For the past couples of months, the local mainstream medias had been portraying some hopes in our economic growth. Economic growth is key indicator to the wellbeing of the State. It is expected (if not a fallacy) that Economic Growth meant the betterment of the Quality of Life of the rakyat. The Country fast moving banking institutions such as MayBank, CIMB, and all those with the Islamic Financial instruments are forecasting comfortable growth prospects over the near future especially domestically and within the ASEAN and Asia regions. The economic growth emphasis is termed as forecast, a calculated prediction. In the economic endeavor, such terminology is applied indeed based on certain assumptions. Meaning, if the assumptions are correct or close to correct therefore, the forecast will approach to correct. Definitely the matter will be otherwise, if in reality, the assumptions go hare wire. In most situations, economic forecasting will be made based on judgement to some confident level of certain key scenarios. The judgements, to some extend becoming too lengthy academic exercise and resulting in over taken by event phenomenon. That normally the pathway of the economist and or business accounting professional. Their goals are short to long term prospect. But to the robust business practitioners especially the speculators, their approach would be very much favor to greed-ego massaging and or fear implant. They just want to have fast if not instance cash cow hit.
(3) Indeed in history, the very mobile people whom originated from the Palestine Land were the first to practice the so called Free Market. In the Al Quran there are verses that went hard against such practices as early as through the Teaching of Shuib (?) AS to his people ordering them to stop taking away others right through their trading weighting malpractices. There are writings saying, Riba had been widely practiced in the 500 BC in the Babylon. In a very simple form, Free Market was indeed introduced by few business intelligent as new meant for new opportunities and wealth creation. To these people the production sectors which were in the full controlled of the Feudalist, were and are not the best venture, they knew trading and finance are the New Growth Areas. Indeed for the Muslims, that is nothing alien. Muhammad SAW had clearly stated that ninety per cents of the world wealth is in the trading sector an accordingly he had also seen the devastating effect of immoral trading practices, thus that is the very reason, why he insisted for Fair and Just Trading. The Al Quran fortified Muhammad SAW teaching by prohibiting riba ie an excessive profiting. In the eyes of Modern Human History, that was indeed reminded to the Muslims about 1,400 years ago. Unfortunately the Muslims took Islamic prohibitions seriously, but ignored matters that were greatly encourage, they avoid riba, as well as serious business undertaking!.
(6) If one's critically follow the past 50-60 years World Economic Progression, indeed it has been up and down since the 1950s. After the WWII, the whole world was busy with the redevelopment agenda, particularly in Europe. Western Europe, Japan and Korea gained most from the redevelopment efforts. Accordingly, in the rest of the world, there was an upsurge struggles for independent. Due to the political and economic polarization of the big boys, the independent struggles were also greatly associated with the White or Red coloring. Independent struggles in the Third World countries had affect negatively to the World Economic Progression especially in the 1960s. Such was the period where most countries gained their independent, including Malaysia. But then in 1970-1980s, the World Economy came to stability and everybody seem to enjoy good growth except among the hardcore communist practitioners. The Capitalist West never want to leave China and Russia alone, and escalated the Economic and Political Power struggles to a Cold War status. The formation of non-formal Economic, Political and Trading blocks had hampered the World Economic Growth then. In the mid 1980s the world seen the collapsed of the Communist Great Wall thus enabling for the World Economic Adjustment to stimulate growth. But again in the mid 1990s to this day, the Capitalist never had enough; they turned the Middle East, the ever weak Arabs-Muslims into their gaming field. Accordingly they also had been pushing hard for the adoption of Global Market, Free Trade, Free Capital Flow, Human Right, Environmental Movement, the Minority Right, etc all under the pretext of common sharing and sustainable wealth development though indeed were another means of Imperial Hagemony. Since the mid 1990s to this day, the World is facing slow economic growth except for China and India, and yet all are experiencing an up surging cost of living. The global general population are in a dire social restlessness. Today, the whole world must be in great puzzle to see Allah's most gracious people, the Arabs, are burning to ash and dust. All because they had ignored Allah warning: Once you were in deep dark pit (barbaric Jahililiah) , and now I have shown you the light (Islam), turn your back not!.
