
PELANDUK....BIG PAKCIK.....you touch my soul, I need to pay back!

Posted By: Abdullah Chek Sahamat - March 30, 2009


& Comment

In late Dec., 1972, at about 12 years old, I boarded a slow moving motor launch to Gedong, a small town up river of Simunjan. I was on my way to Kuching for my secondary education in Kelantan. It was raining the whole day. My dad accompanied me all the way. We left at about 0800 hrs, and only reached Gedong at about 1400 hrs. There was no road linking Simunjan dan Kuching or Gedong. In those day, either we need to take the open sea or up river through Gedong and Serian to get to Kuching…..life was so challenging....only god chosen seem to survive well...

(2) Along the way, I get together with some kids and we make friends soon. I remembered we sang….few songs to the height of our voice to beat the sound of the motor launch 20 hp Yanmar Engine….among the song were…Kasih Sayang by the Favorite Group, Mengapa Harus Jumpa, Ibarat Air di Daun keladi…. by D’lloyd….and some those 1960s Malay and Indonesia oddies…

(3) Gedong was flooded. We took a bus to Serian, another small town on the Sri Aman-Kuching Main Road. Serian was also flooded. The road to Kuching was cut-off. We decided to stay at a friend house in Serian. Next day, when the water subsided, we immediately took a bus to Kuching….it was a three hours journey..on those-day-type of road….

(4)We reached the Yayasan Sarawak hostel at Pending, at about 1200 hrs. There I met my former primary school art teacher, Chegu Mustapha Chang….and he allowed my dad to stay with me till I depart for the Malaya….there about 200+ of us, mostly rural students from all over the State…selected Sarawak students who had done well in the Common Entrance Examination (CEE) ie a must passed primary six common examination…..first level educational screening before one qualified to under go secondary education…in those day! Failed mean….drop out permanently! Now when I went back to MyHome town...I met some friends who couldn't make it...they really droped-out!

(5)During the two weeks, sort of orientation, I remember there were these two friendly and down to earth Yayasan Sarawak staff by the name of Omar and Lim….both were very friendly, comforting, and helpful in guiding us those young kids….probably our first time to be ‘removed’ from our parents and village….how to get, ourselves organized….bathing, bedding, cleaning our own clothes, dressing, make friends…and all sort….which I wonder…would such treatment continue being accord to our disadvantage rural students ….

(6)Yeehhh those day….people seem to work for greater satisfaction, …..developing their people….while today…I believe, majority, just to earn a living….(sadly) for themselves (some)….

(7) At the hostel, immediately I was introduced to the other four more students who will be sent to the same school with me, they were Untong Keri, a Melanau from Belawai (Sarikei), Haili Helen, a Melanau from Balingian (Mukah), Kamaluddin Wasli, a Betong Malay, and Ahmad a Malay from Marudi, Miri….five young chicos….to be sent to UK (Ulu Kelantan)....sound like from ulu we came to ulu we go!

(8) The five of us were ‘guided’ to be together at all times….and in few instances, we were introduced to this one ‘Big Pacik’….white and tall. We were informed that he will be accompanying us to UK….and he was really a nice ‘Pacik’….he even sat down with us and taught us how to use spoon and fork to eat…really make sure that we knew the correct way to eat with spoon and fork….eating quietly, no sound of the spoon and fork hitting the plate….the British gentleman style I presumed….and kept reminding us to be real good Sarawakian….especially when we were in the perantauan….

(9) When the time came, I waved a goodbye to my dad. We move in a group into our flight…..I was having mixed feeling…leaving my dad alone, and keeping a head for a better future…..I can’t look back to much….I was scared to cry aloud just like some others….

(10) Upon landing at Subang, we rest for a while, then we head for KTM Terminal…and took a train to UK….Kelantan was flooded at that time, road cut off and flight were unavailable….we took the third class coach…not enough seat for all of us..including the Big Pakcik…so we took turn to sit…all the way to UK from KL….about 24 hours journey..

(11) We reached Kuala Krai, in the early morning…and immediately rushed to Sek. Men. Sultan Yahya Petra (SYP)….we were sent to attend class…while this Pakcik was probably having detail discussion with the school….and to town probably having nap in any available hotel….

(12) In the late afternoon, he came back to see us with few letter pads and envelopes with him….he made us wrote letters to our parents at home….I never wrote any letter in my life…but he made us said all the beautiful things about the school, our new friends, our hostel, our teachers….he really know how to make us ‘make our parents at home feel good’….but in real fact…

(13) We had not made any friends yet…we slept the whole day in class….our hostel no bedding facilities…we slept on the floor….no mattress….the school…was just a normal school…..the teachers…not sure yet…

(14) Decembar 1973, when we were given the chance to come home, my dad passed me the letter that I have written and asked me to read it for him…..that really touch me how this Big Pakcik really have that soft heart to really take care of us….

(15) And when we were to leave for our form two level, in Jan., 1974….this Abdul Rahman Yakub, a small, loud speaking person….whom my dad used to say……pelanduk…was our great leader….gave his dinner speech before our next day departure….which to this day..I still remember….you guys are the little ambassador of Sarawak, therefore you must prove that you are real good people…and be back as real good people…..at that point in time the term ambassador….sound alien for me…but it sound good…so I remembered it till this day…..

(16) Well…the Big Pakcik was no others then the State Secretary, Abang Yusuf Putih, and of course Abdul Rahman Yakub the then Chief Minister….two person seem to very caring and have that far sight about the course and future of the Sarawak new generation….

(17) To me….the State had brought me up to this level…and now, it is the time for me to thanks….Tun Abdul Rahman Yakub (Pelanduk), Datuk Amar Abang Yusuf Putih (Big Pakcik), Chegu Mustapha Chang, Abang Omar, Mr. Lim….I hope I could just serve the State with no return expected…..I’m deeply indebt to the State….with you guys dedication and vision touch me deep in my soul….thanks and may Allah bless you guys to the best you deserve…..

#Abdullah Chek Sahamat

Writing that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around my world which you may find hard to believe and understand


Anonymous said...

what a journey in life!
I wish i could have gone through what u wen tthrough.
Life was too easy for me, too smooth sailing.
I am trying hard to understand difficulty in life, poverty in life but i guess i can only guess.
God gave us our own paths for reasons that are beyond our comprehension.....

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