Landing at Changi at about 11.55 hrs, then having simple lunch at M Nasir Restaurant somewhere by the Riverside. Later walked over to the OCBC Hq and went up to level 44 to meet up with the Lee Rubber senior management group.
(2) Looking down from this 44 levels, far down the green wide road, leading to the open sea, probably once was where Sang Nila Utama landed with his men from Palembang. This place once name Temasek. A place discovered by the Malays and habitated by the Malays. Today, Lee Kuan Yew made Temasik as Temasik Holding with investment all over the world for the great of Singapore. The Malays just remember Temasik as the old Singapura, while the Chinese made Temasik for the sustenance of the Singaporean who now the land of the over sea chinese.
(3) Yesterday, sort of a bit touched by the way my public service to be ended, I have a long chat with a big man. I recollect, the conversation pointed on, the Malays, they have brain. They think, they talk. The Chinese have ears and eyes, they listen, they see and they do. They get thing done. Thus, Temasik changed to Singapore by the Chinese, and the Malays keep talking of the past Temasik. A pitty, when Sang Nila Utama changed to Parameswara and made Malacca as his new stronghold, the Malays later remain as the original Malays wihout making much change and later Malacca becaming a Portuguese State.
(4) Today I have a great opportunity to meet the second generation of the Lee Grp aged 84, still roaming around the office checking on his people. He is now the Chairman of the OCBC which his group is the majority shareholder. During my student days, I knew Lee Rubber and Lee Pineaple, but never have the chance to meet the person. Today, along the very last day of my jouney, I at least made a decission that fit into what the big man had said about the Malays but I'll make a foot step ahead, getting it done. The Malays, with our brain, if we exercise our gut, we'll always be ahead. The angmo, Indian, Arab, and Chinese recognised that, but we never seem to relaise our cukuplah made us lost what we should be holding.
Changi, Singapore
22 July, 2011
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