

Posted By: Abdullah Chek Sahamat - December 28, 2020


& Comment


Olden days Mecca, say in 1800 BC, how was it really look like? Ismael, the elder son of Abraham was born in the year 1800 BC. But then, after the birth of Isaac, another son of Abraham, through Sarah, Ishmael and his mother, Hagar were banished to the desert. From the narration in Al Quran, Mecca then was a mere dry desert place. Once a while, traders from Africa especially Egypt travelling to Sham (today Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria) passing by  but there never exist a settlement there before. Out of the killing thirst, and the confused tired mother,  Ismael cried hard and was kicking the sand beneath his lying place. By Allah blessing, a water spring sprout out of the kid's kicking place and thus to this day is called Zam-Zam. Etymology, the name of the well comes from the phrase Zomë Zomë, meaning "stop flowing", a command repeated by Hagar during her attempt to contain the spring water.

(2) Thereon, passerby traders began to folk the area and thus settlements began to spur. By virtue of Allah wisdom, Mecca indeed, was where the first shrine as a center of reference on earth for the Jins and Angels to pray was firstly built. There was a writing quoting, the shrine originally was built by the Angels. But then due to climatic courses, the shrine worn to earth and dust. As Ismael had grown up, at one of the Abraham's visit to him and his mother, Allah had ordered Abraham to reestablished the shrine. Over time, the shrine becoming the pilgrimage of the surrounding population including those of Isaac. The shrine, created Mecca that turned itself from a mere barren desert to a trading post then center and slowly transforming into a holly city (for all, in those day). Such shine is now called Kaabah. Today Kaabah is the central piece for the Islamic world theological focus.

(3) Originally, Mecca was nothing. A barren desert. Based on the Islamic history, Mecca was only founded in early 1800 BC. Historically, we also know, other cities had been founded much earlier vis at Nile, Euphrates, Ganges, and Yang Tze. All these areas had been well developed in around 5,000-3,000 BC. So much so, there existed very active trading activities among these regions before the founding of Mecca. To me Ismael, by the kicking of his tiny baby feet, was the founder of Mecca. Ismael (and Abraham) reestablished the Kaabah, and built Mecca, then 2,400 years later, Muhammad SAW reestablished Islam and thus in January 630 or 10-20 Ramadhan 8H, Mecca was transformed to this day as the focal faith for the 1.6 billion Muslims world-wide. Yearly, there are at least 10 millions visitors (Hajj and Umrah) coming to Mecca, and the figure is forecasted to grow by 7 per cents annually. Indeed Hajj and Umrah contributed about U$D12.00 billion ie making 7 per cents of the (2018 figures) Saudi GDP. Hajj alone is contributing about U$D5-6 billion annually. With the current investment plan for Mecca, it is expected by 2030, Hajj and Umrah will generate about U$D150.00 billion to the Saudi coffer.

(4) Allah, His great wisdom, a barren desert by the feet of a tiny kid of Abraham's ie Ismael's, turned his kicking spot (in 1,800 BC) to potentially a U$D150.00 billion income generator for his Nation about 3,000 years later (2030). This forecast income is almost half of the Saudi Aramco revenue of U4D355.9 billion for 2018. Hajj and Umrah, if the Saudi moving fast in the facilitation process, will be their real sustainable income generator as the wished of Abraham AS.  In the Islamic world, Mecca is the center of the globe. Mecca is the focal of the Islamic globe. Mecca is a midway in a sense. Mecca to me is a clear message from Allah on how our socio-economic and wealth development and management should be. In Islamic term, Mecca is a Hajj and Umrah place, in modern today  western term, Mecca is a sustainable "tourism" place. Such is the soul of Mecca for all humankind.

(5) I have a strong conviction, Mecca is a direct manifestation of Allah on how sustainable development could be achieved. Mecca is blessed with huge petroleum resources but based on today system of exploitation, such resource won't be sustainable. Allah had indeed revealed the Zam-Zam 3,500 years ahead of human discovery of petroleum resources, then Kaabah was reestablished and turning Mecca into an olden days trading and pilgrimage post, which then turning Mecca to Mecca of today which lead to the discovery of the black gold. Nonetheless, out of human greed and ignorance, the message of Zam-Zam and Kaabah were not well conceived so much so, as I see it Mecca (and Madinah) is not being developed into the true spirit as yet of sustainable "tourism" place.


