. Trueblood, William L. Megginson. Business Publication. 1988
(5) Awakening the Entrepreneur Within. How Ordinary People Can Create Extraordinary Companies. Gerber, Michael E. Collin. 2008
(6) Sales Management. Seventh Edition. Dalrymple, Douglas J.,William L. Cron, Thomas E. Decrlo. John Wiley & Sons. 2001
(7) International Business. Comppeting in the Global Marketplace. Hill, Charles W.L. Irwin. 1994
(8) International Marketing. Eight Edition. Catera, Philip R.Irwin.
(9) Essential of Business Law. Third Edition. Smith, Len Young, Richard A. Mann, Barry S. Roberts. West Publishing Company. 1989.
(10) Marketing Research. Within a Changing Information Environment. Second Edition. Mc Graw Hill. 2003
(11) The Marketing Gurus Lessons From The Best Marketing Books of All Time. Murray, Chris. Portfolio. 2006
(12) Entrepreneurs Are Made Not Born. Secrets From 200 Successful Entrepreneurs. Shefsky, Lloyd E. McGraw-Hill. 1994
(13) Re-energizing The Corporation. How Leaders Make Change Happen. Ridderstrale, Jonas. Mark Wilcox. Jossey-Bass. 2008
(14) The Guru Investor. How To Beat The Market Using History's Best Investment Strategies. Reese, John P., Jack M. Forehand. John Wiley & Sons. 2009
(15) Suviving Transformation. Lessons From GM's Supprising Turnaround. Barabba, Vincent P. Oxford University Press. 2004
(16) Peripheral Vision. Detecting Weak Signals That Will Make or Break Your Company. Day, George S., Paul J.H Schoemaker. Harvard Business Press. 2006
(17) Blue Ocean Strategy. How to Creat Uncontested Market Space and Make the Competition Irrelevant. Kim, W. Chan, Renee Mauborgne. Harvard Business School Press. 2005 (Courtesy of Sdra Omarali, 2008)
(18) Build To Change. How to Achieve Sustained Organizational Effectiveness. Lawler III, Edward E., Christopher G. Worley. Jossey-Bass. 2006
(19) Big Ideas To Big Results. Remake and Recharge Your Company, Fast. Kanazawa, Micheal T., Robert H. Miles. FT Press. 2008
(20) How Toyota Became #1. Ledership Lessons from the World Greatest Car Company. Magee, David. Peguin Group. 2007
(22) The Toyota Way. 14 Nanagement Principles From the World's Greatest Manufacturer. Liker, Jeffrey K. Mc Graw-Hill. 2004
(23) Toyota Culture. The Heart and Soul of The Toyota Way. Liker, Jeffrey K., Micheal Hoseus. Mc Graw-Hill. 2008
(24) Extreme Toyota. Radical Contradictions That Drive Success at the World's Best Manufacturer. Osono, Emiet el. John Wiley & Sons. 2008
(25) Gian Steps in Management. Innovations that change the way we work. Mol, Micheal J., Julian Birkinshaw. Prentice Hall. 2008
(26) Thriving on Chaos. Handbook for A Management Revolution. Peters, Tom. Harper Perennial. 1987
(27) The Management Control Function. Anthony, Robert N. Havard Business School. Walker, Ross Graham. 1988
(28) The Starbucks Experience. 5 Principles fo Turning Ordinary Into Extraordinary. Michelli, Joseph A. McGraw-Hill. 2007
(29) Japanese-Style Managment Abroad. Rose, Raduan Che. Prentice Hall. 2002
(30) Judo Strategy.Turning Your Competitors' Strength to Your Advantage. Yoffie, David B., Mary Kwak. Harvard Business School Press. 2001
(31) Dare to Do. The Story of William Soeryadjaya and PT Astra International. Buttler, Charlotte. McGraw Hill. 2002
(32)The New Realities. I Government and Politics?In Economics and Business/In Society and World View. Drucker, Peter F. Harper & Row. 1989
(33) Sun Tzu. Organising Strategy. Teck, Foo Check, Peter Hugh Grinyer. Horizon Books. 1994
(34) The Strategy-Focused Organization. How Balanced Scorecard Companies Strive in the New Business Environment. Kaplan, Roberts, David P.Norton. Harvard Business School Press. 2000
(35) Balance Scorecard. Step-by-Step. Niven, Niven, Paul R. John Wiley & Son. 2002
(36) Winning Office Politics. DuBrin Guide for the 90s. Dubrin, Andrew. Prentice Hall. 1990
(37) The OZ Principle. Getting Results Through Individual and Oragnizational Accountability. Connors, Roger, Tom Smith, Craig Hickman. Porfolio. 1994
(38) Wrp-Speed Growth. Managingthe Fast-tRack Business Without Sacrificing Time, People, and Money. Meyer, Peter. Amacom. 2000
(39) Building A Win-Win World. Life Beyond Global Economic Warfare. Henderson, Hazel. Berrett-Koehler Publishers. 1996
(40) The Fonttiers of Management. Where Tomrrow's Decission Are Being Shape Today. Drucker, Peter F. Perennial Library. 1986
(41) Successful Manager Handbook. Ali, Moi et el. Dorling Kindersley. 2002
(42) Essential Manager's Mannual. Heller, Robert, Tim Hindle. Dorling Kindersley. 1998.
(43) Built To Last. Successful Habits of Visionary Companies. Collins, James C., Jerry I. Porras. Harper Business Essentials. Herper Busienss Essentials. 1994
(45) Corporate Governance- A Director Practical Legal Guide, Malaysia. Hishammuddin, Lee. A WoltersKluwer Company. 2004
(46) The 36 Startegies of the Chinese. Adapting Ancient Chinese Wisdom to the Business World. Hou, Wee Chow, Lan Luh Luh. Addison-Wesley. 1998
(47) The Great Thought of China. 3,000 Years of Wisdom That Shaped a Ciovilization. Congjie, Liang. John Wiley & Sons. 1996
(48) An Introduction To Management Science. QuantitativeApproaches To Decission Making. Anderson, David R., Dennis J. Sweeney, Thomas A. Williams. Info Access Distribution Pte Ltd. 1992
(49) Pengurusan Edisi Ketiga. Stoner, James A.f, Charles Wankel. Amiza. 1989
(50) Managing for Performance. Ivancevich, John M., James H. Donnelly, James L.Gibson. Business Publication Inc. 1980
(51) Quantitative Analysis for Management. Render, Barry, Ralph M. Stair. Allyn and Bacon. 1991
(52) Organization Theory and Design. Daft, Richard L., West Publishing Company. 1983
(53) Hakikat Organisasi. Rosemary Stewart. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka.1985
(54) Managing the Modern Organization. Third Edition. Haimann, Theo, William G. Scoot, Patrick E. Connor. Houghton Mifflin Company. 19
(55) Built to Change. How to achieve sustained Organizational Effectiveness. Lwler III, Edward E. Christopher G. Worley. Jossey-Bass. 2006;
(56) Big Ideas to Big Results. Remake and recharge your company, fast. Kanazawa, Micheal T., Robert H. Miles. FT Press. 2008
(57) The Honda Way. Kiprah duo genius Sochiro Honda dan Takeo Fujisawa dalam mengatasi persaingan dunia automatif. Sato, Masaaki. Hikmah Zaman Baru. 2008. (in Bahasa Indonesia)
(58) The Asian Mind Game. Unlocking The Hidden Agenda of The Asian Business Culture-A Westerner's Survival Manual. Chu, Chin-Ning. Rawson Associates. 1990
(59) Managing in a Plural Society. Sendut, Hamzah, John Madsen, Gregory Thong. Longman Singapore Publishers. 1989
(60) Toyota Kata: Managing people for improvement, adaptiveness, and superior results. rother, Mike. Mc Graw Hill. 2010.
(61) The Mind of the Strategist. The Art of the Japanese Business. Ohmae, Kenichi. McGraw Hill. 1982
(62) First, break all the rules. What the World's Greatest Managers do Differently. Marcus Buckingham. Pocket Book. London. 1988


