
16/4/09 WHEN THE MASSES...shy away, frustration and hopelessness take the silent course!

Posted By: Abdullah Chek Sahamat - April 16, 2009


& Comment

I was in KL from the 14-16 April, 2009. Taxi was my only mode of mobility. Within these three days, I boarded four taxies…..and each with the different world view….KL, why are you so dirty…..Bangkok, Jakarta, Manila, Ho Chii Minh….I’ve been there shortly, they are clean…..

(2) Teksi #1: Boleh hantar saya ke stesyen KTM Serdang? Sorry, bang, saya sedang tunggu orang! Kenapa semua teksi berhenti dan tunggu di sini dan tak hendak ambil penumpang? Abang pergilah tanya sendiri, saya mana tahu?.....making me wonder…where are law and order?

(3) Teksi #2: Abang nak teksi? Nak kemana? Stesyen KTM Serdang….OK abang masuk dalam dan beli tiket dulu! RM23.50 Berjaya Times Square-Serdang……dah 30 minit tunggu ni, mana teksi…….abang sabarlah….semua orangpun tunggu juga! Boleh dapat teksi ke….tu teksi berbaris kat luar….kenapa tak masuk ambil penumpang?….susahlah bang! Kalau saya cakap banyak nanti…saya dapat masalah pulak!

OK bang, ini teksi abang….OK….boleh cepat sikit. Saya dah terlambat. 20 minit boleh sampai cik…..K….kenapa teksi yang berbaris tak nak ambil penumpang?….itu biasa cik….cuba tengok kat KL Central, Bukit Bintang…KLCC….paling teruk kat PuduRaya….mana-manalah semua sama….setiap tempat ni ada group masing-masing…..kita tak boleh kacau…saya dah kena….nak mampus dibuatnya!

Kenapa jadi macam tu…biasalah cik….penguatkuasaan kita…semua dah sangkut menyangkut….tak akan dapat di kawal punya…..kat KL ni…yang dok bawak teksi…ada Bangla, Pakistan, Nepal, Indon…tah macam-macam….macam mana dia orang dapat permit pun saya tak tahu……saya ni dah 15 tahun bawa teksi…tak ada permitpun…dia orang baru 2-3 tahun dah ada…sayapun tak faham….....semua ada sangkut paut...

K…kita dah sampai cik….terima kasih….cik, minta RM1.50…duit tol tadi….yehhh…bukan RM23.50 tu termasuk caj tol…..sorry cik, tol lain…..hahhhhh ni mesti belajar dari Tonny Fernandez….tambang k/terbang lain, caj l/terbang lain….hai dalam dok mengata orang….sempat juga nak kecek!

There seem to exist the under world syndicate here? Who are the players? Why are these happening? Keeping me wonder deeper…where are law and order?

(4) Teksi #3: Tolong hantar kita ke Concord Hotel (from Bukit Bintang)….hai ya bang…jalan kaki lagi cepat…tak apa nanti kita bagi lebih sikit….OK….hahhh…(MyUsual)….macamana KL…senang cari makan tak….ni PM dan menteri-menteri sudah tukar…..ala encik, sapa naik sama juga…kalau Opposition naik…macamana? Ala sama juga…perut sendiri juga mau kasi makan dulu…sudah kinyang sapa peduli….saya sapa naikpun bawak teksi juga……sapa mau kasi saya wang….hahhhh…lu kawan sama saya sajalah…nanti sampai Concord saya kasi lu wang…ada betul juga!

(5) Teksi #4: LCCT (dari Jalan TAR)….OK RM120.00! Hey…mana boleh! Berapa encik mau kasi…RM70.00! Tarak boleh. Sekarang banyak jam (1700 hrs). RM100.00 boleh lah! Tak boleh, paling-paling RM80.00….tarak boleh….tak apa!

LCCT? OK! Berapa? Kita pakai meter! Agak-agak berapa ye? Dalam RM70.00 kot…OK. Aik…kenapa pakai Damansara? Tak Sungai Besi? Kita nanti masuk ke Shah Alam dan terus ke Highway…ini jalan pintas….OK! (MyEyes...keep watching the meter, in case it run too fast!)...Tadi teksi...tu…kenapa dia minta sampai RM120.00…biasalah Cik….banyak manusia, banyak ragam…....tapi taklah nak sampai sembelih gila…....kitapun susah juga cari nak duit....….bukan dapat tepi jalanpun…..entah cik….dengan sebab segelintir…semua terpalit….

OK LCCT, RM45.60…..tak apalah, ambik RM80.00…lebih saya sedekah…dan memang itupun biasa saya bayar…….I believe worth to honour his sincerity….at least hopefully…he continue to be sincere!

(6) Kuala Lumpur….you are breeding too much frustration…all these small little things, if taken as one…....will greatly demoralise our people….why are our enforcement so weak…why can’t we learn from else where…I believe, Berjaya Time Square had shown a great example…who ever wanna board a cab…they must buy the ticket first….let work on it…just like at the KLIA/LCCT….make it compulsory to pre-purchase the ticket…then only one can take a cab or then only the cab could take a passenger!!!! At least Tan Sri Vincent Tan….had shown an excellent small example….why not we follow or improve from there….don’t let the lesser victimise the masses….! Minister of Transport, Tourism and sort…. the Officials….open your eyes! Sharpen your ears….clean your heart! Be brave!

