Charles Darwin, the so called father of Evolution Theory, not only was not popular among the early scientists, but he was sort of at war with the religious cycle when he mooted the Theory that Humankind was an evolution of the Ape. His Humankind Evolution was made based on his observations on some of the fauna and flora progressive changes in the Galapagos Island.
His main contention was that, once certain, say, an Organ of a living thing is diminishing in its function, over the long period of times, through the long process of Enviro-physio-genetics changes, such Organ would soon diminished it its significant either in appearance and or function. I don't intend to elaborate on his general dan specific theory, but would love to bring to all of us the probable application of such theory.
(2) Let see this, in the past almost all Malay ladies know how to make the Ketupat Case. Now, due to time, the messy nature of the Ketupat, not many Malay ladies know, not only how to make the Ketupat, but even what is Ketupat all about. Here, environmental and taste changes, one day would make Ketupat extinct from the Malays' live. Same with lots of craftsmanship's that the Malays once have, now diminishing at the speed of the F1 race! That is some socio-cultural application of Darwin Evolution Theory.
(3) My concern, lately was, on our brain long term ability to think, analyse, and decide fast on what we heard, see, or touch. Today we sort of very dependent on what ever IT system, that make us, feel so comfortable not to pressure our brain to work as hard as before. Say, let see.....1234+4567+8910....surely we would immediately start to look for a calculator to get the answer. In the past, we would grabbed a piece of paper and pen or pencil and start to calculate in the old Algebraic way or to some calculated those mentally.
(4) When we have the habit of analysing whatever we see, hear, and even touch, mentally, we in fact is developing our mind to be more sharp and fast in appreciating what we observed and or sense. The saying of the Malay's proverb ie Mengasah belakang parang, lama-lama tajam juga and Setitik-setitik, lama-lama lekuk juga batu yang keras, I believe applies with my above notion.
(5) Our brain, in fact is just like the modern telecommunication system. Today, our Telecommunication System is based on nodes of transmitters, receivers and translators. If any one component of those Telecommunication System is left idle for long times, such system would soon become malfunction and deteriorate in its ability to function well.
(6) Continuous placing of our brain to think hard and fast is important to keep the brain nervous impulse system to function effectively. It is not difficult to understand this, let see when one have physio-functional problem, say due to accident. The best treatment among others is to undergo intensive physio-therapy process. This treatment is to re-stimulate our nervous system into an normal active state.
(7) Or, let observed how the musician could easily appreciate the music tones much better than many others, it is because they work hard to train their hearing sense to the tones. Accordingly, let observe the strong directional sense among the blinds.
(8) Thus, I would urge all of us (especially among our new generation) not to be too easily resorting to whatever electronic gadget in making our brain to be idle. We must make our brain to sustain our Biological Superiority. True enough, let be smart, but sometime good to work harder to sustain our smartness and or even make us much smarter!
(9) I believe, Confucius, Gautama Buddha, Ibn Khaldum, Einstein, etc were able to contribute significantly to humankind, beceause they really think hard!
(9) Kindly note: In the Animal Kingdom Classification, biologist had classified the human being sit on the highest hierarchy due to the Complexity Form and Ability of our Brain to think better than other.
(Kuching 22 May, 2009)
An excellent and well-thought posting! You should get this good stuff publish in our newspapers to wake up our young generation whom, from my personal observation, do not bother to pick up books from library, research for answers, relishing page by page until they finally reach the "AHA!" moment of truth....Instead they resort to a click of a button to Google or Wikipedia, and voila! all done in seconds....
How sad is that? Do we want this "laziness" to happen to our future Msians/ anak cucu cicit? What should we do now???? MOE? Parents? Who do we put the responsibility to?
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