Great to know about Financial Management. Though it is a micro-economic in nature, knowing Financial Management, especially in managing the business Cash Flow and alternatives ways to finance or reduce the financing cost of an Organization will give one great leverage.

(1) Building Financial Models with Microsoft Excel. Proctor, K. Scott, CFA. John Wiley & Son, Inc, 2004 HG4012.5 P76 2005
(2) Corporate Finance: A Valuation Approach. Benninga, Simon Z., Oded H Sarig. McGraw Hill, 1997.
(3) Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice. Damodaran, Aswath. John Willey & Sons, Inc. 2001.
(4)Corporate Finance. Seventh Edition. Ross, Stephen A, Randolph W. Westerfield, Jeffrey Jaffe. McGraw Hill. 2005.
(5) Financial Know-how for Non-financial Managers. Esay ways to understand accounts and Financial Planning. Spencer, John. Adrian Pruss. Judy Piatkus (Publisher) Ltd. 1977.
(6) Finance. Eleventh Edition. Melicher, Ronald W., Edgar A. Norton. John Wiley & Son. 2003
(7) Finance for Strategic Decission Making. What Non-Financial Managers Need to Know. Narayanan M.P, Vikram K. Nanda. Jossey-Bass. 2004
(8) An Introduction to Islamic Finance. Theory and Practice. Iqbal, Zamir, Abbas Mirakhor. John Willey & Sons. 2007
(9) Understanding Islamic Finance. Ayub, Muhammad. John Wiley & Sons. 2007
(10) Due Diligence. Definitive steps to successful business combination. Rankine, Denzil, Mark Bomer, Graham Stedman. Prentice Hall. 2003
(11) Forecasting Budgets. 25 Keys to Sucessful Planning. Moore, Norman. Lebhar-Friedman Books. 1999
(12) Tracking & Controlling Costs. 25 Keys to Cost Management. Hussein, Mohamed. Lebhar-Friedman Books. 1999
(13) Analyzing Financial Statements. 25 Keys to Understanding The Numbers. Press, Eric. Lebhar-Friedman Books. 1999
(14) Activity-based Cost Management. An Executive’s Guide. Cokins, Gary. John Willey & Sons. 2001


