

Posted By: Abdullah Chek Sahamat - June 19, 2010


& Comment

I was not able to write the last whole week. Probably the same for this week. I have stated that my mind was a bit disturbed by few things that I observed, felt and experienced these couple of months and especially these couple of weeks. Noteheless, today as I was having my shower, I felt guilty for not sharing the knowledge that I got from the various readings, observations and experiences that I have over the above topic. I purposely chosen such topic as my article for it own merit. This article would take a bit of time to write since I need to recollect all those readings, observations, and experiences to relate to what had been disturbing me these couple of months and weeks. What disturbed me were the existence of Jewish values within my surrounding: inability to hold to one responsible though one had promised as such at many times! Not holding to a promise, I would consider very serious when it inflicts upon public interest.

(2) We all knew, that the followers of the monotheism (tauhid) of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, all admitted that they submit to the religion and the One God of Abraham. And in fact for Islam, the religion claims that Allah and Islam are the One God and religion for all the prophets from Adam to Muhammad. Nonetheless, the teaching of Islam was only comprehensively revealed to prophet Muhammad, and he was then blessed as the last prophet for mankind. From those perspectives, we could than deduced that Judaism and Christianity in the original form were the progression of the Islamic Religious Revealation. I believe, that is the very reason why Islam recognized the Torah and Gospel and the followers of such books are called the people of the Kitab: marriage with them and food prepared by them are considered Halal.

(3) From pieces of Historical discription either in the Torah, Gospel and Al Quran, Abraham was once the native of the northern Arab Peninsular who setlled within the region of Palestine-Syria. In his early days, the natives of Abraham do practiced polytheism ie praying and submitting themselves to many facets of God, and these are mostly made of Statues of various forms and symbols: from human, to animal, to hybrid of any forms that could pool 'humankind' into one source of devine authority and believe.

(4) Abraham's father, was well known for his fine craftmanship in building these holy statues. Making these statues had been the family tradition and source of living. In other word, "manufacturing Gods" was his profession! Abraham, in his early childhood days whom has been a very active, critical and 'free' person, had been wondering and 'hard headedly' been questioning his natives for praying to his Father (and alike) made Gods, whom he sees as static and incapable of providing any form of good and protection to humankind. Thus one day, when his natives went for an outing, he courageously smashed all those statues that his natives (and father) had made and prayed to with an exceptional of the Al Husna (the greatest Statue). Upon his natives returned, he made them to seek the answer from the Al Husna on whose deed that had smashed all the 'gods' to the ground. This history of Abraham's demolition act is well documented and recognized by Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

(6) Abraham intent was to proof to all his natives and his father that their Gods, even the Greatest One was incapable to do anything even to the extend of protecting themselves against any destruction. Thus he was able to plant into their mind, that their Gods were fake and nonesense! The believe on the devine unseen God, the monothesism again rejuvenate thereon, but at that point in time, the name of the devine unseen god had always been referred as the Lord God, and not Allah. All monotheism religion had always referred the God as the God Lord of the related prophet (vis: God of Abraham, God of David, God of Solomon, God Lord of Christ, etc). Only the Quran, later named the Devine Greatest God as Allah, of which in fact as the specific universal-purest name of God for all humankind.

(7) Basically, all the 'three religions' criticized the submission of humankind to the "manufactured Gods"; yet is this not still persist till this day even among those who are critical about this? My content is that, lots of us admitted that we must not pray and submit ourselves to the "manufactured Gods", but to this day, they are still lots of us, practiced what we had been criticizing ourselves! Is it because, we really practiced the truth or we had not came to the truth?

(8)All knew, Palestine is a baron state, deserted, and at certain time of the calender could be dreadful. This once happened, and Abraham had to take his family and close followers to migrate and took refuged to Egypt. Egyt at that time was a propserous State with well developed agriculture and urban systems. The Hyksos (Amaliq) Kings who ruled Egypt at that time were so powerfull that they being prayed as God, since they were able to give what the Egyptian want: food, sheltter, security, and funs. But the Kings, love beautiful married women, and every of those must be their 'women' and other men had to give them up to them if they ask for her.

