(2) As I moved to Perak, running the width of the State, I see no different for such long times. I don't see changes. I don't see significant improvements. I still experienced the same old Ipoh: Balu mali. Jangan takut. Bagut punya. Longkang tatak lompat, kincing talak munyi. The Malays, alahai yop, idak tergamak teman nak cerite..Idak mengape bio pape, asal bergaye!. Buyong life mean nothing to most, I believe his soul cried hot feeling his people, his left one, terkapar bagi itik dilautan kolam. My respect to Tajul Rosli, whom once, I though as good as Mahathir, perished to earth. I believe he was honest, but lack caliber. In those days, I haven't read what Umar Al-Khattab said about capable and honest leadership: He chosen shrewd honest men over honest soft person to lead his conqured teritories. Not only he brought peace and order, most importantly he brought to an end the tyrant Persian empire. The Perak BN down fall then was to my smile.
(4) At least Perlis had taken Mahathir challenged: Elok pikiaq selain dari mempelam Harum Manis!. Shahiddan at least turned the whole State into the State-University, though scattered haphazardly, and producing shophouse graduates. Probably, Shahidan love melepas batuk di tangga. How could the kindy graduates have pride and confident?
(5) I took the old road down to Kuala Lumpur. Passing all those Javanese and Malays villages, then I spent a little bit of time in Petaling Jaya. I drove and lingered in Kajang. I lost my way in Puchong. I made a nostalgic round to Subang. I then walked from Bukit Bintang to Pudu Raya, then Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman and settle to have my feet massage at Malaysia (?) Hotel. In one night, I strolled to Chow Kit lanes, to see if holo are still there, yes, not only holo but dam haji took most of the traders time. I could see people are struggling to just to survive. The major complain was about chances to earn more to beat the rising cost of living and changing lifestyle. God. Looking at Khir Toyo, I was nervous. My mind predicted went to half-half. The PRU12 result then to people the gambling choice.
(6) As last couple of days, I surf the internet to look for certain Islamic documents, I bumped onto some artists now with PAS. God. One frightening statement (Bob Luqman) : I joined PAS because I have family problem. I have difficulty to tame my kids to be good Muslims. What I taught at home were counter attacked by those wild lives in the outside world. This Nation is no more spiritually safe. PAS happily capitalized him to show of the great social illness in the Nation, while on another case, Siti Aishah cried to her emotion for her failed out reach to Shahrizat Jalil, in her family squabble, if I'm not mistaken. If such was true, in the tradition of Umar Al-Khattab, she should be sent to herd the sheep, not the cattle in the far desert to learn the plight of the distress.
(7) The very sadden when I bumped onto A Samad Said phenomena. He proclaimed a poem Unggu Bersih (?), with the core theme of the absence of open public intellectual discourses currently happening in the way we managed the affair of the Nation. Once I have said, I don't hear much intellectual discussion these days. In the past it led to flip flop policies, and now I would say had created syok sendiri phenomena.
(8) Mahathir once cried, Malaysians are loosing the patriotism spirit, while Nik Aziz keep sounding, we need hudud. To me both are correct, but both had failed to see the parallel road map. We are loosing our dignify social values as too much of those Harvard and Cambridge Mind coming to corporatise every sector of our lives. Tunku Abdul Rahman had reminded: Kita kena jaga Negara kita, bangsa Melayu kita, agama Islam kita. Kita kena hati-hati kat depa yang rampas lampu dari tangan kita. Depa ni dok suluh kita ikut jalan tak berapa nak betui!....lebih kurang begitulah Tunku no! Alfathihah.
(9) I believe, the general mood of the Malaysians ie whether they would greatly support the National Front (BN) in the next election, I would very much gauge from how voluntarily they would fly the Malaysian Flags in this August-Sept. I don't notice much for July. If RTM or Rais Yatim have to press hard to make Jalur Gemilang presence, then, I pray let everybody be rational in winning the PRU13 games. PRU13 and May13, in the mercy of Allah, let not it coincide.
(10) Last but not least, let me be blunt, firstly, as I see, Najib are surrounded by too many not knowing to do Ministers. I have not seen or heard the sharp to heart policies and plans to move the Nation far forward. Most we heard the condaming of Anwar, Nik Aziz, and Lim Guan Eng. What a waste of time. During Abdullah era, we love to sleep, now we just seem love to wander and shouting syok sendiri. We are too much tackling matters at the nip or re-brand to nothing new. We seem, let me quote the work of Danarto in his Begitu Ya Begitu tapi Mbok jangan Begitu by Mizan publication, Bandung, 1996:
Saya berharap jangan sampai mengulang sejarah. Itulah. Konon pernah kejadian, seorang menteri bekerja sampai larut malam. Tinggal ia dan sopirnya. Begitu kakinya menginjak lapang gedung departmennya, sang menteri menunduk-nunduk mencari-cari sesuatu di bawah tiang listrik. Sopirnya lantas bertanya:
"Bapak kehilangan apa?"
'Memo penting dari Presiden.'
"Hilangnya di mana, Pak?"
'Di dalam gedung'
"lho, lha kok dicari di sini?"
'Habis, di dalam gedung gelap. Sedang di sini terang. Lebih baik saya cari di sini.'
(9) Secondly, worst in the Parliament. The Place suppose to be a serious forum to debate and formulate the policies and laws to pave for the great success of the Nation, is now a mere Theater or a Full Residential Schools Piala Perdana Menteri Debate event. In another word of Gus Dur (Abdulrahman Wahid) a kindy circus just as the Indonesian DPR. People merely debate over the choice of words or the construct of sentences. The essence of the Nation, matter last. Thus, Danarto words...applies:
Teater rupanya sudah dianngap menjadi bagian integral dari kehidupan bangsa. Festival Teater Jakarta sudah menginjak tahun ke-21 pada bulan November mendatang. Alangkah kosongnya hari bila tidak ada pertunjukkan teater. Aktor-aktor baru yang andal bermunculan. Meski sejumlah sutradara meloncat ke film, kehidupan teater masih cukup semarak. Bahkan Cak Dur. Abdulrahman Wahid, Ketua PBNU, di Tangsi Drama Kebon Kacang pernah berkata kepada Teguh Karya:
"Bung Teguh menetaplah di film. Biar DPR saja yang bermain teater....."
Masjid India, Kuching
28 July, 2012
Assalammualaikum ..
I love this country ..praying hard that things happen for the better.
Insyaallah ..
P/s ..
I'd love to read your comment on Sarawak.
Sarawak is a unique State. The way matters being and should be handle here are very much different. Well now, I'm bit free so I'll surely speak my mind on Sarawak soon. I had done bit in some entries. Now I want to focus on how to get ride of all our current political noises that had pull us backward a bit. I hope to bring Mahathir-Anwar-Najib to work as a unified team. TQ IsnyaAllah I will.
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