(1) Urban Planning. An Islamic Perspective. Sarkawi, Azila Ahmad, Alis Abdullah. Arah Publications. 2008
(2) Spreedsheet Models for Urban and Regional Analysis. Klosterman, Richard e., Richard K. Brail, Earl G. Bossard. Center for Urban Policy Research, Univ. of New Brunswick. 1994
(3) Petempatan FELDA. Perspektif Perancangan Bandar dan Desa. Mohamad, Sulong. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. 1985
(4) Rural Environmental Planning For Sustainable Communities. Sargent, Frederic O., Paul Lusk, Jose A. Rivera, Maria Varela. Island Press. 1991
(5) Environmetal Planning and Decission Making. Ortolano, Leonard. John Wiley & Sons. 1984


There are numerous motivational books that we can read to self-help in further analysing our ownself and`thus improve thereon. Accordingly, motivation also must be strongly accompanied by good health and vitality.

(1) Who's Got Your Back. The breakthrough program to build deep, trusting relationships that create success-and won't let you fail. Ferrazzi, Keith. Broadway Books. 2009
(2) Tough Times Never Last, But Tough People Do! Schuller, Robert H. Bantam Books. 1979
(3)Beware the Naked Man Who Offers You His Shirt. Do What You Love, Love What You Do and Deliver More Than You Promise. Mackay, Harvey. Ivy Books.1990.
(4)Fred Factor. How passion in your work and life can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. Sanborn, Mark. Random House.2004
(5)The Tipping Point. How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference. Gladwell, Malcolm. 2002.
(6)The No Asshole Rule. Building a Civilized Workplace and Surviving On That Isn't. Sutton, Robert I. Warner Business Books. 2007
(7)You"ll See It When You Believe It. The Way to Your Personal Transformation. Dyer, Wayne W. Quill. 2001
(8) Blink. The Power of Thinking Without Thinking. Gladwell, Malcom. Back Bay Books. 2005.
(9)The Difference Maker. Making Your Attitude Your Greatest Asset. Mazwell, John C. Thomas Nelson. 2006
(10) Imagination First. Unlocking the Power of Possibility. Liu, Eric, Scoot Noppe-Brandon. John Willey & Son. 2008
(11) A Compass to Fulfillment. Passion and spirituality in life and business. Inamori, Kazuo. mac Graww Hill, 2010.
(12) Keluarga Jawa. Hildred Geertz. Grfitipers. Jakarta. 1983
(13) Agar Cinta Bersemi Indah. Mohammad Fauzil Adhim. Gema Insani. Jakarta. 2002
(14) Tak Goyah Diterpa Badai. Dr. H. Miftah Faridl. Gema Insani. Jakarta. 2006
(15) The Longivity Bible. 8 Strategies for Keeping Your Mind Sharp and Your Body Young. Gary Small. Hyperion. 2006 New York
(16) The Secret Langage of Your Body. The Essential Guide to Health and Wellness. Inna Segal. Atria Paperback. 2010. New York
(17) Blue Zones. Lesson For Living Longer From The People Who've Lived The Longest. Dan Buettner. National Geographic. 2008 Washington.
(18) Modern Ways to Health. Clifford R. Anderson. South Pusblishing Association. Nashville. 1962
(19) The Okinawa Program. How the world's longest-lived people achieve everlasting health and how you can do. Bradley J. Willcox M.D, D. Craig Willicox. Makoto Suzuki. Clarkson Potter. 2001. New York


I do collect humor. Humor is important to cheer us up when we are down. It is also a good way to spent our spare times especially when mentally and emotional wise we are tired.

(1) Better Lat Than Never. Berita Publication. 2006
(2) The Portable Lat. Berita Publication. 2007
(3) Lat Gets Lost. Berita Publication. 2006
(4) Dr. Who? Berita Publication. 2004
(5) Lat With A Punch. Berita Publication. 2006
(6) Kampung Boy. Yesterday and Today. Berita Publication. 2004
(7) Lat Was Here. Berita Publication. 1995
(8) Keluarga Si Mamat.Berita Publication. 2004
(9) Lots More Lat. Berita Publication. 2004
(10) Mat Som. Berita Publication. 2004
(11) Lat 30 Years Later. Kampung Boy Publication. 1994
(12) Be Serious Lat. Berita Publication. 2004
(13) Town Boy. Berita Publication. 2004
(14) The Kampung Boy. Berita Publication. 2004
(15) Lat & Gang. Berita Publication. 2006
(16) Lat & His Lot Again. Berita Publication. 2006
(17) Isuzu Lu Book 5. Brown, Bob. Pacificview Multimedia Ltd (PNG), 2006 (Note: Bob Brown is Lat of PNG)
(18) Laughter Made in PNG. Matane, Paulias. UBS Publishers' Distribution Ltd. 2001
(19) Ples. Vol 1. Brown, Bob. Pacificview Multimedia Publication. 2006
(20) Grass Roots. Best of The Good Ol' Days. Vol 1. Brown, Bob. Pacificview Multimedia Publication. 2006
(21) The New Birth Order Book. Why You Are the Way You Are. Kevin Leman, Dr. Fleming H. Revel. Michigan. 1998