(7) Despite the promising economic prospect especially for the 2H3Q 2013, such is very much dependent to the convincing Strategic Plans that Najib would possibly presenting in his coming 25th Oct., 2014 Budget tabling. There might be a possible good growth mood within the ASEAN and Far East that would give Malaysia some regional advantages to enable her to experience the growth of at least the five per cents target. The only precaution probably that we should be aware is that the regional growth will not necessarily favoring Malaysia as the Country is fast moving into the Consuming Economy. Malaysian consumer goods are fast being flooded by the Chinese, Vietnamese, Thailand, and even Indonesian products. The Japanese (and Western) MNCs had been using Thailand, Vietnam and Indonesia as their spring board to colonise the Malaysian markets. Indeed the Bumiputera particularly the Malays are the most affluent sector of the population. Such characteristic had given to lots of social and economic disadvantage to the society. Accordingly, Malaysian is now heavily dependent on foreign workforce to fulfill both her hard labor and some professional requirements. Again the general Bumiputera especially the Malays are more interested with comfortable but low paid job in the service sector, which thereon created an on going Income Slow Growth within the society. I would believe, capital flight is an on going Malaysian problem. Thus I would think, Najib needs to really restructure our Macro-economic Framework to quickly look at the postulation of Muhammad SAW of the trading sectors. The scopes and depths of such sectors may have to be critically dissected and restructured to position the Nation at the catchment if not the center stage of the regional growth condition. Accordingly, Malaysia must work hard to strive to evolve and develop the true Islamic Economic and or Financial System that provide just and fair opportunities to all, Muslims and or non-Muslims. We can't be forever nagging in fulfilling the call of Allah to be the khalifah.
(8) To be attune or if possible, be in the forefront of the regional and global economic advancement, is one of the major economic challenges facing the Nation. Najib need to race fast to equip Malaysia to such a scenario. Secondly, with the coming of the UMNO AGM, he is going to hear the sounding calls and plight of the delegates for the need of the Bumiputera Rennaisance. After 56 years of Independence, Najib can't be singing the same old song any longer. Government development strategies and programs can't any more be analyze from a very vintage perspective. For instance in the past, when say a Highway is being constructed, it was always a view that the rakyat (bumiputera) will benefit from such development, while in actual fact, nothing drastic will happen to their livelihood. The very good example is the construction of the Pan Borneo Highway, how much in fact such road development had really turned around the livelihood of say the population of Balai Ringgin, Bt. Lintang, Engkelili, Selangau or even Tatau. The same goes for Gua Musang, Temerloh, Jerlun, Tg Karang, Bt Kikir or even Batu Pahat and Muar. What drastic change had the East-West Highway in Sabah had help to eliminate poverty in Lahad Datu, Tawau, Semporna or Sandakan? Definitely there are changes, but I'm looking for dramatic changes of the livelihood of the rural raklyat, the Bumiputera. I doubt their Household and Individual Incomes and Quality of life had changed parallel with the sky skrapping of Petaling Jaya, Penang, Johor Baharu if not Kuala Lumpur. I would say, the major weakness or fallacy of the past Development Socio-economic Impact Analysis, was that the politicians and civil servants whom are mostly the Bumiputera didn't see those from the Chinese Entrepresing Eyes. Indeed the failure to significantly place the Bumiputera into the mainstream of the Country wealth creation and holdings was due to the failure to generate genuine entrepreneurs in the course of their involvement in those public developments initiatives. The Bumiputera had not depart much from the Ali-Baba or sleeping partners syndrome. They were and are not active participants. Most were and are mere passengers. How then would be Najib 2014 Budget Strategies and Programs to turn them to take the pilots' seats?