(9) Sarah, the wife of Abraham was a real beautiful woman. The King fell in love with her and want her be his wife. This had created a problem to the married Abraham-Sarah. But God protected them well; the King can't really put his hand on her. Not only he can't put a hand on her, but God also had sort of planted a 'fear' in his heart to do no harm on her and Abraham. Thus, when Abraham want to return to Palestine, the King request Sarah to choose any of his maids as a 'failed love gift' to her.

(10) Abraham, as his age is catching up, and so do Sarah, despite they been praying hard to have kids (sons) to continue with their missionary struggles, but never get one. Sarah, being a great wife and really understond of her husband duties had then 'willingly' asked Abraham to take Hajar, her maid as his second wife.

(11) Through Hajar, Abraham got Ismael. Due to her kindness to Abraham, Allah also later blessed Sarah with a son named Isaac. But, due to Abraham much loving to Ismael, had made Sarah became jealous, and thus requested Abraham to take both Ismael and Hajar away from her. Both Hajar and Ismael, by Allah planned, were sent and left on the dreadfull Becca Valley, in the central Arab Peninsular. Abraham, Sarah and Isaac continue to settle in Palestine.

(12) Allah has all His plan ever ready. The old Abraham, one day visited his Ismael, and later through Holly Ghost (Gibrael), Allah had ordered and led the two of them to rebuild the old Kaabah at the site where Adam had built such earlier. Thereon, the monotheism practise reenacted and Kaabah became the center for such practice. With the presence of Ismael Well (Zam-Zam), Kaabah began to emerge as the transit town and later grew into a prime trading center for traders travelling from Eqypt (West) and Persia (East). Thereon Kaabah gave birth to Mecca a Religious and Trading City.

(13) The trade had brought the Polytheism Yamanites (south of Mecca) to the city, and as part of a greater power-based development, Ismael later married to one of the tribe great leader's daughter. The presence of the polytheism south tribes in Mecca had slowly erroded Mecca from the center for Monotheism and slow transforming it into Center of Polytheism especially after the death of Ismael. The practice became stronger, and at last, it turned Kaabah into the Center for Polytheism with Sana in Yaman as the twin-city; and this later made Isaac and his people, who remained monotheism and used to pay their pilgrimage to Mecca began to turned their faced to Jerusallem. That marked the changing of Kiblat for 'Islam'. From the death of Ismaeal till to the rebirth of Islam in Mecca, the history of the Ismael nation then was over taken by the detail follow-trail of the Isaac people struggle.

(14) One should note to this end that Allah had purposely made Sarah love to Abraham, to take on Hajar, an Eqyptian maid lady that later gave birth to the Palestine-Eqyptian blood through Ismael. Sarah 'woman jealousy instinct' had made Hajar and Ismael to suffer in the dreadfull Becca Valley. But with Allah help, through the call of pray by Abraham; Hajar, Ismael and Mecca were (and is) well protected to this day. Palestine-Eqyptian 'nation' was created out of "human mercy: Sarah-Ismael", were left to survive "on God willing", while Sarah-Isaac, suvived and well protected by humandkind: Abraham; and these phenomena: Arab-Israel survival remains the same way to this day! I wonder what is the next Allah agenda?

(15) The people of Isaac were not left alone without the continuous 'testing' by Allah. Again, the dreadful desert one again forced them to outmigrate and again this time to Egypt. Some histrorical notes indicated that, originally only nine of them took refuged in Egypt in this second migration. The Egyptian were very open about these depressed 'nation' and they were given all the freedom they need. They soon began to breed fast, learned fast from the Egyptian and soon becaming excellent farmers and traders. Their socio-economic standing began to hold solid ground in Egypt. They continue to practice monotheism as againts the Egyptian who prayed and submitted to the King as the Lord God. Soon, conflict began to emerge between the Kings and the Jews. Suppression and elimiantion began to be exercised onto the Jews.