A novelist is a great dreamer. Novel writing can be a reality. It can just be an entertainment but sometimes it can gives deep meaning and awkening implication vis Hose Rizal. I'm working hard to be a novelist.

(1) Langkah Pertama, Kumpulan Cerpen Awal 1954-1959, Arena Wati, Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lu7mpur 2004
(2) Liku Berkarang. Kadir, Adam A. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur 2007
(3) Mahabbah. Ahmad, Shahnon. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, 2007
(4) Menikam Kalbu. Tehrani, Faisal. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka., Kuala Lumpur. 2007
(5)Rentak Galur. Othman, Sarimah. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka., Kuala Lumpur. 2007
(6) Harun Aminurrashid. Pembangkit Semangat Kebangsaan. Dewan bahasa dan Pustaka. Kuala Lumpur. 2006
(7) Sukma Angin. Arena Wati. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur. 1999
(8) Kisah Si Sidur. Rutan, Jiso. Dewan bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur. 2009
(9) Di B(10) Islands of Angry Ghosts. Murder, Mayden and Mutiny. The Story of the Batavia. Edwards, Hugh. Harper Collins Publishers. 1966
(10) Daughter of the Yellow River. The Inspirational Journey of a Successful Global Entrepreneur. Lu, Diana. Image Global Impact. 2006
(11) Nothing is Sacreon. Joned, Salleh Ben. Maya Press. 2003
(12) The Gurkhas. Better to Die than to be a Coward. The inside story of the world most feared solders. Parker, John. Headline. 1999
(13) The Red Empires. A Tale of Love divided. Lescot, Patrict. John Wiley & Sons. 1999
(14) Brother Enemy.The war after the war. A history of Indochina since the fall of Saigon. Chanda, Nayan. Collier Books. 1988
(15) Novel without a name. Huong, Duong Thu. Penguin Books.
(16) Children of Cambodia’s Killing Fields. Memoirs of Survivor. Pran, Dith. Silkworm Books. 1997 (Remind me of a Cambodian friend whom I’ve forgotten her name during three months AIT, Bangkok Natural Resource Planning Course in 1992)
(17) Paradise of the Blind. Huong, Duong Thu. Penguin Books. 1993
(18) People’s War People’s Army. The Viet Cong Insurrenction Mannual For Undeveloped Countries. Giap, Vo Nguyen. Fedrick d Preager Inc. 1962
(19) Stay Alive My Son. Yathay, Pin. O.S Printing House. 1987 (I met the author who was an ADB Senior Official who had been dealing with the IADP Kalaka-Saribas since 1986. His famous word is BUTJET for Budget!)
(20) Memories of a Pure Spring. Huong, Duoang Thu. Picador. 2000
(21) The Sorrow of War. Ninh, Bao. Vintage. 1998
(22) Taikor. Valour, honour, suspense, betrayal and love, the definitive Malaysian Saga. Kheng-Hor, Khoo. Pelanduk. 2004
(23) Perempuan Berkalung Sorban. Khaleqy, Abidah El. Arti Bumi Intaran. 2008
(24) Musafir Cinta. Al-Azizy, Taufiqurrahman. PT Piramid Citra Perkasa. 2007
(25) The Mute Solliloquy, A Memoir. Toer, Pramoedya Ananta. Penguin Books. 2000
(26) All That is Gone. Stories by the author of this Earth of Mankind. Toer, Pramoedya Ananta. Penguin Books. 2004
(27) This Earth of Mankind. Toer, Pramoedya Ananta. Penguin Books. 1975
(28) 1434 The Year A Magnificient Chinese Fleet Sailed To Italy and Ingited The Rennaisance. Menzies, Gavin. Harper. 2008
(29) Gajag Mada. Perang Bubat. Hriadi, Langit Kresna. Tiga Serangkai. 2006
(30) Laskar Pelangi. Hirata, Andrea. PT Bentang Pustaka. 2007
(31) Adik Datang. Said, A Samad. Wira Bukit Sdn Bhd. 2003
(32) Krakatoa. The Day the World Exploded: August 27, 1883. Winchester, Simon. Perrenial. 2003
(33) Best of Singapore Erotica. Pan, L.Q, Richard Lord. Monsoon. 2006
(34) Dream Die First. Robbins, Harold. Simon and Schuster. 1977
(35) Goodbye Janette. Robbins, Herold. Simon and Schuster. 1981
(36) The Cardinal Sins. Greeley, Andrew M. Warne Books. 1978
(37) Syekh Siti Jenar. Makna ‘Kematian”. Chodjim, Achmad. Serambi. 2006
(38) Roots. The Sag of an American Family. Haley, Allex. Reader Digest. 1974
(39) The Saudi. Inside The Desert Kingdom. Mackey, Sandra. A Meridian Book. 1987(41)
(40) Wild Swans. Three Daughters of China. Chang, Jung. Flamingo. 1992
(41) Benua Buta. Sikana, Mana. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, Kuala Lumpur. 2007
(42) Tengelamnya Kapal Van Der Wijck. Hamka. Pustaka Dini. 2008
(43) Mencari Jalan Pulang. Daripada Sosilaisme Kepada Islam. Ahmad, Kassim. ZI Publications Sdn Bhd. 2008