(6) Put Islam aside. Just look at Mecca purely from a geo-economic perspective. First, it is central to the Arabs world. From Morocco to Damsyek, Mecca is central. Second, Arabs mean oil. Mecca, Ismael's tiny foot steps, underlying huge oil and natural gas potentials. The whole of Arabs in one way or another, contained huge reserve of wealth. Mecca is the symbol of the wealth of the whole Arabs world. Mecca need to be wealthy to be Mecca as it destined to be. Look at the Saudi expenditure to support the Hajj and Umrah of the Muslims, huge amount of monies are needed. Mecca can't be poor for such virtue needs. Third, why indeed Allah had not made Mecca as among His key great civilization regions. He made Mecca to lie between Nile and Euphrates, why not then He just made the Red Sea as the combined civilizations of Nile and Euphrates? Two-in-one, I would believe would give a greater consolidated effect to Mecca. But then looking at it geo-politically and geo-economically, Allah indeed is a Masterplanner and Executor. He made the four civilizations to be positioned as such, for each to cover its own sphere. Nile is to influence to the North (Europe), South (Africa) and West (across Atlantic). Euphrates was to influence North-East (Central Asia), West (Arabs and part Mediterranean), and South East (Persian). Ganges was to influence the whole of South Asia, while the Yang Tze was to capture the whole of Far East. My believe, Allah strategic positioning of the four great civilizations was later to facilitate the growth of Islam.

(7) First the establishment of the four great civilizations was to nurtured a civil society within those regions. Islam is about developing civil society. Without being civil society, Islam can't prosper and sustained as a truly Islamic entity vis Islam can't survive in Las Vegas, Macau or Monte Carlo. Mecca indeed once was a notorious city, thus Islam renaissance made a great first footing not in Mecca but at a much civilized population of Medinah.  Islam will spread and sustain among the civil societies. The spread of Islam in the 21st century to the rest of the globe beyond the traditional Islamic states signifying my notion. Thus, Nile, Euphrates, Ganges and Yang Tze were Allah special choice rivers to entice the smooth spread of Islam to the later effect.


(8) Saudi is a home of 34.81 million population (WB, 2020). The Kingdom measured about 2.15 million square kilometers. In 2018, Saudi GDP was recorded at U$D786.5 billion with Aramco alone contributing total revenue recorded at U$D355.9 billion. Structure-wise, the Saudi economy is made of 2.6 per cents agriculture (mostly dominated by livestock development), 44.2 per cents industries (mostly oil and gas related) and 53.2 per cents services (which are mostly social sector-based). In 2018, Saudi export value is recorded at U$D294.536 billion. The petroleum sector is financing about 87 per cents of the Kingdom budget and contributing 90 per cents of the export earning. In 2020, Saudi is to spend about U$D 268.6 billion to finance its development and management expenditure.

(9) Comparatively, Sarawak population 2.77 million (7.95 per cents of Saudi) with the land size of 124,450 square kilometres (12.44 per cents of Saudi) . In 2018, Sarawak recorded a GDP of RM129.662 billion (U$D32.17 billion or 4.09 per cents of Saudi). Structurally, Sarawak economies is made of Services (34.4 per cents), Manufacturing (27.7 per cents), Mining (21.2 per cents), Agriculture (12.2 per cents) and others. From 2003-2013, petroleum contributed 34.8 per cents to the State revenue. Total export values was about RM143.7 billion (U$D 35.65 billion). All these comparative statistics are summarized in the accompanying Table as displays to the left.