(9) Indeed Abdul Razak Husein, Husein Onn and Mahathir Mohammed had paved great instruments for Najib to carry on with the Enriching the Bumiputera strategies and programs. To me, as an individual, the Bumiputera wouldn't be able to take up big projects. But as a Corporate entities, they had made some headway. Sime Darby, Tabung Haji, FELDA and surely PNB are great example. Petronas is a world renown. There are only few Bumiputera whom poses Excellent Management Skills. Majority of the Bumiputera are mere loyal servants. Therefore, I would believe, the few excellent Bumiputera should be given Bumiputera Corporations to lead and thus to build the Bumiputera Economic Cake. Thus, I would believe, Najib should embark on massive mission in organizing the Bumiputera into the Corporations, and task those Corporations to seriously pursue the wealth creation and holdings for the Bumiputera. For such to be successfully accomplished, then our young must be made into Professional Muslims. The CEOs and key management personnel of these Corporation must be amongst those of out standing business excellence and Islamic moral standing. I can see, the Islamic teaching for Muslims student shouldn't stop at Form Five or Six level. Muslims students should be compulsory to attend Advance Islamic Teaching to the High Education Level. I'm expecting such echoes to be greatly sounded both at the coming UMNO or even PBB (Sarawak) 2013 AGM as well as in the coming Najib's 2014 Budget tabling.
(10) The development of more Bumiputera-based Corporation is timely. It is not only to resolve the Business Human Capital Gaps which is very glaring in the society, but most important as a concrete push and pull factors to organized and consolidate the Bumiputera assets and funds more efficiently. Najib shouldn't had forgotten the Malays saying: Bulat air kerana pembentung, bulat kata kerana maufakat which greatly implies for the need to struggle for Bersatu Teguh. I figured out this strategy is nothing new. The Chinese had organised this informally for decades. OCBC I would believe is the pioneer in the area. In general the Bumiputera have small saving and fragmented assets that need serious consolidation effort to turn those into great investment opportunities. It is indeed sad to note, that nowadays the rural folks couldn't anymore dealing with ASB saving through the BSN despite the institution is now making itself more Community Access. Among the present GLCs, they should no more be working on out right acquisition as such effort will one day eliminate the individual assets holding of the Bumiputera. Cash and share allotment I would believe should be a better approach. Najib should now be more concern of sustaining the Rakyat Income Growth along side with the National GDP growth.
(11) There are vast domestic economic opportunities arising from the previous Mahathir's Economic Transformation. More Bumiputera are now migrating to the urban areas. The literacy level of the Bumiputera had changed a lots though there is a serious missed matched syndrome. Technical and hard skills development among the Bumiputera had succeeded greatly to birth lots of blue collar workforce, yet they are not being capitalised to the best benefit of the Bumiputera. The building up of Bumiputera Middle Class Population is another area of concern, which entail changing lifestyle. I could see, the Government could now rely on GLCs and existing Bumiputera Corporation as far as to meet the Bumiputera Social Needs especially in the Living Places, Employment Centers, Convinience Services, etc developments. Gone should the day where Arked MARA, SEDC Stalls, Pasar Malam Local Council, etc be our Bumiputera style of entrepreneurship development. Our Housing Estate should now be developed into an Integrated Facilitated Neighborhood whereby proper Neighborhood Planning and Development Control must now be put in place. These Housing Estates or Neighborhood should be the best premises for Bumiputera-based Corporation to develop new business avenues. The role of Jabatan Perancang Bandar dan Desa must be tightened. Taib's Mahmud State Planning Authority (SPA) Model could be look at and enhance. Accordingly it is timely that the presence of JayaJusco, Tesco, CareFour, 7-eleven, and all those foreign-based Shopping Malls Operation be seriously relook. Our local groom entities such as Giant(?), MyDeen, etc should be promoted as Bumiputera-based Trading Corporation. In Indonesia, IndoMart seem to be successful in providing business opportunities to even at the Village level. Najib must force these entities to go public and thus to greatly instrument them as the leaders to push for the Bumiputera significant participation in the trading and manufacturing sectors. To me at least, the Bumiputera are to take care of their own social needs rather sustaining suckling from tax payers' pocket ie Government Assistance. Najib has to relook into the way we should assist the Bumiputera to stand if not on their feet but as Collective Corporation footing. I believe that was how the German, Korean, Taiwanese, and Japanese were able to take their people at par with the rest of the world or even better.