(44) Nanyang. The Lure of The Southern Ocean To Lands of Oppotunity & Danger. Kheng-Hor, Khoo. Pelanduk Publications. 2007
(45) Warkah Eropah. Said, A Samad. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka. 1991
(46) The Book Of Secrets. Vassanji, MG. Canongate. 2006
(47) Anak Punggut. S. Sastrawinata. Balai Pustaka, Jakarta. 1952
(48) Sepanjang Djalan Raja. Jeffery Farnol. Balai Pustaka. Djakarta. 1958
(59) Salah Pilih. N. St Iskandar. Balai Pustaka. 1979
(60) Surapati. Abdoel Moeis. Balai Pustaka. Djakarta. 1952
(61) Keretakan Ketangangan. Achdiat K Mihardja. Balai Pustaka. Djakarta. 1956
(62) The Black Swan. Nassim Nicholas Taleb. PT Gramedia. Jakarta. 2009
(63) Burung-Burung Manyar. Y.B. Mangunwijaya. Penerbit Djambatan. 1993
(64) Kiai Sundrun GuGat. Emha Ainun Nadjib. Grafiti. Jakarta. 1994
(65) Mencari Belerang Merah. Calude Addas. Serambi. Jakarta. 2004
(66) Begitu Ya Begitu tapi Mbak jangan Begitu. Danarto. Penerbit Mizan. Bandung. 1996
(67) Olenka. Budi Darma. balai Pustaka. Jakarta. 2000
(68) Dari Puntjak Bukit Talang. Soewardi Idris.Wilendra. Djakarta. 1964.
(69) Sebuah Perkahwinan. Nasjah Djamin.Pustaka Jaya. Jakarta. 1974
(70)Azab dan Sengsara. Merari Siregar. Balai Pustaka. Jakarta. 1990
(71) Kalau Tak Untung. Selasih. balai Pustaka. 2001
(72) Indonesia Dalem Api Dan Bara. Tjamboek Berdoeri. Elkasa. Malang .2004
(73) The Land of Five Towers. A Fuadi. PT Gramedia. Jakarta. 2011
(74) Ketika Kata Ketika Warna. Yayasan Ananda. Jakarta. 1995
(75) Aku. Berdasarkan Perjalanan Hidup dan Karya Penyair Chairil Anwar. Sjuman Djaya. metafor. Jakarta. 1987.
(76) Chairil Anwar. Pelopor Angkatan '45. H.B Jassin. Gunung Agung. Jakarta. 1983
(77) Seulawah Antologi Sastra Acheh. Sekilas Pintas. LK Ara. Yayasan Nusantara. 1995
(78) Amir Hamzah. Pangeran dari Seberang. Nh. Dini. Gaya Favorite Press. Jakarta. 2011
(79) Chairil Anwar. Kerikil Tajam dan Yang Terampas dan Yang Putus. S. Takdir Alisahbana. Dian Rakyat. 2008.
(80) Selimut Debu. Impian dan Kebangaan dari Negeri Perang Afghanistan. Agustinus Wibowo. Kompas Gramedia. Jakarta. 2011
(81) Garis Batas. Perjalanan di Negeri-Negeri Asia Tengah. Augustinus Wibowo. Kompas Gramedia. Jakarta. 2011
(82) Sebelas Patriot. Andrea Hirata. Bentang. Yodgajakarta. 2011
(83) Anak Swejuta Bintang. perjalanan panjang penuh cahaya. Akmal Nasery Basral. Expose. Jakarta. 2012
(84) Ronggeng Dukuh Paruk. Ahmad Tohari. Kompas Gramedia. Jakarta. 2011
(85) Pacar Merah Indonesia. Peranan Tan Melaka dalam Berbagai Konflik Dunia. matu Mona. Beranda. Yogyakarta. 2010.
(86) Art Techniques From Pencil To Paint. Texture & Effect. Taggart, Paul. Sterling Publishing. 2002
(87) Art Techniques From Pencil To Paint. Line To Stroke. Taggart, Paul. Sterling Publishing. 2002
(88) Art Techniques From Pencil To Paint. Sketch & Colour. Taggart, Paul. Sterling Publishing. 2002
(89) Art Techniques FromPencil To Paint. Light & Shade. Taggart, Paul. Sterling Publishing. 2002
(90) Art Techniques From Pencil To Paint. Line & Wash. Taggart, Paul. Sterling Publishing. 2002
(91) Watercolor Painting By Bei Xu Min. Art Folio.
(92) The Complete Books Of Sketching. Hamilton, John, John Marsh, Robert Norrington, Sharon Finmark. Bounty Book. 1999
(93) Introduction to Chinese Brush Painting. Cherrett, Pauline. Eagle Editions. 2002
(94) Introduction to Painting with Watercolour. Buckley, Sarah. Eagle Editions. 2002
(95) The Watercolourist's Guide to Art Papers. Sidaway, Ian. David & Charles Books. 2000
(96) I can Draw Cartoons. A Step-by-Step Introduction To Drawing Fantastic Cartoons. Davies, Paul B., Kevin Faerber, Terry Longhurst, David Pattison. Paragon. 2001
(97) How To Paint & Draw. Drawaing. Watercolour. Oil. Acrylic. Pastel. A Complete Course On Practical & Creative Techniques. Harrison, Hazel. Treasure Press. 1994
(98) The Art of Walt Disney from Mickey Mouse to the Magic Kingdoms. Finch, Christoper. Harry N. Abraham Inc., 1995
(99) Ketika Kata Ketika Warna. Yayasan Ananda. Jakarta. 1995
(100) Aku. Berdasarkan Perjalanan Hidup dan Karya Penyair Chairil Anwar. Sjuman Djaya. metafor. Jakarta. 1987.
(101) Chairil Anwar. Pelopor Angkatan '45. H.B Jassin. Gunung Agung. Jakarta. 1983
(102) Seulawah Antologi Sastra Acheh. Sekilas Pintas. LK Ara. Yayasan Nusantara. 1995
(103) Plato: hari-Hari Terakhir Socrates. Hugh Tredennick. Kompas Gramedia. Jakarta. 2003