One may wander why I’m comparing the sweetness of date fruit to an oil palm or an apple to the Sarawak fruit of Avicennia acida or locally known as pedada or berembang which I used to tell my Malayan friends as Sarawak’s apple. At a glance, Saudi economies by whatsoever standard is not a matching for Sarawak. But if one goes into the micro-analysis of it, then one could see, indeed we are having similar strengths. For comparison purposes, I'm applying both Saudi land and population size to Sarawak to arrived at their comparative figures, my definition of at par value For instance, with the land size and population comparison, Sarawak should earn U$D48.31 billion GDP to be at par with the Saudi, yet Sarawak GDP is only 74 per cents of the Saudi at par value, which in fact not really bad. Accordingly, in term of export earning, by comparison, Sarawak should earned about U$D18.06 billion yet our actual export surpass the Saudi at par value by 97 per cents. Sarawak indeed is a much export oriented State as compare to Saudi. Structurally, Saudi economies is more of the Service sector driven. Such is well understood since Saudi is a welfare State. Sarawak is a much industrial State as compare to Saudi.

(11) Nonetheless, economic parameters are not the only factors of analysis that I’m taking into account in postulating the idea of transforming Kuching into the ASEAN or at least Borneo Central Place; as Muslim, I have an obligation to see things from the Quranic perspectives. Since 1986-2011 upon serving the Sarawak State Service, I had been looking on how to carry out my duties from the non-Quranic views, which I believe I had not achieve to my full satisfaction, thus now upon retiring I want really to see things from my theological Islamic belief, the Al Quran, the Book of Master Guidance from the Al Mighty Allah. I won't deny the relevance of all the others world views in the development planning and management exercises, nonetheless, now I would love to capitalize both to get to a much Allah blessed thought. To me the Al Quran and all other thought should be seen along side, parallel and distinct.

(12) My very reason to invite people to see Sarawak from the Saudi geo-economic perspective especially Mecca, the renaissance place of Islam, is basically based on my believe that both Saudi and Sarawak were of at par in term of Allah's blessing. In Mecca the underlying of Ismael kicking feet was the virtue of the wealth growth of Mecca and thus Saudi. Sarawak is equally if not much blessed indeed. Not only Sarawak earth is rich in what Saudi is having, but even the Sarawak soil is much naturally richer than Saudi or Mecca. In Saudi one could only find oil far into the earth, but in Sarawak oil is both available in the earth and on trees; ie the oil palm. Sarawak is attributed with sustainable oil resources than Saudi. Seeing from a lighter angle, our oil palm indeed should be equally sweet as the date “if not due to our heavy rainfall”. Definitely Saudi could never match our average annual 5,000 mm rainfall. If one takes Allah saying seriously whereby He said “He made everything out of water”, thus with huge water resources blessing that Sarawak is having, Sarawak indeed could anytime advanced beyond Saudi. Thus from resources point of view, Sarawak and Kuching in particular could advanced far better than Saudi and or Mecca.


(13) The petroleum strength is Allah’s "gift" to Saudi as the custodian of Mecca (and Madinah), Islamic holiest cities. Purposely, Saudi is given much more petroleum resources as compared to Sarawak for Allah fulfillment of Abraham’s prayed so as "Mecca be forever blessed". Nonetheless, Saudi Petroleum despite its holds 25 per cents of the world reserve, such is a non-renewal resources. Purposely Allah makes it that way for He to continue challenging the Muslim so as to discover on how to do thing better.  Allah is “pushing” Saudi to look beyond petroleum to sustain its economic and custodian of Mecca function. Alhamdullilah the Saudi realized this and is moving toward beyond petroleum as their future economic reliance.The petroleum resources are Allah precursor for Saudi to move Mecca and Madinah into a better sustainable economies. Zam-Zam indeed is Allah better gift if the Saudi can fast seeing it. Secondly, Mecca is located in midway of the Islamic world, and thus a central place for the Muslims pilgrimage purposes. There is about 1,600,000 thousand Muslims world-wide yet Mecca could only accommodate the most up to 3,000 thousand pilgrimage at one time. Thus taking 30 per cents of the Muslims’ world are affordable to do the pilgrimage, there will be noway the whole of the eligible Muslim could ever did their once in a live time pilgrimage if Mecca is to remain as what it is today. 