(7) Too many speculation out there for being weak….....wake up man….!

#Abdullah Chek Sahamat

Writing that complies Bizarre, Odd, Strange, Out of box facts about the stuff going around my world which you may find hard to believe and understand


Abdullah Chek Sahamat said...

Thanks....love to have your more serious view in lighter way.

thebastard said...

Good if we can actually look at how best can Tol be reduced so as not to burden the livelihood of the poor in the respective States like Selangor, Kuala Lumpur etc. With the current economic downturn and many are not employed...many cant afford to survive.

Anonymous said...

Permasalahan yang ini sering dibahaskan namun tindakan oleh pihak berwajib seringkali mengecewakan. Susah sangat ke nak buat benda nie menjadikan sesuatu yang memudahkan para pengguna. Inilah dinamakan cakap tidak serupa bikin. "Tidak semua pemandu teksi di Kuala Lumpur mengecewakan...ada yang jujur dan ada yang cekik darah nak mampus". Mengurangkan tol bukan jalan penyelesaian...mengurangkan akan menyebabkan peruntukan untuk menambahbaik jalanraya akan berkurangan. Berbalik kepada peruntukkan menambahbaik JALANRAYA di Sarawak saya begitu kecewa dan hampa...Kerajaan Malaysia dan Kerajaan Negeri mengambil masa yang begitu agak LAMA untuk membangunkan dan menghubungkan pendalaman dengan bandar-bandar di Sarawak. Pendapatan negeri Sarawak cukup TINGGI namun kenapa penyaluran semula kepada negeri tidak memberikan impak...saya kira saudara Abdullah boleh menyatakan sesuatu tentang perkara ini."TheMonkey".

thebastard said...

Yeah... Saudara Abdullah?

Anonymous said...

Tan Sri Vincent Tan has shown a good example.He has to work based on certain priciples now coz he has been a crook all this whiel.Ever wonder why his resots are all offshores?Where did he smuggled the money from?

Now he is turning around. Doing BERJAYA good and his shareholders good. He is a Robin Hood, yes one of Malaysia's fine mastermind. This kind of mind that we need to make the country more prosperous and richer.

It's not corruption, it's just working smart and doing what had to be done....since being a corporate man, Saudara Abdullah has many friends of such, and he is learning fast. Gone are the days when he said....i don't know that guy or those guys...

In Malaysia, we have Vincent Tan, we have Tony Fernandez, OMG...we are missing Halim Saad. Where is he? How to build (our) nation?

Anonymous said...

"since being a corporate man, Saudara Abdullah has many friends of such, and he is learning fast. Gone are the days when he said....i don't know that guy or those guys...

Well... Saudara Abdullah is very-very-very smart.. that makes todate 60 of PELITA staff left the Organization... that makes ... him the most longest person in PELITA...that makes him survive....the persons who have to leave and ask to leave are watching his SURVIVAL...

Abdullah Chek Sahamat said...

Guys, in our soul, there is a holly breath of God, our creator. One of His character is, forgiving. Not always in one life, one is clean or bad. I don't know Tan Sri Vicent Tan personnally. I just encounter chit chating with him once, but who ever wanna do good deed, let take it that way....who knows, one day in one life, one will dedicated all what one have to good course. See what happen toSayiidina Omar, Abu Bakar, I don't believe they got their wealth when they were Muslim, in fact whan they were still Jahilliah, see, then they left nothing except for the good deed of human kind. Give people chance to do good. InyaAllah, He knows what, when, where, how to strike!

Abdullah Chek Sahamat said...

Let me relay this little story, once, a man come to Muhammad, complaininng about something that he is not happy with. Upon listening carefully, and rationalising with him, but still he was not happy, then Muhammad, adviced the person to see Umar, who is a very gentle and kind hearted person. Upon listening to the complain, which to Umar is not true, but the person insist that he is right, so Umar adviced the person to see Abu Bakar. The same thing repeated untill up to Othman (Osman), and finally, Osman adviced him to see Ali.

(2) Upon hearing the complain, Ali just took off his sword and chopped off the man head. Then he said, that is the only way to make him listen and understand.


Anonymous said...

..bro..i am again here...what is view on how to improve or totally revamp the public transport in Kuching city?..I cant afford to see too many van carrying passenggers or 'sweep van'(van sapu) operating like what.. and I dont think foreign tourist will feel comfortable either..

Abdullah Chek Sahamat said...

We can't revamp all those easily. As far as lttle MyKnowledge and experienced, all these unformal transportation existence, in most undeveloped and developing countries, are basically due to the existence of non-economic of scale, for the establisment of proper public transport system.

(2) Our State is working hard on these, it is not a matter of enforcement alone, it need greater effort than that.

(3) Our neighborhood system need to be relook and reorgise to allow for greater connectivity and economic of scale.

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