This is my temporary list dumpping place.

Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia

#Abdullah Chek Sahamat

Writing that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around my world which you may find hard to believe and understand


Bayu Senja said...

I was in Pekan Rabu in Alor Star, looking for MAGDELINA myself. My grandad gave it to me, i have to go back and look for it in his house..

Bayu Senja said...

ini yang lebih terbaru dalam penulisannya:

1). Ongkrutaraksa, Worapot (2006). Financial Modeling and Analysis: A Spreadsheet Technique for Financial, Investment, and Risk Management, 2nd Edition. Frenchs Forest: Pearson Education Australia. ISBN 0-733-98474-6.

2). Swan, Jonathan (2008). Practical Financial Modelling, 2nd Edition. London: CIMA Publishing. ISBN 0-750-68647-2.

Happy reading.Tq

Abdullah Chek Sahamat said...

Sdra/i(?)Bayu Senja, I got those books, and would be great if you could give me the real author and publisher of MyMagdelena......hopefully that will inspire me to do, I don't know...what, but, I keep thinking about the book! Thanks.

Anonymous said...

"Saya pun melayu" by Zaid Ibrahim.
ISBN 978-967-5266-03-4
ZI Publications Sdn Bhd ... "TheMonkey"

Anonymous said...

Saya kira menjumpai "magdelena" dalam internet namun tidak pasti magdelena yang saya jumpa itu adalah keinginan saudara Abdullah. Namun dikira dari tarikh saudara membaca buku tersebut seakan ianya bukan karya asal. Saya akan membantu saudara mencarinya di internet atau dimana-mana. Saya kira tuan pembaca yang setia. Mencari untuk menambah,mencari untuk pengalaman, mencari untuk bangsa dan negara dan seterusnya mencari bukan sekadar diingatan. -Andalusia-

Anonymous said...

Chek lah,

Buku Mastika time Chek Lah sama tak dengan Mastika sekarang?????

Mastika sekarang adalah bahan bacaan ringan yang sangat tidak relevan untuk dibaca dan disimpan sebab banyak memaparkan cerita separa lucah....

Entah kenapa ada penulis yang tidak bertanggungjawap menjadikan minda Melayu menyimpan kisah-kisah murahan untuk dijadikan tatapan dan hidangan minda yang dah tersedia ketandusannya.Hmmmm...banyak untuk difikirkan....

Kalau di Jepun, komik-komik malah drama-dramanya pun banyak menyelitkan pengajaran dan teladan, tetapi tidak halnya dengan kebanyakan komik yang terdapat di negara kita yang banyaknya datang dari barat dan drama-drama kita yang banyak membincangkan isu cinta yang tiada kesudahan dan akhirnya tiada langsung pengajaran yang diperolehi setelah 2 hingga 3 jam mengadap TV.....