(14) Year round Mecca (and Madina) could only accommodated less than 10.0 million (1.8 million Hajj and about 8.0 million Umrah) pilgrimage in a year. Only by 2030, the figure is to be raised to 30 million. By right with the 1.60 billion Muslims, Mecca should accommodate 7.50 million Hajj and at least 60-100 million umrah pilgrimage annually so as to accommodate at least 30 per cents of the Muslim to do pilgrimage once in their live time. Thus Mecca (and Madinah each) indeed need to be transformed into a super mega city that could take in 70-110 million visitors (pilgrimage) annually. Alhamdullilah, with the present grand expansion of both Mecca and Madinah, both cities will be transformed into Islamic Religious and Inter-Cultural Center. My strong believe Mecca and Madinah could easily be turn into the Islamic World Center of Excellence. On a greater ambition, since Islam is a religion for all, the Saudi and the Islamic World should see Mecca as the Global Place for International Multi-Cultural-Trade Center of Excellent. For such to be made possible, Mecca and Madinah need to grow beyond Al Haram, the sacred space of Mecca and Madinah. Definitely the role and boundary of Al Haram need to be kept intact, with all other religio-cultural be facilitated well outside of the Al Haram. For such, I would believe there is a great wisdom of SAW and even his four grand Caliphs to disband the hypocrites Madinah Banu Nadir Jews to Khaybar in 625 AD which is about 100 KM to the north of Madinah. 

(15) Both Mecca and Medinah has this concept of Al Haram.  Al Haram in today sense I would equate as the Central Business District CBD entity. Nonetheless, for both Mecca and Medinah, theologically what it means is the extend of the sacred space surrounding both the Kaabah and Nabawi. This Haram region, spans over forty kilometres in width and thirty kilometres in length at its maximum limit, must have had clear markers to distinguish it from the non-Haram areas or al-HilThe area is calculated to be 550 square km with a perimeter of around 127 km. Both local histories of Makkah and Muslim geographers have detailed the extent of the Haram in all directions, especially on known routes. Also, Muslim jurists and scholars have paid much attention to these boundaries and have detailed their extent, as they are directly related to juristic rulings and problems. Comparing to Tokyo Metrocity at a size of 13,500 square kilometres (with only 8,547 km square core urban) which houses 38.00 million population, could Al Haram Mecca with 550 square kilometres be able to fit say 60-100 million visitors on annual basis. It must be noted, Hajj and Umrah only take the most two weeks to perform. Thus with the possibility of a month cleaning and maintenance requirement, Mecca (and Madina) on monthly basis is only needed to accommodate about 5.5-10.0 million pilgrimages.  Such figure I would believe is easy to fit into the Al Haram if the city is planned to such a capacity.

(16) My writing series 3/4/12 titled Mecca - what form of a city?. Had put great critic on how I see Mecca in my 2012 visit being transformed sort of into Las Vegas the American Sin City rather the Most Friendly Muslim Spiritual-Tourism City or now I’m thinking of Islamic World Center of Multi-Cultural-Trade Excellence

(17) Nonetheless today global pressure for people to comply to sustainable development and resources management needs indeed is Allah intervention so as to push the Saudi as custodian to the Islamic shrines to change fast. Failing which, Mecca rather moving into serene, safe and sustainable city, most probably moving into a slum Mexico City of chaotic and miseries. What a shame, then. The same message I would belief Allah as well imparting among all Muslims leaders and population to comply with if we are to achieve a heavenly living both here on earth and thereafter.


(18) With Mecca (and Madinah), Saudi is the Al Mighty best blessed Muslims’ earth. Nonetheless, such shouldn’t be taken for granted. Petroleum wealth may be is just Allah precursor for man to moveon better and faster. Thus, as I had said, Sarawak indeed is much more blessed if we could see our development inline with Allah’s wisdom. We must see to it that our development is fitting to the physical and management requirement of Allah’s call on us to be most piety (Iman) and doing the best deed (Taqwa). In my earlier writing series 2/12/2020 I called such development approach as a Heavenly Tourism  State. Saudi and Mecca in particular is the Central Place for the Muslim World, but Sarawak the way I see it, indeed it could be transformed into the ASEAN if not Global Tropical Bio-Cultural Central Place. My previous numerous writings had touched on Sarawak and Borneo as a whole, let now I focus my discussion to Kuching.

