

Posted By: Abdullah Chek Sahamat - May 10, 2011


& Comment

When we fall in love, a real deep in love, once broken, the whole world seem to collapse. We morn, we seem to pray for our immediate death, rather siting back and retreat for the next emotional battle. Similarly, when we really want to gain something really meaningful in our live, we put all our thought and emotion to our dream, but once we failed, we turned fragile. We almost collapse. Name it, in what ever we love to achieve most, once we failed, definitely there will be a moment of setback in our lives. Such a moment, to some may cause their lives, or long suffering, though some, just being smart, they turned around in short span, but, yet there still that setback time.

(2) Among the Malays, the epics of Hang Tuah-Tun Teja, Hang Jebat-Hang Tuah, Hang Tuah-Dang Anum, Puteri Gunung Ledang, Puteri Santubong-Sejinjang, Yusuf-Siti Zulaikha, Mumtaz-Shah Jehan, the novel by Hamka, Karamnya Kapal van der Vick, Magdelena-Stephen in Magdalena are the manifestation of how one could easily gone irationale when their devoted dreams end in a nightmares.

(3) If we turn onto the International News Networks, today, we would hear and see especially in the Middle East, Pakistan, India, Kashmir, Russia, and etc, people seem not to value their lives. They simply just blew themselves with the dynamites together with tens if not hundreds of other lives. Are they nuts, or they 'love' their duties beyond the 'rationale' mind?

(4) Do we really know why are all these emotional tragedies happening every now and then?

(5) The Muslim, in general, they see the devotion of Muhammad SAW to Allah, I would say most of them see his total submission from the spiritual angle. That is not wrong, but I believe, Muhammad SAW devotion to Allah was much broader and deeper from purely spiritual. Let me attempt my contention as follows:

(a) Firstly, at his time, with or without his clear knowledge, in Rome and Persian, the element of the general human slavery by those who begin to see themselves as God was fast spreading. Killing, general destruction of one nation after another was the norm of the day. Religion and human greed had intertwined in such that human in general began to be confused between the almighty God and the greedy landlords, kings, queens, emperors, empresses, priests and all those alike who claimed to be God. The good example probably the Pharaohs, Nero, Alexander, even Ghangis Khan, and in this modern days; personalities such as Rasputin, Hitler, Mao Tze Dung, Osama bin Laden, etc

(b) When human or human made structures had been made as God(s), the human moral becoming very uncivilised. Their rationale mind turn weird. We have seen, by virtue of human greed rather Godly Teaching, the old empires and civilizations such as Egypt, Babylon, Hindus, Yang Tze (China), Persian, Greek, Rome, Abbisinia (Ethopia-Somalia), even Inca in South America all perished due to war and hatred.

(c) In the homeland Arabia, Muhammad was also facing the infidels that had betrayed the God of Abraham's. The Kaabah, supposed to be the place of worship of monotheism, had been turned into a home of the men crafted statues of all kind of Gods. There were many Gods with a Father of Gods. If there exist a Father of Gods, then why should one pray to those other Gods. In fact, what his communities, especially the nobilities tried to do was to inculcate among their people a very feudalistic system. With such system, they then could do whatever their greed mind and soul wish to do, to undermine the commoners, the disadvantages, especially as slaves. Even in the spiritual matters, one has no freedom to speak and approach the Greatest God directly, but have to go through many Gods. What a pity? The human free of mind had lost it virtue by all those stupid practices.

(d) The revealation of the words of Allah's through the Holyghost (Jibrael), equiped Muhammad SAW, among others with all those historical knowledges of the good and the bad that have happened since the creation of Adam to his day. The Revealation narrated to him how Allah by mean of His natural laws and 'anger' had destroyed or banished the existence of various communities due to their arrogance defiance of the good deeds that were commanded upon them. The Luth communities, for instance, despite Allah had given them the beautiful women, yet they love to have the men as their pleasure-partners. Muhammad SAW could see that human defiance of Allah commands and guides would lead them to destruction and possible to non-existence. Muhammad SAW in fact feared all these to happen to the humankind, his umat, His Ummah.

(e) In his journey what being called Isra Miraj (meeting Allah) Muhammad SAW was shown how heaven look like. He was also shown how life would be in hell. With such an experienced, Muhammad SAW feared Allah most, and really submit to His commands. Basically, Israj Miraj taught Muhammad of Allah's promised of the future for His ummah (all mankind) if they submit or defy to His commands. Surely as a great chosen leader, he wanted all humankind to be in heaven. He feared that humankind might also landed in hell. Thus, he feared no one, to carry out his duties to call and lead the humankind to the good deeds that Allah want them to be.

(6) To my believe, either Muhammad SAW or anybody, they will submit to their course if they are able to see the bad that would happen if they don't take a strong step forward, or the goods if they do so. Muhammad SAW see heaven as the gift, the permanent-complete living place, to the obedient humankind. He also see the deadly hell for the defiance. Muhammad SAW want to be among the obedient in heaven, and he want none to be in hell. Thus he work his dream without fear and favor. He put his soul into his struggle. That soully struggle, in fact, what we now should read as his true fear, submission and devotion to Allah.

(7) Probably the unfortunate thing is that, the general Muslim, read and noted Muhammad devotion as purely a spiritual fear, but not seeing it from his devotion to accomplish his responsibility as a chosen great leader to lead the mankind into a better future, a heavenly future. He feared Allah, because he feared to fail to do his duty to lead to a better humankind. Thus, I would believe his prays, his devotion were all about accomplishing his duty as the mankind great leader for the best of His Ummah.

(8) To me, it is very sadden especially if a Muslim, and worst the Malays who are still in a very disadvantage position, if they don't realise that destruction is knocking on their doors if they don't have the believe and work hard to uplift their community welbeing. Thus, I would urge, and asking, let us together see our existence as a responsibility to do the best for our community and humankind, and let plant our soul into such a struggle. I believe, we can create heaven for all, if we struggle to accomplish so.

Kuching, Sarawak
10 May, 2011

#Abdullah Chek Sahamat

Writing that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around my world which you may find hard to believe and understand


Anonymous said...

Menurut Andaya (2002), Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat dan Hang Kasturi adalah pemimpin ulung kaum Orang Asli. Kekuasaan Orang Asli dalam pemerintahan Melaka serta kerajaan-kerajaan melayu yang lain mengalami kemerosotan dengan kematian ketiga-tiga tokoh ini. Pendapat ini dipetik dari Pagan Races of the Malay Peninsula, Macmillan, London 1906 karangan Skeat, W.William and C.O. Blagden.

Andaya juga memetik pendapat Juli Edo, seorang ahli antropologi dari etnik Semai yang mengatakan bahawa Hang Tuah dan Hang Jebat adalah Orang Asli. Hang Tuah dan keluarganya berpindah ke Hulu Perak selepas kematian Hang Jebat.

Abdullah Chek Sahamat said...

I believe, the Orang Asli as they said, must be referring to the aborigins of the Malay Peninsula. These aborigins, I would believe must be the origin of the present Malays in one way or another.

(2) Anywhere, to this day, there still a debate whether Hang Tuah is really Hang Tuah or was he not Hang Tu Ahh. We don't have to wonder or polemic too much over the matter, most important, let take the spirit of the folk stories if not an epic.

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