

Posted By: Abdullah Chek Sahamat - January 19, 2011


& Comment

I'm going to write my thought from all those Islamic and Christian readings that I have made all these while into a series what I love to classify as In Search of Excellent. I don't mean to be philosophical, but trying my best just like many others whom trying to make good in their own ways. I believe I have my own audiences that may see the path that I try to convey with a little different style and approach. I can't be following others. I can't make others to follow me. That is fact, even Muhammad fail to get his uncle Abi Thalib to pronounce Islam to the day of his death. Allah had made it clear (sort of): "What is mine, is mine, what is yours is your....!"

(2) Let me start with the two Ayat of the Al Quran wrt to human creation. Firstly, Allah pronounced He created Adam, the most perfect of all His creation from earth. Later, He multiplied Human being through a drop of water. The same statements were mentioned in the Bible. Even in the Old Religions of the East, Human had been visualised as the element of Earth, Water, Mineral and Fire. Thus there are lots of similarity between the teaching of the Quran, Bible or even Old Religions of the East with regard to the origin of Human being.

(3) Islamic scholars, especially our Ustaz and even the Christian Priests, have been preaching to us that we must love ourselves, our other human being because we are the most perfect creation of Allah. We must keep ourselves perfect and flourish. We have all the obligation to take care of any one of those who need among us.

(4) Those preaching had been accepted initially, in today terminology or academic discipline as the sociological perspective. In the early human civilization, appears such names as Confucious, Gautama Buddha, Socrates, Arristotle, Plato and many other whom try to define human social behavior and conduct that would bring harmony, prosperity and eaquity into human lives.

(5) In the Islamic world, personalities such as Ali Abi Thalib, Shafiee, Muslim, Bukhari,Hambali, Maliki,etc were seen as Imam (religious cleric). Thus due to such nomenclature, the Muslim don't quite see the Sociological Values (and many other values) among these scholars ( I would say). Therefore when the Muslim study all those doctrines generated by these scholars, they focused themselves strongly bias to the narrow meaning of Ibadah.

(6) Now though all Muslim believe that human come from earth and thereon breed by mean of a drop of water, but most would not really take serious effort in trying to know the details of such statments.

(7) Thus in the Modern World, people such as Pasteur, Mendel, Darwin, etc, as simple minded Christians (the Churches in fact go against them initially) but with strong inquisition mind try to explain the real meaning of Man Created from Earth and thereon breed through a drop of water. Their mind don't just stop at accepting the preaching of such a noble statement from a face value, but keep wondering and thinking. Thus later they invented the foundation of medical and health related subjects that now became very important to human sustenance.

(8) Surely in Islam, there was such person called Ibn Sina or now slowly being called Avicinia, so that it doesn't sound Muslim and thus probably for another 1,000 years from now, the Medical Histrory will just know him as the Father of Modern Medical Discipline without stating his religious and racial connectivity (A smart strategy to deny once the greatness of the Muslim!).

(9) If we care to explore, the elements of human body are just the same as those found in the earth (soil). The minerals, the fluids, all those bio-chemical elements in a human body are just the same as those found in the earth (soil). Understanding all these, I would say enable the human to really able to discover how, probably one day, due to enlarging human population, we could generate small amout of complete nutrition to feed the whole world. Thus liberating more space for human infrastructures needs. What it mean here, for those who have inquisitic mind would take the words of Allah and expand from there. They do not take such word as face value.

(10) Equally interesting, probably I believe, though Darwin thought continue being denied by the Church (and islamic scholars as well), through his Theory of Natural Selection, stated that a higher level of live come from the lower level of creatures. What it mean, he tried to say, multi-cells creatures were a successive evolution of single-cell lives. That was basically the essence of his theory of natural Selection. Nonetheless, the biggest set back of his Theory was when he placed the human being as an example as a succesion of a primate. The term he used was Primate, not Monkey. But since the in those days the definition of primate was equal to Monkey, thus every human being seem to disagree with him (despite not to the correct perspective)!

(11) But Darwin, I believe is correct in his understanding of both the Biblical and Qurancic statement of 'thereon human being breed through a drop of water'. The invention of Microscope and Electrone Microscope, proved that men-women, later originate from single cell, the sperm and the ovum.

(12) Thus, through the understanding of human body media (fluid), the cerum, with infusion by Mendel on genetical knowledge, we are now able to produce stem cells to resolve human health problem particularly with regard to their blood and bone diseases. Tissue culture technology explored from such a concept. The Quran gave the Concept of Tissue Culture, but since we don't have that biological knnowledge, we never see such Ayat as the foundation to Tissue Culture Development.

(13) That Eve, was created through the left rib-bone of Adam in fact has neve been seen as the signal by Allah of the possibility of Tissue Culture.

(13) I strongly believe, If and Only If (IFF), the nowaday Muslim culture could be nurtured to be of that always In Search of Excellent, defintely we would be able to breed much more Excellent People than we could imagine. Excellent in the broader sense, multi-sectors!

(14) Therefore, again and again I would love to keep inviting every Muslim to Study and not merely to Read the Quran. It is really a short sighted for us to believe that Allah will honor us to the best just by merely Reading the Quran but we don't understand of what we are reading. I just want to recall, what were the arguments put forward by so many Islamic scholars in their writings,that: When we do, but we doesn't know what we are doing?

(15) The Kingdom of Cleopatra of the ancient Egypt as well as Caeser of Rome was great because they stock theirs people with books. They were among the first to build the library. Equally the same to the Umar Ibn Al Khatab, after the death of Muhammad, he ordered the collection and compilation of all the Al Quran. He organized the group to Study the Quranic Verses. Ali Abi Thalib later expand to the collection of the Hadiths. Followed by sholars such as Muslim, Bukhari, etc. During the the height of the Islamic Governance in the Arab, Medireranean and Central Asia, the Abbasiah, Ummayah, the Kingdom of Cordova (Spain) and as well as the Ottmaniah of the Turks build soo much libraries and encourage the Muslim to study the knowledge from all corner of the world. They later became supreme.

(17) It is very dangerous to our human sustenance if we take everything merely from face values. Worst if the words of the Almighty are treated along the same manner.

(18) Let us Muslim brothers and sisters, we should work back to the process that our passed had show us on how to be great. We must Search for Excellent even in the smallest path that we can afford. READ, research, think, communicate, do!

Kuching, Sarawak
20 Jan., 2010

#Abdullah Chek Sahamat

Writing that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around my world which you may find hard to believe and understand


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