(19) Let me firstly define the term Geo-Economic Central. Geo is derived from the term and concept of geography. Economic definitely everybody knows what it means and scopes - humankind good wellbeing. Central is referring as the focal and or agglomeration location. I visualized and can see it that Kuching can be ASEAN Geo-economic Central Place. The Map depicted to the left is a clear manifestation of my thought. Kuching indeed can be made Central to the Far East-Europe Economies, not only among ASEAN. Singapore, is facing land issues. Sarawak with our 250 miles Exclusive Economic Zone into the South China Sea, we can offer better trading location to Singapore. What needed is for us to consolidate and focus to make ourselves as such.

(20) Within Borneo, Kuching is far more geo-socio-economic advantages to all the other economies;  Brunei, Sabah, Kalimantan (5 provinces). Geographically, Kuching is blessed with two distinct geo-morphology; the coast and hilly hinterland. The greater Kuching coast is well endowed with vast blinkering mangrove water bodies. Accordingly, the presence of large tract of peatland in between the coastal mangrove and the hilly hinterland is a great buffer to our fresh water resources reserve requirement. The long winding Sarawak, Bau, Lundu, Samarahan and Sadong Rivers providing the greater Kuching with best supplies of fresh water resources. Comparing with many others cities, the growth of Kuching by right is unlimited if those water catchments are well managed. What needed is for us to manage our hinterland and coastal to the best sustainable economic and resources management basis. Sustaining clean water source indeed is the very basic tenet of city development and growth. Indeed without Zam-Zam, and most importantly Kaabah, Mecca and Saudi will remain barren to this day. Allah, His masterplanning is great, He endowed Mecca with Zam-Zam and as Islam renaissance place, so much so with petroleum in hand, Mecca is Allah urban-khalifah, urban master piece for all humankind yet to be uncovered.

(21) Borneo as a whole is the third largest tropical region of the world covering about 427,500 KM square of evergreen ecology, with Brazil and Republic of Congo being the largest and second. Borneo rainforest estimated to age about 140 million years. Daintree, Queensland, Australia is considered the oldest rainforest on earth, age around 180 million years. About 400 million years ago, the whole of South East Asia and Australia were a jointed continent of Asia. The then continental shelves drift had made the whole of Asia-Australia as what it is today. Borneo rainforest and the Dantree rainforest are indeed of the same origin and nature.  Rainforest is home to the most diverse ecosystem that Allah had created. Borneo, Sarawak and Kuching are Allah well blessed among the most diverse ecological system. World-wide, tropical ecosystem is the most dynamic natural system that had given rise to the most diverse human multi-cultural nature. Borneo, Sarawak and Kuching are equally blessed with very diverse human multi-cultural characteristics and creativity. 

(22) Thus if Mecca is blessed with Islam, that later if the Saudi are smart, could make Mecca as the Islamic Center of Multi-cultural-Trade Center of Excellence, thus Kuching is equally blesses with its geo-advantages and vast bio-cultural diversity which could to be turned into Borneo Multi-Cultural Center of Excellence and or to a larger extend as ASEAN Geo-Economic Central.


(23) Borneo is made of Sarawak, Brunei, Sabah and the Kalimantan (KalTim, KalSel, KalTeng, KalUt and KalBar). Borneo (748,168 sq km) is the third largest island on earth after Greenland (2,166,086 sq km) and New Guinea (821,400 sq km). Table above provides a glance of the individual regional basic profile of Borneo. As a whole, Borneo be it on the Malysian, Brunei and or Indonesia side, all shared almost the same profile. Ecosystem-wise, all are diverse tropical with heavy rainfall all through the year. In term of ethnicity, Borneo share almost the same population  demographic structure. Whatever is found in Sarawak, almost the same is found in Brunei, Sabah, and Kalimantan and vise-versa. Tropical ecosystem and multi-ethnocity endowed Borneo and Sarawak with great cultural, art and natural resources diversity. All these are indeed the unlimiting resources of wealth if the people of Borneo could organized themselves in such as Allah is guiding the Saudi in managing their petroleum and Zam-Zam so as to be the great custodian (khalifah) of Mecca and Madinah. 