(10) The development of more Bumiputera-based Corporation is timely. It is not only to resolve the Business Human Capital Gaps which is very glaring in the society, but most important as a concrete push and pull factors to organized and consolidate the Bumiputera assets and funds more efficiently. Najib shouldn't had forgotten the Malays saying: Bulat air kerana pembentung, bulat kata kerana maufakat which greatly implies for the need to struggle for Bersatu Teguh. I figured out this strategy is nothing new. The Chinese had organised this informally for decades. OCBC I would believe is the pioneer in the area. In general the Bumiputera have small saving and fragmented assets that need serious consolidation effort to turn those into great investment opportunities. It is indeed sad to note, that nowadays the rural folks couldn't anymore dealing with ASB saving through the BSN despite the institution is now making itself more Community Access. Among the present GLCs, they should no more be working on out right acquisition as such effort will one day eliminate the individual assets holding of the Bumiputera. Cash and share allotment I would believe should be a better approach. Najib should now be more concern of sustaining the Rakyat Income Growth along side with the National GDP growth.
(11) There are vast domestic economic opportunities arising from the previous Mahathir's Economic Transformation. More Bumiputera are now migrating to the urban areas. The literacy level of the Bumiputera had changed a lots though there is a serious missed matched syndrome. Technical and hard skills development among the Bumiputera had succeeded greatly to birth lots of blue collar workforce, yet they are not being capitalised to the best benefit of the Bumiputera. The building up of Bumiputera Middle Class Population is another area of concern, which entail changing lifestyle. I could see, the Government could now rely on GLCs and existing Bumiputera Corporation as far as to meet the Bumiputera Social Needs especially in the Living Places, Employment Centers, Convinience Services, etc developments. Gone should the day where Arked MARA, SEDC Stalls, Pasar Malam Local Council, etc be our Bumiputera style of entrepreneurship development. Our Housing Estate should now be developed into an Integrated Facilitated Neighborhood whereby proper Neighborhood Planning and Development Control must now be put in place. These Housing Estates or Neighborhood should be the best premises for Bumiputera-based Corporation to develop new business avenues. The role of Jabatan Perancang Bandar dan Desa must be tightened. Taib's Mahmud State Planning Authority (SPA) Model could be look at and enhance. Accordingly it is timely that the presence of JayaJusco, Tesco, CareFour, 7-eleven, and all those foreign-based Shopping Malls Operation be seriously relook. Our local groom entities such as Giant(?), MyDeen, etc should be promoted as Bumiputera-based Trading Corporation. In Indonesia, IndoMart seem to be successful in providing business opportunities to even at the Village level. Najib must force these entities to go public and thus to greatly instrument them as the leaders to push for the Bumiputera significant participation in the trading and manufacturing sectors. To me at least, the Bumiputera are to take care of their own social needs rather sustaining suckling from tax payers' pocket ie Government Assistance. Najib has to relook into the way we should assist the Bumiputera to stand if not on their feet but as Collective Corporation footing. I believe that was how the German, Korean, Taiwanese, and Japanese were able to take their people at par with the rest of the world or even better.
(12) Najib, what would be his 2014 Budget Strategies and Action Plan or his Prime Drive at the UMNO 2013 AGM. to force especially PNB, Sime Darby, Tabung Haji, and FELDA to take center role in Enriching the Bumiputera. Similarly there are successful Bumiputera Corporations and Individuals, thus, what would the significant facilitation for them to honor their Fardhu Kifayah for the Ummah? Accordingly, I could see there are lots of Public Entities which are jumud, should they be just left untouched, to continue to skin the Public Funds? I believe, Najib should be brave to shrink the Civil Service, and to force the Bumiputera especially the Malays to be in the private sector. The Civil Service Huge Safety Net had made the Malays in particular to be too complacent. Dare him to be not popular to take hard strategic GTP, BTP Bumiputera Transforming Process and ETP? To me, about 65 per cents of the Country population are Bumiputera but they contributed probably about 70 per cents of the National problems. Thus, solving the Bumiputera problems would greatly relief the Nation to move on better. Bumiputera led GLCs and Corporation must now take their responsibility to build the prosper and cohesive Ummah. Najib should also be brave to inculcate real Islamic values change among the Muslims. We can't any more be seeing Islam from the UMNO and or PAS perspective. Islam is Islam, neither it be UMNO's and or PAS's. Allah had blessed Islam as the Way of Life of the Malays, so let make it the Way of Life of the Malays-Muslim not a mere "religion". Islam and the totral affair of the Nation must not be separated. Let evolve on it.