(16) The suppression was not without a two ways reason. I would guess, the typical characters: monopolistic, stingy, greed, self-interest, liar (not honouring the the promise), etc of the Jews did also contributed to the Jews-Hyksos conflict.

(17) The birth and the adulthood of Prophet Moses, later could be seen as Allah Grand Plan to savor the Jews from all these miseries and suffering, but ofcourse with condition that they remained faithfull to One God. Thus Allah commanded and guided Moses to take the 'nation of Jews' to their homeland in Palestine. This command and guide to this day I believed had been twisted and decepted as 'Allah blessing of Palestine as the Jews Total Legitimate Homeland'; thus enabling them to deny the other natives Palestine of such State. They wrote that clearly in the 'Torah' in their own advantage interpretation to reenforce their self-claims: Jews are the Chosen Son of God! The West, which I will dwell later, see this as an advantage to 'get rid of the Jews from their homestate', through the United Nation forced this to all the defeated and third world nations and established Israel as it is today in Palestine! The self-interest West!

(18) The Jews, for their own interest, their own comfort dare to twist the Word of God to their maximum benefit. To the Jews, the right, the comfort of the others doesn't matter. Their self interest matter is supreme. And this is the supreme character of a liar, a person who never keep to their word, their character: love to twist their word, their promises to their benefit and comfort! (May Allah prolong their life, to enable them to withness the implications of their deed!)

(19) Along the civilization development of the Egyptian (Nile), in the Euphrates-Tigris Valley, the enclave of Iraq-Jordan-Syria and Persian Gulf, another civilization was aslo enacted: the Babylion. This Civilization, in fact later gave birth to the Persian Kingdom. As compared to the Egyptian, the Persian are much more aggressive in the conquest for land, and thus they began to waged war against their neighboring nations, taking over the Syrian, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, Jerusallem, Peninsula Arab. They even waged war with the Egyptian (and vice versa) and even the Roman (and vice versa). Nonetheless, after their conquered, the Persian seem to be much business entreprizing, they then focused on business development, enriching their subjects and their own State.

(20) While been conquered by the Persian, the Jews of Palestine and the other natives were given their freedom to do their business as usual. Jerusallem later emerged as one of the key trading center along side with all the others in Damsyik, Basra, Mecca, Medina and many others. Trade between the Nile and Babylion prosper, and with the expanding of the Ganges and Yang Tze Civilization, the East-West Trade and "globalization" began. The 'global' economy prosper well. The ethnics and tribal conflicts minimised. The 'Old World' seem to be in peace and in greater prosperity!

(21) Among the Jews, there were (and sustained) some 'arrogant' characters that began to seriously emerged. Due to their interpretation of 'being the choosen nation and the promised land', they began to deny the existence of the the other people within their 'homeland'. As well as the revenge against their earlier hardship, they made ther religion, sort of becoming a closed religion, the religion only for the Jews. Religious conversion must be seen within the contact of 'being a Jewish': a socio-cultural conversion rather than theological ambrassing Judaism. And this is similar, of what is happening to the embrassing of Islam within the Malay tradition (masuk Melayu!) and as well as conversion to Christianity in the Western-Colonial paradigm (civilised gentleman!). We seem to began to 'infuse and confuse' between religion and cultural biasness!