(24) Unfortunately, in view of Borneo had been split into three distinct nations ie Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia, and as well as the rival nature of their past colonial master; the British and Dutch, despite it strategic location within the olden day South East Asia trading route, Borneo had been lagging in term of its development pursuit. Brunei, is the fourth world highest per capita GDP earning, and the richest among the Bornean; thus the wealth of Brunei sould then be mobilized to impart significant benefit to its neighbors.  Brunei indeed could be turned as the economic khalifah of the Borneo. Unfortunately, we had not come to such strategic action.

(25) The Malays as a whole be they in Malaysia, Brunei, the Philippines, Cambodia, Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam, they could pool all their resources for the benefit of all. My believe the Malays' Ketuanan Melayu which  "subjecting themselves to the olden day Malays' feudal norms" which require the subjects to subjugate with the "bosses" in order to gain respect and or support need a serious revisit. Such norm could never be imposed on any particular sovereign nation. Among the Malays' nations, none should be the "boss" and or the "subject".  A mutual respect and corporation of an independent nations spirit should now be strongly nurtured well among all the Bornean.  The Bornean should now be able to sense, their wealth is "to raise all ships as do the coming tide". Nonetheless the friendliness of the overall Borneo must now be seen as the region greatest asset to move forward.

(26) My personal conviction, Sarawak, and Kuching in particular should lead Borneo into a very open yet sustaining style of economic development pursuit. Attached Table below signifies how much far behind the Bornean are even by comparing to the Saudi's economic performance. Despite such lagging, and due to Kuching and Borneo strategic location within the ASEAN, Far East and East-West trading economies plus the surrounding strategic economic resources vast endowment and diversity,  I have no doubt, Sarawak and Kuching in particular could lead the whole of Borneo to be the Best Kept Tropical Advanced Economies.  

(27) Table above depicts the basic economic performance of the Borneo economies (2018) as compare to the Kingdom of Saudi (KoS). As I had said, despite Sarawak (and Borneo) and Saudi are equally best blessed by Allah, yet we are still lagging far behind even to those less natural resources blessed state vis Singapore, all due to our high attachment to traditional ways of managing our economies. Thus, for us to be far ahead, what matter most is the caliphate-ship for the steering and pushing of our economic management.


(28) Economically, Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand and Indonesia are pushing hard for faster transformation from agrarian to industrial. These four nations are home to at least 400 million of the ASEAN about  650 million population. The Middle Income population bracket definitely for these nations (including whole ASEAN) will upsurge within the next 5-10 years. Indonesia for instance, the the middle class population has grown from 7 percent to 20 percent of the population, with 52 million Indonesians currently belonging to the group, according to World Bank's. Indonesian GNI per capita rise to US$4,050 in 2019, surpassing the income threshold for upper-middle income, from US$3,840 in 2018.  Accordingly, Vietnam's middle class population, currently at 10%, is believed to be the fastest growing in Southeast Asia. The middle class earning USD 714 a month or more in Vietnam will double to 33 million people, about a third of the population, between 2014 and 2020, according to Boston Consulting Group. Despite the increase in the ASEAN Middle income communities, nonetheless based on global standard whereby income structure is defined as following: GNI per capita between $1,036 and $4,045 are Lower Middle Income Group; and Upper Middle-Income economies - those with a GNI per capita between $4,046 and $12,535 (2021), therefore majority of the ASEAN Middle Income population are still far below the global standard. This ASEAN income profile is of great benefit to Kuching if Kuching could acted fast in the following areas:

(28.1) Whole of ASEAN, South Pacific nations, the Arabs and even African had known Malaysia as quality "cheap" education offering state. Their so called "Middle Income Population" definitely could look for Malaysia and Kuching as their best choice as compare to the expensive West. With today evolution of the Artificial Intelligent (AI) Technology, Kuching could offer the best AI-Tropical Tourism-based Educational and Skill Development environment. What needed is a Virtual Universities setting within the best kept tropical-tourism cities environment. The Virtual Universities setting is not only good for Sarawak to venture into international level economic pursuit, but most important, such is the precursor for the state intention to move into the digital economies.