(13) I can understand, once Najib is vocal and be firm about the Bumiputera and Islam fate and direction, he will be very worried about the counter reaction of non-Bumiputera and non-Muslim. As I have said, 70 per cents of the Nation problem lies within the Bumiputera. Secondly, especially for the Chinese, they had numerous multi-billion Corporations. The Top five in the Country are lead by Chinese and an Indian. The Chinese-based Banking system had been very supportive of the Chinese business requirements. Surely those are of their long struggling effort. The only thing that I could see is that there is a great changing lifestyle among the Chinese (and Indian) young generation. They would love to stand on their own rather following their father foot steps. They just want to be really professional and enjoy good life. Accordingly, I could figure out there are lots of ordinary Chinese whom their financial business need are hard to fulfill by even their traditional financial institutions. To me, Najib just have to study all these and made the Rich Chinese to lend their hands to the ordinary men. The government may have to come in to recognize and formalize their efforts and thereon to learn how the similar system could be adopted in building the Bumiputera wealth enhancement and holdings. I believe, if we are sincere and firm, in the next five years, both the Bumiputera and non-Bumiputera could work hand-in-hand to move beyond our Nation. InsyaAllah
(14) With regard to Islam, let make it confine to the Muslim first. Our Islamic Education be it for our kids, youths and adults must be revisited. The State shouldn't assume that the advance teaching of Islam is the responsibility of the parents, for parents may also have shallow knowledge of Islam. Islamic values must be hard infuse into our professional, as they are the Muslims caretakers. Transform their heart to be clean, sincere, and firm in the course for the good of the Ummah. We must take the cue from the act of Muhammad SAW and his sahabah to teach Islam themselves. To me they (Muhammad SAW and the Sahabah) are the State, thus it now should be read and understand as such. Advancing the Islamic values implanting is the responsibility of the State. But , we can't any more live with the traditional Pondok, Pesantren and or Madarasah style of teaching. I could see such was the cause of great Muslims lagging in Pattani, Chambodia, Pakistan, India, Egypt, Indonesia and even in Kelantan. Those are "good" for the Colonial times. To me, Islam should not be seen as a religion as the West want it to be. Islam is not a mere religion. It is a Way of Life, an Adeen. Let Islam be our Civilization. Let build Islam as our Civilization and let us the Malays in particular contributed the best in making Islam as a Civilization, not a religion. But please, in the urge to do such, I would say Najib can't introduce a term ITP (Islam Transfromation Process), there is nothing to be transform about Islam, Islam doesn't need transformation, but it is great if he could launch TIIP (Transforming Islam Infusion Process).
(15) May Allah blessed Najib and his men, all of us to be truly professional about the fate of our Nation. Let make this Nation a real Allah blessed Nation for all to have equitable and just shares of their lives. InsyaAllah.
Kuching, Sarawak
22-25 Sept., 2013
A good rendition on preempting the 2014 budget, consequentially a brief self reflection on the author's turn around from being a civil servant to undertaking various business.
What is needed is a transformation by which the author has gone through.The Malays are brought up to be loyal citizens to the country and the government. The world is just a transit place, and they see no reason to work harder. Only a few that realizes the teaching of Islam encourages its ummah to undertake business dealings, thereby they choose to do business for their livelihood.Transforming the Malays thinking and attitude should be one of the main agenda of Datuk Najib.
A point of contention, I never under go a Business Transformation Process, BTP. I don't want anybody out there to say, well, he can because he was facilitated, yet I'm not so, I should be excused. In the pessimistic Malays attitude, they always quote: "belum sampai seruan". I don't accept such notion.
(2) What indeed I have is I always asked myself why am I born into this society, at this time, in this situation. In short, I just want to make my presence relevant and significant. Thus, if I have to be good, so be it, and any otherwise.
(3) To me, as a Muslim, we must muhasabah diri understand the nature and purpose of our creation. We are not created to be tunggul, batu, api, air, angin, najis, harimau, setan, malaikat, etc. We are created to be human being, the being. So let understand such being and be such being. Tq ABC
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