Semua ini mencerminkan minda dan perwatakan Melayu....Saya akan mengikut langkah Chek Lah, memperbanyakkan membaca bahan bacaan ilmiah.

TQ Dear Chek Lah!!!!!!!!!


Abdullah Chek Sahamat said...

I have been reading heavy stuff since I my teen ages. Mastika at that time only talk about serious matters, about the survival of our people. I don't read blue staff, I don't like blue staff, though when I was bachelor I used to share with friends and even going out with friends who love those stuff.

(2) I love thing that give me strength to dedicate and wake me up for the course of this Country.

(3) Thanks to all who seem to be searching this Magdelena (just like Azizah for P Ramlee), probably this book (novel) would give me another strength for other course. Allahuwaalam.

Sarawak Princess said...

Just to share....in case some of you did not notice/ read these last weekend...Some good quotes on magic of books & reading (from Hermit's Column, Borneo Post 26/4/09)

A good book on your shelf is a friend that turns its back on you and remains a friend. — Author Unknown

“A book is the only place in which you can examine a fragile thought without breaking it, or explore an explosive idea without fear it will go off in your face. It is one of the few havens remaining where a man’s mind can get both provocation and privacy. — Edward P Morgan

“The worth of a book is to be measured by what you can carry away from it. — James Bryce

“There is a great deal of difference between an eager man who wants to read a book and a tired man who wants a book to read. — GK Chesterton

“Many people, other than the authors, contribute to the making of a book, from the first person who had the bright idea of alphabetic writing through the inventor of movable type to the lumberjacks who felled the trees that were pulped for its printing. It is not customary to acknowledge the trees themselves, though their commitment is total. — Forsyth and Rada, Machine Learning

‘Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counsellors, and the most patient of teachers. — Charles W. Eliot

“Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read. — Groucho Marx

“I find television to be very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go in the other room and read a book. — Groucho Marx

Anonymous said...

nmapaknya banyak peminat chek lah nak tolong cari buku ya...semua nak cari point chek lah...bila dia orang kena sebiji esok, baru tau langit tinggi rendah....
selamat mancari and mencuri....hati

Anonymous said...

Be constructive Bro.. This is about reading and if you are not interested dont comment.This Blog is an educational Blog. Manusia dilahirkan untuk mempertimbang dan berfikiran terbuka... Lihat kepada penulisannya dan jangan dipelok emosi... Kerana hati yang emosi.. walaupun kekadang cerdik.. tetapi... mengikut hati dan perasaan.. Pertimbangkan...

Secawan kopi...

Anonymous said...

Pada tanggal 23hb April telah dinobatkan "Hari Buku Sedunia" untuk pengetahuan semua hari ini adalah sempena tarikh lahir dan tarikh mati penulis shakespeare dan miguel de cervantes. Sebagai bentuk penghormatan maka pada tanggal 23hb April dijadikan "Hari Buku Sedunia".

"Orang yang meminjam bukunya pada orang lain adalah bodoh. Tapi orang yang meminjam tapi tidak menghantar kembali adalah orang yang pintar" kenape seh...


Anonymous said...

Tuntutan al-Quran dari 5 segi :

1) Membaca al-Quran. Jangan kosong hari-hari kita dengan tilawah al-Quran.

Sepatutnya tidak timbul lagi kisah para amilin tidak membaca al-Quran.

Ini adalah asas. Ruh dan nyawa kita.

2) Membaca terjemahan al-Quran. Kita ini bukan bangsa Arab yang memahami bahasa al-Quran. Oleh itu, perlu kita membaca terjemahan al-Quran supaya kita mendapat pengetahuan daripada apa yang kita baca.

3) Membaca tafsir al-Quran. Ertinya huraian-huraian setiap ayat al-Quran. Tidak memadai terjemahan kerana terdapat ayat yang perlu kepada keterangan tertentu.

Berapa ramai umat Islam membaca al-Quran tetapi selalu menentang perintah al-Quran. Antara sebabnya kerana tidak memahami apa yang dibaca.

4) Tadabbur al-Quran. Tadabbur ertinya merenung, mengkaji, meneliti dan seumpamanya.

Biasanya kalau kita membaca satu buku, kita bukan semata-mata mahu membaca, dan kemudian habis begitu saja. Tetapi kita mahu maklumat, ilmu pengetahuan dan sebagainya.

Begitulah sepatutnya dengan al-Quran. Ramai umat Islam rajin baca al-Quran tapi tidak mahu mengambil manfaat ilmu pengetahuan darinya.

Ramai yang baca hanya sekadar mahu pahala baca, tidak mahu faham dan meneliti ayat al-Quran.

5) Istiqamah dengan al-Quran. Istiqamah baca, seterusnya istiqamah beramal dengan perintah al-Quran. Perintah dan larangan. Mengambil manfaat dengan peristiwa yang diceritakan di dalamnya.