(28.2) Going further, since Borneo is such a multi-cultural-based population, therefore, the Virtual Universities could be the best tools for the emergence of creative and innovative industries be it in arts and all others natural resources-based, sciences and technologies application and exploration. With the Virtual Universities in hand, I have a strong believe, Sarawak could easily venture into the Urang Utan ala-Disney Land creative entertainment industries. Our Urang Utan could anytime overtake Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse as kids favorite entertaining characters. The creative, caring and friendly Bornean could easily turned Urang Utan as their key commodities as alternative to the global green lung destruction by the current massive logging industries all over Borneo.  The Malays' tradition bound Upin Ipin had made it, thus I strongly believe the world renown Urang Utan can do better. Accordingly, I believe, these then would lead Kuching as the Center for Tropical-based healthcare, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and supplement production industries. The globe is growing older. The elder population would need better attention and care. Our tropical-friendly population and resources definitely are big assets for such purposes. 

(28.3) The fast and clear growth and components of Sarawak digital economies, definitely will place Kuching to advance further into the digital hub and domestic and international networking. These in the long run would position Kuching be the Borneo Digital Hub. Our biggest strength in the area, again depending on how could we position ourselves within the 21st-22nd century human resource development and linkages. Indeed all these advancement would place not only Kuching and Sarawak but the whole of Borneo as Highly Intellectual-based Economies whereby our natural resources are taped and developed to the best sustainable and optimum practices. I believe, we could frame ourselves along the Scandinavian Economic Development Model; achieving high income, high quality of living and best natural resources management. Indeed such is Allah trust upon us as His caliphs on this earth.

(28.4i) Let see Kuching from the Indonesian perspective. Indonesia had decided to move their national capital to East Kalimantan. Let me call this new capital as New Jakarta. This move would bring in around 5.00-6.00 million new population into East Kalimantan for the next 3-5 years. Thereon, I would believe, the transmigration would be huge. New Jakarta definitely will impacted the whole Kalimantan future socio-economic backdrops. Thus, the population of Kalimantan would increase drastically and most of them I would say are among the Lower Middle Income to High Middle Income population. This is a great new source of economic growth for Kuching if we could move fast enough to provide all the gaps that the New Jakarta may be lacking. 

(28.4ii) Indonesian key trading partners are China, Japan, USA, India and Singapore. Indeed the overall ASEAN trading partners are almost similar in structure. What it means here is, there is a huge potential for Kuching to play the intermediary roles once the New Jakarta began to build up in East Kalimantan. Indeed in the long run,  Kuching could offer the best intermediate ground for Putera Jaya, Singapore and even Rangoon, Bangkok, Phnom Penh, Vientien, Ho Chi Minh City and Manila in the business and political dealing with the New Jakarta. Thus Kuching must have the best facilities to support the demand for MICE tourism subsector. As I had suggested in my earlier writing series 2/12/20 titled Membina Sarawak Negeri Wisata Syurgawi- a tourism heaven state, for such to happen, Kuching need to quickly be transformed into Borneo Tourism Central Place whereby the multi-cultural and biodiversity as key ingredients of the State development thrust.

(28.4iii) Indeed I can see that the present Kuching wouldn't be able to cater for the potential spillover of the New Jakarta and the emergence of the new ASEAN Tiger Economies. I'm also having a strong believe, the revival of the global post-covid pandemic economies as well as the Far East and Western Aging yet high income population; would make a cultural-tropical-based tourism places be the most sort after health treatment, educational advancement and visiting places. A new well planned along the tropical-multi-cultural environment and modern-friendly city development is highly needed for Kuching. The present Kuching should be well kept as vibrant Historical District. A new city with much bigger airport capacity must be build if Kuching want to tape all the economic potentials of Borneo (and ASEAN). Conceptually, I could see the Petra Jaya region should be developed into the Tourism Central Place as I had postulated above. Accordingly the Bako Bay could be the potential candidate location for the Kuching New Modern and Bigger airport. Such locational shift would turned Santubong-Bako enclave or the Bako Bay into a combination of Cape Town-San Francisco Bay- Hong Kong setting. Indeed over the whole Malaysia and Borneo, such location would give Kuching New Airport as unique and most welcoming tourim scene.

