Sometimes ago, I read the historical renaissance of Mecca. Mecca, a holy city, where initially, Allah had ordered angels to build the Ka'aaba as the spiritual centre of His creations. Later, Adam was ordered to improve on it. Due to weathering and long neglect, it was Abraham and Ismael who later rebuilt the ruin of Ka'aba, where thereon, instead of being the center of monotheism, but due to an emergence of a stronger polytheism city called Sanaa in the South, Mecca later lost it course. Only thousand of years later, Muhammad managed to bring back Mecca into the centre of monotheism, ie Islam.
(2) Interestingly, the same Sanaa, now the capital city of Yaman, once again takes a prime role to change the Arab sphere, hopefully into a better Islamic States. Starting with the Yaman people 'democratic' uprising, now Mubarak of Egypt has gone. Ghadafi is in the verge of collapse.
(3) Both Ghadafi and Mubarak were once nationalist. Ghadafi fought to liberate Libya from the Italian. Mubarak fought against the British (together with Gamal Naser and Anwar Sadat).
(4) About 40 years ago, Ghadafi was the national hero. To the Libyan, he was almost second to God. The same applied to Sadam, Assad, Shah Palavi of Iran, etc. He (they) managed to nationalised the Libyan petroleum industry, initially for the good of his people. Nonetheless, due to the Western pressure, despite being an independent country, he (and Libya) never being freed from the sphere of Western aggression which came in various forms. The West particularly the Italian, has been wanting to recolonized Libya for the oil.
(5) The same applies to the American course of action in the Middle East, whom want to be forever in Saudi, Kuwait, Iraq, and even Iran, not for the prosperity of the local natives Arab, but merely for the oil. Oil is a strategic and basic requirement of the Western Industrial survival.
(6) To us, the Malaysians, this should remind us of the British when they colonised Malaya, North Borneo, Sarawak, Brunei, etc which was merely to control the tin, rubber and spice trade. Fortunately, the British don't quite realise our oil wealth, such that they are less interested to hold on to this region after the WWII. All these troubles, are actually started with the greedy West (and surely our own carelessness) over the need to control the petroleum resources.
(7) Thus, the West, due to their upper hand civilization advancement, had used politic and democracy to keep those leaders, whom, in Malay termed as: Bagai lembu dicucuk hidung to lead all these countries to protect their interest (petroleum, trading route, and defense). When there are leaders who are deffiant and non-comformance to their wants and needs, which makes their interest at stake, they would work hard and being shrewd to get rid of those leaders. Sadam was their first victim. Now the president of Iran. Our Dr. Mahathir Mohammed, was once also their 'soft' target.
(8) As for Libya, as long as oil are abundant, of course, Italy had longing love to topple Ghadafi. Thus keeping Ghadafi in the continuous Sense of Insecurity. Worst, the American and British are always on standby to give a hand.
(9) I believe, since the day Ghadafi managed to liberate and nationalised the Libyan's petroleum asset, he had been always shadowed by all sort of threats and uncertainty. International and domestic threats were and continue to trail him. Thus, instead of using the nation wealth for the good and modernization of his nation, he spent most of the money to buy protection either through building all those unecessary security surounding him and or under the pretext of national security.
(10) Surely he had also used the money to make himself look grand. Ghadafi was (is) grand, but his people, majority of them live in poverty, misery, backward, or even worst from when they were colonised. These, I believe happened to Sadam Husein, Assad of Syria, Shah Palavi of Iran, King Husein of Jordan, in Yaman, in Bahrain, in Saudi, and all those Arab countries! These leaders, they fear more of the external threat, and ignored what Allah had said:...poverty, improvish, makes once an infidel..., thus due to their failure to take care of their own people welfare (the masses welfare), now, their own people became their worst enemy!
(11) Among us, also I would say, we (might be alot of us) do behave as such. While in authority (in whatever position), an authority that suppose to facilitate us to serve the people, but we spent most of our time (health and energy) to gain pleasure and weath for ourselves. If we are just as such, then, there is no different between us and those of Mubarak, and or Ghadafi, just that we probably are just Little Mubarak and Little Ghadafi!
(12) Today we might be talking about Ghadafi and Mubarak. But we may had forgotten about our own similar deed. Now I began to see, how, in Civil Service, those whom are old enough, even had passed their retiring age, still want to hang around. To them, the State still need them. They believe they are still being needed and wanted. It is the truth? Did we not ask ourselve, when we are being reengaged,is it really due to the State really wanting us or because we are pleading to be aroud? The Malay proverb: Hidung kemek, pipi tersorong-sorong!
(13) Allah is Great. Shah Reza Palavi (Iran), Sadam Husein (Iraq), Husni Mubarak (Egypt), and now Muamar Ghadafi (libya) were (are) His medium to tell us, on how bad to have these greedy and self-intetest characters. Nelson Mandela and Mahathir Mohammed are another example on how, if one is really great, they could still be great even when they are out of the power. That are why they are being honored!
(14) If we continue to think that we must be around even when our age and or health wise (energy, brain power, etc) doesn't give us the vigor to be around, and using the excuses that the young are not ready, then, it was us whom not really making them ready. To me, no such thing that they will be (very) ready. Just let the young be given the chance to dive and swim. When time has come for us to retreat, let just honorably retreat and take our different role. If we are good, as we believe, definitely there is always a room for us elsewhere and not to stop others in their career path. If Mubarak and Ghadafi had realized this, they won't be taken out with disgrace!
Matang Jaya, Kuching, Sarawak
24 Feb., 2011
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