
10/1/14 YEAR OF THE HORSE.....Happy CNY.

Posted By: Abdullah Chek Sahamat - January 29, 2014


& Comment

This year, from 31 Jan., 2014-17 Feb., 2015 in the Chinese Calender is called the year of the Wooden Horse. Well, a horse traditionally is meant to be a horse. Nothing less. Be it in the farms. In the war fields. On a long journeys. In the deserts. In the grasslands. Definitely in the gaming (gambling) arenas. Strong, fast, endurance, and intelligent are among the key characters of a horse. Surely out of all the colors, the White Horse is much preferred. White is a superior color, its should symbolize, I believe honesty and loyalty. In the monotheism religions, be it Judaism, Christianity and Islam the purest color is white thus one's shroud, a cloth to herefater is mere is a piece of white cloth.  In the Cow Boys' World a limping horse must be put to rest fast. Such signifies man's high expectation of a horse. A horse can't be less than a horse.

(2) In the ancient world, their natural environments shaped their cultures. The Chinese, based on experiences and serious observation took selected animals' characters as the foundations for their human and or societal values development. I believe, over long period of observation, wisdom crossed into some wise men minds; in order to combat certain phenomena be it natures, economic, social, security, etc certain characters and values are paramount. Every year, the Chinese astrologists make their prediction over matters that are most important for the livelihood of the State (and people), and thus align those predictions to fitted characters and values. For ease of everybody, the animal symbol is the best way to make everybody to remember to what roles and characters they must uphold.

(3) In today world, in the modern scientific world, ecosystem determined everything. This ecosystem, not necessarily a natural environment, it could be just human created ecosystem. Today ecosystem indeed could be and couldn't be the subset of the natural environment. In the past, the ecosystem is purely natural-based. Thus humans of the past, they were much aligned to the environment as men of today. Men of today need to be educated or even force to be environmentally friendly.

(4) Indeed every year the world out there is wild. Since the acceptance of the political divine, the world is ever in the wilderness. For Malaysia and Sarawak in particular, we do hope our White Horses would remain as the horses, the white horses as expected.  Let us all pray for such, may Allah the All Mighty graces them and all of us with the best health and wisdom to get us passing great through 2014 Wild Wild World.

(5) In memory of some friends, I would love to post an old joke about a horse and host. Once, there was this old poor folk from a far rural distance. He spoke no English. But he had a little-little English speaking assistant. On one New Year Celebration, a young beautiful Minah Salleh tourist came to his village. Coincidently, there was a New Year Party organized at the old man's place. The Minah Salleh was invited to his place. The party was great. The Minah Salleh was so happy, felt specially treated indeed. The old man and his villagers hospitality was fantastic. To the end of the celebration, almost dawn, upon leaving for her resting place, she hugged the old man. "Thank You. Thank You. Thank You. Your are real great host tonight. I'm very very very happy" she said as she shaked the old man's hands. Once she was out of the doorway, the old man turned to his assistant, asking what did the Minah Salleh had said. Scratching his head, the assistant answered him with great confident: "She said you are very good kuda and she is sapi." The old man turned puzzle. The assistant grinned happily. "You are sapi!" shouted the old man to him. The assistant then walked away, mumbling "Horse (host) kuda....kuda Horse (host).....sapi (happy)...sapi (happy), yes I'm very correct. Old man, no good hear, no speak English". Friends hopefully no one will slip his tongue to say: Sapi New Year instead of Happy New Year to his Host which is not Horse or Kuda at this moment of New Year(s) Mood. To all the Chinese friends, I wish all of you Merry Chinese New Year, Kong Xi Fatt Chai.

Kuching, Sarawak
29 Jan., 2014

#Abdullah Chek Sahamat

Writing that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around my world which you may find hard to believe and understand


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