(22) In today Jewish Scriptures, the historical perspective of prophet Adam had been down played. Adam symbolised the brotherhood of all mankind. Such, that understanding must be down play, in order to reenforce the 'promised of God, that the Jews are choosen people and Palastine is their Legitimate-God-Blessed Homeland'. The story life of Abraham also being down played. Equally they begin to slowly ignored the blood ties of Isaac to Ismael. Any relationship between Arab nad Palestine (Jews) must slowly be elimintated and the world must slowly be reeducated that in this world, only the Jews are the 'promised and choosen people'. Jacob, the son of Isaac are given more attention, the rest slowly being ignored as a process of elimination and treated as 'forgotten history'.
(23) Due to all these 'Zionist agendas', Judaism now evolved into a 'man made Judaism with the modified 'Torah'' and thus Allah need to save all the other humandkind from the bad intent of the Jews. In Christianity, Jesus of Nazareth was born. He became the mesiah of the truth. He grew and moved fast to preach the truth of the true monotheism, not the monotheism as practiced by the Jews. Jesus, began to preach, that the Jews had deviated from the true teaching of Judaism. Gospel is to replace the Torah. Christianity is to replace Judaism. The Jews can't accept that. They denied the existence of other books and prophets apart from theirs. With all these, now the Jews and the other natives Palestines whom began to embrassed Christianity enter into a second greater conflict: religious conflict along with the ethnicity conflict. Definitely, Jesus was subjected to all sort of resistances and later 'have to be killed'; crusified to death!

(24) The Persian, who conquerred Jerusallem observed the emergence of the new religion: Christianity which has greater tolerance as compared to 'Judaism'. Thus, the Persian began to embrassed this new religion and spread it all through the Persian Empire. To this day, there are numerous of 'Orthodox Christian' still exist in Baghdad, Tehran, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and even Ethopia. Definitely with the merging of the Roman-Persian civilization, Christianity spread much faster into the Roman Empire and thus, the Roman Emperors, despite their ealier aggression against Christianity, began to see that this New Religion could give them great advantages, thus they began to embrassed Christianity and made Christian as their official Castle and State religion.

(25) The Roman later skilledfully and brilliantly used the Christian Religious Figures to their advantage, and took them into the Castle Protection, on condition they must be willing to compromise on values that the Roman Emperor must be kept 'untouched', especially on those which are related to 'the power to forever be supreme'. In return the Church will be granted freedom and protection within a 'well controlled boundaries'. Soon the Castle Roman and the Christian Church colluded in the 'new testament' that gave birth to the 'Roman Catholic' and deviating from the 'Old Testament-The Gospel'.

(26) The Roman, throught their christianity knowledge of the world beyond the Italy-Greece, began their empire building by waging war to the west, east, and south. Europe, Africa and Far-east (Persian) becoming their desired subjects. They made it through the various great names such as Alexandra the Great, Julius Ceaser, Mark Anthony and all sorts. Jerusallem was not spared. In fact, Rome waged war against the Persian and got controlled of Jerusallem. Due to the bad feeling of the Jewish aggression against the early Christianity, the conquest of Jerussalem by the Roman and backed by the Christians, gave the later the chance to pay their revenge. The Jews were expelled from Jerusallem and Rome enacted a Roman Capital in Jerussalem and barred the Jews from entering their 'promised land'.

(27) The Christian and the West had a good record of this historical 'expulsion of the Jews by the Roman and the Christian', and that the Jews and the Western should always remember, that it was never the other natives Palestine that had drove them off. Thus their current hatred to the other natives Palestinian and blood brother Arabs are merely of the wrong advice of the 'man made Torah'; emerging because of the narrow-racist based 'zionism' and flamed by the western self interest. The Roman and the Roman Catholic were the true suppressor of the early Jews.

(28) Surely, the expulsion of the Jews from the Palestine (Jerusallem) made them to wander world wide hiding under different characters, but with strong feeling of 'coming back to Jerusallem' which later grew into what today being called: Zionist ie the Jewish Nationalist Ideology to be back and rebuild their nation in Jerusallem. Now probably they had learnt firstly from the Persian, and later the Roman, they began to wanting to expand beyond Jerusallem: Gaza, West Bank, Gollan Height and even Lebanon. In 1997, George Sorros, a Jews, expanded his financial power to devasted a poorly controlled Asian Economies!