(28.4iv) My strongest believe by moving Sarawak economy and thus transforming Kuching into the Borneo Tourism Central Place, I'm optimistic that international organization such as UNESCO would love to have their regional Office be sited in Kuching. Say ASEAN UNESCO Office is located in Kuching, I can't imagine the numbers of international level events that would flow into Sarawak. Kuching has lots of potent strengths to make this happening. Within Malaysia, Sarawak is having the most tolerance and open societies. The Sarawakian high tolerance and open minded societies had contributed to the sustenance of the multi-cultural characteristics and social stability of the state. Secondly, the diverse bio-diversity of the state could offer a better sciences and technological advancement in the sustainable management of all those resources.  Thirdly, English as one of the key an international language has a strong root is Sarawak as compare to all its immediate neighbors.  Accordingly, the Chinese which made almost 30 per cents of the population offering the best bridging between the West-China Chinese linkages. 


(29)  Mecca forever blessed for being made a Muslim pilgrimage place. So long Islam flourish, Mecca will never be dried of economic advantages. The underlying hikmah of such Allah blessing onto Mecca indeed "Is not only to benefit some (Muslims) but for the best of all of His creations (Rahmatan Lil Alamin)". Indeed the concept of Al Haram of both the Kaabah and Nabawi is Allah manifestation for the need to keep things as there are or in today modern concept as sustainable management. Al Haram, to me is Allah style to inbuilt the discipline of sustainable management upon the Muslims. Allah great wisdom for the existence of the Kaabah and its theological norms, in line with today modern thinking, I would say, Allah is pointing to us on how to "manage things to the best natural forms, and thus would sustain our socio-economic interests". Except may be due to capitalism and democratic greed (Iblis influence), either Muslims and or non-Muslims as yet not able to see the universal good deeds that Allah love men as His caliphs to explore from the existence of Kaabah, Al Haram and Islam. Mecca is blessed as the renaissance place of Islam. Islam brings pilgrimage to Mecca. The growth of Islam makes the growth of pilgrimage. Thus, pilgrimage makes Mecca (and Madinah) to forever prosper. 

(30) My belief, our multi-cultural and bio-diversity environments (Sarawak and Borneo), are our
 Theological Foundation. Our diversity is our tenet. Our diversity is our "religion". Thus, just as Islam, Islam is great if Islam is kept as Islam. Any deviation from the true Islam definitely will smear Islam and thus potentially destroying the Muslims themselves. Therefore we must keep and nurture our diversity. Let make our diversity as our soul. The From the soul, me make our living: our diversity is our greatest asset to turn Kuching (and Sarawak) into the Borneo Tourism Central Place and or ASEAN Geo-socio-economic Central. By achieving such development planning goal, I strongly believe, just as I figured out about potentially 70-100 million Muslims will pay their pilgrimage to Mecca annually, such figure is also not impossible for tourist to pay pilgrimage to Kuching say in next 10-15 years if we could immediately understand and react strategically to Allah hikmah upon the existence of Mecca and Madinah vis-a-vis Islam and us vis-a-vis our diversity and geo-advantages.

(31) New York attracted 63.1 million visitors yearly, about 13.0 million of it are international. About 42.52 million visitors came to Las Vegas in 2019. Accordingly 55.91 million visitors visited Hong Kong in 2019. Bangkok uniquely attracted the most international visitors in 2019 numbered 22.0 million. Therefore, Kuching just need the right blending to make it a pilgrimage place for visitors world wide. Kuching indeed is within the Rim of Key Global Tourism Destination. Kuala Lumpur and Singapore (then New Jakarta) tourism influx should be of our immediate great link.

Kuching, Sarawak

28 Dec., 2020 - 6 January, 2021



#Abdullah Chek Sahamat

Writing that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around my world which you may find hard to believe and understand


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