Berdoalah kepada Allah mudah-mudahan kita diberikan kekuatan untuk melaksanakan kelima-lima tuntutan berkenaan."TheMonkey"

Anonymous said...

Membaca Al-Quran..harus mengetahui sebab-sebab penurunannya kerana setiap surah yang diturunkan mempunyai cerita dan panduan disebaliknya... Maka baca , faham dan hayati harus juga disatukan dengan pengetahuan berkaitan dengan sebab-sebab penurunan.Dengan mengabungkan elemen-elemen ini kita boleh memngadaptasi ilmu Al-Quran dan membina fatwa berlandaskan Al-Quran....

Secawan Kopi

Abdullah Chek Sahamat said...

Al Quran, adalah formula hidup. Hanya bergantung dengan membaca Al Quran, kita pasti tidak akan faham maksudnya formula tersebut. Maka tidak heranlah jika, dalam mendalami Al Quran, Muhammad saw turut menyarankan kita kembara ke negeri Cina. Maksudnya di sini, kita mesti menyelidik. Penyelidikkan kita hendaklah mencakupi segala bidang, hanya dengan cara ini, barulah akan kita temui maksud khusus dan maksud sejagat ayat-ayat Allah itu.

(2) Mudah-mudahan kita mulai faham kenapa Al Iqra adalah ayat pertama diturunkan Allah untuk Muhammad yg buta huruf. Apakah Allah tidak tahu Muhammad itu buta huruf. Kalau manusia, sudah tahu dia buta huruf, dan kita suruh dia membaca, pastinya kita kata manusia ini sudah GILA! Maka, bacalah, fahamlah, kenapa Allah kadang-kadang melakukan 'impossible mission on impposible matter'.....

Anonymous said...

cakap pasal baca buku, ramai yagn baca, kita tabik spring.buku tak kira jenis apa semua bagus dibaca.tapi berapa ramai yang baca Quran ya.agak-agaknya kita pasti merangkak bagai anak kecil kerana tak ramai antara kita (Muslim) rajin nak baca Quran.Paham ke tidak yang dibaca itu satu perkara lain.Yang penting, adakah ia dibaca? renungkanlah....Quran kdgkalanya hanya menjadu penyeri ruang tamu...macam dah jadi trend

Anonymous said...

Saya teringat arwah nenek bercerita sebelum mengajar al-Quran. Kamu tahu kenapa kamu perlu baca Quran? Semua geleng kepala.. mana nak tau.. orang suruh mengaji kita gi lah mengaji.. Lepas tu dia tanya soalan satu lagi: kamu tahu kenapa kamu sembahyang? : Saya sempat menjawab kerana itu kewajipan.

Nenek dengan nada lembut mengatakan kamu kena kenal Tuhan kamu dulu...siapa yang menjadikan kamu... baru kamu dapat merasakan kepentingan membaca al-quran... bukan baca aja...tanpa punya kepercayaan dan keimanan pada ALLAH.

Kalau setakat baca orang tak Islam pun boleh baca... orang kafir yang pandai membaca tulisan Jawi pun boleh baca...

Secawan kopi

Abdullah Chek Sahamat said...

Lately I read an Indonesian Novel, titled Perempuan Berkalung Sorban by Abidah El Khlieqy, which is now has been made into movie, on page 88 of her novel she quoted seperti Magdalena menerima cumbuan Stevan. I believe she had read the Novel and probably has the novel. I email her, but no respond. Who know, if any of you bump on her, just tell her, I really want the book. I just don't know why, but normally my instinct is always correct on thing that I want. Kindly, assist. I have been wondering in many book stores to look for this Magdalena.

Anonymous said...


Wow sir! U do read a lot..

Anonymous said...

Berusaha untuk TIDAK menjadi orang ya BERHASIL
Berusaha untuk menjadi orang yang BERGUNA

Anonymous said...

saya ada mencari buku magdalena dalam google, mungkin boleh digunakan maklumat ini jika mahu memesan dengan kedai buku etc mph..

Title : Magdalena, dibawah naungan pohon tilia
Author: Alphonse Karr
Editors: A.S. Al Attas, Mustafa Lutfi Manfaluti
Translated: A.S Al Attas, Mustafa Lutfi Manfaluti
Publisher : Pustaka Antara, 1963
Original from : the university of Michigan

Anonymous said...

What is so special abt " magdelena"? Setakat banyak baca buku dan dapat ilmu tak berguna kalau hikmah tak datang di hati. Iblis SOSAT bukan tak berilmu!!!! Renung renung lah!!!!

Haslina Hashim said...

At least when you read, your mind is working and you are exposed to various knowledge - beyond what the classroom can offer you. This is the problem with our people nowadays, they are so infested with negative thoughts that good intents can be twisted around just to fit the petty minds. Renung renung lah jugak!!!

Anonymous said...

Asking questions are genuinely nice thing if you are
not understanding something fully, however this piece of writing offers fastidious understanding yet.

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