(29) But then, in the 570AC, Muhammad was borned and given rise to what today as the religion of Islam. In the early Islam uprising, Medina as the 'Transit City of Islam' was not only dominated by friendly natives of Al Ansar and Khawarij, but the City homed good numbers of Jews who live and trade freely. The Jews were the good friends of the prophet. They seem to be able to be assimilated harmoniously. For protection and good trading practice, the Muslim and the Jews even entered into aggreement for good governance practices and protection. But due to their greed, the Jews broke their treaty and thereon, Muhammad declared them as the enemy of Islam. Now the enemy of the Jews had widden: the Roman (West), other natives Palestine, the Christian, and now the Muslim whom initially were the Arabs.
(30) The Jews (and those alike) who love to make promises, but later fond to dishonor their promises , would definite meet their fate accordingly, worst if it is related to general public interest.

(31) In the modern world, especially after the WWI, the Jews were the dominant business societies in the European cities. In German, in particular, they were seen as the 'mid day trading robbers: bad monopolistic trading practices' and this character was in fact what Muhammad and the Quraish were not happy with when they were part of the residents of Medina. Thus, Hitler blamed the worsening socio-economic desparado of the German over the Jews and he began to waged war on them both internally and outside of German. And this couple with other factors sparked the WWII.

(32) But the British who was facing the insurgence of the Jewish immigration, and she herself was also in a bad economic situation, sees the 'Torah verse', that the "Jews are God chosen People, and Jerusallem as their God promised land', immediately planned Palestine as the Jewish State and the Amercican and the whole Western World quickly endorsed that. The Arabs who was badly divided and split due to the WWII among the British, Italy, France, German, and America were toothless, and the same with all the muslim third world countries: Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, and all others at that time were at the weakest point. These countries can't really bother with the fate of the other natives Palestinian!

(33) Again the Jews, due to humankind (British-American) sympathy just like they were during the Abraham-Isaac period, were well taken care by the hypocratically sympathetic human being (the West), while the Muslim especially the other natives Palestine (and Arabs) just like when they were during the era of Hajar-Ismael, were left merely to the protection of God.

(34) All these historical events, if we followed critically surely will give us the clues on how to move into the future. Muhammad was able to developed a great Islamic Empire I would believe through his clear understanding of the Jews threat and cunning strategies. For that reason, though he was known for a very tolerance person, but he never compromised with the Jews after they broke the treaty that they had agreed in the early Islamic development. Muhammad never any more trust the liar such as the Jews!

(35) It must also be well noted that, the Jurusallem was once taken by the Turki-based Islamic Othoman Empire and name as Baitulmukaddis where in those days the Jews, Christianity and Islam were allowed to florish. The defeat of Islam adminsitration by the Christians in the Crusader Wars had returned the Jerusalem into a 'City of Etnhnic and Religious Conflict' as it was during the Roman administration. Today, Jerusallem is a 'City of International Conflict' and probably leading into 'International Disaster'. If that happen, it is all due to the Jews, the liar, those who never keep to their promise, those who are self-interest motivated!

(36) The Jews who are closed society, non-trustworthy, liars, stingy, hard headed, denial, etc worth to exist to this day for their God Choosen People with Excellent Bad Merits as a benchmark to a real God Loved Societies (personality). If we want to be a great civilised person or nation, don't emulate the values of the typical Jews! Having the Jewish characters will lead us to disaster!

(37) As long as the Jews remained as a closed Jews, any hand given to them is just an act of hyprocracy and dishonesty. The Jews and any who behave just like them, will not only be dislike by God but, hypocritely liken by man! Forever they will be in one way or another will be dislike and isolated. Time will come, as promised by Allah in the surah Wal Asri, they will be the looser!

Kuching-Beladin-Kuching, Sarawak
19-28 June, 2010

#Abdullah Chek Sahamat

Writing that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around my world which you may find hard to believe and understand


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