There are so much in this world that many just able to see or hear. Some saw a nice juicy grilled lamb shank advertised on a billboard, but could just see from a distance. Some heard the greatness of Effel Tower, but just to their ears. Four years back, I met a lady, in Kendari, Sulawesi, who had heard and see so much advertisement about Pizza Hut, dreaming of just a sit in such a place if not a bite of the taste. I took her there and bought more for her parent and siblings as well. She really cried with joy.
(2) Three years back, I went to Medan, took a beca round the town. The becaman whose family of four, just could have the simplest dish every day to fight the hunger. His boy and girl had never been to eat a proper meal. He never asked for a price of his service and accept as how much we a willing to reward for his service. For his honesty, his hard work and truthfulness, I took the family to the best Padang Restaurant in town. They can have whatever they want.They ate with joy. They celebrated their day well. The wife, cried as we departed. The wife hugged me with no shame. I was shattered for a moment.
(3) Today, Sivixay Vorasane called Rasane (Rasen), a taxi operator in Vientien Laos, drove me around the town. In limited English vocabulary he worked hard to tell and show me everything. He is proud of being Laos. He is honest though a poor guy. He work hard for a living. He asked nothing more than U$50.00 for a day. The cheapest I ever met on my worldwide travelling. Even back home, RM350-450/day is normal, and that is self driven and fuel expenses.
(4) Tonight, I asked him to take his small family out to accompany me for my breakfasting. We went to the best restaurant in town, the Kaola, sound like Kuala to me, thus it really catch my interest as I passed by during his drive. Kaola, the architecture look great to me. Probably a real Laos's form. The roof, the kisi-kisi skirting of the roof edge, the tebing layarr the wall in between the potong Perak separation. The windows' frame. The doors' frame. The post. The fencing. The layout. The compound setting. All look Village, look authentic Laos.The restaurant in fact is very special: "Sir, I many times come here. Never go in. Just sent customers". I looked at him when he pointed as such:"Have you take your family to good dinner?", I asked him back, while shoting all those interesting structure of Kaola. In low voice, he replied:"Never sir. I buy many things. My wife cook at home. We never go out at night. We have very little money"
(5) His explanation took me back as a cildhood in the 1960s. Then I shared a cup of Milo with my dad. The price then was only 10 cents, yet dad can't paid for two. We share. I was silent for a moment though pretend to shot more photoes.
(6) We were lucky. I never thought the restaurant is the best. Booking sort of a must. We got a table. He let me ordered for the food. He told his wife and kids to let me do it since I have earlier told him I won't go for beef, chicken, and most important no pork. His eldest son, age 11 years love beef. I ordered grill beef. The younger son love prawn, I ordered Prawn fried in flour. The wife and him eat anything. But I made her ordered hers. She refused for being shy. I believe she loves chicken, thus I asked for Pandan Fried Chicken. I then asked for the Restaurant Specialty, the fish ie Mekong Grill Fish and Banana Leaf Fremented Mekong Fish. Upon inspectin the detail of the Mekong Fish, then I realised it was a Tapah. The fermented fish was nothing more than the pekasam. I enjoyed the fish and fried river weed. The vege are soup of bamboo shoot and fried mix vege with seafood. Rosane go for seafood Tom Yam.
(7) I then left them alone, to order the rest, and move next door, to see nice teak wood carving. Upon returning, Rosane is already with BeerLao the local made beer. The kids started anxiously grabing what ever served. The time was stiil early, breakfasting was only 1846 hours local time or 1946 hours Malaysian time. The wife knew a little bit about Ramadhan and Syawal. I told her tonight, they are my family to celebrate the last night of Ramadhan and tomorrow will be the Muslim celebration day. Syawal.
(8) Later I treated the kids and the wife to ice cream. Listening to the word ice cream, I could see a wide smile on his elder son face. His wide smile was just as I grined to my dad wondering what was Milo in the 1960s when he ordered as such during my first day in Simunjan town.
(9) The kids, especially the young one seem not easy. He need to frequent the loo. I wonder why? Then only I realised upon seeing his big belly, he in fact had over eatten, thus need the release. The food, though that much, cost only U$65.00 or RM195.00. Cheap to the National Capital statue of Vientien.
(10) Later, Rosane shown me to the Mekong Waterfront. The place turn real lively at night. I focussed on paintings. They move a head of me. At a distance, I saw Rosane want to be romantic with the wife, thus I slower my pace so as to give them the chance. Later, when I catch up with them, I just told them to leave me alone and there just be on their own. Probably tonight, and I hope, Rosane at least had the chance to really celebrate with the family the way he had been thinking if not dreamt of. I'm happy, despite faraway from home, I made a couple felt real happy.
(11) As we said good night, the wife seem speechless. I could see how happy she was. I'm glad she loved the treat. They are real poor. Her dress tell me so. She just worn a very simple T-shirt, so was the husband. Only the kids seem well dressed up. The mismatched, gave me the inside of their social standing. Myself, normal, anywhere I went, just jean and bundle t-shirt.
(12) If you are in Vientien, Laos, just called Rosane. Just tell him you are a friend of ABC, my nick name as I told him, a Malaysian. His nos is +8562055502125. I believe he will take care of all your needs.
Vientien, Laos
29 August, 2011
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